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Nose pain on the tip of the nose

I have had nose pain, on and off, for almost two years. I have lived in the same place for the past three and a half years. The pain is on the left side of my nose at the tip of my nose. It does not go up the nose or reach the bridge. It is localized at the tip.
It is extremely painful to the touch. Even the lightest touch will cause pain.
I do not have acne or zits any more and it does not feel the same as a zit.
I do not have any congestion and my nose is not running.
There is no redness or swelling of my nose.
The pain will show up for 5-10 days and then go away again for 7 days or so. Sometimes I can go three weeks without pain.
My doctor has said that there is nothing he can do. He is not concerned about infection and has given me no indication of what he thinks it might be.
Anybody else out there that has this symptom?
34 Responses
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The Rudolph sign of nasal vestibular furunculosis , this is super common problem for allot of folks . basically its bacterial infection of a follicle but only appears as red swollen tip , and extremely painful to touch.doc should prescribe mupirocin ointment applied twice daily to inside of both nostrils for one week . symptoms clear up within three days. mupirocin is extremely important as other topical antibiotic cremes simply do not work! allot of research on all this lol . hope this helps
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Hi, I think I have the same thing as you .  Did that antibiotic really worked ?
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Use coconut oil and gently massage twice a day, i dont know why it happens but this home remedy is working.
good luck!
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Thank you, I lie here now in agony as if someone is pinching my nose with a pliers, I have just returned from the kitchen with a blob of coconut oil wondering how I never thought of that before  I've had this problem for years on and off. So thank you
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I have the same thing, it's been going on for about 2 year. SAme description. I have gone to 5 ent. One MRI. No one can help me. Have you find a cure. Please let me know I am desperate
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I feel a little better reading all the comments, I'm not the only one!  I am going to try the coconut oil, but I might also try oregano oil.  My husband swears by it, he brushes his teeth with it everyday, it kills germs!  I'll keep you posted!
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Hey im 15 and have had a pain in my right nostril only when i touch it im scared rn could use some answers its been 3 days
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I have the exact same symptoms. I did a bit of digging and found a medical journal about Nasal Vestibular Furuncolosis. It has all of the symptoms explained in it. Very useful. Hope it helps! http://escholarship.org/uc/item/0bm7d4x0
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I have worked for many ENT's and  was once told its due to a staph infection inside the nose . An antibiotic ointment is needed to clear it up. Over the counter are not usually strong enough tho a RX is needed
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I also have nose pain, but not at the tip. I have pain a little above it and it feels like its bruised but I didn't do anything. When I touch it it hurts, and even when I bend over to grab something I can already feel it "bruise" again.
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I have this going on as well. Pain started last fall pain on one side of nose then goes away and comes back now it's on the tip of my nose ? Does anyone know what this is I work around a lot of dust and dirt and jet fumes ? Will this cause this thanks David
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I also have this pain. On the tip of my left nostril. Just pressing the end of my nose is so painful. I thought at first it might have been a pimple on the inside but I've had the pain for 3 weeks now. I'd love to know what causes it.
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I started experiencing the exact pain everyone has been describing a few days ago and read every thread I could find through google. I saw ONE post about putting coconut oil in your nostril. Desperate, I tried it. After the first application, my nostril felt less "hard" but still tender. After the second application (a day later), the tenderness definitely subsided. Now, 12 hours after the second application, my nose is practically back to normal. I vowed to post this to as many places as I went to, just in case it helps anyone else.
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I have the same pain on the tip of my nose. However, about 1 year ago i was diagnosed w/ Raynaud's syndrome which basically causes poor circulation in the extremities. My toes and fingers sometimes hurt. Especially when it's cold out. Because we r talking about the tip of the nose...there is definitely poor circulation involved there. Basically there is no treatment for Raynaud's....but I take Garlic pills to improve blood flow...and also a testosterone booster.  I take both...they do help. If i go a few days without taking them my pain gets worse. Hope this helps!!
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I've had the same thing for about 4 months now. It began after I pulled a couple of nose hairs out of my nostril. A day or so after pulling the hairs it started to feel like I was getting a pimple inside my nose. Then the pain started and the tip of my nose really swelled up and was red. I soaked it with warm compresses and it pretty much went away. Then I pulled another hair about a month later and boom - it started all over again. No, I'm not pulling hairs ever again.
I was left with sensitivity in the inside of my nose and in the tip. It almost feel as though the tissue just inside my nostril is thicker. I also wonder if it isn't a cyst because it seems like I've got discharge that dries, almost like a scab but it comes back almost as soon as I scrape off the dry stuff - no, it's not boogies.
Now today the edge of my right nostril is getting painful again. It actually is the entire edge of my nostril into the tissue that divides one nostril from the other. It's been going on too long and I too and wondering what sort of doc to go to. It's very painful right now, almost throbbing as I'm sitting here typing.
Has anybody found out anything about what this could be???
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ANSWER:  it's a migraine in your nose!!


