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Tip of nose: Excruciating *PAIN*

For the past week or so I've been experiencing nose bleeds, open sores in my nose and swelling and pain on the tip of my nose(on the left side). The sores and bleeding is only in the left nostril. My nose bleeds aren't free flowing. It's more like a small amount of blood that appears when I blow my nose.

My left nostril(on the tip) is very firm and the pain is sometimes excruciating. I thought it might possibly be a pimple under my skin that wasn't surfacing at first. (that's how it feels anyway)

Has anyone ever experienced this?
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Some news I have not read here yet. My doctor originally thought it was an infection and prescribed anti-biotics but then called me the next day to prescribe and anti-viral. She said it could also be herpes simplex (related to cold sore) just happening in nose. Do you also get ulcers in your mouth? A couple times a year maybe I always get a little ulcer pretty much in same spot inside my mouth. My nose issue could be related. Just thought I'd share.
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I have similar symptoms too as you all have. Although I never have had this kind of painfull sore inside the nose before untill last month. I've noticed the nose is dry, got some blood spots when I blow my nose especially when I get up.

It all started on my right nostril further inside just between the cartiledge and the bone. I goes away after almost a week without treatment.

Two days after my left nose also got infected. All this time I thought it's just another acne. This time the infection was more near the opening where I was able to squezz the puss with blood. Took Sumapen 250 3/day for a week.

It went away but only a week my right nose was again infected midway between the bone and nose opening. Took Doxycycline 100mg 3/d it went away without sweling so much.

Now this time it's back near the opening left nostril. I could see the yellowish abscess. Now I'm not taking any medication, just Mefenamic Acid (e.g. Advil).  

The skin is always firm outside and excruciating pain even on lighttouch. Redness is apparent from outside. Nose is always dry and blood spots.
I'm not sure what's the cause, I didnt eat nuts for a month already, Palm oil, etc is always been common in my diet evesince this too can't be the cause.

Right now it's impossible to see a doctor, that's why I come across this page looking for answers. How it started and the frequency is starting me to worry that this is not a common thing. And I know I'm not the only one.
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I am going through the same thing. Have had it before and always thought it was a pimple in the nose or something and it would go away after a few days. But this time the pain is a 9 or 10 and tip of nose is swollen where before it was always a 2 or 3. No blood or sores. Just right side tip of nose. Hard to pinpoint exact spot. Seems like it's inside the cartilage.
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I'm glad I'm not the only having this problem! A couple of months ago I got an open sore in my right nostril, under the right conditions it was even visible. Nothing I did made it go away till it dawned on me to put Neosporin on it and started to even squeeze out the puss that had built up inside. After a week or so it finally healed enough to where it wasn't impossibly painful to blow my nose. I let it go after that. Two weeks ago I had started experiencing excruciating pain again in my right nostril, but thought this was due to an underlying pimple as I did have small one pop up right as the pain started. (FYI, Advil *AND* Tylenol really help the pain, if you're apprehensive about taking both, know that I've been told by doctors that it's generally safe to take both at the same time as one is filtered out by your liver and the other your kidneys)

After I started reading this board I realized what I had before was probably a staph infection and that they can reoccur so I broke out the cotton swabs and Neosporin again. Sure enough after swabbing the inside of my nostril it was clear there was another infection of some kind.

The good news is the Neosporin had almost immediate effect. After just one day of applying it several times a day I could tell the swelling was going down. The pain even subsided somewhat since I was using the Neosporin that included minor pain relief.

Make sure you get the Neosporin that has the triple antibiotic in it, make sure you read the box because the version with just two antibiotics looks exactly the same. Store brand works just as well, it has the exact same ingredients. (I actually have the Duane Reade brand)

Oh and final tip, make sure, just like with any antibiotics that you keep using it even after symptoms subside. You need to make sure you kill off ALL of the infection 100%. Otherwise it'll come back (like with me) and/or you help to produce drug resistant strains of the bacteria! I plan to keep treating for at least 4-5 days AFTER my symptoms fully subside as I don't want this to come back!
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I have had occasional flare ups in the past few months but Neosporin took care of it.  But this current flare up is paiful.  It throbs.  And I can't believe so many people have the same problem.  I guess I'm off to the doc.
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I finally related the sores in my nose to consumption of chocolate; coconut; coconut oil, palm oil, and/or palm kernal oil.  Pay attention to what you're eating and see if, after about 4 days from the day of consumption, you develop the painful sores in your nose.  I'm "enjoying" an outbreak right now thanks to injesting Starbucks raspberry swirl coffee cake.  I looked up the ingredients on the internet and sure enough!  Palm oil and palm kernal oil!  You just never know where that stuff will turn up.  Coconut oil is in Cool Whip, Bugals, ice cream, cookies, candy and who-knows-what at restaurants.  I don't go out to eat much and have become very savy at reading labels before buying something.  And I have to KEEP reading labels because something that didn't contain the allergen in the past will get a make-over and have it included now.  I think coconut oil must be cheap or something because it's showing up more and more in products.  Anyway, hope this helps!  Bea
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