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GERD - Omeprazole question

I recently visited a doctor and was diagnosed with GERD to end up with a prescrip for Omeprazole 40 mg.  I generally do NOT feel any reflux in my esophagus.  Is this normal or it possible it is not GERD?  I have experienced acid reflux up to my mouth [which is very unpleasant], but this is generally a VERY rare occurance.

My sister had some 20 mg over the counter Omep.  I have been taking 2 of these at the same time, once daily.  Should I be taking the 2 for 40 mb or just one?

I have been trying to watch what I eat and reading on the internet what to eat and what NOT to eat.

I generally take my pills around 3-3:30 pm in the afternoon because I am generally up late at night and sleep til 1 pm or later in the afternoon.  Hence, I don't really have a "breakfast".

My question is:
Some nights it is worse that others, but in the wee hours of the morning [anywhere from 3:30 am or so until 8:30 am] I wake up and I can tell my stomach isn't real happy.  I of course can take some Tums etc for that, but I thought the purpose of the Omeprazole was to help prevent this.  Is this just a case of the meds work better for some people than for others, or do I need to see the doc and try a diff med or am I still possibly just eating the "wrong" foods?  

Any ideas whatsoever are welcome.

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Well, I don't see a problem with taking two 20 mg capsules so long as you are taking 40 mg in total.  Just let your physician know what you are doing though.  

Your diet.....what exactly are you eating and drinking?  Are you eating and drinking late at night before going to sleep?  Ideally, you should be eating  a breakfast, lunch and dinner, not skipping breakfast because you were sleeping late related to being up late at night unless you have to be up late at night.  

Are you overweight?  Exercise at all?  Smoker?  Caffeine/Alcohol drinker?

Normally, this med is prescribed to be taken in the morning or late evening not in the middle of the day.  You should be taking this med AS PRESCRIBED by your doctor.  If you are doing anything different from what has been prescribed please NOTIFY your physician about what you are doing.  

Take the med as prescribed and continue lifestyle modifications.  You have to do BOTH to get maximum results.  Give the med some time to work if you haven't been on it long.  You shouldn't be needing to take Tums too.  If it has been 2-4 weeks since starting the Omeprazole and you have taken it AS PRESCRIBED and have done LIFESTYLE MODIFICATIONS, then you need to reconsult your physician.

You probably should consult a GI Specialist and have an Endoscopy done to make sure nothing else is going on.  Sounds like GERD based on your complaints with your stomach at night.  You don't necessarily have to have a frequent or constant feeling of "reflux" or "acid" in your throat or esophagus to have GERD, however, most patients do experience this.  
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1962649 tn?1332444851
Londres is asking you the right questions - hard to say what you should do without knowing the answers to the things she asks. But you must do as she says--take the omeprazole and modify your lifestyle. BOTH-!

I bought some chewable calcium last week and have been taking that after eating. I do think it works.
It helps the LES valve to close. I'm totally OFF alcohol, coffee, chocolate, oily nuts & onions & citrus. Those things triggered me.

I will private message you with some of what Dr Mc Dougall says to do
and it is too long to post here.

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329165 tn?1515471990
Hi there,

I can see from your post that you are really serious about getting your GERD under control and that is great!

You do need to go to a Gastro Ent and some stage and just get an Endoscopy done and find out if you have a LES that is hypotensive or Hiatal hernia and make sure that there are no GERD complications.

I took 40-80mg of Nexium and took half dose in the morning and the other half at night.  I had the Nissen Fundo op on the 8th of Feb. 2012, but before I got to that point I had extensive tests done for several years to make sure that I need the op and will benefit from it.

While you wait for an appointment with a GI, you can make a food diary and write down what symptoms you get from which food and times, etc. as this can be very helpful to diagnose and treat you.

All the best,
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Thanks for the help and comments and the PM info [Shell!].

Yes, I am overweight.  I do NOT smoke or drink.  Yes I used to love to eat.  I get some exercise, but probably not enough.

My biggest problem with my situation is getting help eliminating the stress that is a lot of the trigger.  The stress in my case would be living in a neighborhood with a bunch of people with dogs that let them bark 24/7 and don't seem to care that they may be bothering other people.  For me barking dogs are something I just can't tune out.  It is annoying the hell out of me.

So, I'm trying to change my diet in the hopes that I can eliminate most of the problem.

Any more questions/comments, feel free.

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