458090 tn?1256321162

Red Rover Red Rover, send AGP girls right over!

HI Ladies,
Saw Heather's post and I thought I would make up the new thread.  Seems like all I have is time on my hands this 2WW.  I am really crappy at roll call, so I was wondering if Lisa, you would do the honors.  

Heather, Im glad you're feeling much better.. maybe this is the start of many many days of not feeling ill.

Where's Magda?  Haven't seen her for a few days, maybe she's lurking around like me.

Kari, Saw you are just starting another IVF round.. SSBD!

Helen.. sooo exciting with all your delicious eggs!  Here's to the little men finding their way!

JA.. Sorry to hear about AF.. she is so nasty.. we all hate her so.. heres an idea... JA.. send AF over to Lisa!

Krista.. How are your wine + wheat grass cocktails?  Sounds soo delish (making vomit noises)

Jen.. I left you a sweet note the other day.. ON HEATHERS HOME PAGE.. Im such a spaz sometimes.. sorry ladies.. and good luck Jen.. seems like you and Timeisticking are both shooting up right now.. I'll take the belly shots over the HCG shots any day!

EMpty & Mary.. Where are you two?  Can't seem to find your important info.

As for me.. nothing.. CD7.. just hanging out trying to think pregnant thoughts, but keeping the IVF thought in the back of my head.  I think I just may be one of those women that needs IVF to get pregnant.. and bring on the antagonist protocol!
BTW.. Not mych going on in the vagina area as of yet this morning, but I will sooo keep you all posted :)

117 Responses
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398459 tn?1262186144
starting a new thread ladies...

see you there!

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398459 tn?1262186144
Hi all,

Been out of commission for a couple of days.  Had to attend my hubby's oldest daughter's college graduation yesterday.  It was a real treat, seeing the ex-wife (I fondly refer to as Gilda, also the name of my old cyst), remarking how WONDERFUL her children are, etc.  Gross.  I always expect flying monkeys to be circling her head when she's in the room.  A real piece of work.

Sally, I would LOVE to come over and gorge on brownies and ice cream.  I truly think a good brownie is one of the best inventions in the world.  Right up there with electricity, automobiles and the telephone.  Love love love brownies!

Kari, Been thinking about you this weekend.  Sorry for your disappointment, but stay positive...you never know!  It only takes one...

Jen, Great news!!!  So glad for you.  Looking forward to your BFP!

Helen, Disney is a tough place when you are trying to have babies, and worse because there isn't a DROP of alcohol in the park.  UGH!  I feel your pain.

Today is the fifth day of Lupron for me...will start Ganirelix soon, and then on to stims!  

Here is my wish for all of you...may this time next year we all have little babies on Mother's Day!  Keep the faith girls!

:-) Krista
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439903 tn?1380137882
i didnt know there were different types of cycles. would you mind explaining them to me (if there aren't a lot) my RE told me that i have about a 70% chance of one, and a 30% chance of two when its all over so, i keep praying this is it!!! were so far beyond ready!  
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294043 tn?1354207946
14 follies is great! I am so happy you are able to proceed!

8-cell embryos is great news.  I think you have a great chance.  Any of the leftover embryos went to blasts?  My fingers are crossed for your bfp.

I already asked you this but are you trying this cycle naturally or just waiting for ivf cycle to start?  Since you are not doing b/c I thought you may give one last try.

I am still in FL, stuck in Disney nightmare.  Will be back tonight, beta tomorrow.  
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Hi girls ~ been away for awhile ~ got AF on Thurs 5/1, then it went away 3 days later ~ and now I'm spotting yesterday & today..??..~what the heck ~ we BD'd on day 8, 10 & 11 (this Morning) ~ but why would I be getting my AF back AGAIN..??..~unless there's something else going on..??..any ideas..??..
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186627 tn?1257877774
From the meds I understand you are doing an Antagonist cycle.
This is good since is the easiest one and the shortest one.
You'll see is much easier than you think!!!
You are soooooo young that your chance of getting pregnant at the first try are very very high!!!!!
keep us posted and SSBD!
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439903 tn?1380137882
i hope so since i got the official green light! here we go!! im starting bravelle and menopur today. i have ganirelix, chorionic gonad (HCG), vivelle-dot (patch), prometrium (pills, suppository, and oil), estradiol,  and doxycycline. thats ALL of my meds i will be taking. thats so odd to me that the only way at this point to get pregnant is to take all these meds but yet the sl*t walking down 1st street only had to lay down. sorry just needed to vent a little. anyway im so excited!!
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186627 tn?1257877774
Kari,I'm so sorry for the stupid guy...haaaaa I hate those people..this is not a game of "who has it bigger" but I guess men like that remain like that....HATE THEM!!!!!!!!

