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Missed period, 3 negative tests, Wellbutrin

Okay. I was supposed to start my period around the 15th/16th of May. About a week ago I had an intense stabbing abdominal pain about around where the small intestine is. (which I've had before). About when my period was supposed to start, I had mild cramps. Now I am discharging and it sometimes feels like I started when I didn't. I've taken 3 pregnancy tests, all negative. I am on Wellbutrin XL, which I hear can cause missed and late periods. What do you think?
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If anyone has updates please post! Thank you!
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Started WB 150 mg around 20 days ago. My period is now 6 days late; it is usually very regular (within 1-3 days). Very glad I found this thread. Has anyone gotten more feedback from their doctors? I wonder how WB effects ovulation... I feel like it must, if it effects menstruation. How am I supposed to keep track of when I ovulate now? aaaah
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This definitely CAN cause the delays!! Menstrual complaints is a listed potential side-effect of Wellbutrin. I was affected very hormonaly by WB. I was in peri-menopause when I started on it. I then hadn't had a period in almost a year. And I mentruated every month I was on WB. When I stopped taking WB, my periods stpped again. Please discuss it with your doc just to rule out any other possible causes for this change. Still I wouldn't be surprised if it's a start-up side-effect. The good news is that these side-effects often lessen over time.
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So it’s pushing my 3rd month on 150 mgs my periods the last two months have been a week late but this month of May I haven’t had my period, currently two whole weeks late, slightly freaking out, took test and all negative. I can’t afford to go to the doctor right now and I’m almost positive I’m not pregnant but I can’t help but freak out. I keep reading that other people are having weird  cycles and missing their period. Does anyone else have this problem or missed periods on this medicine???? Sos
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Well my period eventually started 2 days after I posted in April. But I am late again after going back to my regular dosage. This is extremely irritating and driving me insane. My cycles are usually 26 days and I'm now in day 36 of my cycle. No pregnancy symptoms, I'm hoping that it will eventually return to normal, but for now I'll just keep taking these pregnancy tests and getting BFNs!! grr
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I have been on WB XL 150 for 10 days and am VERY REGULAR but I am currently 5 days late.  I have taken 4 preg tests and they are all negative as suspected however no period.  I am almost certain the medication has this effect.  I recently switched from Lexapro due to weight gain.  I am also having nausea, dizziness, and am not feeling very well overall.  Additionally, I have changes in my bowels.  It has to be the medications.
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To those of you who had the late/missed periods, I know that you posted quite some time ago... Did you ever get your period? Feb was the first month on Wellbutrin, had a regular period... Spotted very lightly a week before my March period was due I am now 16 days late... Definitely not pregnant. My dr lowered my dosage last week but the depression, sluggishness, etc... came back and I asked if I could take my regular dosage again, which I started yesterday...  Just wondering if anyone's period went back to normal after your hormones leveled out? I'm perfectly fine not having a period right now, as mine are usually HORRIBLE... but eventually we'd like to get pregnant again and I want to be able to have more kids... Thanks!!
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I am on the generic of Wellbutrin, I was on it when I was 11 and also when I was 20 and pregnant with my youngest. I am now 25 and I have never had this issue but I am 6 days and not cramping or anything don't feel like my period is coming but I have taken 5 test 3 negative and 2 were questionable but I have a doctors appt Tuesday.
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Well I know wellbutrin stopped my period.
I am 47 not able to have kids, besides celibate for over a year. I had regular period until just after taking wellbutrin, it stopped but I felt familiar cramping the first two times afterwards period was due but no period.
After 3 erd missed period, doctors said early monopause etc must be reason.  After another month of missed period, I stopped wellbutrin.
In 8 days afterwards...today... I have my period.  I feel the cramps I had not over last 2 months wnd its a rather thin bleed compared to usual period but we will see tomorrow what more may come.
Ill write back in a week and let you know.
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I recently started Wellbutrin and I feel like it's been about 2 months since my last period,  after reading all these posts, I am starting to feel like that is the problem.  Thanks to everyone for speaking up.  Next time I am at the doctor.  I will bring it up.  I am almost certain I am not pregnant and I am not on any other medication.  My periods are usually always on time. So this has me a little worried.
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Well my period is a few days late as well. I have only been taking Wellbutrin for a couple weeks but I think it may be the issue. I also have hypothyroidism and take 175 mcg of synthroid but it has been normal for awhile and I have never missed a period from it. I was also put on Bontril for weight loss at the same time as the Wellbutrin so I am not 100% sure what is causing this. It's a lot of heavy medication and I am also exercising at the same time. I am 34 and worried because I have not had children yet. I am getting my thyroid checked tomorrow....I hope my period come back soon :(
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I speak from experience when I say it is possible for WB to influence your cycle. Everything was fine for me on WB until I upped my dose - then I had mood swings and missed periods. After 3 months without a period, they found my prolactin (hormone that deals in lactation and suppression of periods amongst other things) levels were twice the far-end-of-normal limit. My doc had me go off the meds for a few weeks to see if they were the problem, or something more serious - after those few weeks, the level thankfully went back to normal (but still no period - yet). Granted I also had weight loss, thyroid levels being off, and stress contributing - so it's not 100% that WB was the sole culprit, but it's pretty obvious it was a big contributor. I'm now on depo-provera to "re-set" my cycle, hopefully it works!

