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Can't sing in high frequences.

Hello everyone.
My case is: I am male and training professional singing for more than 4 years now and never had such problem with my voice.
On a new years eve (means over 2 weeks ago) i had a concert after which i had few drinks (of whiskey). I guess I had some kind of infection at the same time because i had runny nose and felt like having a cold. At the same party few hours later, I almost lost my voice. I immediately stopped drinking and went home for a voice rest. I restrained myself from talking for few days. Since then my normal chest voice got better and doesn't feel any wrong but I still cannot sing anything in falsetto nor head voice. I suppose my vocal chords are still swollen cause the only thing i can hear and feel is the air coming through my chords with no sound while singing in high pitches. Still is it normal to last over 2 weeks already? I am a little afraid I could do something wrong with my voice by drinking alcohol after intensive singing during concert. Is it possible that alcohol burnt scars in my vocal chords that's why there is no sound?
3 Responses
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1948690 tn?1333468068
Based on what you are describing, you might have inflammation of your superior laryngeal nerve which is the nerve that controls the muscle around your larynx (voice box) that controls pitch.  An upper respiratory tract infection (cold) can cause the inflammation.  You might need oral steroids or nerve medications like Lyrica to quiet down the inflammation.  It can take up to 3 months for the inflammation to subside, but sometimes the problem is permanent.  The best way for evaluation is to see a speech pathologist who specializes in voice and who can perform a videostroboscopy which is a special camera to look at the movement of the vocal cords.  The speech pathologist can recommend vocal strengthening exercises and works with an ENT who can prescribe the medication.
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Understand your predicament. It's unlikely that alcohol can directly affect the vocal cords. However, ingestion of alcohol, can cause gastritis and further GERD, (Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease), where the acid contents of the stomach come up into the esophagus, this can irritate the throat and vocal cords. Please consult your primary care physician for further evaluation.

In the meantime you can try some life style measures. Take frequent small meals. Eat dinner about two hours before sleeping. Elevate the head end of the bed. Keep a food diary and note down what aggravates your symptoms and avoid them. Ensure to maintain optimum weight by regular exercise. Avoid non steroidal  anti inflammatory medications NSAID's, quit smoking, eliminate alcohol and reduce stress levels. These measures need to be practiced long term for results.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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209987 tn?1451935465
My fiance is a singer/lead guitar player...he's gone through this a few times in the past.
Try drinking herbal teas...one in particular is made especially for throat issues.
Gargle with salt water. Don't clear your throat.
Alcohol shouldn't permanently do any damage to your throat.

As it was New Years, I'll assume you also did a bit of yelling? That doesn't help any. lol
You could be suffering from a larynx issue, postnasal drip, etc.
If this continues see your doctor.
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