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495055 tn?1259700950

Clomid - First Time User, Continued

When should I expect my period to start on my first Clomid cycle?  Normally, my period starts on day 34 or 35 of my regular cycle.  I have been told by some, it will arrive early, some say late.  Just wondering - go in for my Drs appt on June 4th to see if I ovulated.  

Thank you.  
29 Responses
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495055 tn?1259700950
It really sounded like you O'd.  I don't think you should second guess it!  It is so hard to stay positive.  To be honest, I kind of felt like the Dr. sent me on my way as well.  She seemed to really steer hard for IVF - which I am not opposed to completely, but just did not seem right for us at this time.  She decided to watch me - but  I also asked, in part.  Call your Dr. and ask him/her what is up.  This may be part of the plan - so he/she should be communicating! But, again, it did really sound like you o'd - do please do not second guess!  (I know it is hard).  

I am trying to stay positive with my baby steps!  

Happy Tues to all.  
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Arlothslug, that is great news everything sounds good for you this cycle and I wish you the very best.  Did your doctor already decide to watch you so closely or did you request it?  I'm asking because my doctor just gave me clomid and sent me on my way and I'm really second guessing the ovulation.

mommyin09, it's always good to get together with old friends especially at a time like this, we need all the support and understanding we can get.

Well here goes another week.

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495055 tn?1259700950
It sounds like we all had a restful and relaxing weekend!  (which is wonderful).

They have me on 50 mg.  I must admit I was in a bit of a shell shock when I heard on Sunday b/c the dr was very skeptic that I would have a positive reaction to that level.  I guess the next step is to see exactly how many eggs I am producing ;-)  Momentum is good.  

Happy Monday.
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299260 tn?1304216105
Arlotheslug:  Great news !!!  I'm really happy for you!  I'm sure that phone call puts your mind at ease & now you can be excited about a new plan this cycle :)  Will you still use 50mg or will you go up to 100?
Enjoy the movie!

TrishV72:  I'm glad you had a great time last night :)  I spent the afternoon with my two best girlfriends (both also ttc).  We don't live too close, so make a point to get together for brunch occasionally.  It was so nice just to relax with them - we did not see the movie, but I'm glad you enjoyed it ! :)
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495055 tn?1259700950
I ovulated!  
Just got a call from my dr to start another round of clomid on Tues (Day 3), and my day 21 progesterone levels were at 6.5 (anything above 5 = ovulation).  YAHOOO!!!!  The Dr. did not think I would react well to 50 mg. I am SOO happy.  This is really good news - b/c I have been told I ovulated sporadically, if at all.  

Now we will start another round, where I will use OPK on Day 11 and have sonogram and more bloodwork by day 15.  Going to call my sis in law (who is a yoga instructor) to learn how to stand on my head ;-)

BTW - I am going to see the movie today with some girlfriends today.  I am so glad you liked it!

Happy Sunday!
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Good luck to you both I wish you the best and i hope this is the month for us.
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Hello ladies, no you did not bring me down, I'm actually in a very good mood tonight.  I just went with some friends to see Sex and the City, it was great!!!!!!!!!  I laughed so hard you really need to see this movie just to forget everything for a little while.

I think I will try not to test, just wait this one out.  I'm trying to stay more relaxed this month.

Realy go see the movie.
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495055 tn?1259700950
Good luck.
Just rereading my comments - I hope I did not bring things down . . . ;-)
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299260 tn?1304216105
It sounds like you did O, since the opk & ov watch both seemed to agree. I know the waiting sucks !  Keep yourself busy with your remodel & getting ready for your trip & don't let your mind wander.  It will drive you crazy !  I know, it's easier said than done :)  If you're 9DPO today, you can test sometime next week; right? Best wishes & lots of baby dust to you !!!
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495055 tn?1259700950
Absolutely agreed.  Unfortunately, patience is not something I am known for . . .

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I did use the clear blue OPK from Costco (20 in a box).  I also used something called the OV Watch and they both said the same day.  THis waiting is the thing I hate.  I wish we could get results earlier.  This cycle seems a little easier because I have a bathroom that I remodeling and a trip that I'm getting ready for so it is keeping me a little busy which helps.  This has been the longest 8 months I must say.
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495055 tn?1259700950
I know, I could not completely lose the caffine either.  It is hard!  

Unfortunately, I won't get the results until June 6th.  I really wish it was sooner! All is waiting and uncertainty really sucks sometimes, but I figure I have to keep on hoping.  It just gets really hard, as I am sure you know, when AF comes.  I think dh gets it, sometimes - I know he hurts too.  

Come some way, we will have a baby.  I know that.  I really try and stay positive!  I think that is half the battle.  

I really hope the crampy is a good sign!  Unfortunately, a lot of the electronic ovulation predictors give false readings on clomid.  You can use the ovulation kits (usually come 7-10).  (When I called Clear Blue about this, they sent me a free ovulation kit, which was nice - lord knows I have given them enough money.).  Maybe talk with your dr. about doing bloodwork in the future (hopefully you won't need it!).  

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Well I think I will cut back on the caffine not stop completely I need a cup or two.  

Arlotheslup:  Did you get  the results from blood work?  

