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Sore scab in nose wont go away...been a rough ride...

Here is the story,

I have had a sore in my left nostril for years now towards the cartilage.  No, its not from coke or anything as I have never done anything like that.  I get a scab, I blow it out of my nose, and it comes back 12hrs to 24hrs later. I tried to explain that it blows out on a regular basis.  Sometimes I pick it out and it bleeds.  I use saline spray and saline gel on a regular basis and have used vasaline, bacitracin, and antifungal steroid creme.    

I have gone to 2 ENT specialists.  1st one told me not to pick my scab and it will heal.  Well that’s pretty much impossible because I blow my nose and it comes out (if I keep it lubricated).  Also, the scab covers my airway and is unbearable.  2nd doc cauterized my nose to “shock it” and stimulate cell growth.  It didn’t work.  Was painful as heck and then I found out I was allergic to basitracin.  I then had Nose surgery for a biopsy, and it came back negative, so no cancer (yay!).  He said that is seems like the cells aren’t normal in my nose so it isn’t healing right.

Here is the problem though, from the biopsy, he cut up my nose, and now that area he cut out will not heal either.  So he took a small area that wouldn’t heal, and made it much larger.  As disgusting as this sounds, it forms a scab and oddly resembles a craisin in size and color.  It is like a blood clot and the scab gets so large it blocks my airway, but now it is so far back from the surgery that I cant even see the sore in the mirror.  

I went to the ENT for a follow up, but I ended up seeing another doctor and they told me to just keep it moist.  It was typical but useless advice because it just keeps scabbing up!  Anyways, I am seeing the ENT that did my surgery on Friday, and I hope he has some sort of solution.  It just doesn’t make sense, some weeks I try to leave it alone for a couple days, and it feels like it might scab up and never come back, then I blow the scab out and it feels completely gone!  But then it comes back within a day.  

