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299260 tn?1304216105

Calling All Women of Strength!!!

A Strong Woman VS. A Woman Of Strength

A strong woman works out every day to keep her body in shape…
But a woman of strength builds relationships to keep her soul in shape.

A strong woman isn't afraid of anything…
But a woman of strength shows courage in the midst of fear.

A strong woman won't let anyone get the better of her…
But a woman of strength gives the best of herself to everyone.

A strong woman makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future…
A woman of strength realizes life's mistakes can also be unexpected blessings and capitalizes on them.

A strong woman wears a look of confidence on her face…
But a woman of strength wears grace.

A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey…
But a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong.
Michelleinhawaii is CANCER FREE!!! Congrats & best wishes =)
Arlotheslug: We're praying that you're home, loving your little girl!!! Update soon =)

Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Vortex: On 4/20/2009, Sahana was born! (Check out her pics!!!)
Joyce: 5/28/09 Daniel Joseph was born, 8lbs, 8oz and 19 3/4 inches long.
Jessie: 6/11/09 Zachary Kaden arrived at 5:43am. 7 lbs, 12 oz and 20.5 inches long
Armyprincess: 7/24/09, Jeremy Michael was born 9lbs, 3 ozs & 20 inches
Stacey: 8/12/09, Jake Harrison was born a healthy 6lbs! Check out his handsome pics!
Kaylee_Frye: Hayden Elizabeth was born 9/12/09; 6lb 12 oz and 19.5 inches!

Luvkayln: BFP!!! 36 weeks! 8 days til Adalynn Noel's B-Day!!! =) Appt Tues
Dnikkki: BFP!!! - 28 weeks with Peyton!!! 2nd Anatomy Scan Tuesday & Glucose test Thursday
Looloo: BFP!!! 28 Weeks!
Mommyin10: BFP!!! 22 Weeks with our twins! (2nd Anatomy Scan 12/9, u/s & glucose test 12/16)
sbumblebeeo: BFP!!! 22 Weeks with Shelby Rachel!!! (appt 12/7)
kmcarino: BFP!!! 11 weeks (cvs results in 1 1/2 weeks)
ad_06: BFP!!! u/s Thursday!!!

Rachjas: Started Lupron & Estrace (Friday!) Egg retrieval 12/9!

Guesito: will schedule HSG soon
mrspace:  Will ttc in the New Year!

Waiting for an update:

pyar: CD7
Keyan: CD11 (started opk's Today!)
scripps: CD25
Lina: CD27
Jmh2005: CD29
Candie: CD39
Luvkayln:  Yes, that's exactly what I was thinking! :) Now I'm wrapping my head around the thought that they could come sooner than I thought! Yes, I'll ask the doc on 12/9. Thanks for the photo comments :) I can wait for your next appt. It'll be so exciting to find out how ready she is :)
68 Responses
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465737 tn?1315754922
kmcarino- That is fantastic news!
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655897 tn?1328018445
I just found out a little bit ago that my baby is healthy!  It does not have my disorder!  It is a baby boy.  I am so happy and excited!!
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lukaylyn,mommyin10 thank you for your words of support.Its great having you guys to confide in knowing you've been there and done that assures me its great advice and to be taken notice of cos i know guys know exactly where i'm coming from once again thank you for the great support x
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299260 tn?1304216105
Michelleinhawaii is CANCER FREE!!! Congrats & best wishes =)
Arlotheslug: We're praying that you're home, loving your little girl!!! Update soon =)

Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Vortex: On 4/20/2009, Sahana was born! (Check out her pics!!!)
Joyce: 5/28/09 Daniel Joseph was born, 8lbs, 8oz and 19 3/4 inches long.
Jessie: 6/11/09 Zachary Kaden arrived at 5:43am. 7 lbs, 12 oz and 20.5 inches long
Armyprincess: 7/24/09, Jeremy Michael was born 9lbs, 3 ozs & 20 inches
Stacey: 8/12/09, Jake Harrison was born a healthy 6lbs! Check out his handsome pics!
Kaylee_Frye: Hayden Elizabeth was born 9/12/09; 6lb 12 oz and 19.5 inches!

Luvkayln: BFP!!! 37 weeks! Checking in to the hospital on Sunday! Adalynn Noel's B-Day is just around the corner =) HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LUVKAYLN!
Dnikkki: BFP!!! - 29 weeks with Peyton!!! Next u/s & scan results 12/16
Looloo: BFP!!! 28 Weeks!
Mommyin10: BFP!!! 23 Weeks with our twins! (2nd Anatomy Scan 12/9, u/s & glucose
test 12/16)
sbumblebeeo: BFP!!! 22 Weeks with Shelby Rachel!!! (appt Monday!)
kmcarino: BFP!!! 12 weeks (cvs results soon!)
ad_06: BFP!!! 2nd u/s 12/10!

Rachjas: Started Lupron & Estrace (lining check TODAY!) Egg retrieval 12/9!
mrspace:  Will ttc in the New Year!

Waiting for an update:

jmh2005:  CD3
pyar: CD12
Keyan: CD17 (started opk's!)    

