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Ear pain and fullness with headaches and neck pain

I was wondering, does anyone have ear pain without any ear problems?
I have been checked out by Neuro, ENT and GP and NOTHING. I'm wondering if I have TMJ but I don't know.
Here are my symptoms...
Right ear pain
Right ear fullness/ringing
Pain behind right eye
spot headaches on right side
grinding teeth at night
stiff neck - going into my shoulders

I had an MRI/MRA back in Oct and all it showed was chronic sinusitis which I am being treated for by my ENT however he knows the pain is not coming from my ear. I am worried. Could this be an aneursym? I know a tumor or something like that would have showed on MRI. I've heard horror stories about aneurysms in carotid arteries and next to ear. I'm terrified of dying from one. Does this sound like that? Should I have another test? I am going to see a TMJ specialist in March but I feel I can't wait that long and sadly my birthday is tomorrow and I just want to know what is wrong with me! If anyone could help I would be more than greatful. Does anyone know about TMJ or aneurysms?
I would appreciate it...THANKS and good luck to all of you!
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After flying over 4 months go I developed  severe pain and pressure in mu ears , mostly the right. I have been to so many ent , Neurologists and an ear specialist at Cleveland Clinic in Ohio and University Hospitals.. I  still have the problem and they say its not my ear its neurological.. I guess like a migraine  inn my ears  I have had migraines for 43 years but had been doing ok  before I flew in August 2918..  Xanex  especially helps and Imitrex also prednisone helps but u cant take that a lot and cause side effects .My   Migraines were bad enough but this ear prob , which an ear specialist ( not ENT - had 2 of those )  says there is nothing wrong with my ear . I just dont know what to do. Every day is a struggle and I feel like no ne knows how to solve this or help me even though I have seen many specialists
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The reason for the ear problems is most likely sinusitis.  After you have taken antibiotics, if your ear is still inflamed, it probably has fluid from the sinuses draining. So you have to pop your ear by swallowing some water while holding your nose.  Also, you can pinch your nose and blow it to pop your ear drum.  This stops the dizziness.  Also, I bought homeopathic ear drops that relieved the pressure and the pain (found at Walgreens).  The ENT couldn't find anything wrong with me even though I had symptoms for one month.  I continue to use Rhinocort, Aceteminophen, and Nasal Saline Rinse.  Claritin can also help with the sinus congestion.  We need to get through allergy season. God Bless.
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You should consider getting checked for Lyme disease as these are some common symptoms
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Timely ideas . For my two cents , if your business is interested a DA 7222-1 , my family edited a blank version here "https://goo.gl/TxeEGE"
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i was wondering about the sleepiness and eye pressure.. does i just feel like you cant keep your eyes open any longer and as you fight to try the pressure in ears gets worse...your symptoms sound like mine... in fact on antibiotic now for ear infection but this has been going on for a while now..the waves of tired and headaches are the hardest part for me...i have called them ''spells'' as well... has anyone ever just dozed off when they are having a tired spell  or had any kind of tremors in hands yea got couple other things going on and not sure if its all related
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I have had the exact same symptoms listed in the first post for at least 5 years. My problems started in the gym when I was doing belly crunches to thin out my belly. At one point during the process, I felt mucus filling my right ear. My ear felt full from then on. It also felt like soap bubbles were constantly popping in my ears.  The popping stopped after about a month but the fullness continued. Over the years, I have developed the ear pain and pressure, pain behind the right eye, pain in my lower neck and right shoulder. All my tests have proved negative. I am currently undergoing therapy for the neck and shoulder pain. 2 weeks into therapy and I am not feeling any improvements. Dairy products and fish seem to aggravate my symptoms. I believe mucus collects on top of my inner right ear causing the fullness and pain. I say this because when I wake up in the morning, my right ear feels normal but as I walk around, I feel the pressure gradually building up in my ear. Also, when I kneel down with my head bent down, I feel relief in my ears and mucus fills my nostrils. Does anyone know what I could do to direct the mucus through my nostrils instead of it collecting on top of my right ear? I will welcome any new suggestions as the doctors, dentists, medication and therapy have not helped me much so far.
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So many years later.....Hope you've seen a neurologist by now who was smart enough to think of the possibility that all these symptoms(that sound like my trigeminal neuralgia) are most likely coming from your neck, like you said. I really hope someone gave you a diagnosis. I feel much better knowing what I have, eventhough I still have pain. To everyone on this site, I would recommend finding a neurologist. Some specialize in TMJ problems. I think some of the pain not going away is because of nerve pain. I have nerve pain all in my face and head on the left including the ear. My ear itself gets really hot and painful and sometimes it feels swollen and big and like it must have an abcess, but it looks completely normal. Sometimes my ear looks red when I have these symptoms. I also have a deep earache and pain in the bone behind my ear. One of the triggers for this pain is wind blowing on my ear. Look at the nerves coming from the brain stem and pictures of the trigeminal and occipital nerve. It may help you figure some things out. It is typical for nerve pain to persist despite any of the treatments I have read about here. Sometimes ear pain can come from a neck muscle called the sternocleidomastoid muscle, feel if that muscle is painful. If so, getting that muscle relaxed might relieve your earache. I don't know if anyone still reads this stuff, since it dates back to 2007, but I had to write this down in case it might help someone.
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You're the first person I have seen with what I have... mynoclonous. I have ear fullness, etc. Blurred vision. Etc.
Can I email you so we can talk? I really need advice. I would appreciate some insight. God bless.