I am mentally and physically exhausted from this nose issue   I feel like I have done everything in my power, and it is even worse than when I started.  Any advice or related stories are welcomed.  
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I am also concerened that it may be mrsa.  I took care of a relative (hospice care)  and when she was discharged to my home the nursing home failed to tell me that she had mrsa. Now bear with me here, I have 3 cats and cats exposed to mrsa can become carriers (the mrsa resides in their nasal passages). About a month ago I had the flu really bad, my kitty sleeps with me and I suffer from auto-immune issues. I just got prescribed murpiricin today. Hopefully this will clear it up.  Im concerned that everyone seems to mention years of infection. Could there be factors that are "reinfecting people"  for intsance if my cats turn out to be carriers they could reinfect me.  Mrsa is not something to take lightly. Both my mom and brother died due to mrsa related sepsis.  Any thoughts on this?
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I wonder if this could potentially be a Zooanotic pathogen? How many of you who posted have pets (dog, cat, birds) that are in regular close proximity to your face? ....sometimes you have to think outside the box when it comes to a mystery.
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I agree!!!! And yes, I  have two dogs. I try to turn to avoid their, so glad to see you, tongue lashings, but sometimes they get in a "kiss or two. I feel it's  either pathogen or fungi? It has to be. Anyone ever been exposed to mold that suffer with this
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I just had surgery due to chronic sinus infection and developed these non-healing scabs that everyone is complaining about.  The first thing in the morning, I would have huge crusty scabs inside my nose.  At first I tried removing them so I could breath through my nose.  When they came back the next night, I tried leaving them, thinking they would heal.  I tried Bactroban Ointment, Vaseline, ect., but as soon as the scabs got moist they would come out anyway.  Then, to keep them from coming out and still be able to breath, I tried one of those breathing strips on the outside of my nose.  The next morning there was a huge difference in the healing.  The scab-plugs didn't form overnight.  I had a thin skin over the wounds instead.  I'm going to try it again tonight and hopefully it will heal completely.  I think when your nasal passages are narrow due to swelling (allergies, trama, etc.) your body thinks you have a gaping wound that needs to be filled, unfortunately, its your nose.  Then, I think the type of scab that forms is designed to fill in and heal the hole, which would probably be great if you had a hole in your leg or arm.  The next morning, the natural nasal secretions won't let the scab stay on and it's mostly just held by your nose hair anyway, so it comes right off and you start all over again.  I'm going to tell my ENT as soon as I go to my next appointment.  Nothing came out of my nose this morning and I feel so much better not having those nerves in my nose open to the air and making my face and teeth hurt.  I don't usually post to these things, but it seems like so many suffer from the same thing.  I hope this helps others.  Good luck to everyone.  
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I developed a nasal sore in my right nostril. I have a deviated septum and can’t blow my nose because my nasal passages are effected by the deviation. I have tried all the ointments, flutiicasone spray and yes, disgusting but necessary, using the good old little finger hoping to get some relief. My sore is painful and nothing is seeming to make it heal. I’m going to make a doctors appointment and probably get referred to an ENT. At this point, I will welcome a diagnosis and suggested treatment! I will keep others on this site informed once I have an answer and a possible treatment.
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Well I can share what happened to me and see if it may be the cause of yours too. In 2013 my right side of the tip of my nose hurt, I couldn’t touch it. I just went along like whatever it is will go away. A day later I woke up and the tip of my nose was swollen a little bit and red mostly on the right side. I still said whatever but it could just be allergies or I got bit or something. The next day I woke up and oh my gosh the tip of my nose looked like Rudolph, no joke, it was red and swollen so much that my boss sent me home because it was actually causing me a migraine. I went to the emergency room in my way home. They told me it was most likely an ingrown hair. I said huh? How can that happen? He said let me guess, you twist up the ends of tissue or toilet paper and then put it in your nose and twist it while it’s in there to clean your nose right? I said yeah most of the time because that is what I feel works best. He said that’s how it happened. Twisting in the nostril twists the hairs up or sideways and they don’t grow in that direction. He said most every time you twist it will happen because the hairs on each side grow in opposite directions but towards the opening to your nostril. So I went home did heat compress a few times before bed. In the morning I woke up and my nose felt as if it were going to explode. So being me I had to see what was in there. Omg I lifted the tip of my nose to take a peak and I felt a painful popping and seen this stuff coming out greenish obviously infection and the hair too. It left a hole the size of the lead in a number two pencil unsharpened. Stuff was able to be pushed out for about 24 hours but the hole remained. This is now the same spot in feb 2018 that has not ever healed completely. It goes away and comes back. The same spot. So not sure if any of you have ever had an ingrown hair but I do believe it created an ulcer type wound that will always be there. It was inside the tip close to cartilage. So touching the tip of my nose st times send me into tears. But I just put neosporin or blistex medicated ointment and it works. Temporarily but it works.
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I have the same scenario.
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Any update? This is year 5 for me..
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Read my post
Having same problem. Always a scab and when I blow (even gingerly) what a nose bleed I get. Keeping it moist and using saline makes it worse. I have to leave it dry in there or will bleed profusely. Going on for months! Can't get corterized because Iam on CPAP machine all night. HELP!!!!!!!
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I am no doctor, but I am guessing the scab is not able to cause the blood to clot inside the tissue (and permanently stop the bleeding), so that each time the scab goes away, it bleeds again and the problem never goes away.
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Well.  I tried my own honey to swab out the nose.  My nasal passages began swelling out of control.  Nope!  Not an answer.  The sores got a little better.  I ate whole grain bread.  The sores got worse almost immediately.  Maybe this is similar to a gluten sensitivity?  So far, olive oil seems to be the only safe product.  I'm allergic to Vick's and most barrier creams.  
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Wow!  I am not the only person with this problem!!!  So, the manuka honey seems pretty popular.

Being a bee person, I believe I will try my own honey first!

