398459 tn?1262186144

Is the AGP still around?!?

If you all are around, poke your head out and say hi!  

It's me...long lost Krista!  :-)

Wanted to check in with all of you...give me an update!

72 Responses
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294043 tn?1354207946
what'up with you, girlfriend?  Where are you at?
My materniy leave officially ended today and I am back at work.  *Sigh...
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398459 tn?1262186144
Hi Helen!

Bummer about maternity leave!  I'm sure it was very hard leaving Anna.  She is a beautiful little girl!

As for me...I am in the middle of a DE cycle.  The retrieval will probably be this Thurs or Fri.  She is responding like crazy...32 follicles!  Ouch.  Poor thing!  There are 13 measurable, ranging from 9 to 18 in size.  By tomorrow, it looks like we will have a few more.  It amazes me how well some women respond to a minimal amount of stimulation, while others (me!) had 3 dang follicles after max stimulation and 20 days!!!

What's going on with everyone else??  I have been woefully out of touch.  Bad bad bad!  Does everyone still chat and post updates?  I didn't see any today!

Great to hear from you!  Your pics of Anna are wonderul!

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392430 tn?1382904781

So happy to hear about the DE response, that is wonderful! I send to you all the RSSBD I have left. ^_^

I am enjoying the summer off of school and hanging with my little man Phin. He is so special and we love him with every fiber of our beings. I can't believe he is already 4 months old!

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398459 tn?1262186144

It's great to hear from you!

Phin is so dang adorable!!!  Congrats!  

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294043 tn?1354207946
I am so very happy you are doing a DE cycle and everything is going so smoothly.  Probability of bfp is higher on a de cycle and probability of a m/c is much lower.  I feel so very hopeful for you.  Please stay in touch or else I promise to bug you with many notes and messages and e-mails  :)
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353148 tn?1293061164
Hey ladies,
I'm still here. I'm now 11 weeks will be 12 Thursday w// 1 little bean.

Congrats on little Phin. he is too cute!

I feel for you. I know it must be so har to leave that little princess, but it will feel so good to come home to her at the end of the day!

Good Luck, sounds liek this cycle is going very well for you!
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392430 tn?1382904781
So happy to see some of us back together!

Thanks everyone, we think he is darn cute as well.

Helen-While I am anxious for school to start back up< I very much just want to be home with Phin...

Hoping-Congrats! Good for you ^_^ (((HUG)))
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439903 tn?1380137882
Hey my Sistas!!

Krista, that is great news!! Before you know it you will be holding your perfect 10 fingered and 10 toed miracle in your arms!! I am so happy for you!!


afm, i am 28 weeks 5 days today, we have 10 more weeks, 70 more days (i will be being induced on September 21st, 9 days before my due date if i havent started on my own by then) and we CANNOT wait!! We are really starting to get anxious and nervous now though...has our first baby shower on Saturday and this morning while going through everything, i got so overwhelmed i had to stop, what do i wash first? where do i put everything? what do i need to run out and get that i didnt receive at the shower? eyeyeye....

Anyway, im so glad that everyone is still around, we need to throw some coal in the fire and get this train rolling!!

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507875 tn?1423160261
Hello SIS-STARS!!!

Krista, best of luck to you with the DE process! So far everything sounds good! Continued success with the process! I pray this is it for you!!

Kele/Helen - I often think about how I will feel when I have to return after maternity leave...my boss seems to think I won't return...hmmm..if we weren't in a recession....

Hoping - 11 weeks already...time is flying for you!

AFM - I am doing great! 32 weeks preggo with Makayla who I cannot wait to meet face to face!  Kele and I tried to jumpstart a previous AGP thread and got one bite with Glenda...maybe now the train will get back on track!

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392430 tn?1382904781
Amber-Don't stress out. There is actually so little we used in the first couple weeks (diapers, wipes, receiving blankets and burp cloths) make sure those are within reach and you will be fine ^_^. We ended up moving everything once our little man got here and we got a routine down. Also if you are going to nurse get a good nursing sleep bra..I live in them.

T- 32 weeks, wow! How I miss feeling Phin moving around and talking to him and feeling him respond. Enjoy these last few weeks, I know sometimes it is hard but I know that I really do miss it.

Hoping- Do you intend to find out boy or girl? Any wants for one over the other? I know of course a healthy baby is the first thought.

Krista- Keep us updated on follie counts!

AFM- In 3 hours Phin will be getting his second round of shots....my poor little monkey.
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398459 tn?1262186144
Good morning girlies,

Thanks everyone for the good wishes!  Amberlee and Juana, I can't believe how far along you both are!  And Kele and Helen, didn't you just get a BFP like yesterday???  WOW how fast time flys!  Pretty amazing.