Sam The Carpet Man®
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Hey Mandy!  I am experiencing the same as everyone else, and have Lupus like you.  This nose "thing" seems like months of on and off.  did you cure your problem after going to the doc?
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It could be a bacterial infection called cellulitis. Coconut oil is a highly effective in treating this condition. Coconut oil contains lauric acid, a saturated fat with healing properties. Your body converts lauric acid into monolaurin or glycerol monolaurate, which then helps fight different types of bacteria and viruses. The best form of coconut oil for treating cellulitis is organic virgin coconut oil. Put it on a q tip and rub it on the the sore spot twice a day until it clears up.  
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I got the same problem... anyone got any possible solution... please
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I experience aggravating pain with the slightest touch of my nostril but on my right side only. I never had sinus problems and don't get the cold or flu often. This is an irritating problem for me...I usually deal with things as soon as they come up but this is pissing me off because I just dont know what to do about the stupid pain. Sometimes I would unconsciously rub my nose only to be shocked with pain and soreness that lasts for a couple minutes. The problem stays with me for about 5 days at a time and then goes unnoticed, but trust me when I say I notice when it comes back which is every other week. Im 23yrs now and this started about 2 months now. Lord help me!
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I also have this, and have had for years...about 25 to be exact. Mine started with allergies nose running with a sore inside the left nostril. I was allergic to my vanilla body spray. I had to stop that, and all other spray perfumes.  After a period of time I started using oil scents on my body, and I still get the sore pain on the end of my nose. It comes and goes…I guess depends on something I have breathed in. However also has developed into sinus infections. I try not to resort to antibiotics because they also have a lot of bad side effects. I think it is mostly environmental but I also get this when I get injections at the dentist. I will get bad sinus problems. Having said all this…I also know that I did have more of this when I had mercury fillings and or a bad tooth. If you have any root canals you might get them rechecked. Often trapped bacteria will be present at the very end of the hole that was drilled. X-ray can spot this, and then they can disinfect the hole with Ozone.Hope this might help some. AK
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I have had the same symptoms for a year now.  First doctor gave me topical antibiotic cream and that did not help.  3 months later a different doctor gave me a script for antibiotics, took 10 days worth and zero improvement.  Went to an ENT she could find nothing, told me I had bruised cartilage!  I am thinking of seeing a dermatologist and asking for a biopsy.  Sick of this pain.
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Alien implant....? anyone heard of that?
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Not sure if this post is still active.  I am a 43 yr old male. I have had a similar issue now for about three years. It is in the same place and slightly swells, periodically- not painful unless I touch it, pain throbs then subsides. It appears randomly, sometimes months between episodes. Location is on the right side tip of nose exterior. Not pimple like and hardened like a cyst or cartilage. I have had pimples but never a cyst, so not sure if it's the same. I visited my physician, who referred me to an ENT. The ENT seemed puzzled at first then explained that during bouts of dry and humid climate our noses have membranes that act as regulators and that it just becomes inflamed (looked it up and found no reference) he then rationalized it was my "medditerrainian heritage"... Since that visit, it went away and returned a couple of times. Still no answers...has anyone found a cause?
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Wow! I had this for quite a while, painful! I wasn't sure what to do, or how serious it can be.
To those who have been to the doctor, did you go to an ENT?
Mine is on the right side.
More important la, the tip of my nose is changing shape and growing, and the skin looks shinier like it is being street her. Anybody else had this?
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Totally HAD the same problem that everyone else has on this board. Dont ask me why I thought to do this but it worked and I no longer have the pain. I basically massaged it out... I noticed that the pain would be duller the more I touched it so I decided to massage it for a couple min. My train of thought was getting circulation to that point so agitating/rubbing it seemed like a logical conclusion haha! First couple min were painful then the pain slowly started to subside. I then went to bed (12 hours later) and It is no longer there. So I am assuming it worked. I dont know how permanent it is but I can now blow my nose and scratch my nose and not want to cry! haha! Hope this helps bring relief to someone else! But unfortunately I cant help with an answer as to WHAT this is.  

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I have the same issues, however it is on the right side. Looks like all the post above have it on the left. I would love to know what this is!
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