299260 tn?1304216105

Women of Strength!!!

A strong woman works out every day to keep her body in shape…
But a woman of strength builds relationships to keep her soul in shape.
A strong woman isn't afraid of anything…
But a woman of strength shows courage in the midst of fear.
A strong woman won't let anyone get the better of her…
But a woman of strength gives the best of herself to everyone.
A strong woman makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future…
A woman of strength realizes life's mistakes can also be unexpected blessings and capitalizes on them.
A strong woman wears a look of confidence on her face…
But a woman of strength wears grace.
A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey…
But a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong.
Leighanne:Jaedyn Michael Born on 2/10/09  Now is 16months 20lbs and 30 inches long
Vortex: On 4/20/2009, Sahana was born! (Check out her pics!!!)
Joyce: 5/28/09 Daniel Joseph was born, 8lbs, 8oz and 19 3/4 inches long.
Jessie: 6/11/09 Zachary Kaden arrived at 5:43am. 7 lbs, 12 oz and 20.5 inches long
Armyprincess: 7/24/09, Jeremy Michael was born 9lbs, 3 ozs & 20 inches
Stacey: 8/12/09, Jake Harrison was born a healthy 6lbs! Check out his handsome pics!
Arlotheslug:  Home loving her little girl!!!  See her beautiful pics! :)
Kaylee_Frye: Hayden Elizabeth was born 9/12/09; 6lb 12 oz and 19.5 inches!
Luvkayln: Adalynn Noel was born healthy & beautiful on 12/7/09! 6 pounds, 15 ounces!!!  Check out her beautiful pics!
Dnikkki: Welcome Peyton Therese!!! Born 2/2/10 at 9:47 p.m. 6 pounds, 6 ounces & 19 inches long!
Mommyin10: Richard Clay, III & Ava Kathleen were born 2/18/10! He was 4 lbs, 5oz, born at 12:15 a.m. She weighed 3lbs, 14oz, born at 12:16 a.m.  
Sbumblebeeo: Shelby Rachel arrived on April 1st, 7 pounds, 1 ounce, 20 inches long! :)
Help4baby:  Twin boys were born on April 30 6 lb 5oz & 7 lb 4oz
kmcarino:  Ryan Joseph was born Sunday, 6/20/10 at 2:33 pm.  He's a healthy 7 lbs, 02 ounces and 20 1/2 inches long =)
ad_06:  Welcome, Conner Jamison! Born 7/17 at 5:13 pm, 8 lbs, 2 oz, 19 1/2 inches long :)
Rachjas: Baby girl was born 7/16!  Congrats, Mommy!  Update with details =)

trh0819:  BFP! 10 weeks :)
Luvkayln: BFP!!! 7 weeks! u/s Tomorrow!
bfromthed:  BFP!!! 7 Weeks! Next appt & u/s Thursday!

Michelleinhawaii: BFP - Send prayers & positive thoughts :)

Waiting for an update:
Candie ((Miss you!!))    

Taking a Break
Keyan:  CD 14
Krichar:  CD21

Guesito: 1DP5DT!  Beta 8/3!!!

Hi, Ladies!  Sorry I haven't been around.  Good suggestion, Guesito!  It was getting long =)  Please let me know if your stats are wrong & for those with BFPs, please let me know how many weeks you are & on what day of the week it changes.  Thanks =)

Guesito:  Congrats on 2 beautiful blasts being transferred!!!  It's funny, when I had one perfect blast transferred at 5 days, it was because my RE was concerned with twins!  (I'm sure you remember) My uterus is extra small, so we transferred one to avoid multiples... Well, here you are transferring 2! ;-)  I will be praying for a sticky BFP on the 3rd!  Thank you for asking about Ricky.  He is doing so good!  You'd never even know he had surgery.  He was up & smiling, laughing like normal the morning after!!!  Amazing how resilient they are!  We go in on Thursday for a follow-up.  In the meantime, we've been taking the babies for walks & letting them roll & interact on the carpet. They're growing so fast & just so darn cute =)  Rest & best wishes!!!

Luvkayln:  I will be praying for you tomorrow!  Please update asap =)  I have a good feeling for you.  I know it's stressful when there are questions.  Try to stay positive and as calm as possible.

bfromthed:  Congrats & Happy 7 Weeks =)  I'm excited for you to see your sweet, little baby on Thursday =)

rachjas:  What is baby C's name?  How are you all doing?  I can imagine you're just elated & I'm so so happy for you!!!