B's are actually pretty good and 8 cell is awesome!! I really think this time you are in a good position!I will be thinking of you and sending positive vibes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

you made me laugh so hard I thought i was going to be sick!!! ;-)
Did you start stim meds already?You should be CD4  right?
Keep me posted!
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458090 tn?1256321162
Ackk.. I wrote Katie and not Krista.. I should be lynched!  Too many derned K's.. My memory stinks.  it must be my old eggs..not age..

Kari, I'm sorry about that jerk next to you yellin.. what a **** bucket!  And to be cryin on that table.. man, I know that feeling, been there and its not a nice place to be.  And ya know.. the way I see it is we are sooooo allowed to be bitter at times.  This is such a b ig deal to us, so F-em!

Why don't all y'all come over and be fat with me?  I have this big house all to myself (and the furballs) and I have a big screen TV and one of those huge sectional couches that about 10 people can fit on (way too big for the room, but who cares?)  I will call for pizza and massive amounts of ice cream and brownies.  Maybe (for those of us that can partake) we shall drink some libations then prank phone call women from the internet that have a whole litter of kids.  Say something like " I saw little Johnny with his pants down at the park and Im gonna call the police on yer pervert son!"

Y'all know Im bored when Im constantly posting.. I can only watch so much Oprah before my brain melts.

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492346 tn?1267378978
Jen that is just about the best news ever!!!  I am SOOOOOOOO happy you pushed to move forward and get that follistim added back to your protocol!  There is nothing wrong with a slow and steady stim cycle... many countries prefer to take things slowly and they get fantastic outcomes!  CONGRATS!  Can't wait to hear that you are taking your trigger!

Miky, stims are creeping so close for you!  Hope AF shows and that baseline u/s appt will be here before you know it!

Sally, have I mentioned before that you are hysterical???  thanks for all the good laughs =)

Well I did have my transfer yesterday.  My worst fear was basically confirmed... 21 embryos and once again not a single one was of good quality.  We did have 5 B's (the rest of course were C's), and my RE transferred three of the 8-celled B's.  I've gone into that dam procedure room four times and never once got good news about my embies... meanwhile we get to overhear some obnoxious man talking WAY too loud to his wife in the area across from us about the 4 pefect embies they got in their lot of 9.  Thought I might vomit on them.  (wow that sounded really bitter didn't it? Sorry,,, it just made me cry as I sat on my little bed waiting for transfer)  Anyway... B's aren't so bad I guess and it means I've still got a chance here.  I'm gonna try and remain hopeful...  I will not stim ever again for IVF so I really hope this works.  Beta on 5/21.
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186627 tn?1257877774
Hey Sally,
I'm in the same situation as you..DH is away for the weekend for business so I'm all alone in front of the TV in my PJ and glasses (no contact lenses today!!!!!!)hahahaha tomorrow morning I'll clean everything and prepare a nice dinner ;-)

I'm on LUpron basically the whole cycle ,it will only go down to 10U after I get my period.For stim I'll do Follistim and Menopur (still don't know the dose ..waiting for May 15 baseline BW and U/S).
By the way...YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!
have a great weekend!!
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458090 tn?1256321162
Jen, No YOU da bomb!  I just knew there were some more of those gals lurking around somewhere!  I am so happy for you.. you go girl!!!!   14 is an awesome number!  I should only hope yo be so lucky!  Those other 6 popped up and were like Psych!  Which is totally ironic since you teach Psych!  (I'm thinking we have the same humor since we both married yankee carpet-baggers from the same area.. you start to pick up on it)

Miky, How long are you on Luron for?  When are you stimming and for how long?  Also, whats your stim drug of choice?  Angel Dust?  Meth? Little crank?  I am so KIDDING??!! Is Angel Dust still even a drug that's around these days?  I'm so old, these tattoos don't even make me cool anymore (but maybe having a tattoo artist husband does?)
My DH hosts a tattoo convention every year and he is there this weekend being a stressed out freak making sure it goes smoothly and Im at home wearing my oldest sweats, eating pringles and watching TiVo'd Oprahs.  My menagere of animals is bugging the cr**ap out of me and Ive left coffee mugs everywhere.... now the only thing I have to do is clean everything up (including myself) before he gets home Sun. so I can keep up the illusion of a super clean, always on top of things, Sally.

