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514585 tn?1328740013

If someone wanted to donate eggs, how would they do it?

Hello ladies... i was just curious.... and title kinda says it all... BUT if i or someone i know wanted to donate eggs for others that need donor eggs, how would they do it? go to a fertility clinic, OB/GYN or what?

i have had my share of issues in the past but have NEVER had a early m/c, only 2 midterm (16-20 week) losses... NOT due to egg health but due to the chromosomes from the father.  i have been pregnant 6 times w/soon to be 4 live births... and i would assume that my eggs are pretty good. i am however 35 and not sure if they will take donor eggs from someone my age.

anyhow just curious as to how i would help some anonomous person fulfill thier dream.  i am not the type to come back and say "that was my egg... i want the child" it really doesnt matter to me.. especially if it is helping someone who is desprite to have a child... although i could never be a surrogate due to the attachment that is created in the 9 months that you are carrying the child... but i would be willing to donate my eggs.

if anyone can tell me about this process it would be great.
15 Responses
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254689 tn?1251180040
Nicole, you need to get in contact w/an egg donating agency or a fertility clinic.  There's a tremendous amount that goes into approving you as an egg donor such as extensive physical & psychological testing, education, etc.  It's not as simple as it seems.  Women can't just contact you in other words to receive your donated eggs - there's a whole process to go through.  

Google egg donors or egg donor agency and read more about it.  
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hello i am a 21year old woman who is looking to donate my eggs.I am very pretty,smart,active,and extremely healthy.If you are interested and would like to know more feel free to contact me.Thank you Nicole
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514585 tn?1328740013
yeah mama i know what you mean.... i guess i just figured that if a woman got pg on her own at 34/35 then that would mean that her eggs were a decent quality and that they would harvest and test a batch before denying them... but i do understand that women DO have all of the eggs for thier entire lifetime produced and sitting in the ovaries from about 6 months gestation on.... so actually the eggs we have are just a tad older than we are at our birth ages.

oh well, even though i will be almost for sure denied... i guess i can ask my doc anyhow and see what he says.  i just want to help people, ya know? i wish i would have thought about it when i was a little younger... there would be sooo many more couples who were able to conceive with MY donor eggs if i would have. it just really blows. i mean i am NOT trying to brag but i have had 6 pregnancies since i was 17... and i was on a Merina IUD for 5 yrs prior to getting it removed May 08 and then i fell preg Sept 08... so i would say that i am pretty fertile and my eggs would be pretty good quality... what do you think? but because of age and body type factors i am almost definately gonna be denied and that really stinks. maybe if i were to donate privately for a pre arranged "friend" it would be ok.  sooo many questions, and not many positive answers...lol
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254689 tn?1251180040
Well, in a way it makes sense - we're born w/all the eggs in our body.  We do not produce any at all so any eggs we have are the same age as we are.  Therefore, by the time we've reached 35, our fertility declines slightly because usually of egg quality and that's why re's want to use early to mid 20's women - eggs are not old.

I hate it, hate it, hate it - LOL!  It totally s#cks but we don't produce eggs like men produce sperm - fresh batch each time - know what I mean??
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514585 tn?1328740013
thanks 40smama it is odd how women who are 30-35 and up are accepted for fertility treatments but are not accepted for egg donorship or even to see if the eggs are of good quality...lol.. oh well i guess i will just have to be happy with giving moral and emotional support to the ladies i know who are going through this.

i have a few other thoughts but not sure how to offer, ect... like volunteering to be a donor for someone... i am NOT wanting to donate eggs for a profit, it is honestly to help those who can not conceive on thier own... it stinks that age has to factor in for a "good" candidate.
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254689 tn?1251180040
I didn't realize that you were close to delivery - congratulations on your baby.  There is a need for donor eggs but again age is a big factor unfortunately.
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514585 tn?1328740013
thanks... i am 33 weeks with my 4th child (6th pregnancy)... which is why i figured my eggs are pretty good. i didnt think that it had much to do with anything other than the quality of the eggs.....

