299260 tn?1304216105

Calling All Women of Strength!!!

A Strong Woman VS. A Woman Of Strength

A strong woman works out every day to keep her body in shape…
But a woman of strength builds relationships to keep her soul in shape.

A strong woman isn't afraid of anything…
But a woman of strength shows courage in the midst of fear.

A strong woman won't let anyone get the better of her…
But a woman of strength gives the best of herself to everyone.

A strong woman makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future…
A woman of strength realizes life's mistakes can also be unexpected blessings and capitalizes on them.

A strong woman wears a look of confidence on her face…
But a woman of strength wears grace.

A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey…
But a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong.

Author Unknown.

Michelle: You have our continuing support & prayers!!!

Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Check out his pics!!!

Vortex: 4/20/2009 Had her baby girl Sahana!!! Congrats! :) Posting pics soon!

Joyce: BFP - 37 weeks!!! It's a boy!!! =)
Jessie: BFP - 31 weeks!  
ArmyPrincess - 30 weeks
Stacey: BFP!!! 24 weeks! (appt 5/25)
Kaylee_Frye: BFP- 19 weeks & It's a girl!!! =)
Luvkayln:  BFP!!! 8 weeks!!! (u/s 5/26!)

Arlotheslug:  Adoption in June!
Keyan:  lap 6/3
DreamingofaSon:  TR in December
ad_06:  Moving forward ;)
Mommyin10:  Moving forward with IVF!
Naf:  Consultation 5/26!

Guesito:  Started Estrace, progesterone tomorrow, FET 5/22!

pyar:  Awaiting AF...

Mareski:  CD4 (consultation tomorrow)
dnikki:  CD4
Candie: CD9
jmh2005:  CD14
Mrspace:  CD17
Lina:  CD29

Rachjas: 9dpo!
Hannah:  10dpo! (+opk!?)

Okay, so now I'm completely excited to move forward with IVF.  I spoke to my RE's office today & here's the plan.  I'll go in on CD3 for bloodwork & I'll start my bcp's then.  We'll submit our application for the program which allows 3 fresh/3frozen transfers that day & will know if we're accepted within a couple of days.  There's a chance they won't accept me because of my small uterus, thinking it's more of a gamble for them, but my RE has written a letter also explaining why I'm a good candidate ;)  If I'm not accepted, then we still move forward, but we'd just be paying for each IVF cycle, rather than the plan that combines 6 transfers. The only reason we wouldn't move forward with IVF this next cycle is if my blood test results aren't good, meaning my egg reserve is too low.  So, at this point, it looks like we're moving forward & although I still haven't gotten a +opk yet, we're not going to try this cycle.  I still worry about my thin lining & possibly having another m/c because of it, so we'll just wait til CD3 and move forward ;)  I'm excited!

Luvkayln:  I hope you had a great time at the wedding!  I'm sure you did ;)  Yes, I'm glad dh went with me, too, because even when I left our appt, I wasn't sold on IVF.  I was more bummed out that "my plan" wasn't going forward!  Haha!  And also, taking in all the info we were given.  So, when we left our appt, it was good to hear dh's good reasoning & then digest all the info we were given & yes, this is our best option, so we're happy about it.  

Hannah:  I commented on the question you posted, but a +opk at 10dpo could be a BFP...  unless you're O'ing much later than you thought...  I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!!!  Update us asap & Happy Belated b-day.  I hope you had a great time! :)

dnikki:  How was your u/s yesterday?
113 Responses
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398038 tn?1247857003
mommyin10 - That's such good news that you won't have to worry about losing your job.  I think I'd take 1 day off without pay too!  :)  I'm glad your countdown to AF has begun!  Thanks for the good wishes.  You can add me to the list at 1dpo today!  I got a +OPK and had EWCM, so those are both good things for me!  If not, then I should get AF the day before we leave for vaca, so I'm happy with that.  It's the pain at the beginning that's worst for me, so I just hope I can get that out of the way.

luvkayln - You are more than welcome for the message.  I still need to respond, I just haven't had much time this week!  Congrats on being 9 weeks today!  So exciting.  :)

Keyan - Hope your week hasn't been too busy and you've been able to figure out some of the things you need to get ready for your surgery.  It's almost Friday!  :)

Arlotheslug - I am so sorry for what you are going through and I pray that God will provide you with much strength and healing.  ((hugs))

Stacey - OK, those new belly pics are absolutely adorable!  Thanks for sharing those with us.  Little Jake is certainly growing to be a big boy!  :)  Thanks for your BFP wishes!  Oh, how I would love to have a reason to celebrate on the cruise.  I'm not stressing about it at all this time.  Tomorrow is our big 5 year anniversary, so we have a lot to be happy about this month.    

mrspace - Wow, that was great that the doctor got you in so quickly!  I'm so sorry you're feeling so terrible, so hopefully he'll provide you with a lot of good advice and be able to help get you back on track.  Good luck!  :)

pyar - So sorry things are so uncertain for you, but hopefully you'll get in with the new clinic and get some answers soon.

Guesito - Good luck with your transfer tomorrow!  You will be in our prayers.  I hope it all goes smoothly.  

rachjas - That's great you get a discount on some of your meds.  Every little bit helps!  How exciting that your transfer is only about a month away.  Keep us posted on your progress.  :)  

hannah - We'll all hope that you do get the join the BFP list this cycle!  If not, it's at least good news that your adoption plans are in the works.  Good luck to you.

dnikki - So sorry about your pain, I hope you feel better.  Enjoy your massage today!
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574521 tn?1313495146
Mommying- Thanks for all your wonderful words and support you are a beautiful human being.