Krichar:  Thanks for the sweet note!!!
156 Responses
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342693 tn?1425621476
Good idea,
Please post what the name pf the thread will be :-)
Helpful - 0
478429 tn?1265244387
Hey everyone, I'm going to go ahead a start a new thread...this one is starting to take forever to load lol! I know mommyin10 is very busy with the twins and she went back to work too. I'm sure a lot of the info I will post is not up to date so please make corrections if needed!!!
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574521 tn?1313495146
Thanks for the info... pls tell her we miss her =)
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342988 tn?1299782356
i have mommy on my FB.  yesterday the babies were 6 months old.  
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574521 tn?1313495146
Does anybody know how mommying and kids are doing? I miss her!!
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982214 tn?1471454781
CONGRATS!!!! That is awesome news! I am so happy for you!!

rachjas0623- Love the updates on the blog!!! What a great welcome home party, I am sure baby C loved it!!! I love the lady bugs...my favorite thing for a little girl!! I also love the t-shirts you guys were wearing!!! I believe there is a book out there called 'born from my heart' for kids about adoption. It is a beautiful story how some babies are born from their mommies tummies and some are born from their hearts...Just something i thought about when i saw uyour dh's shirt in the pic!!

AFM- I will write a journal about where i am now so i don't have to write it over and over again! I will keep it open to the public so you all can read it if you like, If all goes well though looks like we will be transfering in October!
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465737 tn?1315754922
guesito- Congrats!
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574521 tn?1313495146
Yes I posted the u/s pics check them out.. So cute already!
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342988 tn?1299782356
GUESITO- i did the same thing.  my 2 other pregnancies prior to Jaedyn we didnt get to see the heartbeat, baby stopped growing prior to, so when i was it i immediately began sobbing.  Congrats  i am so happy for you.  i told you not to worry about the your last level although it was a great number, they are not expected to double every 2 days, its every 72 hours for a healthy pregnancy.  did you get a US pic of you little bean?
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342693 tn?1425621476
I told you things would be fine....prayer truly works! I am so happy for you!
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574521 tn?1313495146
Thanks honey and Yes, I broke down once I saw the flickering... Omg it was the most beautiful thing!! The tech didn't know what to say except.. congratulations baby is measuring great, look at the heartbeat beating away!
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342988 tn?1299782356
GUESITO- OMG congrats.  i think Jaedyns was 115bpm at 6 weeks.  are you on cloud 9?  i cried immediately when i saw the little flicker.  makes me want to try for another one.
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574521 tn?1313495146
I just saw my peanut hb 112 BPM measuring just perfect...sooooo happy!!!
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342693 tn?1425621476
the little one is growing... it takes no time take pleant of pics! :-)
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465737 tn?1315754922
guesito- I think that your numbers are just fine. After they get to a certin point, they stop doubling.. and it doesn't have to be 48 hrs.... they just give u those guidelines for something to go by..I can't wait to hear your update tmw!

Baby C is great! She turned 1 month Monday! At her appointment last week, she weighed 7lbs3oz!!!
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574521 tn?1313495146
Ladies thank you so much for all your posts you guys made me feel so much better. well today im 6 weeks, Couldn't sleep last night tomorrow is my u/s my heart is pounding already. I have been resting since my ER discharge so feel better(no pains, no bleeding or spotting)

Bfrom-I have Femara, Estrace and maybe pio shots. Let me know how I can help you =)
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342693 tn?1425621476

My appt went well everything is bk in line he wants us to wait to cycles to ttc again but I am switching over to another team on Sept 2nd I did not even tell him!


guestino: The beta charts say you are right on! Is your u/s tomorrow? Dont stress trust me it does not help in anyway! Keep me posted stay in bed and I will check in on you tomorrow!
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982214 tn?1471454781
No worries yet...There are many people who don't see much at this time. My RE doesn't send you for an ultrasound till 7 weeks so they are 100% sure. As long as everything looks right on target then have no worries! Take their advice and rest rest rest!!! When talking to the nurse at my RE we discussed why they don't check HCG levels and she said it doesn't relly matter. Yes there is a bit of piece of mind but it won't change the quality of care i recieve. Try not to focus on that and there is a point where the numbers stop increasing so quickly! You are in my prayers for sure!!

