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Hello Everyone... I just found out last week I am pregnant.. When they did my first Blood work it was 140 which confirmed I was.. Then I went in on that monday adn went to 540 I went in today for blood work and its 660, nurse had said to stop taking my prenatal vitamins and watch for Cramping or Bleedingm Ok so are you telling me I am having a M/S? She said to them HCG level should be doubled? Well she is going by the books and thinking it should be doubled. I am in-tune with my body so needless to say i was very upset and been crying  :crying:  how do you want me to take that? She had said that more than likely its not going to  be a healthy pregnancy :( I go in Sunday for more blood work and than they will see.. Anyone experience this.. Please let me know.. I am thinking Ok my levels arent dropping,,
61 Responses
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353148 tn?1293061164
I was told it takes 12 - 14 days for the HCG from the shot to leave your body, that's why they make you wait 14 days to test. So, I would say CONGRATS U R PG!!!!
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458090 tn?1256321162
Congrats Babybaw4.. awesome news!

Steph328.. It sounds like a real BFP to me!!!
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Hello everyone!

Good luck with all of you that are ttc. Maybe someone can give me a little ease since I am confused!

I had an HCG shot on 7/25/08.  14 days later on 8/7 I had an afternoon doctor's appointment for a blood test since my home pregnancy test was positive but it could be the HCG still in me.  I was just told my results from the blood test were 83.  Based on their calculation I should be 3 wks 5 days preg.  I am scheduled to retest on Monday to see if the levels went up or down.  My question is: At 14 days from the HCG shot could it give me a blood test level of 83 and result in a false positive? Thanks!!
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Thanks so much. That is all I have been doing is praying, my husband bought me a angel necklace last week and ever since then I  havent took it off. She said everything at this point looks good and yolk sac is there.. We will see what happens in 2weeks. I didnt think anything would even be growing in 2-days so I can imagine in 2-weeks. Thanks for the support means a bunch
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216278 tn?1308861082
That is wonderful news! I will continue to keep you in my prayers!  Happy and healthy nine months! :)
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Ok just got back from the doctor.. Good News, ultrasound confirmed there is now a Yolk Sac :) We were so pleased.. I go back in 2-weeks I can start taking my vitamins again, cant so anything  that stretches my stomach even sex :( but I will be fine.. She was concerned with a rough edges on the sac and cervix is closed and ovaries look fine.. Its not in my tubes and plain to see in my Uterus.. I am trying to stay positive and not get to hopes up but she said looks good now.. I appreceite your supprt means alot this forum helps so much who are just rookies...
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405370 tn?1332206110
Good luck tomorrow babybaw! I'm glad the two of you are going together.  I'll be praying for you tonight!
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216278 tn?1308861082
I am so sorry that this is happening to you!  I remember the frustration and anxiety when I went through it - it's not fair!

They are taking b/w every other day to see if your levels are doubling, rising or dropping!  That will be very indicative to them what is going on.  While it is true that low numbers have gone on to be healthy pregnancies, they still doubled.  That is the bigger indicator - not the actual number but that it is doubling!

They are doing a t/v us because it is still so early that an abdomenal one would only be grainy and wouldn't show anything.  They will be able to see the sac; inside the sac and if there is a fetal pole with the t/v us!  I think that they already saw that the sac was in your uterus, so a tubal pregnancy isn't their concern right now, I would guess.  They want to see if the baby is growing inside the sac.

I am keeping you in my prayers!  Good luck and God Bless...
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487597 tn?1217684988
Good luck tomorrow.  Thinking of you.

As hoping4_2 said, the transvag US will see if the pg is somewhere else besides the uterus.  That's how my ectopic was diagnosed.  Although they did see a type of mass outside my womb with the abdominal ultrasound.
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353148 tn?1293061164
The Transvaginal U/S will show if it is in your uterus, ovaries, or tubes. That's whay my Dr told me. That is probly what they are checking for every 2 days. They are probly looking to see if you have a lump in your tubes, but if you did you would feel it.
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I sure will. Me and my husband are going tomorrow, dont understand why they keep taking blood every 2-days I just dont understand why do a Transvagional U/S 2-days later, unsure if they will see something. How can I tell them to double check make sure its not in my tubes.. Would a Abdominal U/S work.. I am so baffled and cant even get happy as I dont know what to do.. I will keep you posted
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405370 tn?1332206110
good for you for waiting!  I agree with wannababe-get all your questions ready for next time.  Just in case it isn't viable, I had a natural m/c in Feb. and honestly, it didn't hurt at all. I was a little over 6 weeks.  It was just sad.  But my body regained composure and I ovulated and had periods regularly right after that.  
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487597 tn?1217684988

Babybaw4 - I'm so sorry you are going through all of this torment now.  I totally agree with everyone else.  Don't let them talk you into anything that you don't feel is right for you.  Get as much information together as you can and get your questions ready before your appointment on Thurs.  Good luck x
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Thanks I sure will. Doc had just called and within 2-days my hcg numbers are now 1076, I go again on thursday for another u/s and more blood work.. I will take it from there I am going to weight out my options.. I was on that website misdiagnosedmiscarriages.com and what a great sight r eally holds out hope. My ceris right now is closed nad until I experience any bleeding or cramping I will wait
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270696 tn?1243548020
I agree with everyone...it's too early for them to really see anything on an ultrasound.  It could still be a viable pregnancy.  There's no harm in waiting to see what happens.  And when you count you start at the first day of your last period...so the way I'm counting, that would be 5 weeks or so.  I think it's too early to tell you that you need a d&c or anything like that.  And every dr. you go to will tell you a different thing about doubling times....some say 24 hrs, some say 36 hrs.  Just, keep your faith!
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353148 tn?1293061164
Caution must be used in making too much of hCG numbers. A normal pregnancy may have low hCG levels and result in a perfectly healthy baby. The results from an ultrasound after 5 - 6 weeks gestation are much more accurate than using hCG numbers.

