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Someone help me

Week 1: I have phlegm stuck in my throat. Only symptom. No fever, no cough, and it didn't hurt when I swallowed.

Week 2:  Still some phlegm but I had pain on the left side of my throat. Doctor said my throat was red so he gave me some antibiotics (amoxocillin).

Week 3: Still had phlegm in my throat but no fever, no pain, and no coughing.

Week 4: Same symptoms. I went back to the doctor and he said as long as my phlegm is clear not to worry.

Week 5: Went to another doctor for a second opinion. She said my throat is red and gave me some antibiotics called zithromax.

Week 6: Less Phlegm but my ears started hurting and I had some pain under my jaw. Like 2 lines. Went back to the doctor and she gave me a nasal spray to reduce the phlegm in my throat. She gave me another prescription for zithromax.

Week7: Burning chest and at times burning throat or dry throat. Feels like I been screaming. I feel pressure around my jaws. I went back to my original doctor and he gave me Augmentin (antibiotics). He said one of my tonsils are a little swollen. And that the lymph nodes under my jaw are slightly enlarged, but not much. I told the doctor its been 2 months but he does not seem worried.

Week 8: I became obsessed with my lymph nodes and started pressing them under my chin. Now one feels inflamed. I have shooting pains at times. My chest feels weird like congested. In the sternum area and my back itches.

Week 9: Went to another doctor and she says my throat is red. At this point I have a lot of anxiety and worry. She asked if I have acid reflux. And I do and lately its been acting up because of my stress. She thinks its acid reflux and also allergies that keep infecting my throat. My throat feels fine when I eat. I havent had fever or a cough. I do suffer from asthma and have been using an inhaler for 17 yrs. I sometimes have minor pain when I swallow and I still have phlegm in my throat behind one nostril. Its not a lot just a little.

What can be wrong with me. Both doctors I've seen don't seem to be worried at all. But I'm freaking out...
I Went to a ENT and he said it was allergies. He said my nasal passages are dry and he prescribed me 30 days of Cetirizine. I went back to my regular MD and he did a throat swab and I tested positive for Strep. It was a faint positive. Could I have had strep all this time? I've taken so many antibiotics why would I have strep?
1 Responses
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973741 tn?1342342773
You've gotten a strep diagnosis, so go with that.  Try to stay busy though so as not to think too much about each and every symptom your body has.  We take time to get over things.  Mucus production means that there was some kind of irritation going on.  I get this if I go to a bomb fire and it's smoky.  It can last for a few days.  So, am not sure what caused the initial mucus production.  Some viruses can also take a while to get over.  Do you, by any chance, smoke?  Do you suffer anxiety?  By the way, many doctors give Zithromax when they think patients want a medication.  It's not all that great of a drug and I've found doctors just give it to give something as a big dilemma doctors have is that once someone has taken the time to go to the doctor, paid a copay, they EXPECT something to be done.  It's hard to send them away saying virus, take ibuprofen and get rest and fluids.  People want a drug. So, Zithromax is highly overused and usually not good for treating anything that the person is complaining of.  My two cents.  good luck
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