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Thick sticky mucus in my throat

Reposting ..hoping for some help

Hello .. I have been suffering from thick sticky mucus .. clear but sometimes white . Its hard to get rid .. wont move . So thick and very distressing .its really effecting my quality of life . I forever howking up to try and move it ..but however much I do so and manage to get up ..theres always a ball of it just stuck at the back of my throat . Sometimes I can grab it and drag it out from the back of my throat .. thick and stringy .. and could almost tie it in a knot . Gross eh :-(

Ive tried steam inhalation .. gargling .. drinking loads of water . . and still its the same . Had this problem about three years now . Is there anybody out there that help me please .

Thank you
105 Responses
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…Make sure to do this first thing in the morning right when you get out of bed. If I don't do it first thing in the morning, it doesn't work.
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Found a way to clear out the sticky phlegm ball in the back of my throat quickly. Instead of trying to clear my throat, I give a few big coughs over the sink when I first wake up. It can be a little uncomfortable as each cough gets stronger, but after some practice I now get the entire ball out in a couple of coughs, and then don't have to think about it again until the next morning. I keep expecting the cough to hurt my throat, but it actually feels better than trying to clear my throat. This won't resolve the underlying issue, but it at least improves my daily quality of life.
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Wow! Ive been suffering from this clear super sticky stuff for years now. Ive decided to turn to the web to find a cure and I'm super shocked but glad to see that I'm not alone in this! All day long I'm constantly trying to dislodge the stuff from between my nose and throat with weird sounding coughs that some people actually mistake for me sneezing and tell me "bless you". HOW EMBARRASSING IS THAT! I'm never able to get a glob out, only small pieces at a time which irritates me even more. Sometimes when I cough, a piece of it will shoot out of my mouth unexpectedly! I have tried so many things hoping to get some relief such as saline nasal spray, nasal irrigation (Neti-pot), antihistamine pills, warm compresses over my eyes and nose, acid reflux medicines, eye drops, tons and tons of water...you name it, I think I have tried them all! All of the things Ive tried to do don't give me relief that long. I thought I was getting this mucus because I was dehydrated and not drinking enough water, then I thought it was because of my medications I was taking, then because of possible allergies and dry eyes. I have been using Restasis to help me create more tears but only been using it for a couple of weeks which isn't enough time for me to see any changes. I think it takes a couple of months for it to start to work. I'm starting to believe that its all in my head! Maybe if I don't try to clear it out so much it, my nasal passages wont be so irritated causing all this nasal mucus.

Ive also seen from people on here say that Colloidal Silver Nasal Spray works too so I've picked some up from my local Vitamin store last night and so far so good. The irritating feeling to always have to clear my throat has went away a lot! It didn't completely make the phlegm go away but its not bugging me as much. I will see how it goes!
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Milk products does the same for me, and even causes my eyes to become sticky and blurry....
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(cont'd) ... I feel relief. Hope this helps. (sorry for the double post but im typing this on my phone and the keyboard is hard to use.)
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I have had this problem for at least 5 years, but i have at least found a way to deal with it most of the time.  I find that the best way to solve the problem short term is to simply stop trying to clear the lumpy feeling.  Sometimes I have to clear it and it always comes back, but if i consciously make an effort not to clear it then within an hour it goes away on its own, sometimes for as long as a few days, sometimes just a few hours. This is harder to do than it sounds because your instinct is to dislodge the lump whenever you feel one.  Make a constant effort to swallow normally and not dislodge the lump and the mucous that is constantky being lodged there will have no place to go but back into your sinus and through the nostrils. It usually takes an hour before i have total relief but it may take others a few hours. Whatever you do when you constantly try to dislodge and swallow it just creates more space for it to continuously keep building up.  Leaving it where it is and swallowing normally minimizes that space so it cant build up and eventually what is there will get swallowed nrmally. It will always come back though but this is the best method ive found to get relief. Usually when i do this i can even feel the lump move upward toward my sinuses before
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