Nerves are kicking in but Im we are happy and very calm... TOMORROW we get to meet our little frosties again, Hopefully we can keep them warm for 9 months!!!
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473246 tn?1293833673
Hi Ladies - I posted some new belly pics!

I'll be checking in later to get updated!  Gotta run....
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688022 tn?1275944889
Good morning everyone!  

I am leaving for my appointment in about half an hour.  I am a little nervous, but I'm excited too.  Af is in lovely form today.  Terrible back pain.  Almost the worst yet.  It seems that each day it gets worse.  Each cycle it gets worse.  Blah!  My grandma had severe endo and she said that it sounds like what she had.  So hopefully this dr will agree to do a Lap soon.  We'll see though.  
The last time this happened, my dr wanted to put me on birth control.  And she did...for 6 months, and AF still never stopped.  I know that it's probably a good way to stop AF but I'm worried that this new guy will do that. I know I've only had AF for 3 weeks, but it scares me to go on bc again.  After the hell I went through last time, I want a different answer.  If that makes sense.  But I need to just relax.  If he says to do it, I will. But I won't cave like I did last time. If it doesn't stop in another 2 weeks, I want different answers.  I'm going to put my foot down this time.  

Anywho.... I just wanted to say that you all are AMAZING women who inspire me each and every day.  I am honored to call you all friends and know that I love you all very much!  

Just felt I needed to say that!  I'll update again after my appointment.
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299260 tn?1304216105
Michelle: You have our continuing support & prayers!!!

Arlotheslug:  We are all hoping & praying for you & dh!!!

Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Check out his pics!!!

Vortex: 4/20/2009 Had her baby girl Sahana!!! Congrats! :) Posting pics soon!

Joyce: BFP - 37 weeks & It's a boy!!! =) C-section 5/28!
Jessie: BFP - 32 weeks!  (appt 5/26)
ArmyPrincess - 31 weeks!
Stacey: BFP!!! 24 weeks! (u/s 5/25)
Kaylee_Frye: BFP- 20 weeks & It's a girl!!! =)
Luvkayln:  BFP!!! 9 weeks!!! (u/s 5/26!)

Keyan:  lap 6/3
DreamingofaSon:  TR in December
ad_06:  Moving forward ;)
Mommyin10:  Moving forward with IVF! (3dpo!)
Naf:  Consultation 5/26!

Guesito:  FET TOMORROW!!!

pyar:  Awaiting AF...

Rachjas:  CD4 (come on, cd21!)
Lina:  CD7
Mareski:  CD8
dnikki:  CD8
Candie: CD13
jmh2005:  CD18
Mrspace:  CD21 (appt today)

Hannah:  14dpo! (adoption appt 5/27)
Good morning!  I've been so busy at work, I need to check in more often.  It seems like there's so much going on during that day & I'm missing the updates! :)  My salary is paid by the state budget, which is in poor shape & we just found out the courthouses will be closed one day/month to save $$.  So, we'll all have a day off without pay, which I actually think is great!  I'll have a day off & we'll keep our jobs ;)  Anyway, Keyan also pointed out to me a new HPT from Clearblue digital.  It's a pregnancy test that actually tells you "if' you're pregnant & if so, how many weeks you are!  Can you believe it?! A while back, she was talking about how that would be such a great idea & then there is actually such a thing =)

dnikki:  How's the job hunt going?  Did you get your massage?! ;)

Luvkayln: Happy 9 weeks!!! =)  No, I haven't gotten the bcps yet.  I'll get them when I go in on cd3.  I know, it's funny that I'm excited to be 3dpo, but for a totally different reason! Haha =)  It feels kind of backward after all this time, but I'm glad there is a goal to look forward to ;)  So, when will you find out the sex?  That will be an exciting appt!  Do you have time off this weekend?  I'm happy that dh & I both have a 3-day weekend! =)  Yay!

mrspace:  I'm glad you found a new doc who will take better care of you & figure out what the heck is going on! ;)  I'm sure it's a huge relief.  Good luck with your appt today.  Let's hope he's just covering all bases & the idea of cancer is ruled out.

Hannah:  That's great you're moving forward & can envision a plan for the year ahead.  Hopefully you do get your bfp in the meantime! =)  Baby dust!

rachjas:  How exciting that you've got your schedule in place & that you're getting a big discount on the fertility meds =)  I'm hoping that I'll follow closely behind you.  I'm 3dpo, so the countdown has begun!!!  I hope the bcps treat you well & you don't get dizzy.  I was curious what type they use.  I guess just the same for each patient?

Arlotheslug:  I honestly can't even imagine the heartache ;( You're right, it does seem like a cruel joke & is so totally unfair! I know you were guarded during the whole process, but you still can't help but plan & dream & I'm just so sorry you have to go through this again ;(  Please keep in touch with us.  We care about you & want the best for you! Take care & no apologies necessary...

Guesito:  I can't believe tomorrow's the day! =)  I'm sure dh is trying to stay positive for you, but I bet it is difficult to stay calm ;)  We'll all be thinking of you & hoping, praying for the best!!!

Pyar:  Hopefully you get that appt soon!  How are you feeling otherwise?

Joyce:  Wow, I didn't realize he was abusive to your daughter ;(  That's unforgiveable & I'm sure she's comforted knowing he's not around anymore.  Just a week to go!  It's hard to believe =)

Stacey:  Did you watch American Idol!?  I can't believe we haven't been talking about it this whole season!  LOL =)

Candie:  How are you?  Are you testing with opks?
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Hi everybody sorry I havent been posting lately I just didn't want to bore you all with my still waiting for af well its cd63 can you believe it i'm just waiting for my appt to dome through with the new clinic.Sorry i havent time to check in with you all i will log on again later when i have a bit more time for now happy thursday
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