You can reach me at ***@****
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MYOFASCIAL PAIN DISORDER of the SUBOCCIPITAL MUSCLES (muscles behind the neck, even though I don't have neck pain)

I am 50 years old and began experiencing ear pain in my right ear 4 months ago (a burning pain deep in my ear).  I've seen 1 allergy doctor, 2 primary care physicians, 3 dentists, and 2 ENT specialists. I've had a sinus cavity x-ray, Cranial MRI, Neck MRI, and Auditory MRI, and a full hearing exam --  All results are perfect and show no answers. -- I finally gave the back of my neck a good massage since a cold drink made the pain worse and all that I could think of connecting was the back of my throat/neck.  For the first time in months, I experienced a few pain free days.  Still no doctor could explain why the back of the neck massage seemed to help.  Finally, in reading this forum (Joe Coffee March 2008) led me in the right direction.  Also the two website below seem to confirm my diagnosis. -- I contacted my physical therapist who helped me a few months back and he also believes it is MYOFASCIAL PAIN DISORDER stemming from my suboccipital muscles (in the back of the neck even though I have no neck pain) referring pain to my ear (there is a diagram in the 2nd website below) . -- I will begin treatment this week. -- I will write again with my progress

These 2 websites also helped me diagnosis.
The second website has a diagram of the Suboccipital muscles.



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I've been getting neck and shoulder pain eye aches fullness in ears hot flushes and headaches has this got anything to do with menopause because I am 50 years old
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I have suffered with the very same symptoms on both sides for over 2 years. I have had many tests and been through PT, muscle relaxers, I've been to a maxilla facial specialist who did injections into my head and ionohotoresis therapy. I've hadcmri, mra, cat scan, bone spect, all showing some arthritic changes and one particular hotspot but no real answers towards a solution. I have 2 tiny aneurysms that the neurosurgeon says are common and just need to be watched. I'm at the end of my rope with constant pain, pulsating, and tinnitus. Suggestions!
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Here we all are with similar symptoms.  I have a night guard and it helps tremendously.  They are expensive, so be careful when you fit them, so you don't have to replace them.  If you follow directions, precisely, you shouldn't have any trouble.  Sometimes I feel a lump in my neck, but I think it is a muscular reaction.  Also, my chiropractor can give temporary relief.  My dentist has worked on my bite, but that only lasts for a little while.  Good luck to us all.  Kate
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It's a very strange thing happening to us. I have been dealing with all the same symptoms for two years. It's not gone away but it has gotten a little better than it was. I'm not a doctor but I have been through all the appointments listed above, seen all the docs, ENT, Neurology, GP, Head neck pain specialist, ER, MRI, CT Scan everything. Just like every other story I have had no definitive diagnoses.

But I will tell you this. My neurologist put me on Xanax for a month that completely wiped out every symptom as soon as it kicked it.

Also, I have been on Valume/diazepam for a year. I hate to say that I need to be on it but if I'm not everyone of the symptoms you guys listed will return in about one day.

What I'm saying is if you can get on either Xanax or Diazepam you will get relief I promise you!!!

I 'am no longer taking either because I moved to a different state and had to leave my neurologist behind.  

Until we figure out this strange thing, which I think could very well be completely mental(due to the total relief of symptoms when taking Xanax or diazepam) I would suggest getting on one of these two medicines.

Also, sleep aids! They Help ALOT!!! I know I sound like a drug addict but I have gotten desperate to  deal with these symptoms.


they will work I promise you they will!!! If your have gotten desperate and willing to go the lengths find a doc that will help you in prescribing either XANAX OR DIAZAPAM!!! And overly hydrate yourself with water. It does help!!!

