380530 tn?1239162538

To Alpha Gamma Prego and ALL trying to conceivers about the power of prayer.

I know that we all come from different faiths and believes, but most all faiths believe in one thing and that is the power of prayer.  Science has even proven it's benefits.  I was thinking that we should start something of a prayer chain, and schedule a time when each of us takes a few minutes to pray for one another at the same time every day.  We can post certain prayer requests for example, if you're having an IUI in the morning, or an IVF transfer, or simply trying to time your bd during o, whatever, and then we will all pray for the request at the same time.   Maybe we should set aside 9 am and/or 9pm Pacific Standard Time each day for a few minutes to pray for one another.  I can post a table of time zones if you are interested.  Anyhow, let me know what you all think of this idea and if we all agree, or like the idea, then let the prayers begin!    
146 Responses
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380530 tn?1239162538
By the way Vingulf WELCOME BACK!!!!!!  WE HAVE REALLY MISSED YOU!!!!!

Well, I'll be praying big big prayers tonight for my AGP sisters.  

Mary, Yes, FSH of 11 is very good.  According to my dr. he said he'd be "jumping for joy if my FSH was 11"  But, since it's higher he says pregnancy does happen and he's seen it in his clinic with women of even higher FSH, although my chances are still low and I'm not completely giving up.

Maria - So glad you are back and in the game!  

Helen - Your friend is so lucky to have a friend like you supporting her and hosting a dinner for her.  This time next year she'll be doing the same for you I'm sure!

Heathjo - I'm saying a prayer that you have a quick and easy HSG.

Lexima -  I'll be saying a prayer that his IUI bring you loads and loads of ssbd!!

Empty - still waiting to hear about your appt. and praying the bding bring you big, big BFP.

Annabrita - I'm sorry I've lost track of where you are at.  What's going on with you?

OK.  Still no AF.  I'm not testing though.  We'll see what tomorrow brings.
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328927 tn?1227761840
I am starting a new thread--this one is chugging along. Detour!
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My FSH was 11.5 at last check.  It is what my RE considers "somewhat elevated"  but she thinks pregnancy with my own eggs is doable.  My RE is part of a team with Cornell in NYC, and they have a very good reputation.  They take on a lot of cases in which women are labeled "poor responders" and women who have had their cycles canceled by other clinics secondary to their poor response..  I have read a lot of posts on another board where many such women have written about their successes.  
I realize the whole thing is such a long shot because I waited so long, but I am at least slightly optimistic because I was, in fact, able to become pregnant naturally last year.  Even though I had a m/c, I am hoping that whatever meds I may get will make any potential pregnancy through IVF more viable.  
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Oh, sorry to make things confusing.  I just realized I posted this from my sister's account.  I'm at her house and on her laptop right now.  Didn't realize she had her account set up.  This is Lisa/babyalive.  (-:
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What is your FSH?  I've done more research this weekend regarding high FSH and am fairly discouraged.  Most reports, not all, but most state that statistically speaking pregnancy with my FSH of 15 pregnancy is very rare.

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Hi everyone.  I have been off line for a few days, delaing with my own crazy situation.  As I mentioned on cd 19, I started having some bleeding.  Ended up being an early AF -- bummer.  So now, it is back to the drawing board for me.  I just monitor for O so I can begin my medication protocol.  I am going to call my endocrinologist tomorrow, becasue I think she has me on too low a dosage of synthroid.  It seems to me that my cycle irregularity all began when she lowered dose to its present level.  My bloodwork says I am "normal" but my body is telling me different.  I am especially concerned because I was able to conceive naturally when I was on a higher dose.  Hopefully, she will agree to raise the dose.

Lisa:  Still no AF -- I am still keeping my fingers crossed for you and they are beginning to cramp.  Hopefully I can uncross them soon when you post a BFP.

HeathJo:  Good luck with the HSG on Tues.  Should be a piece of cake.

Lex:  Good luck with the IUI.

Helen: Believe me, I know that the idea of IVF and the cost involved can be daunting.  Did you check with your insurance carrier?  I was very surprised when I found that mine will cover expensed up to $50,000.  The meds, themselves can be very expensive, so if you insurance covers the meds, that can be a huge savings. As far as statistics go, you age is definately a positive.  Even though some women younger than yourself have failed cycles, there can be other reasons for the failure.  I think it is just important to use an RE who has a good grasp on which protocols work for which patient.  I have reviewed my protocol on this forum before, and nobody on it seemed to have anything similar to mine.  Then I went to another forum, and heard of many success stories for women in my exact situation. (over 40 with elevated FSH)  The RE I have is one of the guru's for my situation, so I am putting a lot of faith in her.
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Hello everyone! sorry haven't been on...just too much going on over here.

