1255151 tn?1413891826

Anyone in there 2WW???

I am just starting my 2WW, any others????
244 Responses
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1973525 tn?1325957155
We pretty much have gone through the same things...It must be mind boggling that we have to wait...I'm already impatient.  I'm running out of things to do to keep me busy.  How are you getting through?  Good luck to you and loved29!!!!
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1240856 tn?1333440354
i'm in the 2ww too....we did iui last friday...no symptoms apart from cramping and spotting for the first couple of days...early days tho
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359142 tn?1321120923
I'm in 2ww with you.  I'm 7dpo so I'm a few days behind you.  I feel a little crampy today and I'm hoping that its implantation, but likely just something I ate. No other signs than that.  With my last pregnancy (miscarriage) I had all kinds of signs, so this is a little off for me.   Good luck.  SSBD!
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1973525 tn?1325957155
Hello!!!!! I'm within my 2ww.  My IUI was done on 12/31/2011 and I'm suppose to take a HPT on 01/17/2012.  I have been pregnant before, but had a miscarriage.  I find myself trying to compare the signs and symptoms of my last pregnancy with what I'm suppose to feel now.  I don't feel anything!!!  I'm beginning to think that this first cycle was a fail.  I have prayed and done all that I could do to help create this miracle.  If this doesn't work, I will try again for the 2nd cycle.  I won't give up just yet!
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1240856 tn?1333440354
so we're moving onto IUI soon, we have an information evening to attend thursday then 13/12 we plan our first course of IUI or if the tests don't come back good it'll be IVF striaght away. I just really want to be a mum. I'm gonna be 31 soon....thats ok isn't it?
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hi there, I went for a second IUI on 17/11 and 18/11..My first one was on 10 June 11 and was BFN, but soon after I found out I conceived naturally.  Unfortunately I had a miscarriage at 7 weeks - it was the worst experience of my life, especially because we've been TTC'ing for 2.5 years and I thought this was it! So, we're in the TWW as well - very anxious and mixed emotions, don't want to be too positive or too negative, so I'm just thinking "it'll happen if it's God's will".  Even though I want so desperately to be preggers by Christmas.  Good luck to all and it's good therapy to see that I'm not alone - someday we'll all get our 2 stripes on a stick!
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Congratulations! I am so happy for you!!! I'm not a doctor or anything, but I can tell you that with my first pregnancy (15 years ago), just about every time my then husband and I had sex (and sometimes even when we didn't), I had a little pink spotting. It really was terrifying, but my doctor said that just happens to some women--especially in the first few months--and other than the occasional pink spotting, I had a perfect pregnancy and delivery.

Everyone: I saw my RE this morning. Started Clomid 150 for the next 5 days, shots of Bravelle twice this week on Wednesday and Friday, and oral Estrogen pills (which I'm supposed to insert into my vagina every night?...weird) starting Thursday. I go back in one week for another u/s and more blood work. Will do a trigger shot and another iui if everything goes according to plan. Has anyone heard of this regimen? The Bravelle injections and estrogen are both new this month.

The RE says everything looked perfect last month, but no baby...so he wants to step things up because my cycles have been longer than 28 days since starting the Clomid several months ago...and because of my age.

Thanks to everyone for your support. It is so difficult going through this and not really having anyone to talk to about it. I'm a worrier, unfortunately, and my hubby is exactly the opposite. He doesn't worry about anything, and just says it will work out and we'll have our little Jack or Emma. Sometimes that makes it harder, as strange as that probably sounds...to be the only one that doubts that it will happen. Then again, I'm the one shoving my body full of hormones! I'm so bloated, I feel like a whale, I cry at commercials--especially if a baby is involved; I'm basically a little nuts at this point! The only thing that keeps me going is knowing that this will increase our chances of having the little one we are dreaming of. Good luck to everyone ttc!!
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136689 tn?1419580447
doudaa.. congratulations,

Update AF doesn't know what it wants to do wheather to appear or not, so had blood drawn but it maybe to early so for hCG levels to be detected, i keep spotting and it's getting so annoying, But i picked up meds anyway for when we know whats going on.
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Hi, yesturday I got my BETA and I'm pregnant. It felt so unreal. My nbr at 17 days post IUI was 1400. I guess they re good nbrs. My docteur is on vacation, but I'll send him a text to let him know. Now, here is the problem, and hopefully someone can help me. My husband and I had sex last nite ( first time since IUI ), and after that I noticed the tiniest little pink spot on the bed! It rely scared me! I went to the bathroom, there was no blood, but ( sorry for the details) mucus had a very light pinkish tint to it. I don't know what to think! Can someone tell me if that ever happen to them and it is. Thank you so much
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136689 tn?1419580447
Nope she's back :( good luck to you all
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136689 tn?1419580447
Ok i could have been wrong and had implantation bleeding as it was a bit of pink TMI i know but it's gone, so heres hoping she stays away, but i think i might just get bloodwork to see if there is any hcg dected, will update you tomorrow night when i know more.
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136689 tn?1419580447
well as i knew she would show her ugly face, started spotting this afternoon just after i got my bloodwork results to tell me that i O'ed well i knew that.. so going to pick up meds and have another bloodtest a beta to make sure the levels are below 5 due to the fact that i had been pg before and still  had a period but eneded up in misscarrige a few weeks later after seeing the heartbeat and all. good luck to you all SSBD maybe i'll be lucky next month
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1255151 tn?1413891826
I am so sorry AF came. Just have faith that next month can be it for you and keep us posted on what our RE says.