Other than that all I can say is keep your head up, do what you have too, hypochondriac or whatever don't stop searching for an answer.

I won't!!!

Last but not least, I would like to know how many of you were in the military at some point, if you live north south east or west in this country, and have your symptoms had a change over time?

If any of you would like please respond to these questions by emailing me at ***@**** with just a brief statement about your symptoms. I 'am trying to collect data for a future push for an investigation into this illness. Thanks, Mike H.
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Please consider allergies for your symptoms.  There is a great website: earallergy.com that describes this, and the only solution is allergy shots.  Allergy meds don't hit the ear that well.  My brother swears his symptoms have disappeared after a year of shots, and now he only has to go once a month.  So, I started 3 months ago in hopes of relief.  Sometimes, I see the light at the end of the tunnel because I am having more good days.  It's still a little soon.  However, I have a head cold now so I am a MESS!!
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I hope to put your fears at rest.  There are many causes of the symptoms mentioned here, and they are almost always benign (meaning noncancerous).    TMJ is fairly common and can be treated, often by a dentist and can be caused by a lot of things.   I hope you are able to talk to your parents about your symptoms and that you have been or are going to the doctor?  If you aren't able to talk to your parents, perhaps you have a school nurse or other adult that you feel confident in talking to.   Anxiety or fear over having a tumor or some other life-threatening condition can make just about any physical problem so much worse!   I myself have many of these symptoms, have Multiple Sclerosis and other conditions and I have had to learn to not get anxious about symptoms that I have or I can make myself worse, so that is not limited to someone your age.  
Also, many of the conditions discussed here are almost always seen in adults and not someone your age.  13 is a very hard age to be at, for anyone.  You also have just started having periods or will be starting soon.  This causes a lot of changes in your body, physically and emotionally and can be scary sometimes.   No two people are alike in this area so try not to compare what is happening with you to someone else.  
That is not to say that you should not go to the doctor if you have not been.  Try hard to exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet and get adequate sleep.  These things are important for anyone, but they are especially important when you are going through puberty and experiencing everything involved in that.
If your anxiety is bad and hard to manage and you find yourself living with fear of a tumor or anything else, it might be helpful to talk to a school counselor or other counselor.  I know that at your age it is sometimes hard to talk to your parents.  One thing I wish kids of all ages would understand is that parents understand things a lot better than it often seems .  They may not always know what to say or understand perfectly, but most of the time they are trying and you can help them to understand by trusting them and expressing how you feel in a nice way and expressing what is going on with you.   Teens often don't realize that their parent were once teen-agers too! And while a lot of things may have changed since they were your age, some things have not-  I hope this helps you and that you are able to get relief, from your physical problems and from any anxiety that you may have.  The mind and the body are very closely interconnected and what is going on in one area is likely to affect another area.  Stress and anxiety are no small things either and it is more normal to have then than to not have them.  God Bless!
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8209592 tn?1397023339
Hope, I know this answer is years after the original post, but I am responding so if someone else is trying to read this looking for help with their sysmptoms, maybe they will find this. Google symptoms of postural orthostatic tachycardic syndrome, ehler's-danlos syndrome and cranial settling/ cervical spine instability and chiari malformation/syrinx. Alot of those conditions go together (if you have one, you may have another). You will have stiff/ sore neck/shoulders/back; fullness/pain/ringing in ears, dizziness, headache, etc. worth checking into, since you have checked everything else. Meniere's, Lyme disease, Multiple Sclerosis and several others can also have similar symptoms. Good luck.
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how did it turn out? did you have any ringing feeling of fullness an trapped air?
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I have had a lot of neck pain an also grinding my teeth for quite sometime. An now I have had dizzy spells for bout a yr on an off it hit me really bad in febuary now my ears r ringing right side none stop an feeling of fullness in both an trapped air pressure. I have had tests done an everyones like we don't know you might just have to wait to see if yours ears pop on there own.. ugh any ideas???
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I am a 59 year old male, in excellent health, other than having this bizarre chronic ear, head, and neck pain. My right jaw clicks constantly, and both of my ears feel like they are going to explode. The back of my head feels like it's constantly in a vice. I've had a thorough tmj evaluation, and the doctor who evaluated me said that my jaw was "normal". I had neck surgery with a fusion on C-3 to C-7, which did nothing for the pain. I have been to two well-reputed ENT's who found absolutely nothing wrong with my ears. However, the last ENT said that severe neck pain can lead to ear pain, as there are nerve fibers in the neck that go to the ears. Now, I believe that this is what is probably going on. I'm in physical therapy now, trying to strengthen and lengthen my neck muscles, and my head feels a little better, but my ears are still killing me. The ear pressure/pain has been going on for 3 years now. I take Cymbalta, Nucynta, and Klonopin, but none of these eases the pain in my ears. I have also tried the so called "nerve pills" Nuerontin and Lyrica, which also did nothing. The only option I can see now is suicide, as I cannot fathom living the rest of my life like this. The quality of my life *****. I am a married man, with a very supportive wife, and two beautiful grown daughters. Does anybody have any suggestions? I really don't want to have to take my life. It would be so devastating to my loved ones.
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Has anyone looked into chiara malformation?   I have all these symptoms and wirh mri found out I have slight malformation.
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Has anyone looked into chiara malformation?   I have all these symptoms and wirh mri found out I have slight malformation.
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I am 24 and I too have had very similar symptoms and have had many different tests, procedures, and treatments done. Hopefully I can help give some feedback on what has and hasn't  helped me out.

