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356929 tn?1246389756

Sore , Tender Nose (Part II)

  I thought I'd start a new thread since the original one was getting a little long. I can't believe the number of posts with the exact symptoms I've been experiencing for 2 days. Started off with just a headache, then woke to this odd pain on the bridge and side of my nose. Hurts when you touch it.. just as though a pimple may be starting OR someone has punched me.Slight swelling and headache. There are no "internal" nasal symptoms except occasional runny nose. It seems from what I've read to be an infection of sorts ? Cellulitis? I guess if not gone by Sunday, it warrants a trip to ENT Monday. I'm in SW Florida .. I usually don't reply to older posts, but once I saw the thread, I couldn't believe this is so widespread. Would appreciate any additional insight anyone may have..Thanks
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I have awoken this morning with the exact same symptons very painful feel like ive had a really good right hook , but I haven't the right side of my nose hurts the most and is very tender to touch . im limited to what I can take as ive had 8 mi's and im in UK dont know what to do its like toothache in or on my nose
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I am also from New Zealand. Can I die from this? I have had it for ages!
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I have the same symptoms as everyone else but after a few days a bump came up inside my nose and started draining puss. I could touch the side  of my nose and it would drain which gave me relief from the painful pressure. My Dr gave me a antibiotic an z pack. I have suffered one week with this and it also made me feel very weak and sick. I hope it gets better if not back to the Dr. on Monday for me.
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Nobody has answered the question yet.
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Thanks for your inputs !!! I have a severly sore nose, swollen, and a gross ooze right from the tip. I thought it was a zit at first untill it spread from the tip across my entire nose. I just got back from the urgi-clinic and they said it was a staff infection called cellulitis...just like i read on this site in advance. 4 prescriptions and a painful shot in the *** but I hoope I am well in a few days.
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I'm a physician and I can help.  The soreness, stiffness, and feeling of a pimple under the nose sounds like a minor staph infection.  In the vast majority of cases, this is caused by the patient picking or scratching the anus, and then sniffing their hand, or otherwise sniffing dirty toilet paper.  You really should avoid this activity in the future as the tissue inside your nose is very porous and easily penetrated by bacteria.

In most cases, this can be treated with the over-the-counter topical antibiotic Bacitracin (Neosporin) - however, internal antibiotics may be required if it does not clear up.  If the situation becomes worse, be sure to see a doctor as the infection may become life-threatening due to the proximity to the brain.
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Hello o just got off Tamaflu as my sinus came back everything smelled of bleach when that went away my bridge of my nose started hurting why ??
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I can help.  The soreness, stiffness, and feeling of a pimple under the nose sounds like a minor staph infection.  In the vast majority of cases, this is caused by the patient picking or scratching the anus, and then sniffing their hand, or otherwise sniffing dirty toilet paper.  You really should avoid this activity in the future as the tissue inside your nose is very porous and easily penetrated by bacteria.

In most cases, this can be treated with the over-the-counter topical antibiotic Bacitracin (Neosporin) - however, internal antibiotics may be required if it does not clear up.  If the situation becomes worse, be sure to see a doctor as the infection may become life-threatening due to the proximity to the brain.
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How strange.....I have these same symptoms!! Very sore to touch the bridge of my nose. I've used the same description that a lot of you on here have used...feels like someone has punched me in the nose....I'm just now starting to get a little redness down the bridge. No sinus symptoms like a runny nose or congestion. I did have a Dr. friend tell me thru email, to be on the lookout for shingles though...My symptoms have been lurking for 2 days now.
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How strange.....I have these same symptoms!! Very sore to touch the bridge of my nose. I've used the same description that a lot of you on here have used...feels like someone has punched me in the nose....I'm just now starting to get a little redness down the bridge. No sinus symptoms like a runny nose or congestion. I did have a Dr. friend tell me thru email, to be on the lookout for shingles though...My symptoms have been lurking for 2 days now.
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I had that exact same symptom about 3 weeks ago, bridge of my nose was hurting (like if it was pimple) the funny thing is This week i got sick with a cough, gonna wait a day if  it gets worse i'll be thinking strep throat aswell
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Three days ago I noticed that if I pressed on the bridge of my nose, it felt as if it was bruised - really tender to the touch, as if I'd walked into something hard or been wacked on the nose - no other symptoms.  Still exactly the same today - so looked it up on net, and found this - wonder if anyone's got the answer anywhere?
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Hey everyone iv had the same Prob for about three yrs now but it goes away.  I'm 26 now and It's back for the third year now I never saw a doc. And never looked on Internet or asked anyone about it.everytime it has happened iv just cleaned the sore tip of my nose with hydrogen peroxide and eventually it went away. It took a few weeks to past but before it went away it developed a open sore on the I side of the left nostril. I cleaned it and put neosporin on it so it would heal faster. All these post that read described the exact feeling and painfull sensation but they don't help much with what to do.
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Perhaps this article can help you out.
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As I read the comments I couldn't help see the similarity of the symptoms to yeast infection in the sinus cavities.  When you read about this disease you will find that most doctors will prescribe antibiotics, some for as much as 3 months.  Antibiotics will not cure the problem, they only prolong it.  It seems the problem is in the digestive track and spreads throughout the body targeting the immune system.  I am not a medical doctor or do I have a cure for this infection but I would see and eye, ear, nose and throat doctor and ask him/her about yeast in the sinuses.  There are several food products to avoid if this is the diagnosis.  Your doctor will know what to do.
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1664076 tn?1302964880
It is deffinately not just a USA thing I am in the UK.
Yesterday my nose started to feel like a spot was coming up and as i have been fighting a small rosacea like patch of persistent pimples on one side of my nose for a few weeks now i didn't really pay too much attention. But by yesterday evening i noticed that it was the bridge of my nose that was painful, it is very sensitive to the touch and swollen, and as so many people have put here it really does feel like someone has punched me in the nose! it is not red where the swelling is and the inside of my nose is not swollen but an occasional clear mucous is needing to be blown out periodically which is now quite uncomfortable to do. it feels like it is the cartalidge attached to the bone that is hurting it feels very bruised but not a mark on it! just swollen and painful. i have had sinusitis and the pain was nothing like this. the pain i had with sinusitis was across my cheekbones and felt like my upper teeth were all affected. this just feels like i have been hit in the conk.
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I had strep throat 2 weeks ago and finished 10 days of antibiotics (amoxicillin) and two days after finishing the antibiotic I have developed the same odd nose symptoms as Sandymac...tenderness and slight swelling on the bridge of my nose and on the right side.  Feels like I got hit in the nose but I didn't and it's been 3 days and no relief. Slight clear sinus drainage but no fever or redness and the area doesn't feel warm to the touch so I hesitate to think it's an infection, especially since I just finished a round of antibiotics. It is literally giving me a headache.  Ice doesn't help with the swelling; advil helps the pain somewhat.  Not sure what to think or if I should be worried enough to see a doctor.  Guess I'll give it the weekend (it's friday night) and see if it clears up but if anyone has any advice or answers please share :-)
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also im from new zealand so its not just in America.
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yup i have the same symptoms started two mornings ago when i woke up an its geting worse It hurts so much when i put my head down an pain killers not taken the pain away :( so could any1 please help us id rather not have to take antibiotics.....  
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