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216278 tn?1308861082
I am so sorry that this is happening to you!  If they saw a sac but nothing in it, it could be a blighted ovum -- which is what I had!  My numbers were very similar to yours - they went up, but didn't double!  Going up, unfortunately is not enough to indicate a healthy pregnancy. I would ask for another HCG to put your mind at ease, but if I recall your numbers were like 600 and only went up to 700 - that's just not enough -- they should have been at like 1200!  The sac will cause HCG in your system, but without a baby inside it, they won't go up enough!  My RE said that we could wait as long as we wanted to make a decision that we were comfortable with but that there was no baby in the sac to develop or even watch for development (no pole, nothing)....we decided to end the mental anguish and torture of further b/w.

I am so sorry that this happened to you!
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461781 tn?1285609481
Miscarriages are common, if you ask around on this forum unfortunately you will find many of us that have gone through it.  Transvaginal ultrasounds aren't able to see much before your hcg levels reach 2000 so they can't tell you anything yet, I think it is way too early.  At 5 weeks you can't see anything all they can do is hcg levels.  Also at 5 weeks they should NOT be offering you a D&C if you are over 10 weeks and your body doesn't miscarry on its own then go ahead but so early on is unnecessary, your body KNOWS what to do.  I had a natural m/c and it hurt A LOT but my body did everything that it needed to to cleanse out without damage to my uterus.  In a D&C they basically scrape your uterus to get rid of the endometrial growth, not nice and it can do a lot of damage.  Not to mention when you have a natural m/c your body regulates itself much faster and easier because it knows what's going on.  With a D&C not so much.

Anyway, I think its way too early to do anything but wait, keep taking your pre-natals.  Your body will tell you one way or another what's going on. AND Please get a second opinion, it might be worth it.
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405370 tn?1332206110
I agree with Hoping42! Don't let them tell you what to do!  Remember, doctors "practice" medicine so they don't always know in each and every case.
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Thanks I do plan on it and told my husband unless I am in pain I choose to wait. I know passing a miscarriage on your own naturally is healthier then physically taken it from me, I am torn and I know my body will tell me otherwise, my husband wants me to get a 2nd opinion, its a pain to go elsehwere and really stressful as it is.. I will let you know, she should be calling this afternoon with the  hcg results
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353148 tn?1293061164
PS: Don't let them Bully you into anything you are not comfortable with. If you feel like you want to wait, you wait as long as you want!!!
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353148 tn?1293061164
OK, I went through this in June. They never could find my baby, but my numbers were slowly going up. I would not let them trminate. I told them unless I was in pain or they could prove w/o a doubt it was ectopic I was going to wait it out. So, I did. I lost the baby, but at least I knew I didn't terminate a healthy pregnancy. If it is in your Uterus then it is not in your tubes. Why can't you take your vitamins? I would wait it out, unless you are in pain. Your body will tell you. DRs don't always know, I have read up on so many cases where the numbers did not double and they had healthy babies. I did alot of research on this when I was going through it. I even read on one case where they told the girl her baby wasn't growing like it should, and it eventualy jsut caught up to where it was suposed to be and she had a healthy baby. So, you do what you body and gut tells you. Only you realy know. The best of luck!!!!!!
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First off, I am really sorry you are going through this.  I can say, that they are right saying that you are about 5 weeks.  You count it based on the first day of your last period - even though you weren't technically pregnant than.  I think it is good that you are going in again on Thursday for another u/s, because maybe they will see more.  My suggestion, would be to go a week after today or a week after Thursday to get another u/s, because there could be more changes made by then (if any).  Also, if it isn't viable, you won't miscarry right away - it could take a couple weeks.  Some women (for example) have a baby die when they are 9 weeks but don't find out until their 12 week appointment - because the baby hasn't rid itself yet.  Your numbers could rise because your body still thinks you are pregnant - but I don't understand the whole pregnancy in your uterus thing.  I would ask them to explain why it isn't viable - you are the patient and you are the leader - they need to explain everything to you.  I would wait another week though and get another u/s, then make your decision as far as whether you want a D&C or not.  Some women need a D&C because their body won't rid the baby on their own.  I hope that it is a viable pregnancy and it is just too early to see everything (yolk sac, fetal pole, etc.).  Best wishes.
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Ok Thanks I just went on that website and registered and just waiting on a confirmation. Very interesting and so much to read. Your right I will wait and see what happens I dont want to lose hope but they dont give you enough re-assurance ya know.. Thanks so much I will keep you updated. They should call me shortly with the hcg levels and what it did within 2-days
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