Googling for answers basically got, "don't pick your nose". That is anything but compassion.  I tried my honey on a Q tip and swabbed out my nose for the first time tonight.  I'll report back on this.  
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Wow, so many cases so similar yet so different also. Where do I begin, hydrogen peroxide is definitely not a constant regimen because not only will it kill the bad bacteria but it will also take away the good bacteria that your body needs, Vick's vapor rub will immediatelty disolve the scab just put some on it and lit it sit for a minute then you can clean out your nose without ripping off the "crusty" scab sometimes depending on the size you may have to reapply, nasal creams possibly wont work because it may not be from your nose at all the problem may be from a tooth and you not even know it like a cavity under the gum line because any problems with your teeth up top can cause an infection to run up into your nasal cavity so get your teeth checked also, dirt sweat grim and oils get into our pours that also is in our nose and pimples and blackheads create as well now a pimple we will definitely notice but not so much a blackhead and if it goes unattended and gets worse it can possibly create a deep infection very painful, always make sure they do a full blood work up on you so they can check all your levels and incase the infection in is your blood also it helps them to see what type of antibiotics to put you on, and most definitely MOUTHWASH with Listerine as much as you can and GARGLE GARGLE GARGLE because all those germs from your nose, well you know where they are going. I to suffered with this for a while it was very painful, hard to breath at times and hard to even open my mouth to eat or talk, so I know the pain. I suffer from seizures, a very rare heart disease, head trauma and a deteriorating neck and spine, so I should be use to pain but the nose is very sensitive. I will be praying for each one of you, may you all be blessed.
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Wow, so many cases so similar yet so different also. Where do I begin, hydrogen peroxide is definitely not a constant regimen because not only will it kill the bad bacteria but it will also take away the good bacteria that your body needs, Vick's vapor rub will immediatelty disolve the scab just put some on it and lit it sit for a minute then you can clean out your nose without ripping off the "crusty" scab sometimes depending on the size you may have to reapply, nasal creams possibly wont work because it may not be from your nose at all the problem may be from a tooth and you not even know it like a cavity under the gum line because any problems with your teeth up top can cause an infection to run up into your nasal cavity so get your teeth checked also, dirt sweat grim and oils get into our pours that also is in our nose and pimples and blackheads create as well now a pimple we will definitely notice but not so much a blackhead and if it goes unattended and gets worse it can possibly create a deep infection very painful, always make sure they do a full blood work up on you so they can check all your levels and incase the infection in is your blood also it helps them to see what type of antibiotics to put you on, and most definitely MOUTHWASH with Listerine as much as you can and GARGLE GARGLE GARGLE because all those germs from your nose, well you know where they are going. I to suffered with this for a while it was very painful, hard to breath at times and hard to even open my mouth to eat or talk, so I know the pain. I suffer from seizures, a very rare heart disease, head trauma and a deteriorating neck and spine, so I should be use to pain but the nose is very sensitive. I will be praying for each one of you, may you all be blessed.
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Yes omg I broke my nose when I was young always had a forever scab in my left nostril it would build up to the point I could breathe. Id have to pick it free . most times id get a nose bleed , now for whatever reason the scab has increased in size further up my nasal cavity n I don't get bloody noses its like the blood sits up there and this has been going on for several months, its like my sinuses are permanently dry but feel infected , my left ear has been clogged for months some jaw pain occasionally what do I do I want my sense of smell back n clear passage for my left nostrel and left ear and whatever infection out
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I have the same issue.  On my left side a sore/scab that will NOT go away.  If i keep it lubed it stays moist and if i stop it dries and then if it blows out it starts all over again.  Very frustrating.  It does not hurt and i only know it's there because I'm obsessed with it now and look and take pics of it to monitor it.  I'm trying coconut oil now to heal it . . . will let you know how it works.
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I didnt realize this was so common. I've suffered the same for about 2 years. This is what I've found that's working...