I have an appt this morning to measure uterine lining, etc.  The donor also has a monitoring appt.  They spread the appts out so that we won't be in the building at the same time.  Some recipients have been known to sit outside the clinic and wait for the donors.  That could be really uncomfortable!  I think I will pass on this type of activity!

I'll give you the update later today...

Have a great one,

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507875 tn?1423160261
Krista, how did your appoinment go today?

Kele, how is Phin doing after his round of shots today?
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294043 tn?1354207946
how was your appt???

how are you feeling?  Is the swelling any better these days?
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507875 tn?1423160261
Hey Helen...the swelling is much better...I have been drinking more water and keeping them elevated...also, the weather has been pleasant which helps...Today I am feeling pretty crappy...I am too tired to go to sleep...I can't get comfortable and my heartburn is driving me up the freaking wall!! I sleep sitting up at night.!!!  :-(
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353148 tn?1293061164
Yes T, it is going by fast, but not as fast as yours. Can't believe you are about ready to POP!

You have that big ol' house and don't know where to put stuff? Don't worry, you will have plenty of time even after the baby comes. All he will care about is that he is clean, fed, and loved.

we will find out at 20 weeks. We realy don't care, but I have a feeling it's a boy. So, we will see. I plan on taking the intelegender test, but not realy placing any bets on it.

As for everyone else, I have missed you all so much! So glad we are all back here together!
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392430 tn?1382904781
Phin handled his shots very well yesterday. He did cry but I nursed him right after and he calmed down and started babbling and laughing. He is such a good boy. He weighed in at 14lb 13oz and is 26 inches long. The ped said he looks great and is right on track.

Hoping-I was positive that Phin was a boy as well!

Krista-Waiting on word of your appointment....

T-Keep those feet up momma because soon you will be using them to walk your sweet girl around.
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398459 tn?1262186144
Hi everyone,

Kele-glad little Phin tolerated those shots!  Must be b/c his momma had so many of them to have him.  ;-)

Juana-I can not believe how far along you are!  How exciting!!!!!

My appt yesterday went well.  My lining is 14.2 mm with 5 lines ("perfect").  The donor had 25 follies yesterday, 14 measurable.  On the right, there are 8 between 19.5 and 9, on the left there are 6 between 17.5 and 14.5.  She is a rock star!  Looks like the retrieval will be Friday (possible Sat).  After all this time, it seems surreal that we are ALMOST there.  Hoping and praying that the results are better this time!

Question...since I won't be doing HCG shot will a HPT be accurate?  I am on boat loads of estrogen and progesterone, but the donor is (obviously) the one who has to take the HCG shot.  I can't think of any reason why it wouldn't be accurate, but my brain is a bit fried.  Helen, thoughts??

Thanks for all of you checking in with me!

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398459 tn?1262186144
Hi girls,

Just got the call from the clinic with the donor's #'s for today...23 measurable follicles!  They range on the right from 21 to 9 (13 total) and 18.5 to 10 on the left (10 total). Estrogen is at 2942.  They are pushing her one more day (not sure why) so the retrieval is scheduled for Sat.  

I thought the TWW was bad...this is not much better!  ;-)

Hope you all had a great day,

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439903 tn?1380137882
Everything sounds great Krista, I can't wait for your bfp!! By the end of next year all of us AGP girls are gonna be Mommies!! We seriously all need to write to Oprah or Ellen =)
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398459 tn?1262186144
Thanks Amberlee!  That's not a bad idea to contact Oprah!  Can you imagine all of us flown into Chicago first class with our babies?  What a hoot!  :-)

Has anyone heard from Sam?  Savannha, are you still lurking around??
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294043 tn?1354207946
23 sounds like a great number!  I am so happy for you Krista.  Can't wait for the end of 2ww.  It will be such torture!!!
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398459 tn?1262186144
Thanks Helen!  I will get another report today and will keep you all posted.
:-) Krista
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507875 tn?1423160261
The train is on the move again!
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353148 tn?1293061164
woo hoo! Sounds great. I didn't do HCG this time either (because it was FET) and I tested just  4 days after my transfer. They were 5 day blasts and I felt very different 2 days after. Anyway, the HPT said positive and when I called my DR she said it had to be correct because I had no HCG! So, yes it will be correct if it is BFP, but keep in mind that if it is BFN it could just be too early. I think my little bean was very agressive and just didn't waste time to implant at all....LOL.  O and I was on a ton of estrogen and progesterone as well. So ,I say if you want to test everyday do it!
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