my first 2nd trimester loss was a premature rupture of membranes at 20 wks back in 91... i was induced at 22wks... and i guess if i had known then what i know now i would have had them do a csection and see if they could save the baby. but i was just barely 18 and didnt think about that.

and the second loss was in 98 and he had died in utero at 16 weeks and i didnt know it until my 20 wk ob appt. so again i had to be induced because i didnt want a D&C if i could avoid it...

i had 2 successful pregnancies after first loss... and now so far 2 successful pregnancies after the second loss.

anyhow... i am pretty sure i will be refused as well, but knowing how many women NEED donor eggs i am least want to try.
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254689 tn?1251180040
Joyce - I did a donor cycle a year ago (well, the baby just turned one) & from what I learned, they (re clinics & egg donor agencies) will typically only take women in their 20's & very, very early 30's - they prefer early 20's if possible.

My donor was 22 & most women I know who've undergone donor cycles went w/donors who were in their 20's as well.  You have to undergo medical, psychological, social & other testing - it's quite extensive.  Most women who apply, my re tells me, are not accepted into the program because of various reasons like family medical history for example.

It's very sweet that you want to do this, but be prepared not to be accepted because of age sorry to say.  I hope you get your BFP soon - I've had one 2nd trimester loss and it was awful - bless your heart - jen
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514585 tn?1328740013
thanks ladies.... i have thought about doing this through the years but at that time, it was more for the money than anything else... i just know so many women on these boards who have fought tooth and nail to conceive and then be told that they cant because of thier own eggs being a poor quality or whatever... and i just thought that since i seem to be able to conceive pretty easily that the least i can do since i am done... is to try to give to those women out there who can not do it on thier own... it isnt really so unselfish, and i have seen threads like "could you donate" or "how can someone donate and have a bio child out there" well to me it is no differant than putting a child up for adoption (which i couldnt do but it is a gift to the adoptive parents) only this way the "adoptive" parents can go through everything themselves and it is THIER blood that is going through that babies veins NOT mine... anyhow i am planning on talking to my OB/GYN on wednesday to see what can be done... although i have found that this is basically the same procedure that women go through to have IVF... i didnt know that.. i thought that they just stick a needle into the ovary and collect the eggs...lol... shows how much i know... lmao.  anyhow i will see what can be done IF anything since i am older and a bit overweight... it will stink if i cant help anyone.
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WOW.. that is so very nice of you to think about doing something so very generous. We are looking for a donor right now. THough I do think that the max age is 30, but now sure.  We are either planning on using a friend of mine or a clinic here in Chicago.
You are a lovely person.
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847328 tn?1289783114
That's really sweet.  I heard that they are quite picky.  NicMom is right, they look at things like weight, and especially age.  I'm not sure if 35 is over or not!!  Contact your local clinics to give you a better idea.
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514585 tn?1328740013
thanks... those are a start.. but because of my weight... although that can change between having this baby and when i would be able to harvest eggs...lol... but right away after having the baby i would not pass the weight requirements UNLESS someone was wanting someone heavier due to that being THIER physical make up.. i dont know. i will start by talking with my OB at my appt wednesday.
thanks a bunch
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349463 tn?1333571576
You can use one of those third party services where it's all confidential. Like a sperm bank for women. My best friend has done that twice. They pay all the medical expenses and give you up to five thousand dollars when it's all done. You have to meet a very specific criteria such as age, weight, family medical history, and education.
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353148 tn?1293061164
WOW, what a generous thing to do!!!! I know there are many girls on here that are looking for donors, or you can go through a clinic. Most clinics do have criteria you have to meet though. Age, and egg quality that sort of thing. I think you should start w/ checking w/ the clinics near you and see what their criteria is and what the process is to find a match for yoru eggs. I wish you lots of louck and hope that some lucky woman is match to you soon.
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