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not getting answers! gastroscopy no results... Pain increasing

I have just had a scope procedure done and am frustrated as it came back normal and yet I am not normal. For over a year I've had horrible indigestion, excessive painful gas, constant stomach and chest pain, often nausea and chills if I overeat. I have not had a gastric bypass but I feel like I have. I tried Nexium daily for months and it did very little to nothing. Zantac, Omeprazole, Tums, complete change in diet.. none of these have helped. The pain doesn't come and go it is all the time but worse after eating. It is also worse if I skip eating. My diet cannot get any more correct for acid issues and I don't know what else to do. I'm also now broke after paying for this $1100 procedure that turned up zilch. I am in my early 30s, a little overweight... about 175 last I checked and 5'6. I am very active and do not sit all day at work. I do have a ton of stress, but I think I manage it pretty well. I don't exercise but I did before all this started and I want to, just can't work out when in pain. This is why I've become overweight this year. I am a non-smoker, and my only medical issues have been occasional abnormal pap smears/ovarian cyst issues, GERD, and fibromyalgia. Only meds I take are birth control. Someone please help as I don't know what else to do now. Dr. is prescribing more Nexium, but I've been down that road.
2 Responses
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620923 tn?1452915648

  Hi and welcome to the GERD forum.

May I ask, have you had a lot of infections that you may have taken antibiotics?....Not sure what to tell you...but sometimes we have a low amount of acid and the feeling and symptoms are the same as too much, you said you had testing, was any of it a PH test?

If you feel worse with the meds it could be you have low acid levels and you may want to get that checked....

If you were on antibiotics you may no longer have the good bacteria needed to break down food, and could be why you feel worse after you eat...so ask your Dr about pro biotics to restore the natural  balance in ur GI track.

Keep us posted
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329165 tn?1515471990
Hi there,

What you describe sounds like a serious case of IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome) and I think you should see a Dietician and mention all your symptoms and take as many test results, etc. with you.

You may be Gluten intolerant or something, but this Doc will know what to do.

If the Nexium is not necessary or helpful, then stop taking it.  As Selma said:  it can mess up your digestive system, etc. by killing all acid!  When I was on high dosages of Nexium, I would catch all stomach viruses known to man! I had constant food poisoning!

I had my Nissen Fundo op, I am Nexium free and I don't battle with my stomach anymore.

I know it is frustrating, as you feel you've tried it all and did everything you can with your diet:  but once you've seen a Dietician you may find that we make small mistakes that have big impacts!  Worth it to go see one.

All the best,
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