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687615 tn?1267226275

Can straining because of constipation risk embryos falling out after transfer?

I had embryo transfer on Monday morning (day 2) and was severley constipated that evening. As a result I strained during bowel movements. Now I'm scared I may have accidentally pushed out the two embryos! Is this possible or are they secure once in the womb? I know they can't fall out through sneezing etc. but can severe pushing actually push them out?  
Once they are in the womb do they embed in the lining (embed, not implant)...can they move about?
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Thank you cause I'm going nuts with constipation and was SO SCAREDTO POOP LOL but was miserable finally eased up when I read your comments just transferred yesterday so Plz pray for me thank u
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Im on day 5 of my embro transfer and was scared as well but what i did i went to and didnt str and let it slide out because i was scared as well but i still afraid because i want to make sure my embros didnt fall out as well
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I had ER 5days ago& had OHSS and i have bin constipated since then!!!my ET is tomorrow hope the constipation will not affect implantation???have tried veggies ,fruits,water but stil no poo its ‎​§ø  uncomfortable
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Best remedy is a high fibre and loads of water.  Eat lots of prunes, dried or fresh.
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Can it affect it?
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Can constipation affect you're chances of trying yo get pregnant?
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687615 tn?1267226275
As I had a day 2 transfer, I doubt the straining would have affected implantation. Yesterday however, I was feeling cramps (similar to period pains but sharper, then dull pain for half a day)...this would have been 5 days after ET. I hope it was implantation and not AF! Is it possible 2 have implantation pain without any spotting? Today, I feel normal again, no pain whatsoever, but no sickness either....and the constipation problem has got a lot better, since I have been drinking lots and eating bran.
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562884 tn?1279632334
It will cause your uterine muscle to tighten and can impede implantaion..Which of course is bad, I was just stating that they can't fall out. Thats why you are put on rest for a few days after transfer, but if you were starting to m/c there was nothing that could be done anyway, straining or not :( I hope all works out for everyone! ***SSBD***
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687615 tn?1267226275
Yes, I have heard that is a myth. There's some really useful info on Dr Malpani's website - do google it and check it out.
I'd say it is wise to take it easy for a couple of days after ET. I exercise al ot, but since ET I have stopped running and doind crunches. Instead I walk. However, if nature calls and you are constipated, then slowly straining is inevitable.
I phoned my clinic yesterday and they said although straining isn't ideal, the embryo's won't fall out. THANK GOD! They suggested taking lactulose, but I think I'll just stick to plenty of fluids and a high fibre diet. I wonder how straining can affect implantation though? If it isn't ideal, then does that mean it does have some risk, no matter how small?
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685595 tn?1262279076
I wanted to chime in because my RE surprised me when I started to m/c-- he told me not to strain when going to the bathroom and not to lift anything... I thought that was myth & wished someone had mentioned it sooner since I had been doing just that when the m/c cramps started.  You're not going to squeeze out the embryo but there must be something about over using those muscles...

Aside from drinking lots of water (~15 glasses a day) I found blackstrap molasses helped too.
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687615 tn?1267226275
Thanks ladies - I'll be going to the supermarket and stocking up on these fruit juices. Anything that won't be harmful is worth a try!
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270512 tn?1333177636
I too had the same issue with all of my ivf's (constipation from ivf meds and prenatals ).... I was told by a friend to take all my vitamins and pills with a glass of o.j. - it seemed to help.
Also, I eat real oatmeal in the morning with some frozen blueberries thrown in... .
I also try to eat a thing of yogurt a day, mixed with a little granola and raisins....
not sure which of these was 'the cure' but the combo seams to work great!!!
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455058 tn?1310567651
I had a hard time pooing too. My mom is an RN and suggested warm prune juice. They call it a warm brown cow and use it for constipated patients at the hospital . It worked for me and my OB said it was ok and better than over the counter remedies. It doesn't taste too good but it does the trick.


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594189 tn?1386916607
i don't know about you girls but if I drink apple juice i will lose my constipation. You might want to try that. I drink about 16 oz of apple juice.

I also use the apple juice when my son is constipated seems to work for him too.
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687615 tn?1267226275
Hey it's reassuring to hear I'm not alone. Although the clinic did warn me about constipation, i never thought it's be half as bad! I also had the golf bowl syndrome on Monday night! lol. I can laugh now, but it took me 20 painful mins and I was so scared for my two embies - praying they hadn't been pushed out. I had a day 2 transfer and know that implantation happens after 5, so where would the embies be resting in this time?? This is what scared me...but I think they rest in the folds of the womb lining, until they are able to implant at blasto stage.
I havent taken anything yet and am waiting to see how it goes. If it continues though, I may have to. I am drinking lots of fluids now and eating weetabix....Good luck and fingers crossed we both get BFPs!
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229439 tn?1245812437
I am in the same boat as you I also had ET on Monday morning and have been extremely bloated and constipated since, very uncomfortable. I was told to start using metamucil daily and gycerin suppositories. The metamucil wasn't working so I did use the suppository with a little success. TMI 3 hard sized golf balls came out and that was it. Also I've seen on here alot to drink lots of gatorade so I did that as well and it seemed to help as well. Good luck to you
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687615 tn?1267226275
Ah dilation! That skipped my mind altogether - think I need an idiot's guide to pregnancy :-)
Thanks for your advice and good luck!
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562884 tn?1279632334
Well, LOL when you are pushing baby out that cervix is dialated to 10! HEHE I understand your concearn though! Thank you, It was actually all natural, we had 6 failed IUI, we never did fertility meds though all natural IUI cycles, we were a month before IVF proceedings, during a monitoring month :) We were truly blessed. We had been TTC for 5 years so it was definately our time! AND we saved a fortune :) You can take miralax, and metamucil, and fiborcon I think, I did not take anything, all that stuff tends to hurt my belly and cause worse cramps than the constipation! Well you are probly taking pre-natals that will cause it everytime! With me now being in my 2nd tri-mester I decided to start taking flinstone chewables so they aren't so hard on me!
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687615 tn?1267226275
Congratulations on your pregnancy! Did you conceive naturally?
I have heard that they can't fall out but wasn't sure as I would have thought that the same kind of pushing, eventually pushes a baby out from the womb! Silly I know, but as I'm new to this, I just need peace of mind. I was told that lactulose is okay to take, but not ideal, so am in two minds about just bearing the problem or taking something for it, as I don't want any adverse effects on implantation. Did you take anything?
Thanks and all the best x
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562884 tn?1279632334
They can't fall out! Your cervix is closed up tight! :) I wouldn't say straining is the best thing for implantation, but they wont fall out. I am 16 weeks and have been severely constipated from day one, and all is still going well. Good luck keep us posted on the transfer! We love success stories! Good Luck ((HUGS))
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