misslollipop- Let us know if AF comes. I am praying she doesnt and you get your BFP!!
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136689 tn?1419580447
well i'm now 8DPO now if going to my usual self AF is supposed to arrive tomorrow hopefully nit, and i get bloodwork back to see if ovulation actually ocurred, hers hoping it did so will update you on monday afternoon afte i finish work for the day
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You are not an idiot! How can anyone go on for 2 weeks not knowing. At least we found this forum to share and vent. Dont be too sad, look at all the successful stories we hear about on here. I just wanna believe.
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AF showed this morning...although from my scary post yesterday, I wasn't surprised. Thanks to everyone that tried to support me as I was going through this first 2ww and iui. I think I looked at every single little thing that happened as a good or bad sign: I'm an idiot, but I just wanted it so badly. I know some, if not all, of you ttc can probably relate to that.

Anyway, it just wasn't my month. I guess depending on what RE says Monday, we will start this wonderful process again. SSBD to all; you are all still in my thoughts and prayers, and thank you so much again just for letting me talk and vent.
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About 45 minutes ago, I started having SEVERE abdominal pain (not just on left lower area anymore, but everywhere beneath my belly button). I feels like incredibly bad gas pains (the sort I remember having with labor...but that was 15 years ago, so I could be mistaken). Let's just say they are BAD, as in I am doubled over in pain, then it lets up a little, then doubled over again. When I tried to go to the bathroom, the tissue showed a tiny bit of pink when I wiped, but none in toilet or on liner (sorry if tmi)...AF is schedule to show herself.

Has anyone experienced anything like this during your IUI's? Again, my iui was 2 weeks ago today and negative pregnancy test this morning. Now I'm not only heartbroken, but in pain and frightened as well!
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Hi, Its not over yet. We all know how unpredictable all this is.
you might just get a nice surprise!!

rboh01: This makes me feel sooo much better. I did get another BFP and darker line this time. So I guess its a good sign, but ill be excited when I get my blood work done. I ll probably go monday which would be 17 day pastIUI.
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Another negative hpt this morning. I called RE office and spoke to his nurse. She just reassured me that I ovulated and so will either start AF or am pregnant and it isn't showing up yet. I'm supposed to test again Monday and call them back. Still menstrual-like cramps, so I'm pretty down.

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1255151 tn?1413891826
Any updates on you girls testing this morning. I keep coming back to check for more BFP's =) Good luck to you all!!!

Doudaa- I had a chemical pregnancy in May. I had no cramping or any signs of even feeling pregnant. My HPT's were never very dark. I did get a positive on a digital but lost the pregnancy the following day. If you are feeling pregnancy symptoms than most likely it is the real deal in my opinion. Even when I was losing the pregnancy no cramping or anything.
Now that I am actually pregnant and things are going good I do experience those menstrual like cramps. It is completely normal. Its cause by the uterus getting prepared. Are you scheduled for your Dr's appt yet???

misslollipop- One of my first indications that I was pregnant this time was the headaches. It is very very common in early pregnancy. I have my fingers crossed for you and all of the girls here in there 2WW. Keep me posted =)
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1347411 tn?1283259514
Yes to the cramps...my BFF had AF like cramps throughout her first trimester....she said she kept thinking...im getting AF but it never happened.....I know its hard not to worry...but try to focus on something is going on in there and that something might just be a little bean implanting.....Happy thoughts!!

It's hard also to read these boards and not think that everything we read is going to happen to us....Take a breath and try to enjoy your pregnancy....this one is gonna stick!!!

Misslollipop:  Best Wishes to you all tomorrow!  Happy Friday!  Keep us posted on the good news!!
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I'm trying to be patient, just not having much luck. I am also worried about the cramping, and as far as moodiness...well all of these hormones and all this 2ww worrying...let's just say I am surprised that anyone (including DH) is still speaking to me! ;)

I don't want to be too crushed if it doesn't happen either, but I know I will be.

You got a positive! More than one, right? I would be on cloud nine...but I understand your fear, believe me. I am sad every month when AF shows--and feel I've lost something; I can't imagine how much worse it would be having the positives and then not being pregnant.

I'll be thinking about you...keep me posted! :)
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I guess tmw is an important day for both of us. I hope it will be our months. Wouldnt that be nice? :)

About the chemical pregnancies, nothing is going on except, I read a lot about getting a BFP then no pregnancies. And lets not forget the cramps I ve been getting, breaking out, moodiness etc....

I just dont want to be too crushed if it doesnt happen. I guess patience is our best weapon here.
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136689 tn?1419580447
well good luck !!
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