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Chronic sinus and ear problems

Hi!  I am 27 years old Australian who has had 4 sinus surgeries (removal of polyps) and 2 sets of grommets put into my ears all within the last 5 years. I know it is not as extreme as some of you but I am getting to my wits end. I feel like I'm constantly on a ferris wheel going around and around  and around.

I believe I need to look at it all holisitically so I see a naturopath, acupuncturist, chiropractor, allergist, ear specialist and head and neck surgeon (for the nose) as well as my GP. Luckily for me my surgeons constantly take swabs from my ears and nose and since my last op in March the culture in my nose keeps coming back as Psuedomonas.  Has anyone else had this and been able to get rid of it???? I am on the only anti - biotic that supposedly gets rid of it.


I have  blocked ears constantly that the I see my ear doctor once a fortnight to try and suck out the crap. But now he is even getting frustrated that it is not working. The good thing is that ther is no infection - YAY! but the blockage still wont go away with huge......and I do mean huge doses of oral steriods.  

Has anyone got any suggestions for me??

I am so listening.......

and willing to give anything a go =)

I am already looking into an infectious disease doctor and an endocrinologist as I have just been diagnosed with insulin resistance and PCOS (poly cystic ovarian sydrome).

Thank you and have a happy day =)
3 Responses
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1061534 tn?1276702061
Thanks for the comments!

I can't say that I have any new ideas about thinning ear secretions...ear drops and frequent cleaning is the standby.

Have they cultured the fluid, or at least had it examined under the microscope?  This typically isn't done, but, in your case, it may be time.
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Thank you very much for your response ....... I so appreciate it =D

Making the connection between the insulin resistance and the infections is great!! I hadn't even put those two things together! That's hopeful then..........if I can lower my insulin levels then hopefully the infections will be kept at bay.

I was wondering if you had any others ideas on how to stop the mass production of mucous in my ears?  ........ or at least thin it ?  Any foods to avoid.....or have? Any wacky ideas?? I ask this because my Ear Doctor is struggling to drain it. Basically everytime I go (every 2 weeks) he says it's getting thicker and thicker.......like jelly.  

Thank you for your time and keep smiling =D
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1061534 tn?1276702061
Infectious Disease is a reasonable step.  That you have insulin resistance may be clue to why your body is having such a hard time with this infection.  If you want someone to blow happy smoke your way and take more of your money, definitely go see the chiro, naturopath and acupuncturist.  You may need to see the ENT doc a little more often than what you are -- just to keep the ears clean and allow them a chance to fight the infection better.  
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