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257175 tn?1204161973

2 DPO anyone with me?

I got my positive OPK on Thursdsay....was not able to BD until Friday morning.....my mother just happened to think that Thursday was a good night for her to sleep over at my house!  So We BD friday morning and Saturday morning.  I hope we got it.  I know the OPK tells you 48 hrs in advance so I think we are good.  We go to see an RE for the first time on Wednesday, hopefully this will be our month and we will not need her services....but we will see.  Pray for me girls!

61 Responses
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I am right there with you; AF showed up tonight and I am bummed. My husband doesn't want to keep trying since this was our third round and between the hormones, commute (hour each way) and cost he say we should be happy w/what we have. I wish it was that easy for me. sigh.
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257175 tn?1204161973
thank you so much for your support, it really means alot to me.
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398038 tn?1247857003
I'm so sorry about your BFN.  Like you said though, it could very well just be too early.  It ain't over til it's over so don't lose hope yet!  I'll be praying for you.  I know what it feels like to have so much hope when you try something new and it's such a disappointment when it doesn't work.  I'm assuming your RE did monitoring on you to make sure the clomid was making you ovulate?  If it is working for you, maybe they'll let you just take a brief break from it and then try it again.  If not, then hopefully you'll get to try the IUI soon.  No matter what, just don't give up.  I know that's a lot easier said than done.  Trust me, we've had our share of ups and downs too.  We're starting our 3rd round of Femara and it's too scary to think that it may not work either.  I think it's important to have as much faith as you can and believe that it will happen when the time is right.  Unfortunately, we don't know when that will be, so the waiting is the toughest part.  In the meantime, enjoy your time with your DH and all of the other blessings that you have in life.  Take care and I'm sending lots of hugs and prayers your way.
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398038 tn?1247857003
I am so happy that you got your BFP!  How awesome!!  I can imagine that you want to shout it from the rooftops, but it's probably a good idea to keep it to yourself for a while.  I wish you nothing but the best and hope you have a very happy and healthy 9 months ahead!
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257175 tn?1204161973
Well girls I took a HPT this morning and got a BFN.  I am trying not to get too upset because I know it is a few days early, but I do expect AF to get here any day now.  I do not know what to do now.  This was clomid round 6 and my RE will not let me do any more.  I want to do an IUI so bad but my DH has not found a job yet so right now we can't pay for one.  I am hoping the RE will let me start taking femara.  With DH low sperm count (17 million) I do not know if she wants to even try it.  Pray for me girls that I can keep being strong, I don't know if I can anymore.
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Here's hoping for lots of November babies!!
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Yeah, Texasqt, eat lots of ice cream and chocolate to keep baby happy and mommy happy! I will be testing on Friday but not holding my breath right now. Still don't feel anything at all, just headaches.

Disney Chick are you doing beta tomorrow, are you nervous? Hopefully the election is keeping your mind busy.
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Yeah, Texasqt, eat lots of ice cream and chocolate to keep baby happy and mommy happy! I will be testing on Friday but not holding my breath right now. Still don't feel anything at all, just headaches.

Disney Chick are you doing beta tomorrow, are you nervous? Hopefully the election is keeping your mind busy.
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365429 tn?1390253309
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374593 tn?1257879950
I'm waiting for AF (should be here in 2 days) - had a lap and hsg this month around O time so no chance of a BFP this month! then once AF starts, i'll call for my femara and start our first medicated cycle, with trigger and progesterone and possible iui too! pheww its gonna be a busy month! : )      I'm so excited for you!!!!  : )  
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Thanks so much y'all (for my TEXAS gals!).

I'll say an extra prayer for you tonight Disney.  At least you're staying extra busy - makes the time fly by faster.

What about you Sam?  Did CD18 get if for you?

Bny - where are you in your cycle?