Wheres Renell, Katie and Kari??? I still hope Helen, Lisa and Magda will still join us on this thread.
Does anyone want to start a new thread?  For the Alpha Gamma Preggers?  This one is getting long.
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186627 tn?1257877774
Jen:WOW!!!!!!!! This is great! 14 follicles is a great number ..its actually what my new RE call "the perfect number" between 14 and 16-not too many and not too few!
I think you are in a great place now to get your BFP!!Relax this weekend Monday is a big day!!!

Sally:To tell you the truth I was a little surprised by the answer we got there..But I do not care..This thread is fantastic and I feel welcome here so we will continue to post here!!!!
How are you doing?I'm on Lupron day 6 waiting for AF (after 25 days of BCP).

Asking4aMiracle: giving the shots is really easy!! we have only few days difference in our cycles..what kind of meds are you taking???

Girls keep us posted on how you are doing!!!


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381606 tn?1242090749

GREAT news!! I had 8 follies on the left (all over 14mm and biggest was 20mm) and 6 on the left! My E2 was 1130 today and the RE agreed that we should GO AHEAD with the cycle!!!!! As of now I am on one more day of Follistim and Lupron and retrieval is tentatively scheduled for Monday. I was SO relieved and happy that I have a chance. RE said its' not the best cycle and that he'd hoped for more follies since I'm only 29 yrs old. I reminded him that perhaps my body is not a "typical" 29-yr-old since I've had lots of med probs and surgery.

Anyway, thank you again SO much for all your support and notes. It made this whole week much more tolerable. I go for another u/s and b/w tomorrow just to make sure and probably trigger tomorrow nite. Will keep you posted when I know more.

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458090 tn?1256321162
How exciting Asking/Miracle!  I'm sure you'll be an old pro at the shots in no time.  Keep us all updated on how your follies are gettin along!

Miky, I think this is still our forum here, so come on in (didn't really get the red carpet rolled out on the other thread for us, did we?)

How is everyone else that is still here doing?

Jen.. What's the update, my dear?
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439903 tn?1380137882
WOOHOO I START MY CYCLE TOMORROW!!!!!!!!   OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM SO EXCITED!!!!!!! not so thrilled about giving myself shots, but i lot more comfy then i was before i didnt know how to! I  WILL  be pregnant this time next month OMG!!!!!!!!!! *whew* ok needed to shout out!!! thanks!
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381606 tn?1242090749
You guys crack me up!

Sal - HOLY CR*AP!!!! I live to love your humor as well! Your RE sounds fab and a great plan is in the works! YAY!!!!!! Now its only a matter of time til your taking those suckers in the arse!

U/s is tomorrow morning. Cross your fingers for good things...I will update when i get back with some news. May be in the afternoon cuz that's when they call!

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458090 tn?1256321162
I re-read my ealier post and I wrote down my antral follicle count wrong.  There were 9 one one side and 5 on the other side, total of 14.
I'm a happy spaz.
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398459 tn?1262186144
Dear dear dear Sally....hhhhhhhhaaaaaarrrrrrdddddddyyyy har har har!!!  Actually, I was told when you do your first round of IVF the best place to get all of your shots was up the bootie.  So, go for it and let me know how that goes!  [ ;-) ]

Also, Sally... THAT IS REALLY EXCITING ABOUT THE RE!!!  I can't wait to hear you moaning about morning sickness in a couple of months.  I'll be like..." shut up Sal, cuz you took your shots in the butt, so what did you expect?"  Oh, by the way, thanks for the update from what is exiting your va-jay-jay.  It's been too long since we got an update.

Helen, ok, maybe it was a BIT of an exxageration.  The bruise is itty bitty, but I feel cool saying I have a bruise.  Trust me, there are PLENTY of spots on my belly to stick a needle.  No chance of running out of space in the next century...

Renell, Glad you are feeling better!  