Still no word from the insurance on how much allowance we have left. But am not expecting a lot since I had to undergo that laparoscopy in Sept and that charge went under our infertility allowance.

I'm on CD17 but I dont think I o'ed yet. I usually o around CD12 and I usually have that discharge. but i have been so dry! And that AF kicked my a$$ and was 9 days long! It's usually 3-5 days.

I am doing acupuncture and yoga...so aside from work, that occupies me while waiting to go for our second ivf cycle. I am just not sure if I can handle another disappointment though...

Hope everyone is doing well. I check my private messages so feel free to send me messages there.

SSBD to all!


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294043 tn?1354207946
no AF is a good sign!!!  I soooo hope it stays away from you and you will be our first success story.

thanks for your encouraging words.  This cycle for us is pretty cheap since we only have to pay for clomid and IUI.  I just got the cost breakdown from my doc for ivf.  Yaiks! That will drain our financial resources pretty badly.  I do not mind that because probability of success with ivf is so much higher and it's our only option.  However, I read every day stories on this forum of women younger than me going through ivf with no success.  What if ivf does not work for us?  This is what scares me the most.  

Today I am hosting my pregnant friend and her dh for dinner.  She is in her second trimester and feeling "great".  So, I am trying to prepare a healthy pregnant-friendly dinner along with many smiles :)
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380530 tn?1239162538
Helen & HeathJo - I sooooo pulling for you two this cycle!  

HeathJo - don't worry about the HSG, it's mildly uncomforable and I haven't heard of anyone else having a reaction like mine.  They did give me a pad after the procedure. I have very little dye.   Unless you have blockage, I think most of the dye just runs through your tubes and then....I don't know where it goes.  (-:

Helen - you must be taking your Clomid now?  Be sure and start taking Robittusun, or anything with Guifenison in it.  Clomid tends to make cm very thick and difficult for the little guys to get by, the Guifenison helps with that.  

Empty - I can not wait until Tuesday to hear what you find out at the drs. visit!!

Oh, Heathjo - I'm due today or tomorrow.  My cycles run 30/31 days.  Today is cd 30.  No AF...yet....
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328927 tn?1227761840
I know, we are exactly on the same schedule! Maybe we will both get lucky this month. I really hope so, not just b/c we both want this so much, but the cost really adds up! All included, this month alone has cost $1300, not including meds, the HSG test, and bloodwork. I'll probably be out 2k each month.

Now that you mention it, I think I do remember that scar tissue can return within several weeks--one or two cycles. I do not blame you for going to IVF after this. I will give this new protocol two IUI tries and then go for IVF, simply because the IVF will most likely work for sure, and the cost of the whole process with IUI is still quite expensive. I think IVF will add about 4-5k to the cost. Yikes!

Oh well, one day at a time! I predict we will have a BFP within 2 cycles for one of us!
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294043 tn?1354207946
My doc will not do u/s since he prefers to wait for the natural LH surge.  I have no problem ovulating on my own.  The only way to test whether scar tissue is back is to do another lap.  However, scar tissue tends to come back within weeks.  Most of it is probably back already which is why this is our last try before going for ivf.

Thank you so much for your support!  Being a good sorrority sis I am on the same cd as you so we'll be going through this cycle together again.  
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328927 tn?1227761840
Thanks for the reminder about the pad!!! I totally forgot about that. And thanks for the reassurances, I need them! But, I am getting used to "invasive" procedures, and if I plan to get pg this is just the beginning!

I hope the Clomid will be effective now that you have had the scar tissue removed. Are they going to monitor you with u/s? How can the be sure the scar tissue doesn't return? Sorry with all the questions, I am just ignorant about it and want to be able to keep up with your circumstances so I can best support you :-)
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294043 tn?1354207946
many women on this forum got pregnant with only one tube.  However, they used IUI to boost their chances when they were ovulating on the right side that wasn't damaged.  A lap is usually suggested if both tubes are blocked.  I am not sure what your doc has in mind.  

I hope your HSG is painless and you do not have the same reaction as Lisa.  Please do not worry about that.  HSG is uncomfortable but not more than IUI in my experience.  I did not take any painkillers that day and was totally OK.  Do not forget to have a pad on Tuesday.  They dye will be leaking for a few hours after the procedure.  

