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Negative Dysphotopsia with Crystalens HD

Negative Dysphotopsia with Crystalens HD

I had IOL HD500 implant on 24th of March of my left eye. It appeared to be successful, but no I see a very disturbing arch on the left side (dark shadow towards the ear). I contacted my Dr. , he took notes of my complaints, but did not find anything unusual. I contacted Bausch & Lomb. According to them they have never heard about this phenomenon. Controversy to other reports, the dark arch disappears when the pupil is diluted.

I get my right eye don e tomorrow (same lens with same specification). I am now afraid that the same may occure with my right eye.

What are my options?
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1932338 tn?1349220398
Good luck, and plse. keep us posted .
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I am still following this and had my lens put in a month ago. I am 34 and have had a much weaker eye all my life. Not being a candidate for LASIK, I was sold on the Crystalens by more than one doctor. Apples to Apples, I went with the office I felt more comfortable with.

I am experiencing the side edge issue as everyone else is. I am not willing to suffer through it, as this was a completely elective surgery designed to improve my vision. As it stands now, my overall visual experience is much worse. This thread is comforting, as there are specific causes for this issue and hopefully some end correction. I have an appointment tomorrow with the doctor and am ready with specific questions and will not leave without a plan of action to correct this. I would never have gotten the surgery had I known this would be such an annoyance.

Wish me luch
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FYI, No body cares!!!! B&L does not care. Your Doctor does not care. The Medical center where the implant was done,they don't care. I just got a "closing letter from B&L", is states that the lens where manufactured to B&L standards and shipped out to my Doctor as SO. Translation. Have a great Freaking life Roger, sorry it did not work out for you, and that your life and job are over now.Have fun trying to live and not be able to see,have fun now that you are 20/100 and 20/200, you have spent 18 months trying to see with contacts lens, sorry you can't drive at night anymore, sorry you where 50 years old, with many years of work left in you,sorry you have tried 10 rounds of contacts that you have had to pay for, sorry that the $5000.00 extra you paid is now up to $125,000. in medical bills and lost wages. We are just sorry.........................funny. Not once did they say that.
That's fine, it is now my life's work to let people to know, just what can happen to you when you party up with a greedy Doctor and B&L's Sorry ***.
I am lostvision, My Name is ROGER K.SWEET.MY VISION WAS TAKEN FROM ME BY BAUSCH & LOMB AND A FEMALE WHO DID MY SURGERY IN ESTERO, FLORIDA. YOU CAN CALL ME ANY TIME @ 1-800-983-1185 OR FOLLOW MY GREAT VISION STORY ON WWW.ROGERSWEET.ME. Check,check and re-check!!!! Great 10 opinions before you have this surgery done!!!!!! Go on the web and google,how to make more profit for your eye clinic?????????????  see what you read there????? LOL>>>laugh out loud, no it is LAUGH ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK,LAUGH ON VACATION , LAUGH IN YOUR NEW SPORTS CAR, LAUGH ON YOUR NEW BOAT, LAUGH IN YOUR NEW AIRPLANE. DOES IT MAKE YOU HAPPY...........TO SEE JUST HOW FAST YOU CAN MAKE MONEY??????? THANKS FOR NOTHING,THANKS FOR LOSTVISION.
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Your right doctors don't care they make big bucks..
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NEGATIVE DYSPHOTOPSIA this **** does not go away..
So many people have it and doctors act dumb when you bring it up.
FB type in that word.
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I have published papers on dysphotopsia and there is an extensive literature in medical journals. It does usually go away and I saw a person in the office this week that was quite bothered for about 5 months when the problem ceased. There is no uniformly successful treatment. this is a review article:  http://www.aao.org/eyenet/article/shedding-light-on-pseudophakic-dysphotopsia
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Hope someone is still reading this thread.  Had the crystalens put in left eye six weeks ago; have the same dark shadow that has been talked about and it is distracting.  Right eye was done a week ago and can see the outer edge of the lens!  I have a good doctor but don't think he believes me because he says he cannot even see the outer edges of the lens and the healing is great.  Starting to see very well but like looking at life thru a fishbowl or pair of binoculars!
What can be done, short of taking the lens out?
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I was reading the 09 thread about the crystalens 500 shadows and flickering. I had the same lens implanted on FEB. 2nd 2010 and I have a shadow and flickering it's all most a month and I still have them but I have blurred vision all the time I have to ware glasses all the time so I can't see plus all the other stuff. I just wanted to know sence the 09 thread have any thing changed with you guys.

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I had a Crystalens HD implanted 7/7/09.  I have what I refer to as a "hair" and sometimes there is flickering or fluttering with the hair.  I don't know my dilated pupil size, but undilated I'm 4 mm.

I have fabulous vision except for this.  So far, it is too much to ignore, yet I am generally thrilled with my results.

I've been sort of logging my experience in a post called Crystalens Result.  It's a bit wordy, sorry.  Was overwhelmed after being blind in the eye that had the surgery.