Jen, Any folly progress???  US on Friday?

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186627 tn?1257877774
this is great news!!!!!
I'm also in love with my new RE so I kow how you feel!!
About the shots....THEY ARE IN THE BELLY!!!! hahahahahahaha
you made me laugh!!!!!!
Super sticky baby dust to all of us!!
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492346 tn?1267378978
Sally that is FABULOUS news!!!  Your new RE really does sounds like a rockstar!!!  I'm so glad he didn't stall and make you go thru numerous tests and procedures that you've probably already endured!  I'm so happy for you... I have a good feeling that only positive things (and positive betas!) await after this upcoming IVF!  Very nice!!!

Renell, I'm so glad to hear that you are feeling better... I was thinking of you today.  I think that it's kinda split whether IVF patients get updates on the quality of their embies.  Personally my RE has never given me an udpate after the fert report... I have to wait till transfer day.  But I'd take it as a good sign that they didn't call you in for a day-3 transfer... your embies must be doing well.  You are scheduled for Saturday right?

Lisa, any sign of AF yet for you???

Jen, I think you have your appt tomorrow to find out if adding that follistim has kicked your follies in gear.  Good luck and hope we hear some good news from you!!!
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458090 tn?1256321162
OMG OMG OMG.. I am in love with my RE.  He rocks my socks like no man has!! (hes not cute, just a really righteous dude).Ok.. where in the h*Ell do I begin?

Ok.. to get it out of the way:
Some weird weird stuff came out of me today.. its CD 2 1/2 (I started at night) and
and Im not upset about it, considering... but it looks like that positive I had on CD 11 was really a true pos.  I am currently in the midst of "expelling my chemical".
Strangley, im not upset.. quite the opposite.. i can get pregnant!!!!!! woo hoooooo.

Ok.. Next.. I am going to be doing the antagonist protocol, and I go in for my "mock transfer" in exactly 7 days!
I start my stims in about about a month.  No Lupron, no BC pills.  He asked me what I wanted to do??? How cool is that? I told him and he was like.. "I totally agree, its nice to have someone come in who not only knows exactly what she wants, but also for it to be right." How Frikkin awesome is that??!!  He told me I was going to be taking like a ton of Gonal-f.. and whan I said"ooh.. heard that was expensive" He sid.. "Ok.. what about Follistim?"  
I mean, can t get any better?  I dare say, I THINK NOT MY DEARS!

And its day 3, hes did a U/S and I have 9 little follies just lurking around, which he is totally happy with.  Only bad things:  Doesnt think Im going to produce tons of eggs like you rockstar girls, so I may not produce enough to freeze, but he thinks my age is good, etc... and I have a couple of small fibroids but theyre not in the "baby zone"

OMG.. So excited here at Casa Sally. Next week I get my meds, mock transfer and she shows me how to use my injectable things.

Then next cycle.. its IVF time Baby!!!
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219862 tn?1211644271
I have to start off  my saying Sally I LOVE YOUR HUMOR GIRL!!!!!!! When I read your post I couldnt stop laughing, and trust me I really tried to stop becuase my belly is swore and it hurts to laugh really hard .....LOL!!!!! Good look on your appt with your new RE, I know all will go well!

Thank you ladies for all of your feedback on the pains I was feeling. Actually today I feel better, it seems that I feel better and better each day. I also called my Re's office and they informed me of the same thing.

Havent heard anything else about my little embies and how they are doing. Are they suppose to call you and give you updated information? Or do they do nt call if nothing has changed?

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492346 tn?1267378978
Sally, oh my you are hilarious.  Just love your humour!!!  Wishing you lots of luck with your new appt today!  Looking forward to the update and I hope you get to start stimming very soon!

Helen, my RE prefers day-3 transfers but of course will consider day-5.  Since I've had serious quality issues I elected to do a day-3 (to ensure we have something to transfer) and then freeze any which make it to blast.  The only prob is my RE said OHSS tends to hit hardest 4-5 days post retrieval so I think he may push me for a day-5 to allow for better eval of OHSS.  Tomorrow is day-3 and I am on the books for a transfer.... I think the odds of it actually happening tomorrow is no better than 50%.  I don't feel horrible, but I don't feel okay either. My RE is super conservative and I know he's gonna take the safest approach which could mean no fresh transfer at all. Will know more tomorrow!
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