Answering your question: this is not the first round of clomid for me.  I took clomid back in August and September with no success.  It wasn't clomid's fault though since scar tissue was preventing conception no matter what the medicine was doing.  I just hope that scar tissue is not back or at least not back on both sides and there is a chance in hell that this month may work.

how are you doing?  I hope your wait for LH surge is over.  Such long wait can drive anyone crazy.  
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126702 tn?1240888250
thanks Lexima - i am learning all these things as i go and am so grateful i have all you girls to help me along. So your results are excellent!!! best of luck.
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328927 tn?1227761840
Hey guys, thanks for asking about me :-)
I went in Friday morning for an u/s, and I have the go-ahead to start 5mg letrozole (femara) today, cd3-7. Then, cd5-9, I start follistim 75 injections, and have an u/s cd10 (Feb. 2) to check follicles.

My HSG is scheduled for Tuesday, 1/29 at 12:45. I am nervous, but relieved because I do NOT have to discontinue the Metformin before the test.

Lex--Awesome about the 5 follies!!!!!! Do you have another u/s before the IUI?

Lisa--are you for certain it is AF coming??? When is she due??

Helen--is this your first month on Clomid?

Empty--Lex is right, 1 follie is all it takes. That is what I usually have and sometimes feel inadequate seeing people with so many more, but don't fret. It can happen!!!
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310089 tn?1232481423
empty/babyalive - I'm using plain CVS brand OPKs they are cheaper than the brand names.  I think they go for $17 a box and with CVS sometimes you get coupons so its additional $2 off.  They work pretty well for me.  Few months ago I bought First Response, but didn't like them even the control line on them wasn't as bright.  So I went out and bout my trusted CVS and retested.

empty - One follicle is normal, healthy women that get pregnant naturally produce one follicle a month.  What fertility drugs do, they produce more than one increasing the chances but also increasing chances for multiples.  So it's not impossible to get pg with just one.
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126702 tn?1240888250
Lexima - i am very happy for you despite the fact that i dont know much about follicles!
I only had one dominant one so i am note sure until i see my doc on tues what that means. I am not on meds. What OPKs do you use? I cant afford the smileys they are $59 for 7 tests here and i still am waiting for my normal ones to turn up in the mail.

Helen- i see the doc on Tues. They will have all of my results and DHs results. I have a feeling they might try the lap on me or clomid. I have no other issues from what they can tell from the HSG and ultrasound. But like i mentioned above to Lex they say one dominant follicle on my right ovary (the good side) and i dont know if i should be having more? They could tell i will be ovulating on the right and i am on CD17 today. I am totally interested to hear about your lap so please let me know?
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310089 tn?1232481423
Thanks guys.  I just did OPK, and it's obviously negative, I didn't even think otherwise, but if RE told me to start checking I did just in case.  I looks like I'm responding best to the 75ml dose of Follistim, so the way things are going IUI will probably sometime at the end of next week.  I'm thinking Friday or Monday if they decide to reduce the dose.

Lisa - sorry about BFN and AF symptoms, don't give up if it's not this month it's next.

Did anyone hear from HeathJo?
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380530 tn?1239162538
Hi Helen,

No I won't be testing.  I am so sure AF is on her way.  I have all the feelings I get just before her arrival and I have none, zero, zilch prego symptoms.  It's ok.  I'm over being disappointed.  

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294043 tn?1354207946
I agree with Lisa, those are great looking follies and you are only cd6!  I hope this is your month.

I am on cd3 starting clomid today.

how was your appointment?  What's new on your side?

are you testing tomorrow am?  I'll be sending baby vibes your way.

what is your plan for this month?  What does your doc recommend?  Will you try a lap?  I had one not long ago.  Feel free to ask any questions.
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380530 tn?1239162538
Wow, Lexima that is terrific!  Those are good size  follices at cd 6!   I'm throwing lots of sticky, sticky baby dust your way!!  

What kind of OPK's are you using?  
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310089 tn?1232481423
Good morning guys.

This morning I went to clinic for monitoring.  This are looking ok, today is CD6 I have 5 dominant follicles ranging from 11-13.  For now the RE wants me to continue with the current dose of follistim, and come back on Monday.  Last night a I started feeling a bit of O like cramping, but I gues it's just my ovaries streching to accomodate many follicles, still RE wants me to stark OPKing just in case.
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126702 tn?1240888250
heathjo - how are you feeling? Did you get your HSG scheduled?

helen72 - did your appt go okay?
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380530 tn?1239162538
Thank you everyone for your support and encouragment.  I just couldn't get through this without you all!!  

I know that 9dpo is too early and I didn't use FMU.  But, I thought I would at least see a slight, faint line.  But, nothing.  Now today I can feel AF coming on, probably Sunday or Monday. I won't be POAS again this cycle.  

HeathJo - How did your appointment go?
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