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330481 tn?1309488243

CD 14 - come on O! Anyone with me?

Hey guys! Just an update. First cycle after m/c at 6 weeks. Finally getting ready to O! YAY!!!!!! Now just waiting for the actual POP! I am so excited. But we did go natural this month so my hopes are definately not too high. I will just be happy if I O since I have PCOS. I have O all three times I went natural for a month AFTER being on meds the previous month. Kinda like my body gets kicked in to gear for a bit.... Wonder if that will keep up - hmmmm. Now I am just rambling. Just wanted to update everyone and see if I have any cycle buddies out there :) HUGS to all and SSBD too!!!
46 Responses
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330481 tn?1309488243
Good luck sweetie! Keep us updated!
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413852 tn?1317308712
Not sure what has been going on, but wanted to log on to say unfortunately, af came to visit like somebody invited her. ;o) I'm preparing for my FET for 24 Jun, so I'll be  checking periodically on the site to try to keep up with what is going on. Baby dust to all my ladies. Chit-chat soon.

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330481 tn?1309488243
Update: May have O'ed but I am skeptical about it because I got burned all the hell last night in the tanning bed. YIKES! I look like a lobster, so I am thinking that it is just that my body is hot from the tanning bed...Oh well. We will see what the temp does tomorrow to confirm if I O'ed. If not, I have 10 days til i can call the RE and they can "jumpstart" me.
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330481 tn?1309488243
Temp looks hopeful today. Went down again to 96.77 which is where I usually am, temp wise, when I O. Had cramps yesterday so we will see. BDing tonight and praying for a temp increase tomorrow and a peak on my monitor! I have gone through 13 sticks already this month - that's almost $25 worth of monitor sticks! YIKES! Pray hard for me girls - I need it! COME ON O!!!!!!!
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478429 tn?1265244387
scienceteacher: You are freakin hilarious!!! I sat here laughing by myself... :) Your sense of humor is great!!!

How are you doing otherwise, hope all is great on your end... :)

Hugs :)
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You have the right attitude. You need some comic relief cause this TTC can surley depress the heck out of you. I piped up the last time we were BDing and said "Oh shoot I forgot to pay the cable bill" Man was Dh pissed. I felt bad but I only wanted it to make sure I had those little spermies implanted. Man I can't wait to get pregnant again so I can have sex for fun and pleasure and not just to get knocked up.
I don't think this is my month either. I need meds and IUI I don't think I can conceive naturally so I guess May it will be.
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330481 tn?1309488243
Oh god yeah - you should see the teachers that are all serious - they don't last long and their kids don't learn much!
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Your stories definitely crack everyone up!  Good you have a sense of humor about all this...guess you need one to be a teacher.
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330481 tn?1309488243
Well, we can just be cycle buddies then since this month looks like a bust for me and you! Man, this sucks. I will just be excited to O at this point. Kinda sick of BDing. I swear we don't have regular sex after I O because we are so sick of it. I actually had a freaking laughing fit last night in the process of Bding. I could NOT stop laughing - he threatened to get up and leave if I didn't stop. It all started because I said he doesn't make out with me anymore - especially when we baby dance. He just puts his head to the side and goes to town! HAHA! So, after I told him I needed a little more, he starts going to town and then kisses me (I SWEAR!) twice on the top of my chest - puts his head down and keeps going! I lost IT!!! I just busted out laughing and I had tears streaming down my face from laughing so hard at his "attempt" to seduce me! I am sitting here giggling at it right now! I had to think of bad things just to keep from laughing all the way through it!!! It was freaking hilarious!!! If I would have had a video camera - I would have taped it!!! :) Theres something for us all to think about and laugh at !! :) Hope I can be of service if anyone needs a laugh!!
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330481 tn?1309488243
I mant CD 29 and then O! oops!
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Gee, I'm sorry its such a pain.  Maybe this cycle may not be it, but maybe inducing your period will help you get back on track.

I did get the DH to BD at least once around O, but am doubtful that will do the trick.  So guess I'm officially in the TWW, but expect AF in about a week.  So maybe next cycle for me too.
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330481 tn?1309488243
Really don't think I did O early. I chart my temp so it is pretty easy to see when I O. I did call the RE and told them about not Oing yet. Nurse called me back and said if I do not O by CD30 she can induce my period. So, at the most I only have to wait 12 more days.... We will see. I keep looking at my chart every morning and it alwasy seems to be getting sooooooooo close to Oing, but then it seems to KONK out and not O...Must be my PCOS kicking in. Blah! I will let you know when/if I O. I will probably shout it from teh rooftops. Knowing my body - just to be a butt, it will wait til CD 9 and then O - make me wait even longer! Poo!
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Could you have O'd early?  One month, I used OPK cd 14-20, but nothing. I wanted to save my testers and almost never saw surge before cd14.  But then my period came EARLY so must have O'd earlier (cd 12 or 13).