Luvkayln:  Happy Birthday to you!!! =)  That's great Sean is off & it sounds like you have lots of fun things planned for today!  I have a gift cert for a pregnancy massage, too.  I've been holding off, but thinking about it a lot more lately! :)  Hopefully it will kick things into action :)  Today I'm working half day.  dh and I will meet with the sales lady at the place we're planning our baby shower/party.  It's a concert venue that we like & the shower/party will be in their VIP room.  We've decided to invite all family & friends and I think it'll be a lot of fun :)  After that, our plan is to go to Babies R Us and get registered & I'll get our invitations ordered tonight.  I already know exactly what I'll get.  I just want to double check on the date, etc. before I order them 'cause everything is pre-printed on them.  dh is planning to start on the moulding for the babies' room,which I'm really excited about.  I know it'll make a huge difference!  He's also planning to fly up north to see his dad, but that might be next weekend.  He's still figuring it out.  Plus, if he's still up there over Christmas, we'll probably be heading back up (he or we, I'm not sure!)  Yes, I agree that Jaclyn Elizabeth just fits!  It's meaningful & pretty & not in the top 4! haha =)

dnikki:  Hopefully you get tomorrow off.  That would be great =)  I'm so glad to hear you're cutting back at work.  When I think of how I feel at the end of the day & all I do really is sit all day, I wonder how you do it! :)  So, your carpeting will be done probably today & then will you be ready to move ds into his new room?  I'm sure he's excited! =)  dh will start on the moulding this weekend & I just can't wait to see the difference!  I'm feeling my little boy move so much now!  It's awesome.  I feel her move little by little, but I do feel her :)  I know she'll be more noticeable in a few more days :)  What did you decide on Peyton's middle name, Teresa?

pyar:  I agree with luvkayln.  I think you should try to rekindle the spark :)  Think of something you two can do together, like a favorite restaurant, a movie or something where you can surprise him with plans & just spend some time together, not talking about ttc, but talking about each other :)  Try not to stress too much, though I know that's not easy.  TTC can take over every emotion at times & I think we need to just step back & remember why we want a baby with this wonderful person ;-)  Hang in there & have a great weekend!

Ladies, give me your feedback on my baby girl's name, Jaclyn Elizabeth.  Jaclyn would be after dhs' grandma & Elizabeth, after my mom.  I'd love to hear what you all think =)
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449498 tn?1338772039
Jmh2005- Yayyy!! I'm so happy you're not leaving us and congrats on trying again in Jan, and naturally until then! I agree with dnikki, sometimes it's a huge help to just take a break from the  medical part of ttc. But it always feels reassuring to have a plan, and I know your BFP is on it's way! :) It will be a great new year for us all!!! ;)

Dnikki- That's awesome your doctor is really listening to you and is restricting your work! And yayy for getting to go every 2 weeks now! That'll make you feel more taken care of, I know it did me! :) My birthday is today, and actually Sean doesn't have to work today so it looks like our weekend together is starting early! :) I'm going to call and make my prenatal massage appt today! Hopefully that will  help with my labor?? Take it easy at work! :)

Mommyin10- I knew you like Jaclyn Elizabeth for your girl name. I think it's pretty and very meaningful! :) Let us know what dh thinks! ;) My friend had her baby girl last night, so Sean and I will go see her today. And Sean's cousin just had their baby girl about a month ago now, so it looks like it's the season for having girls! ;) I think it's cool we'll have so many little girls around the same age! What are your plans for the weekend? Working on the babies' room more? ;)

Ad_06- I'm glad your appt went so well and you got to see the sac! That's all we saw at our 5w, 5d appointment too! :) I'm not sure why they're saying you're measuring a week behind of what you thought, but I'm sure everything is just fine! :) Dnikki sounds completely right about a late implantation being the possibility! :) Thursday is just 6 days away and will be here before you know it! :) Have a nice relaxing weekend! :)

Pyar- Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry about you and dh but you know what, Sean and I were ther a million times while ttc! It just gets to you so bad emotionally and it really does wear on our hubby's too, they just have a differnent way of showing it. Things will get better. Maybe go out this weekend just the 2 of you and spend some time together and not talk about ttc at all. I totally remember having to do that. It's so hard sometimes to remember what your relationship was like before ttc  when all you want to think about now is baby, baby, baby... You know what I mean? I'm sorry you're having issues getting all your results together to move forward too! That's annoying but it sounds like things are progressing there! Hang in there sweetie! :)

Keyan- Thanks for the note! :) You're so sweet, and I can't wait to update all you wonderful ladies once our little Addy is born! :) I'm thinking we won't be home until Wednesday, and then we'll have her first dr appointment 2-3 days after leaving the hospital to check her for jaundice, her weight, etc. I need to check your chart today! ;)

Leighanne- Haha, that's too cute about the baseboards! That totally sounds like me! lol ;) I didn't end up getting her room dusted and vaccumed yesterday, so I'll get it done today. I found so many other things that just HAD to be done, lol! ;) It's amazing what we go through to prepare, huh?! ;)
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478429 tn?1265244387
Luvkayln: I will be stocking up on everything when I take leave lol! I just had to have help at the store b/c I bought 2 big bags of dogfood also and a bookshelf lol :-) When is your birthday? Little Addy will be here in no time now!!!!

Mommyin10: I'm glad they are monitoring him very well. He'll come around shortly :-) I called my asst. boss last night - I waited until I new my other 2 boss's weren't there lol. I can't stand trying to talk to them. Anyways, he was really understanding about it and switched them immediately. He might even just go ahead and give me tomorrow off which would be great (I work 10-12 today)! Yes, let's hope this ligament does not break! That would be aweful! The carpet is almost done, the one guy had to leave early, apparently his daughter got sick at school and he had to go pick her up and had no one to watch her. So they'll finish today. But the office room and DS's room are done! I think he'll officially be moved up there Sunday. I wanted him to start out taking a nap up there first before we just move him. Hope all is well!

jmh: We would miss you too! Good luck with the OPK's :-)

Ad: Don't worry! You probably implanted a little later than you thought which is comletely normal. And if you implanted late, then obviously things would measure off. But it's not even that much of a difference. I'm sure you'll see your little bean all snug and tight next Thursday!!

Working 10-12 today - YAY for work restriction lol!!! I'll check in later once I get home from work :-) Have a great day everyone!!

Hugs, Love and SSBD to all :-)
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