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I too am contomplating Crystalens HD.  This is a question with those of you with this iol and have problems with edge glare or shadows.  How large are your pupils when diolated?
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I had my stitches removed 4 weeks after the implantation (18th of May second eye). This did not improve the disphotopsia phenomenon at all (only dilation makes it disappear for a while). My Dr indicated (as yours did) it could be the edge of the section in the centre of the lens. I don’t believe it, it is just so pronounced. I also have the impression that the whole picture I see is smaller than it used to be (like looking through strong glasses when you are very shortsighted).

I can actually see the lenses contracting when I focus. When I focus very close with white background I can see almost the whole circle of the lens, but very little beyond the edge. I believe the lenses are simply too small (it may be that the anatomy of some peoples eyes make it more pronounced).

I have sent a report to the Rep of Bausch & Lomb, but have no response so far.

It would be good to know how many people have this phenomenon with the Chrystalens. Perhaps Dr. John C Hagan could initiate a survey or something like that?

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No I havn't been post-op long enough, the dark ark was so intrusive that was my primary concern. My surgeon rotated my cryslalens 90 degrees and the ark remains but much more transparent. Past the ark is double image (2 hands ect.). Ark is gone when eyes dialated but double image remains only past ark. I can either live with it or replace with different lense. The fact that it is not black has made it easier to ignore.however catching the double image can be very distracting at times.
I think whats happening is my pupil is offset slightly twords my nose. The hd has a center area to improve close vision and I am seeing through the edge of that section. I think. The lense is centered but my pupil is not. Probably natures way of  dealing with my nose.

This is all just a guess on my part. It is what it is and I will have to deal with it.
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I had the dark arch on one of my two CL eyes. Today I had my final stitches removed (4+ months post-op!) and the arch seems to be gone, or at least dramatically reduced. Mine only appeared when I flexed my eyes to focus at a far distance, but I'm glad it's gone.

gixxer: Have you tried eye exercises to practice focusing at distance? My distance vision with relaxed eyes is not great, but I can "pull" things into focus, with practice.
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I had a Bausch and Lomb Akreos lens put in last week and I'm having the same problem.  I'm especially upset because I discussed this in detail with my doctor because I had so much trouble with my first implant that I wanted this one to be right.  I did a lot of research and we settled on A DIFFERENT lens (NOT the B and L Akreos which was never mentioned).  Last minute in surgery, he put in the B and L for some reason.  He said it was "The same thing".  I use my eyes for a living and am not happy with the negative dysphotopsia (parenthesis effect) at all.  I'd love to hear from someone who had this problem and saw it resolve over time.  If not, I may be requesting a change of lenses during my ten day post op.
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Had Crystalens on both eyes Surgeon incorrectly determined dominant eye on first surgery. Have pronounced arches on both eyes that flex when focusing on near text in excellent light. Dr wants to do YAG thinking tat will help my lack of reading in  good indoor light. He said that a white halo had appeared behind the first lens within the first week post-op. Who should I contact for an unbiased second opinion?
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The Crystalens® advantage
Unlike standard cataract replacement lenses, Crystalens lenses correct your cataracts and give you back your full range of vision. They flex like your eye's natural lens, allowing you to see better at all distances.

Right off of crystalens .com
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I am very frustrated by the lack of solid normal operating parameters with these lenses.
The dark ark remains in daylight. My vision is not stellar at any range. but is ok from 2ft to 20 ft. Will it get better?  Don't know numbers because wasn't told, distance is terrible. When doctor puts that glases machine on me my vision is great at distance. Now what ?
This is not what I expected. He says some people see edge glare. Is that the dark ark ? Why some people and not others? One guy on here has 2 crystalenses, one with ark and one without. ????  My doc is a real nice guy and he really wants to resolve the issue. He wants to relocate the lense on a different angle. I told him ok, he is setting up surgery.

I feel that B&L gave these doctors the lenses and said here you go. I read all these forums and have never heard of anyone contacted by B&L. I agree that only a small percentage of us have issues but by now you would think they would have the answers. Not one individual doctor who does a limited number of implants. Are they afraid Im going to get pissed ? Im not pissed at the problem, I am pissed at the "try these drops to constrict pupil" or Im not quite sure what the prob is?
Stick my eye up to some kind of machine and find the prob and fix it. Or tell my doc how to fix it. Or just talk me through it over the phone (I am pretty good with a knife). It shouldnt be such a big deal. Doc has better things to do than listen to me whine and I have better things to do than go to the doctors office and whine.
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Hi Alaskanet ,

I don’t think B&L are dishonest; I am not an expert, just a patient as you are. My symptoms are still there (in both eyes now) as from the day they appeared (after the dilation subsided). And I have not heard that it disappears over time.

I believe it is not a Crystalens specific phenomenon. Statistics show (when patients are ask) that about 17% have some sort of negative or positive dysphotopsia. However, B&L may have hoped that their new lenses are less affected after increasing the size of the lens to 5mm and changing to square edges (I still believe the lenses are simply too small for some people – like us).

I am still quite positive about the outcome so far (besides the Dysphotopsia). The lenses seem to accommodate, I can see from 30cm to infinity quiet well. The overall vision acuity (20/32) is not as good as it was before cataracts developed (20/20), but I am OK with that.

