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Vertigo with Head/Eye Movement -- sometimes no movement

Hello. First, I am a 20 yo male, no other known problems -- I have a dxd peripherial neuropathy, but that is under control.

Anyways...the last month-2 months I randomnly will get 'ice-pick' headaches. Sometimes I get them multiple times a day, days I dont get them at all....the pain is very intense, but for about 1 second (literally), then goes away. A few weeks before that started happening I had an MRI of the brain (to check the reason for the neuropathy), and that came back all good.

Now yesterday, I was at work, and I felt like I was bobbing up in my chair...but I wasnt. I got nervous, and stood up...when I did my face flashed really hot, and I couldnt swallow for a few seconds. I got into the bathroom...face color was fine, but I was still super dizzy and felt like I was going to pass out...but I never did. It did it off and on last night, but never that intense. Today it did almost the identical thing, but not as intense. I am just super super dizzy...it feels like my head is bouncing up and down with the slightest movement....sometimes no movement.

The only other symptoms I have, is that my neck is sore, especially into my shoulder, and my right ear feel fuller then the left one...not very much though. behind or around my eyes will sometimes feel full or achy too

Like I said, I had an MRI or so a month 1/2 ago or so back, and that was fine...I just worry alot, and I am afraid this extreme vertigo is linked to something bad.


PS. My mom, and my moms mom, both had equillibrium problems. My mom has meineres (sp?)

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Hello this is my first time on this website, but It feels good to know that I am not the only one going through this. I have never known any kid or under the age of 30 to have vestibular problems. I am 22 years old and have at bppv since I was 12. It took awhile to diagnosis. It went away for a few years and just happened every so often, not every day like before. All of a sudden a few months ago it came back and now its so bad i am almost failing this semester and cant drive. I also get ear infections a lot dont know if it is related to that. But now I worry because it is back worse than before and i have different symptoms like tingeling on my scalp and headaches more than before. I am going to see a specialist soon and I am doing pt for the balance issues. It is also interesting because my aunts on both sides of my family have some type of vertigo. Ive heard it can be related to genetics. If you feel like its bad you should go to a specialist or a ent doctor soon. I waited 4years to go to the doctors for it, but also i was young so it wasnt all on me. good luck and hopefully i will hear back
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I went through alot of these same symptoms asyou have, and exhausted the medical options,  I finally sought chiropractic treatment and my symptoms are under control for the first time.  He said I had a pinched nerve in my neck which damaged the nerves in my head.  I waited so long I lost almost all my hearing in one ear.  Please call some chiropractors and ask if they have treated people with dizziness before.  Don't wait until it is too late like I did.
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