After the scab comes off- one way or another, and even while my nose is still bleeding. I pour hydrogen peroxide in my cupped hand and snort it. It hurts like crazy, but in the last 3 months (approximately) the sore has shrunk to half it's side. Hopfully it will heal it completely. I'm going to begin doing this daily so see if the pro active regimen works.

I hope this helps someone.
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Hi everyone found this blog and some info was very helpful so thought i should feed back. I have been suffering for over 12 months with continuous scabs at the base of my nostrils. Doctor was absolutely useless, prescribed me Naseptin nasal cream which cleared it up in 3 days. Then it came back with a vengeance very sore very crusty, looked like i was doing coke all the time. Went back to doctors just prescribed me more Naseptin and didn't seem concerned i had already been on antibiotics for over 3 months when it was clearly not working. So found this blog and decided to take matters in my own hands. Purchased HPA Lanolin as recommended. This did not work for me, it made it a lot worse so stopped using. Then bought some Manuka but instead of the honey bought Manuka Oil 100% pure essential oil. Did a skin test first, all OK. Then applied a small amount to each of the sores/scabs just when it felt like i needed it. It has a strange smell but you just get used to it and don't notice after a while. Kept applying it, results after a few days, then virtually cleared it up after two weeks, and today three weeks gone. Its not cheap so be prepared i paid around £16 for 10mls from Amazon UK, but was desperate, and I have used about a third of the bottle. Best thing while using it was, i normally have to blow my nose in the morning to get rid of all the crusts form the sleep overnight, and at the same time loosen all my scabs causing them to come off. I applied the oil before going to bed, and it seemed to stop all the crusts forming overnight therefore then not having to blow my nose it the morning, hence not losing the scabs. I don't think this will be a permanent fix, but i will be re applying when i feel them coming back, and that is good enough for me knowing i can control that. Going to try LEMA oil next, looks good i have been in touch with the manufacturers Melora who won't say its medically proven as it is essentially aromatherapy oil, but the LEMA is a blend of the best bits of Tee Tree and Manuka. Many thanks to you all, and good luck, and if this helps just one person i will be pleased, as this is a right pain in the backside. Scott
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Wow, it's crazy that this post has been going on for years! I get these sores about every 6 months or so, usually cleaning up my diet and starving off candida works, however I am pregnant right now so that's not an option because the candida die off can cause issues with baby.I'm going to try the Mentholatum, I already use a humidifier. My sore is on the inside of my nostril, and it gets so swollen that it closes. :/ Crazy body issues, hope everyone gets some sort of relief!  
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have you found anything that works for you I am a week into a huge one in right side and a mediem size one in left  my ENT coterized them today very painfully today as with you I have severe lung issues so I have to be extra careful of anything I use  but my pain is through the roof  with this
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I have the same issue in my left nostril for going on three years.  ENT finally biopsied it today, saying he wanted to confirm it was benign and we could 'leave it alone to heal'.  This after two cauterizations and many different topical ointments didn't work. Frustrating as heck.  The only thing that has helped me reduce the swelling and sores is a netipot used twice daily.  
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Did any of you discover swollen lymp nodes as well? My left nostril is all infected, bleeding and crusty just lime all of you noted. But I also have the left side lymp note enlarged in my left jaw, and sometimes tender.

Got MRI done on it a year ago and it came back normal.