In terms of statistics, you need to be aware that only few people in our age group use the internet as actively as we do. Secondly, one can assume that people with no or little problems don’t report here (usually only people who look for help…).

I can understand that you are upset about the vision problems, but I think your Doctor need to address the problems and fix them.
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I recently had the HD500 crystalens placed in my left eye, I have an irritating dark shadow in the shape of an arch from a 6 oclock to 11 oclock position and a shinny reflection on the outside of the shadow. I was informed by the doctor / surgeon that this will go away within a month or so. This seems to obsruct or interfere with my peripheral vision on the ear side. Has anyone had this and had it go away? How long did it take? Does it actually go away or did you just get use to it.

I also had my right eye done last week with the same HD500 lens and it does not have the shadow, but another problem which is 20/80 vision. Everything is a complete blurr beyond 16 inches. What really upsets me the most is that I traveled 5000 miles and thousands of dollars and first come to find out just how dishonest  Bausch & Lomb appears to be. They claim all these great statistics and how their lens is so much more superior than all the others yet you can't get any answers out of the rep. The rep sat in on my postop visit. She was trying to get me to say I could read a close distance when I could not. Then with the problems with my right eye, my doctor tried to get the rep to come back and sit in on my visit and no rep showed. As it seems this is exactly how Bausch & Lomb falsify their statistics about their lenses. If they see that you are a problem, then they exclude you from their pool of statistics. In other words they only want to hear from the successful cases and not anything else.
If I were to do it again I would never deal with Bausch & Lomb because of the dishonest tactics and the fact that they have no answers when there is a problem. And as far as Bausch & Lomb not knowing anything about this problem and that problem and how they say they have never heard of it, I'll bet they tell everyone this same line. Just more dishonesty on the part of Bausch & Lomb.
My vision is far from the claims Bausch & Lomb makes. I used to have 20/20 vision and never had glasses, but had cataracts. Currently I have worse overall vision and
$ 7000 dollars less and I have to have a contact (helps) in one eye for at least. 3-4 months. NOT happy.
Any advise would be appreciated / Please reply.
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It appears that anything I put on the outer side appears to reduce or masks the symptoms.

I a report I found they say that if you ask, more than 17% report dark arches. Someone else described it seeing like this: (OO).
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By accident I noticed if i wear safetey glasses (clear) wrap around with no frames. The effect almost goes away completely. or at leaste decreases. Try that. I do not wear glasses (normally).
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Mine seems to be a little more severe than most discussed here. I noticed it within 48 hours and was alarmed by the lack of improvement. after 10 days. Its very into my field of vision with the wiggly effect actually reaching center at times. Only during the day though.  at night when pupils are larger symtoms lesson. I am still hopeful will improve on its own or a easy solution is available. Does anyone know if they can be moved or are they self centering and conrolled by eye structure.
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The study I mentioned (15% of patients experience negative dysphotopsia) was not specific to Crystalens. It apparently applies to all lens types. Sorry I didn't bookmark the study. I'm pretty sure I found it by searching for "negative dysphotopsia" on yahoo search (which I prefer to google). Probably not one of the first 10 hits, but probably within the first three pages. If you add the word "study" it might narrow it down.

My sense was that almost no patients would report ND on their own, but if you ask them about it, many will suddenly see it.

I have certainly noticed mine a lot more after all this discussion. It's still minor, and I'm sure I'll ignore it in time. It's in my eye that still has stitches, so I expect vision in that eye to change in various ways, still.
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Hi Peakhope,

You quote a study on the Crystalens HD.  I have seen other quotes of studies but have not been able to find actual studies.  Can you point me to some?  I am also considering the Technis multifocal and love the Summary of Safety and Effectiveness on it from the FDA.  Wish I could find the FDA study on the Crystalens HD.


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If you happened to come across this forum and now you see it. Its probably very subtle and your right, bad reading. If you came across this forum because it is very dark and into your field of vision, and your doctor shrugged his shoulders and you found it by doing  a search. Then I think  its good reading. I wanted the newest technology in my eye with the best possable outcome (no glasses). There is a certain risk associated with that. It appears to be a very rare side effect and even after reading this forum I would have opted for the same procedure with the hope of perfection. If no one is aware of this condition that creeps up in a very rare amount of people, it will continue. The next generation may lesson the likelyhood of this condition or maybe a predictor of who will be effected by this condition will be noted.  
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When my eyes are dilated, no effect of photopsia. My conclusion, as the iris constricts, less light gets in, but the light gets more to the edges of the lens.

Some Drs apply one drop of Atropine. Atropine blocks the receptors in the muscles of the eye (muscarinic receptors). These receptors are involved in controlling the pupil size and the shape of the lens. One drop will keep blovking for about 5-6 days. During this time no iris constriction and no accommodation.

That is when I started to notice the edges of the lens. I thought the lens had dislocated. My Dr check (need to dilate), no photopsia until the dilation wore out.

I can actually see images beyond the edges (blurred). My vision is like locking through glasses where I can see the rims.

I probably will live with it. However, I am still trying to get some feedback from B&L
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