WB helps me, and luckily I was cleared to stay on it, but I understand how freaky this can be! My experience doesn't necessarily mean the same thing is happening for any of you ladies, but my point is that while not typically described as a side effect, it is definitely possible to have menstrual problems. Go to your OBGYN if you don't get a period for a few months, apparently it's not good to build up uterine lining for too long.
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4047346 tn?1360896219
Hun i had three negative tests and im now 28wks
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I've been on wellbutrin xl for a few months now and i stopped taking it for a month and then i realized i hadn't gotten my period so i figured it was a chemical in balance, i'm taking it now and my period is still late. Is it normal or not?
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Started wellbutrin XL 150mg at the beginning of december, it is now basically january and no period. My last period was on Nov. 17th, and on December 18th this month i had one tiny blood spot, and that was it. Pregnancy is highly doubtful, and 3 pregnancy tests say negative. I've had regular periods all my life. This drug needs to be evaluated again to list this side effect of missed periods/irregular periods.
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I've been on wellbution for a week and was suppost to start I'm have cramps and soreness like I'm going to but still haven't I was suppost to start a week ago      I've had a tubal also so I don't think preg is a problem. They put me on it for mild depression and lack of energy and also to quit smoking it has some what helped for everything. But I'm kinda glad bout periods cause I was having them every 15 days.  Do u think I should tell my dr.       They also found a knot in my left breast and got to do a biopsy next week to find out what it is so I think I might need to stay on this med.
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I have a question for anyone who was very late and was on birth control... (taking welbutrin). I am now 5 days late, and normally i would start a new pack by now. Did you wait to start another pack til you got your period? Or did you keep on your cycle of birth control hoping it would figure out the correct pattern again? I have taken 4 preg tests, all were a clear negative.
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i am having the same issue. just started WB about a week ago, and was supposed to start my period this passed saturday (it is now tuesday). i am also on BC and havn't been this late ever (while on BC)... i started to really worry yesterday morning (and took two preg. tests yesterday and one today) all were negative.
i was worried if effected my BC like antibiotics would, but when i called the doc who perscribed it to me, she told me she never heard of this side effect before.
after reading these posts... i think doctors may need to reconsider this.
and i dont think it is stress or anything like that, because i have been majorly stressed and depressed for a while before considering anti depressants, and it never effected my cycle.
i am still concerned, but i did just start it. i may have not adjusted to it yet. but it is very odd issue.
no cramping... no spotting... no nausea... nothing at all.
very weird
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i started taking wellbutrin september 1st ( first time i've ever started taking medicine like this) and it seems like i get my period every two weeks. I'm on birth control and i'm always on time. I don't know whats wrong considering all the stories i'm reading everyone is late or their period is skipped. I havent liked the way the wellbutrin has made me feel so my doctor is switching my medicine but i have to wean off of this first. I hope my period goes back to being on schedule with this new medicine
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this is just my opinion but I think this medication is very very bad for your health and dont reccomend taking it. I was not on well butrin very long a month or so when I decided to stop taking it.. I had never experienced a panic attack, trouble sleeping or a missed period (besides my pregancy) before I started taking this medication. It says its supposed to help with depression and anxiety and what not but all it has done is increased all of these things. I think this makes it very obvious the affects and chemicals they are putting in these medications are just unnatural and unhealthy.... for your own good I suggest you stop taking it or try something new. I just cant see how this can be good for anyone. (as well as douching, this causes an imbalance of natural chemicals and tend to cause more problems than they cure.) like I said this is just my personal opinion so please do not take offense.
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I have been on Wellbutrin XL 150 mg for about a month and a half. I really do not feel any difference. I was put on it for mild depression and loss of energy, but I still feel like I am floating through my days and can't wait to go home and crawl into bed. I should also mention I am on a very small dose of beta blockers for my atrial fibrillation (which is meant to decrease my heart rate). Should I increase to the 300 mg dose? I am concerned about doing this, as this is my first time on any anti-depressant and I would eventually like to wean myself off.
Also, have any women noticed their periods are late or non-existent? I am a week late in my period, and I am NEVER late. I will be going to get a pregnancy test done, but I am fairly certain I am not pregnant. I also noticed very heavy cramping yesterday that would signal the start of my period, but nothing happened.
I would appreciate any feedback!
Thank you.

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Just chiming in here with everyone: ten days late, negative test, on Wellbutrin 150 for four weeks.  I imagine this might have something to do with how changing neurotransmitter levels such as dopamine might have an overall effect on our hormones.  
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I have been on 150 mg of Wellbutrin XL for about 2 months now since I have experienced a depression relapse. My first period while taking the medication was right on time, but I am still waiting for this month's to start. I'm a week late and have taken 2 pregnancy tests...both negative. I am not taking bc and I have a 5 month old son. I heard that you are more fertile the year after you deliver, so I thought that pregnancy might be a posibility. After reading this I am definitely thinking it's the meds. I took 150 mg of the regular Wellbutrin twice daily for 2 years about 3-4 years ago and never had a problem with menstruation, so this is strange.
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I am also on welbutrin xl and have always had regular periods. Been taking this drug for a month or so and now I am 5 days late. Feel like I could start at any time but nothing. I am so sick feeling and just want to sleep all the time. 3 negative preg tests though so I am sure I am not preg. I have had a tubal about 11 years ago so I am pretty sure I am not preg.
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