Im supposed to go for a follow up scan soon and was wondering if others had this same issue.
Have you been evaluated for Sjogren's Syndrome, or sicca syndrome?  The main symptom is dry eyes or mouth, and often there are swollen parotid glands, which may be what you have under your left jaw.  Mine are swollen on both sides.  This sore-in-the-nostril issue is common in Sjogren's, and in that case it is caused by your tissue being too dry.  I got relief when I went to San Francisco on vacation and stayed on a houseboat for a week.  It healed in two days, and I think it was because the weather was cool and damp.  Wish I could live there all the time, but so far, a month later, my sore has not come back.  If it does, I will try the cool humidifier someone suggested above.  Good luck!
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I haven't heard this mentioned but there is a real possibility that you had a root canal done on a upper tooth and this now dead or necrotic object inside your body is causing your problem. I am not talking about excessive mucus that can be treated with a mucus free diet I am referring to the scabbing in the nose that should not be there. My experience that brought me to this conclusion was as follows: I had a root canal done about twenty years ago where the dentist left part of the file to clean out the pulp inside the root. Everything seemed o.k. for about 10 years when suddenly I noticed a nose scabbing on the same side where the root canal was performed. At first the irritation wasn't so bad but over the years it developed into nose bleeds. At that time I still hadn't a clue! Eventually the treated tooth acted up and my dentist sent me to a endodontist to have the root canal redone. During a five hour ordeal he tried to remove the file, which wasn't entirely possible and treated the second canal that never received proper treatment. Interestingly enough my nose bleed stopped and the scapping improved some. However, now three years into the repair it slowly is getting worse again. If you do some research on the danger of root canals you will learn why they can be devastating to your health. I will now have this tooth removed and have an implant placed sometimes this summer. I go entirely on my gut feeling, because nobody, absolutely nobody has the right answer. My recommendation, check if the roots of your upper teeth are healthy and alive.
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Ive had this horrible, painful issue for about 8 months now. I am currently doing the Whole30 'cleanse', which eliminates dairy, sugar, grains, soy, alcohol for 30 days. I am 8 days in, and my nose has healed 100%. I believe its the sugar and/or dairy that is causing it. I know for a fact that allergies can show their faces in bizarre ways, so I would encourage you to try eliminating these from your daily diet! What have you got to lose!
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Ive had this horrible, painful issue for about 8 months now. I am currently doing the Whole30 'cleanse', which eliminates dairy, sugar, grains, soy, alcohol for 30 days. I am 8 days in, and my nose has healed 100%. I believe its the sugar and/or dairy that is causing it. I know for a fact that allergies can show their faces in bizarre ways, so I would encourage you to try eliminating these from your daily diet! What have you got to lose!
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Did you have success ?  What worked for you?
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Trying the Manuka Honey
So far, i havent seen any change and its been 24 hours since my first application of the honey.
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I know this is an old thread, but I have the same problem and was able to cure it by applying a little Manuka honey into the nostril with a Qtip. I was not tested for MRSA, but I did receive antibiotics to no avail, and Manuka honey has been found to kill MRSA along with a number of other superbugs. If you're still having this problem, or any chronic long-term infection for that matter, Manuka Honey is worth trying.
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I HEALED my nasal scab issue (similar to what so many here have described) which has been chronic for the past SIX MONTHS with something called Manuka Honey--Just google it and you'll learn volumes about it, but the bottom line is kills bacteria including MRCA! It works so well that US hospitals are using a medical grade version of it for burn cases. Anyway, I headed to a health store and bought a jar of Manuka honey with an MGO rating of 100 (look for the rating because the rating determines how much antimicrobial compounds are in it). I just dabbed a little on a Qtip and rubbed it up inside one nostril (lol I was afraid it might make my nostrils stick shut, so I only did one!) The next morning, the nasty scabs just all fell off. I applied a little more and went to work. Throughout the day there was a little itching, but no drainage or need to use a tissue. I reapplied that night and the next day (today) everything feels great. I'm going to apply tonight as well so everything can heal completely, but I am blown away impressed. Oh, and I've had two rounds of antibiotics which failed miserably to help me. Head to the nearest health store (I went to Vitamin Cottage for expediency, but it looks like it's much cheaper online) and pick up some Manuka honey with a grade of 100 or higher. (and watch out because there are a lot of UNGRADED Manuka honey bottles sold for cheaper prices. Look for that MGO certification to be sure. My local Wholefoods only had ungraded versions.
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I have tried the honey with 400 mgo rating. How did you keep the honey applied to it?? I did't have good results as it kept going down my sinuses and running out my nose

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