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562884 tn?1279632334

CBE smiley OPK

Alright girls most of you know I just started seeing a RE to try to lock down the whole O thing. He has suggested that I use the CBE smiley OPK along with my monitor Since my monitor seems to be missing O. I set the monitor for early am testing, I have used it for 4 days now all low fertility levels. Well I started using my smiley face 2nite, to try to cover all bases. WELL.. Low and behold I got my smiley face????? On one hand I'm super excited on the other I missed the U/S that my doc wanted b4 O. Has any one had problems like this with testing for their LH surge??? I'm at a loss.
7 Responses
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562884 tn?1279632334
Tina- We tried some antioxident vitamins, and fertilaid for men, not much of a change though. I'll look into your suggestion, we need all the help we can get!!! I sent you a msg bout the visit, he did get me in today! I was so excited, good news all the way, I'll see him again tomarrow, to see if O occured, I can't believe he wanted to see me on a Sunday, He even asked if I didn't mind, I said well heck no I don't mind, as long as you don't! It was wierd he opened the office today just for me I bet his on - call nurse was hatin on me! LOL She was cringing when he asked me to come in tomarrow morning! ;)
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566175 tn?1278430472

I just wanted to say hello and since this is your fertile time, just sending you some BABY DUST!!  Good Luck  ((((((((((HUGS))))))))))
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178239 tn?1277405491
Wow, it sounds like you do have a good dr. I am glad he is covering your bases. Hopefully, you will get the double pos tomorrow. I wish you could have gotten in today, but Monday will still be good. I wish my ins covered anything.

Have you tried anything to increase dh's count? L-Lysine, L-Arginine?
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562884 tn?1279632334
No luck today, the office was closed up tighter than knat booty! He must not have had any body on the Sat. schedule. I put a call into his pager though. My monitor finally woke up this morning and put me at high. Maybe i will be like you this month and tomarrow get a Positive on BOTH! If thats the case I think Monday is a safe bet. I am very fortunate to have wonderful insurance that pays for the whole shabang!! So I'll be there as much as the Doc. allows it! i'll keep you posted! We did BD last night but the DH has a low count so we will wait until tomarrow nite to BD again, because if I see the Doc. Monday morning he wants to do that cervix swab (the day after test) to see how many viable swimmers there are left!
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178239 tn?1277405491
If it doesn't catch it just right, it can miss it. The estrogen surge is much shorter than the Lh surge and the monitor won't trigger unless it detects both. If the surge happened later in the day, the monitor may not go to high even. The monitor will give high for several days when it knows you usually o in that time frame and it is picking up moderate Lh. It will only peak if it picks up both. I have had quite a few cycles where it never came off of low. All of those cycles I had a short surge and it started around noon and was done b4 the am.

I have had mine for some time now and learned little things to "tweak" or trick it. I don't like feeding it sticks early in my cycle when I know there is not a chance. So, sometimes I tell it I am cd1 when I am really cd3 or 4. After I hit peak and/or have a pos opk(smiley) along with it, I skip a stick and then give it one the day after if it asks and then no more. Because it will always say peak the day after peak. It is in the book that it will give you the 2 best days. So they are obligated to give a 2nd peak reading. I know what the window will read, why give it a stick?  It's not as smart as they claim it to be.

I usually buy my sticks on ebay. It saves about $15 even with shipping. Just be sure to read ALL the print. Make sure is unopened box and not expired. Reputable sellers will have pics of the exp date and the actual package.

Get the follie check even if it is Monday. Be sure you are bding, I am sure I don't have to tell you that, lol. But, even if you did already o, they will be able to tell from the u/s. Of course, if your insurance doesn't cover it, I might skip it and wait for next cycle. Hopefully, they will get you in in the am. I'd be there b4 the door is opened to get on the wait list if they will allow it. Send me a message tomorrow and let me know if you got in. Hopefully you will and it will be just about to pop!

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562884 tn?1279632334
No kidding we spent 120.00 at the drug store between the monitor strips, and OPK's.
I'm just bummed b/c this was the first month they were going to check my follicles b4 O. I hope they can squeeze me in if I just show up in the morning. They are in the office, but they don't take calls, you have to get put on the Sat. list on Fri. well hell I didn't know I needed to be. I guess this will show if he is gonna be a good doc. or not. Any suggestions as to why my monitor didn't show a rise in my Est. levels? I've had months that don't show a peak, but I usually always have a high fertility mark on the monitor for several days?
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178239 tn?1277405491
Yep, I have had many cycles where I don't get a peak on my monitor. Even though it says fmu only, I switched a few cycles to do it in the evening when I get home from work and there it was, peak.  I don't subscribe to the whole "only fmu or only pm urine", Lh can happen any time of day and last 24-48 hrs or as little as 8 or 10hrs. It's a fickle thing that darn Lh surge. And just when you think you figure yours out, it will change on you! lol

Freakish as it is, this cycle I got peak on the CBEFM, pos smiley and pos Answer brand all on the same day. Temps didn't spike so I was still testing, it skipped one day then smiley again, and high on CBEFM!!! I posted pics in my photos. I did o on the 2nd round.

I use the cheap answer brand opks until I get what looks pos, then I bust out a smiley to cross check. They are too $$$ for 2x a day.
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