804860 tn?1238118347

acupuncture fertility success anyone

i've read amazing stories about how acupuncture increases the odds of a pregnancy. I'm 45 and would like to get pregnant for the 2nd time (1st with IVF at 40). my doc is discouraging due to the stats for my age. any success sotries anyone? thanks in advance for your help!
19 Responses
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782184 tn?1307628542
to everyone

Thanks for the info, I am very glad to hear that most didn't feel them at all. i will now look into finding someone. Thanks again
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166487 tn?1351905651
There is no pain. I was afraid of needles and I kept asking them are you sure they wont hurt they laughed at me. well i did too but I was serious ... lol I and every RE out there recommends this treatment before IVF Strart three months before you have IVF And the day of IVF you go twice that day morning and after the IVF procedure.  I'm thinking of doing IVF in July.
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please look at this cite, has tons of info about how accupuncture can help.
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768616 tn?1322665820
hi TIMA,u r a one lucky girl.beautiful babys.tima if u wont mind can u give me more info,about accu ,as well as about ivf,i just noticed u r in same city where iam.iam doing my ivf from UCSF,can i ask u from where u did ur ivf???also acupuncturist info,where u did acu---.becasue where i go she is good too but she is not fertility specialist .it will be great help if u can give me info .i did my 1st ivf in feb whcih was negative.planing to do 2nd FET in april they r planing to do natural FET.did u did natural FET.

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Hi. I had failed fresh IVF cycle, then failed FET. My RE recommended accupuncture and to take a break. Accupuncturist recommended at least 2-3 months of treatment before trying again. Took herbs, went on semi organic diet. At first few treatments needles hurt as I have always been scared of needles, but got used to them. The one that hurt the most was by the big toe to stop spotting episodes during early preg. I took treatment until I was about 25wks preg. I stopped because the office I go to is 45 min drive in traffic and I was on bed rest. My uterus used to get very hard when traveling. Had very little, not even enough to feel discomfort of nausea. No back pain, swelling was just day before del of the ankles.
I totally reccomed to anyone TTC. Good luck.
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768616 tn?1322665820
hi dont worry about needles,u wont belive i was scared of needles too,when i go for B/W i ask them to use butterfly baby needles,& i tell them in advance that if i scream dont get panic.thats how iam when it comes to neddle,i did 1 IVF,i use to take injections everyday at home my hubby use to give me,when i use to see the size of needle i use to start crying b4 even it goes inside.but acupuncture needles u wont even feel ,u will be scared at 1st time but trust me its not like a regular needles,u wont feel it there.so dont worry go for it.
   thanks 4 ur info.about herbs,did u ask ur dr weather u can take herba or not????my RE told me not to take any herbs.so just make sure with ur doctor .
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I don't know if this will help, but I have a huge fear of needles and in thepats I have taken a day off coz I had to get a flu shot.  I tried accu a couple of years ago for migraine (really helped) and did not even feel the needles.  It is very relaxing.  I had 1 failed IUI so for the next one I am going to try accu + iui.  Good luck everyone.  hope we al get BFP  
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782184 tn?1307628542
just wanting to know about the pain level? I am not a big fan of needles but I want to try it before I do IVF. Does it just hurt a bit in the begining? or bug you the whole time?
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166487 tn?1351905651
Im going once a week and I do acu and cupping and they use a tens unit to bring blood flow to the abdomen and a heat lamp for warming of the abdomen. And I take herbs as well. And walk alot to keep my metabolism good. And drink lots of water.
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768616 tn?1322665820
hi nina sorry about ur MC.so what knid of treatment u r doing???r u still doing acu??i hope we all get BFP soon.goodluck
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166487 tn?1351905651
I really think Acu helps balance our bodies.. I started Acu At the end of September of 08 and fell pregnant In NOV of 08.But I miscarried DEC 28th.  I had been trying on my own for 6 mnths. Then I was told about acupuncture so I stared going twice a week. It is so relaxing. Took a break and I just started my treatments again. So we'll see.
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824127 tn?1290516842
I have done one fertility accupunture sessions for IUI which did not work.  I did not do it for my first IVF and i did not fall pregnant.. i will start my accupunture again for my 2nd procedure with natural cycle with frozen embryo's..i am very positive that accupuncure helps because i felt so relaxed after treatments i will try it again.  I am a firm believer that accupuncture or yoga are great forms to enhance conception because they help to make you relaxed be careful of who you choose for accupuncture...

Acupoints are sited along the meridians:  Most of the principal meridians are named after the organ through which they pass.  Each organ plays a role in maintaining a smooth flow of qi, which in turns allows the body systems to function well.

It's important you find a accupunturist that specializes in fertility especially if you are older or have known fertility problem.  He or she may also advise you to change various other aspects of your life, including lifestyle and diet in order to help the holisitic way in which Chinese medicine approaches treatement.

Treatment is given to support a weak organ and restore balance; the acupoints that are used will depend on the client's medical history (both physical and emotional)  Certian accupoints are particulary good for fertility such as the Door of Infants (pelvis area), Gate of Life (lower back area).  The meridians associated with fertility and reproduction are the kidneys, spleen, and liver.  The ear is very important in treatment as the chinese see it as a representation of an inverted fetus, and all the major meridians cross the ear.

In order to re-establish balance in a woman's body and to enhance fertlity, my accupuncturist gives treatment twice weekly on a women undergoing IVF treatment one to two months before, and also during the ivf period.

i hope this helps those of you considering accupuncture.. ps.  i had a girlfriend who did three ivf's, first two failed, the third she did accupuncture one month before and during ivf and has just delivered a beautiful baby girl two months ago!
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685595 tn?1262279076
My RE is very supportive of acupuncture... she said there are now a number of legitimate scientific studies that support the idea of acupuncture helping with conception.  Randine Lewis has a great book on this (The Infertility Cure)  and hosts a list of nationwide acupuncture practitioners who specialize in fertility treatments on her website.  

I also just read a study where they monitored blood flow to the reproductive organs during and after acupuncture and actually identified an increased flow in patients who received the treatments...

... on a personal note, I used to pass out when I had my blood taken but didn't have any trouble with acupuncture.  With all the fertility blood draws, I've gotten over most of my squeamishness now but want to stress that you shouldn't let the needles worry you.
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768616 tn?1322665820
hi iam doing acupuncture right now.iam planing to do my 2nd FET in april,my 1st ivf was BFN.in  feb.i heard lot about acu,my clinic doesnt have acu-- so iam doing out side,if u can help me that will be graet ,i jsut want to know the point where they use to do accu.i know every accupunctrist is different.becasue where i go she is not specialist for infertility but she said she does 4 pregnency,she put this heat on my tummy also she does electro acu,did ur acupuncturist did that.did u guys did during ur transfer too??? please give me info as much as u can.thanks.
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804860 tn?1238118347
thanks for the responses! i may go ahead and spring for it... time's not on my side anymore, so why not try acupuncture?!
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i did accupuncture for my second ivf, the first one failed and i did not do accupuncture.  i got my BFP last Monday and my clinic told me that the success rates have gone up since they opened the accupuncture spa in Hanuary.

good luck to all
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362249 tn?1441315018
plz do share! I'm also curious i have heard about it but the though of so many needles is kinda creepy but if it works i might consider it i know it would be much cheaper than fertility treatments!
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That is great to hear!!
If you don't mind me asking, was your FSH count high and did the acupuncturist recommend herbal therapy as well?
Thanks for sharing!
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325477 tn?1250551309
Well, I am a bit younger than you ( 24 years old) but I gotta say, accupanture definately helped me to get pregnant right a way!
So there is hope!
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