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365429 tn?1390253309
yay!!!! im so happy for u. congrats.....
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374593 tn?1257879950
Just noticed yall are texas girls! me too! (DFW area!)   Congrats texasqt thats such wonderful news!!! SSBD!!!  Good luck when you test disney chick!  I'm all for some luck this month here in Texas too!    
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257175 tn?1204161973
CONGRATS!!! TEXASQT!!!!!! what a wonderful feeling that must be!  I am think about testing wednesday of thursday, but I am just so scared.  So far the cramping has stopped but the sore bbs have gotten worse.  I just want this to be our month so bad because this was our 6th cycle of clomid and I will not be able to take it anymore after this.  I am hopeful that all of us Texas girls will get our BFP's this month.  I will not test today because of elections(my office runs elections) but maybe tomorrow.  
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I'm pitiful...I tested this morning (two days before my period).  I got a BFP!!!! Dancing around the house like an idiot wondering who to call.  But this time we don't want to tell anyone until we're SURE everything is okay.  I had a miscarriage two weeks after my BFP back in November and we had told EVERYONE we knew.  So this time will just be our little secret for a while.  Last time the BFP didn't show up for a few days after my expected period.  This time two days before.  Hopefully this one will stick.  I've called my doctor's office for them to call in progesterone suppositories.  I had low progesterone with my son 15 years ago.  Not sure about the miscarriage last year, but it certainly won't hurt to do it this time - better safe than sorry.  Oh I'm so excited and wanting you ALL to get BFP's too!!  You are in my every prayer. Extra special SSBD to everyone!!
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Still nothing going on here, 9 dpo and not feeling anything. I am going to do the BETA thurs. night so that way my dr. will get the results on friday. I can't test on Fri. and wait till Mon., my anxiety would be too high.

When do you test?
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328927 tn?1227761840
Hey guys, I am just "popping in" to say Good Luck!!!!! I am 36, from Dallas, TX, and just got my BFP a couple of weeks ago. I was taking Femara plus Follisitm 75, and had 6 mature follies the first month! I couldn't believe it. I only produced one follie on 2 cycles of Clomid. Please feel free to read my journal where I documented my weird early symptoms.I am only 5weeks, 5 days pg, so I have a ways to go, but praying everything works out.

Candie, I'm sorry about AF :-( Don't give up yet. Maybe after 3 rounds of Femara you should ask about injectables.

SSBD to each and every one of you!!!
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Just checking in - plus bumping us back up.  How's everybody feeling?
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But if all your preliminary test were OK and your husband's semen analysis was fine what was the problem? Why you were not ovulating? Did you have cervical mucus for those 15 months you were trying? I will go to Reproductive Dr. at the end of month.
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But if all your preliminary test were OK and your husband's semen analysis was fine what was the problem? Why you were not ovulating? Did you have cervical mucus for those 15 months you were trying? I will go to Reproductive Dr. at the end of month.
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398038 tn?1247857003
Good morning everyone.  Sorry I haven't written in a few days, it gets tough over the weekend.  Anyway, I just wanted to thank everyone for their support and kind words, but unfortunately AF showed up yesterday.  I was so hopeful too because I felt different than all other cycles (really sensitive bbs for days, early cramping, etc), but I guess it was just pms symptoms all along.  Must have been magnified by the Femara.  We are so disappointed, but I guess it's not the right time yet.  I called in my prescription refill today, so all we can do now is look forward to next time!  I also see my Dr tomorrow, so I'm going to see if maybe I can have an ultrasound and a Progesterone test this month since I've never had that before, just to be sure.  Well, I will definitely keep up with this post and I wish you all the best.  It looks like some of you have some really promising symptoms.  Keep up the positive vibes and I'll be praying you all get your BFP's!!  Take care.
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398038 tn?1247857003
To answer your questions, my doctor didn't do any test to see if I was ovulating.  I have seen a lot of people though that are given a blood Progesterone test at 7dpo to see if ovulation took place.  Basically, all of my preliminary bloodwork (FSH/Prolactin/Thyroid) came back fine as did my HSG and my husband's SA, so my OBGYN suggested we move onto Clomid.  At that point, we had been TTC about 15 months and even though my BBT chart had a nice curve every month, I used OPKs for many many many months and never got a positive test.  I took Clomid for 4 months, got positive OPKs for the first time (so excited!), and had 2 ultrasounds that showed good follies.  I used the Answer brand OPKs once, but I always use the test strips from early-pregnancy-tests.com since it's a lot more cost friendly.  Have you had any preliminary tests done yet?  Hope your husband's SA goes well.  Keep us posted.
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Which OPK are you using? I bought Clearblue but no LH Surge. My cycle is of 26 days. Last month was 28 days.
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I'm using OPK for the 4th consecutive month now but I never get the LH Surge Positive. But at the same time I think I'm ovulating because I have Cervical Mucus for about 3-4 days at aroung the 12-15 day. How did you know you were not ovulating? How long did you test prior to start taking Clomid/Femara?Any test was done to detect you were not ovulating? My husband will have his semen analysis tomorrow. I hope all is well. Tks a lot for your help.
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