I woke up one day about five years ago with a horrible headache, severely stiff neck, extreme sensitivity to sound and light, and had a sinus infection. This was odd because I have never had a headache in my life, let alone waking up with all of these symptoms occurring at once. I went to the emergency room to make sure that it wasn't meningitis, after that came back negative I got put on some antibiotics for the sinus infection. After about a week on the meds, I was feeling better but eventually never fully got rid of the infection. Just felt like it took down the severity of all the symptoms down about 50%.

After that is when the roller coaster began. I went to a ent about a year later after getting put on numerous antibiotics but still couldn't get rid of the infection so had to resort to sinus surgery. About 3 months after surgery the symptoms were still prominent which made me question   that maybe it wasnt my sinuses causing the neck pain, headaches, and sound sensitivities.

I began seeing different physical therapist for the neck pain which didn't really do to much for me.

Then moved on to different chiropractors, some being better then others, I was able to get some relief in the neck area temporally which in essence helped bring the headache level down as well. Only problem was I was still feeling like I was sick (sinus congestion headaches and ear sensitivity).

At this point I was just really trying to figure out if was more muscle related, infection related, or maybe a combination of both.

Then about a year ago I had another  MRI done and took them to a headache specialist  who proceeded to do a blood patch, nerve block shots in the back of my head, and Botox shots after he saw nothing wrong with the MRI. none of these worked at all and I  definitely wouldnt recommend getting these done unless need be.

I then found Doug Fogel at tensionheadaches.com and followed the program that he co wrote with Paul Bacho. This was the best thing that has helped me in my journey so far in regards to my chronic headaches and neck pain. It definitely gave me a good understanding of the muscles in your neck, back, and face and what problems they can cause.

So after being on there program for a couple of months and having a lot more relief from the "tension type headaches", I was still feeling like I was waking up sick with sinus type headache, and ear sensitivity. So I go get another ct scan of my sinuses and behold I have another infection in my upper sinuses this time. Good news is I qualify for the newer ballonplasty procedure instead of going in and getting the full on sinnuplasty that is quite invasive.

I am scheduled to get the procedure done here this next weekend and will let you'll know the results.

So to sum it all up, hopefully after the procedure and continuing along the tension headache program, I can achieve getting back to a normal lifestyle again after being completely miserable for the past 5 years.

Obviously all our bodies are different, but after spending tons of time and money being a human guinea pig, I thought I can relate to many of the people suffering in this forum.

I will keep everyone posted.
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I have read the posts starting back in 2007. Back in Jan of 2012 I had appendicitis. After surgery I had major neck pain. The doctor after X-rays said it was muscle spasms. I did PT for several months and it seemed the pain went away. I am currently a pilot, I did a normal flight up to 6000ft and the next day woke up with miserable ear pain. I thought it was just normal ear pain with congestion and the fact I was flying the day before we'll however two three months later I have been dealing wit his constant ear pain,fullness,some dizziness spells,still have the neck pain located right below the skull. I have been to the General practitioner  referred me to a audiologist who referred me to an ENT and I have seen two others ENT's.i have had an ENG test as well as an MRI both showing negative results. I am to the point where I just want an answer. I haven't been able to fly in over a month and it's disrupting my schooling. I apologize first hand for providing a long story I'm sure no one wants to sit and read through my crying but I am beyond frustrated with the doctors who do not find anything. And pretty much push me out of an office so they do not have to deal with it. Has anyone ever had is associated with neck pain? Thank you all for listening.

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What do those initials VGKC stand for?  What is its functions or is that the name of the illness or malfunction?  Treatment?

Thanks for bringing that up.
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