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Upcoming Nissen Fundoplication - Looking for Guidance & Support

Hey Everyone,

This is my first time posting here but after doing a lot of research on Nissen's, this forum seemed to be the most updated. I am 32 and have been suffering from GERDS since I was 18 when I was diagnosed with it after it put me in the hospital for trouble swallowing, shortness of breath, and chest pain. On the 3rd day the Dr's did an Endoscopy and located several ulcers in my esophagus and said I had GERDS.

My family doctor treated me for about 8 years but every new medicine that he would give me would last around 2 years and stop working. Finally, he referred me to a digestive disease doctor. He continued with medications and performed an Endoscopy on me every two years. Again, around that time the previous medicine would cease working. Eventually, I ended up taking the most recent medication, Dexilant (formerly Kapidex). I started off at 30mg, then 60 mg. Back in December it stopped working and he then put me on a cocktail of Dexilant, Pepcid, and Protonix. That cocktail worked for 3 weeks and quit working in January.

My GI Dr. said I was a great candidate for a Nissen and referred me to a surgeon trained in performing the procedure. I hesitated at first and decided against it, but the symptoms were getting worse. My last Bravo gave an above average reflux reading every 15 to 20 minutes with or without food. He told me that there were no more medications on the market so I went and saw 2 highly recommended surgeons in my area. After choosing the one I felt the most comfortable with, he scheduled me for the motility test (which by the way calling it hell would be an understatement) and then he also did a stomach emptying test on me.

I am scheduled for the surgery in June. I understand that sometimes the Internet can be the worst of enemies but it seems like for every 1 feel good story that I read, I am reading 9 horror stories. Needless to say I am not wanting to have the procedure done to simply stop taking medications, nor am I wanting to have it done because I have had reflux for only 6 months so I think after suffering from it for as long as I have, I would possibly have a more positive outcome then others who rushed into the surgery. But needless to say, after reading forum after forum, this procedure really has me scared. I had a ventral hernia repair done 4 years ago so I am well aware of the uncomfortable recovery that comes after a abdominal laproscopic procedure and I am prepared to handle that. But I just can't get past wondering if the side effects of a Nissen is better than living with GERDS which has just become a common part of my life?

The surgeon was very positive (of course). He did tell me the recovery would be long, that I would be on a liquid diet for 2 to 4 weeks, that I would not be able to burp or vomit, and that after 10 to 15 years the surgery MAY become ineffective so it wasn't like he blindsided me, but I am still very hesitant to have this done.

I am not sure if I am looking for support, reassurance, or just a reason to run but any comments would greatly help me either way.

Thanks everyone!!
39 Responses
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Thank you for your post. I am looking into this process as well. I have had gerd since I was 16 I am now 60. I am so very tired of coughing, vomiting and acid taste. There are always bad reviews but I'm trying to be positive. Keep on smiling.
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434278 tn?1324706225
I have had the scope down the nose - not too bad of an experience.  Before the surgery, my vocal chords were very red and inflammed, but no muscle thickening damage.  After the Nissen, the vocal chords looks better.  

I still have a dry cough, but it is much better.  Some days it is really bad, but at least it's not bad everyday like it was.  
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434278 tn?1324706225
Hi and welcome to MedHelp.

I am now 4 months post-op.  I am finally feeling like I'm going to be OK.  I still can't eat very much, but I'm OK w/ that.  Just know that you will initially you will need to be on a liquid diet for a while.  (jello, broth, ??)  Then work up to soft food.  Bananas worked real good for me.  The dr. said to stay away from white starch, but I did well w/ mashed potatoes.  Just take small bites and chew really good and expect NOT to be able to eat very much.  When you drink, don't drink fast, just sip.  (my dr. didn't tell me any of this - other than the starch thing)  You will need to be careful about eating for a couple of months.  I recommend that you get a list of diet recommendations from your surgeon before the surgery, so you can be prepared w/ the food items needed.  The surgery itself was not too bad to get over - you know the cutting part.  But my stomach was really angry with me.  Another thing is pills.  Take ONE pill at a time and wait an hour before you take another.  I found that food and pills were too much.  (when something is too much you dry heave for hours - not good!!) FYI
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329165 tn?1515471990
Hi there,

Did you get a date for your Surgery yet?
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Hi ya, I have come actions your post and was wondering if you have had the surgery yet? I'm a 39 ye woman and had the nissen 3 weeks ago, I have suffered with reflux fir years and I must admit since the surgery I feel much better and best thing is I can sleep at night which I wasn't able to do without choking! I'm still early days with my recovery and not eating much but hoping that changes soon as I miss my food, I have lost loads of weight but so far I'm glad I had the surgery!
If there is anyone also out who can tell me when can I start introducing carbonated drinks back into my diet as my doctors have given me no advise!

Thanks Keely
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434278 tn?1324706225
Hi Keely,
Glad surgery went well for you.  For a long time I wasn't sure I had done the right thing.  Its been a year since my nissen was done.  I think I've been able to drink cokes for about 6 months.  But just start out small.  I couldn't drink a big jug.  And sip really slow.  
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