Hang in there, you may still ovulate if you have longer periods.  Mine are usually average 27 days, but I often don't detect LH surge until day 16.
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330481 tn?1309488243
Everything sounds sooooo good! Great news!! Come on BFP!! I am so excited for you.

We still haven't BDed today but oh well :) Guess we will get to it when we have some time. It would be easier if my daughter wasn't so nosy and had to be underfoot all the time! :) Even locking the door never works, she will just bang on it :) Hee hee - just like her momma! Anyway, I will let you know if there is any changes. I really hope this is it for you! I am getting excited for you already!!! HUGS!
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478429 tn?1265244387
Had my follow up u/s this a.m. to confirm I O'd. Uterine lining was 11 today, and I start my Progesterone supp. tonight.  RE said on paper I should be pregnant... So COME ON BFP!!
Cramping has gone WAY down, and now i'm just a little tender.

scienceteacher: YOU CAN'T GIVE UP ON BD'ing!!! I really hope you O soon, but I know what it's like with PCOS.... you can't trust that you'll O naturally... Stupid PCOS :(
Keep us updated! Good luck :)

Hugs :)
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330481 tn?1309488243
Still high on monitor - no peak. Dang! Temp dropped again. Don't know what is going on, probably won't O this month or or will be late and we will have given up by the time it happens... Kina mad right now. UGH! Oh well. Will try to BD today but we have a busy day ahead of us. HUGS to all!!! Let me know how you guys are doing!
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330481 tn?1309488243
some cramping, but it is always going on - cramping every day or every other day since I got my period. I will just watch my temps and keep BDing...
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478429 tn?1265244387
Are you having any O symptoms at all?
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330481 tn?1309488243
I dunno.  really can't take off any more time from work. It is review week anyway and my kids need all the review they can get!! If I haven't O'ed by Monday I will call my RE and see what she thinks. With not using the drugs, the egg is probably not mature and that is why it isn't popping out. UGH! I will just keeping waiting and BDing...see what happens!!
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478429 tn?1265244387
Is there any way to get a hold of your RE and maybe schedule an u/s and maybe a trigger?
I hope you O soon.... :)
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330481 tn?1309488243
Wanna scream right now. Gave in to DH last night, BDed and just knew when I woke up my monitro would say peak and I would see my temp changing. Uh, nooooooooooooo. DANG IT!! I know the m/c messed me up and all but I did O last month about 2 weeks after the D and C. It was a very low O with LOWWWWWWWWW temps but I O'ed. Anyway, My temps are just kinda sitting there. With having PCOS and never having had a m/c before this past one, I don't even know if I will O on my own and I am getting frustrated. And those pee sticks for my monitor are NOT cheap! I have gone through 10 already...D A M N!!!!! Now I don't know what to think. Will I O? Will I have to have my period induced in a few weeks? DANG DANG DANG!! AHHHHHHHHHH... Knew I should have taken to fertility drugs this month. Just didn't want to waste 600 bucks with this being the first cycle after the m/c, thought there was no way it work - so we decided to try naturally. Ever since I started on all the drugs, I have Oed when I took a natural month here or there. Not a great high temp O, but an O none the less. So, I am just sitting here and waiting. I am sure DH was thrilled when I told him "still no peak reading and my temp is still down". Oh well, I will try to either BD again or smother him in his sleep. Which one depends on how he acts when I tell him we have to BD later------> C R A P! The latest I have Oed on the meds and natural cycles in between was CD 16, well 15 I guess cuz my temp went up on the morning CD 16. So, I am late compared to normal, I don't want this cycle to drag out because that is that much longer I have to wait to start the meds... Wanna crawl back in bed and die! Check out my chart and see if you see anything...


Thanks ladies - SSBD!

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478429 tn?1265244387
Had my another IUI today, so I'm officially in the TWW! I took another O test this a.m and it was still +, and I still HURT!!! Tylenol extra strength has been a good companion...lol :) I was told to BD tomorrow morning (if at all freaking possible) and then I go in for an u/s tomorrow inthe a.m. and talk with the RE.  My beta is May 16  - the day DH comes home from Quantico! We both leave May 11 but i am going to Miami for a few days for some studying at the university. So at least I'll be a little busy to keep my mind off the TWW!!
Thanks for all the luck, I need all the + thoughts and prayers I can get!!! :)

Good Luck - Hugs to all :)

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413852 tn?1317308712
Excuse all the type o's & incorrectly spelled words...fingers moving quicker then brain. ;o) No...I did not spell check or review...ya'll know it's bding time. ;o)

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413852 tn?1317308712
BAck Ladies...I ordered it on line...it was free, but you can donate @ a later date if you choose. They didn't ask for anything, I just put that last part in just in case you're interesteed. Alright...Here comes an airplane full of babydust & love our way. ;o) on the site...I went to products and then preg-wheel.

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