I wish my doctor did blood work to see if I o'ed because I'm really not sure now. I'm 8dpo and I feel crampy and it is really confusing me.
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299260 tn?1304216105
Anytime :)  There are lots of abbreviations on here & it's fun to get the hang of it :)  Good luck with your blood work.  I'm on 50 mg clomid for the first time, too.  
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495055 tn?1259700950
I have read alot about coffee and fertility as well.  My Dr. said it could affect implantation, so I drastically cut back.  Not off of it completely - but much less.  

My ovulation is being checked by bloodwork at this stage.  Trying to see if my body likes the clomid 50mg (i.e. eggs a coming).  My Dr. seems to think I will need a higher dose, but I am hopeful.  

I have tried many things to calm the soul.  I think half the battle with this struggle is to stay positive and calm (and to also make sure the dh is ok).  I know it is hard on him too!  

Thanks for the translation.  Trying to pick up the lingo a bit better.

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299260 tn?1304216105
Hi.  My doctor never actually told me to stop drinking coffee.  I've just read about how caffeine could affect fertility.  I like to follow the South Beach diet's principles, even when I'm not doing the "totally strict" version & so I've learned a lot about eating healthier & I actually cut out all soda on my own in February !  (I only had a diet coke a day, but still that's a hard habit to break)!  I drink one cup of coffee a day, except I stop it completely after O.  This cycle, since I started clomid, I thought I'd stop it earlier, but I was so exhausted last night, that I had a cup. :)  If you are having difficulty conceiving, try cutting back a little bit, maybe down to two cups a day, then one.  I know when I stopped all caffeine cold turkey, my body seemed to be in total shock !  I had headaches, of course, but my bones in my hips/pelvis/low back & legs ached like I've never felt before !  I couldn't even lay down in bed, it hurt so bad.  I found some stuff online about how that's happened to other people, too.  Something about the caffeine stripping your bones of calcium.  I can't remember exactly.  Anyway, sorry to go on & on.  Take care :)
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Hello ladies,  I'm having very strange side effects today.  It almost feels like i'm o'ing again.  I'm 7dpo and i feel crampy.  I think the other side effects are getting better.  This sure is very stressfull.

mommyin08- did your doctor ask you to stop coffee or did you do it on your own?  I drink 3 to 4 cups a day.
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299260 tn?1304216105
Hi.  Sorry !  Looking back at my last post to you, tww means two week wait & AF is aunt flo (your period) & dh is dear husband :)

What is your doc doing to see if you're O'ing (ovulating)?  Are you on meds or is it just through blood work?  I will take my last clomid today & then hope it works its magic ! :)  I'll google the tao of infertiity.  Sounds interesting.  Take care :)
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495055 tn?1259700950
I have a friend here who is trying clomid for the first time as well and had VERY similar symptoms.  The crying really killed me (and my husband).  It was more than just the sorrow of all of this.  It gets better (at least it did for me) as you get close to the end of your cycle.  I think, if the pain is correct, I ovulated on day 19 or so (waiting for official results), so now I am waiting to see if flo visits (not sure I am using the right word).  It is day 29.  I normally run a 35-36 day cycle.  

Good luck!  
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495055 tn?1259700950
So, I guess I feel like a bit of a fool - what does tww mean? Sorry.  

Some background - I apparently have not been ovulating (which was based upon a test on one month), so my dr is trying to see if I can ovulate.  I guess I have been a bit frustrated on that point - since I have VERY regular periods - they are just longer.  This may also be complicated by my RA, which is under awesome control right now (was not so much when we did the first test to see if I did ovulate) - also had many other life stresses at this time of this test.  I am trying to stay calm and patient - trying.  Picked up the Tao of Infertility a while back - seems to help me.  

We are going to try IUI.  

Here is hoping this works for both of us!  
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299260 tn?1304216105
I guess we'll do just about anything to have our little ones, huh?!  Sorry it did a number on you !  My doc told me I could become very hormonal, but that didn't happen.  I'm mostly tired & have a headache (but I've also stopped caffeine, which could have something to do with it).  I started my pills on CD3, too, & the only way I can describe how I feel, especially today CD8, is that my ovaries have been kicked into gear.  I feel like I normally do just before I O, so I'm thinking it's working :)  Take care !
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Hello, My name is Trish and this is my first round of clomid.  I started on day 3 I'm now in day 21.  This pill was horrible to me I was very sad I would cry all the time and I had problems with my leg going numb.  I went to the doctor and was OK it just made me feel terrible hope it works.  good luck to you!
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299260 tn?1304216105
So, you are in your tww?  When will you test?  I did bloodwork In Feb when I first met with my doc, but she did mention that around 6/12 I'll do another progesterone test.  I have noticed feeling very tired !  I wasn't sure if it was just the clomid or the fact that I stopped drinking coffee :)  I haven't felt unusually moody or anything, which I'm thankful for !  I had warned dh that I may be, but so far, so good :)  Good luck to you, too !
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495055 tn?1259700950
Hey thanks
I have noticed some side effects for me.  I started on CD 5 too, which was May 4th (they did bloodwork this first cycle to see how I respond - every Dr. is diff).  I have been very tired - at times really sad - not too edgy (though my hubby may disagree) - and hungry.  I think everyone is different, but another woman I know who is just starting clomid had some of the same feelings.  

Good LUCK!

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