AFM- Well when speaking to the nurse at the clinic she said that my doctor was booking into late September (don't think i mentioned that last time) They said because it was august and she is going away in a week or so for 2 weeks everything would be pushed back.

That was part of the anger and saddness. If they wanted me to go through this testing then why not have suggested back in July after the 2nd miscarriage instead of when my name came up for a new cycle. The nurse stated it was probably overlooked and because i had so many questions now they looked into it further...

So i called to book my appointment (not sure if you all know but my RE works on a messaging system...you never get a live person. You leave a message and they call you back). They called me yesterday and told me they had a cancellation for this wednesday. I was so excited!!! Although i do believe they squished me in because they felt bad (They close at 4 and my appointment is at 4)...but nevertheless i may still get in this month or at the least next cycle!!!
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342988 tn?1299782356
GUESITO- this is right from an hcg website.

Key things to remember about hCG levels:

• About 85% of normal pregnancies will have the hCG level double every 48-72 hours. As you get further along into pregnancy and the hCG level gets higher, the time it takes to double can increase to about every 96 hours.

hope this eases your mind.  your hcg level is great right now.
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342988 tn?1299782356
GUESITO- try to relax, your numbers are great.  just liek the ladies said your numbers do start to slow down and after a few weeks it can take up to 3 days for your numbers to double.  if you look up online it tells you that your hcg can take up to 3 days to double.  and that is still ok.  try to stay positive.
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449498 tn?1338772039
Guesito- Anytime you go to the ER with a concern, they always dismiss you as a threatened m/c! No worries!! Stacey is right, after some point, your levels do stop doubling! I wouldn't worry about anything. Your sac is measuring right on and your levels are great! And yes, rest rest rest!! :) Wednesday is right around the corner! I know it feels like a lifetime, but it's almost here!

bfromthed- You go girl!! :) You are so strong, you're awesome, just amazing!!! That attitude will get you to your ultimate goal! I know it!! That's great you're almost done bleeding! I just stopped bleeding 2 days ago, finally! I bled for 17 days... crazy!! Well, it was like a period for the first week, then just an annoying constant spotting for the last of it, I'm just glad it's over! Now I'm having O pains, so my body's jumping right back in to gear! :) We're not trying for a while, but if we get another suprise, I'll be happy! ;) God will give me what's meant to be!! And He is taking care of you too! :)

Krichar- I know that stinks you'll have to wait a little longer, but there are so many +'s about the situation! What if they do find a reason why you keep m/c'ing, and have a way to prevent it??? How amazing would that be to know that when you do get pregnant again, everything will be great! :) And how awesome that you won't lose your place on the list! This is a win/win situation for you!!! Baby dust your way sweetie!!!! :)

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574521 tn?1313495146
Your post made me feel so much better... I have had no bleeding or anything, I guess the ER assumed M/C even my discharge papers have a diagnosis of Bleeding while pg..??? I havent bled!!    The u/s tech at the ER wouldn't even do a transvaginal and did a regular sonogran (without a full bladder) she was very brief and didn't know half of the answers to my questions, she did see a sac  measuring perfect at 5wks 5 days.......My RE appt is this wed 8/18 for a u/s so I guess I will pray and hope, I don't know what to expect on wed but know for sure they have all the answers. ***Praying for a miracle***
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473246 tn?1293833673
Guesito - Praying for you!  I did not see Jake's heartbeat until 6.5 weeks and he was a threatened miscarriage after my first big bleed at 11 weeks.  Hang in there and rest rest rest.  Stay in bed...I am convinced it really helped us.  Nothing else is more important right now. Your beta is godd and at some point it stops doubling and as long as it keeps rising you are good.  Positive thoughts to you and really...stay in bed!!  xoxo
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574521 tn?1313495146
Update- Continued to have right side pain went in to the ER, they found a sac measuring 5wks 5days, no fetal pole or anything yet. My beta came back at 24,765. Im beyond upset since my last beta was 4445 on 8/9 which means that it hasn't been doubling. They diagnosed me with a Threatened M/C and put me on bed rest. I don't know if I should change my re appt since I just had an US last night and will give it another week. This is not what I expected but are terrified right now!
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