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Who is having a transfer around Jan 15th?

I am and I'm going to need A LOT OF SUPPORT with this one. I'm using egg donor.
Please wish me luck!!!!
24 Responses
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Everything went well but the doctor put 2 eggs instead of the original planned "one egg" because they were not super great quality  (8BF and 5BF.... great quality-day three will be 8AG... I think the F means Fair but it is still good). So he didn't not want to take chances so he said to me: "prepare for twins" hahahhaha .

My pregnancy test is the 26th.
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1214816 tn?1326329272
Good luck on your transfer! baby dust! 2011 is our year!
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My transfer is TODAY, in almost two hours so I guess they will do a three day transfer :(  I wanted a 5 day one but I guess they know better....? who knows right! wish me luck
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That is so exciting! I'm happy for you : ). I'm sure it will work!
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Sounds Good Mariana.  I hope you get to save a few blasts from those 7.  Good Luck
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Out of 12 eggs retreived, 11 fertilized that day (1/11/11) and today 7 were still OK. Transfer may be tomorrow. They will call me in the morning to let me know.
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12 eggs is Great!! Do you get them all?  So exciting.......i am pulling for you.
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961574 tn?1520648103
Oh Mariana!  12 is wonderful!!! : )  I bet you are sooooo happy!  Fertilize babies!  Fertilize : )   This is fantastic news! : )
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They got 12 eggs this morning from the donor :)
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1214816 tn?1326329272
How exciting!!!!! Good luck and baby dust!!!!!
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961574 tn?1520648103
I cannot believe your donor's retrevial is tomorrow!  How exciting!  Make sure you let us know how many they get ok?  You have to be so ready for this! I am  going to miss your transfer, as I am leaving for CA on Thursday and won't be back until next Wednesday... probably won't have access to a computer... but I will be with you in spirit my friend!!! I  know this is going to work for you!!!!!!  
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1446228 tn?1330968686
How exciting!!!  We will definately be on 2ww together and I am so excited for us!!!  

I know...my first projesterone injection is tonight as well...I have been doing estrodil injections for a while, so I am used to them by now :)

Keep us posted on when your transfer is happening...I will be praying for a successful one for you!
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My donor's retreival is TOMORROW!!!! and my transfer either Friday or Sunday!!! I had my first progesterone shot today, that thing  hurts but i trust the injection much more than the Crinone for some reason.

Thanks for all the support
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So happy to hear you have insurance. That's awesome.  We also do but will still be paying about $22000-  We picked our donor but at the time she didn't have her psycholgocal done yet.  She is supposedly doing it this week.  I hope it works out because am pretty anxious to start.  We are told her antrol follie count is 35. Pretty awesome right??
My Dr's are pretty conservative also.  I am going to beg for 2 embryos but think they will only do one also.

Good Luck Mariana........cant wait to hear about that BFP.
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1446228 tn?1330968686
Yes, we have no choice but to trust the Doctors that we choose!  Where are you in your cycle?  Will we be on the 2WW together?  I hope so!!!  
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It is a fresh cycle :) and my doctor only transfer one because they have high success rate! OMG! One little one.... I'm nervous but I have to trust him. When i did my past IVf we transfer always more than 2. But this little egg should be much better "in the inside" right :)
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1446228 tn?1330968686
Hi there!

I am doing a transfer on the 14th!  Best of luck to you and many prayers!  

Are you doing a frozen transfer, or are the donor embies fresh?  If frozen, do you know how many you are transfering?

SO EXCITING!  Keep me posted!
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631676 tn?1333718203
It's going to work!!! Sending u good thoughts as u prepare for the big day :)
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Yes, the insurance pays for the retreival, transfer and meds :) and I paid for the donor (agency fee plus compensation) and the fee for the clinic but who knows if the clinic returns some of the money since the insurance is covering for things. So far, we have paid about $15,000.00 otherwise it would be about 25,000.00 or more
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961574 tn?1520648103
Hubby and I finally have insurance with some fertility coverage! What a blessing!!!  
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Good luck to you!
Do you mind my asking about the insurance situation? Do they pay for everything (meds, retrieval, transfer,etc) except the actual donor fee? Thanks!
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I don't know the 1;1 program. I worked with an agency and paid the donor. Her eggs are just for me. She did not charge much compare to other donors since it's her first time and the cycle will be covered by insurance. If you are interested in the total, even with insurance coverage, I will email you:)


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I am so supporting you also.  I am still working on getting to my next transfer but do hope I won't be too far behind.
Did you do the 1;1 program?  Best Wishes!!!!!!!!
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961574 tn?1520648103
You know you have my support my friend!!! : )    Jan 15th is right around the corner and I'll be with you every step of the way!!!!
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