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C. Diff & PPI?


I few weeks ago I had started getting terrible diarrea. I woke up in the middle of the night (after that day eating at a resturaunt & thinking the drink tasted odd like chemicals were mixed in it) with bouts of it that lasted a little over a week. At this point I decided to be seen by my GP I thought it may have something to do with the drink at the resturaunt. He did no tests whatsoever & just placed me on 2 supposedly strong antibiotics. I took them for 7 days & throughout still suffered from loose stools but no pain associated with them anymore. Five days after I was done taking the antibiotics I got severe diarrea & then woke up the next morning with a fever of 101.7. I went to the ER & they did some stool cultures which showed C. Diff overgrowth bacteria. They decided to place me back on Flagyl (which is one of the antibiotics I was on before) but for 10 days instead of 7. I was doing some research online & saw that there may be a link to getting C. Diff when taking PPI's & I am on aciphex for acid reflux. I am concerned first of all if this could be causing the bacteria overgrowth & secondly why the Flagyl didn't work in the first place & will it work now when it didn't work before??

Thanks for anyone who can help!! :)
22 Responses
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how did your daughter do?ine is taking flagyl now. Her test was positive but she had only mild symptoms.  
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My daughter was treated for c diff following antibiotics. Her stool sample was negative, but was placed on flagyl. She improved, diarrhea went away but returned soon after completion. Should she be re-tested, and can it be C-diff if stool test is negative?
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I have had c. diff multiple times after have a portion of my colon removed from a hernia repair gone bad. The mes had ripped out and grown into my colon. I have done Flagyl twice and taken Vanco since December. I am horribly allergic to it. It gives me red man syndrome and causes the worst pain you can imagine in my ears. Vanco can cause ear damage and even deafness. I had to take it though. Eight Benadryl with my pills. Less than one percent of people have the reaction that I have to it. It happens more often with the IV of Vanco. 6 months later the c. diff keeps returning everytime I end the meds for a week or less. It's brutal!!! Now trying Alinia. Has anyone tried this?
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I'd hesitated to mention fatigue, but yes I have it, and weakness as well. Partly from not being able to eat, but abnormal bowel movements as well. And yes, I hear it can take years for the gut to return to normal, if it ever does. I haven't got years!

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320329 tn?1297768952
Personally, I cant believe they are trying Flagyl three times - Vancomycin is the next option and most people have virtually no side effects.  I feel for you Lawgirl, the Flagyl made it extremely hard to tell the difference from the C Diff and the side effects of the med.  Also, many studies are showing Flagyl failures are on the rise.  CalGal is right, may be time to get a new doc if this one isnt willing to try a different approach.  Best of luck to you.
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If you're on your 3rd round of flagyl and you're not working with an infectious disease doc, please consider contacting one ASAP. Many docs including good GI docs just don't know how to handle C. diff. With an ID doc you've got a better chance of trying to knock this rotten bacterium down. Also, check on the cdiffsupport.org website and talk to people there who are going through or have conquered this problem. They're a wonderful source of information and help.
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How do people go on with thier lives? I am in law enforcement. I am on my third round of flagyl. The flagyl makes me feel awful. I just went to the grocery store came home with cereal, yogurt and gatorade, just enough to help me stay alive. i got c-dif after one round of antibiotics while on the operating table having a hysterectomy. I feel it has cheated me of my life....
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320329 tn?1297768952
Hi again onerockman.  Yikes the VA - they only give flagyl (vet here too) due to the expense of the Vanco.  Its so frustrating.  As far as damage afterwards goes - my personal experience included a few months  of post-infection IBS, but it eventually passed.  Also, keep those probiotics in mind while you are taking the antibiotics - Florastor seems to be the most tested for use in C Diff patients from what Ive researched, and can help put the "good bugs" back into your gut.  There is a website dedicated totally to C  Diff information - cases, research, doctors, etc - message me if you would like the link (this site wont allow me to type it here).  Feel better soon.
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Thanks  Girlvet. O how right you are. 2 docs today. Gastro and regular VA Admin doc. 2 Nurses at VA was a face full of  unbelief YOU are NUTS look .VA Doctor not in his training NO Comment.  VA Refused  to give Vanco.  Get it outside. Gastro out side of VA knows of it.  But has a bunch (2) of  other meds if the Vico 250 4x day does not work. Hoping to feel better . My Question how much else can be damaged with after affects of all these wonder Drugs. When something so simple CHEAP and proven is out their.
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320329 tn?1297768952
Hi onerock...fecal transplants are relatively new here in the states.  Saw the article you are speaking of about doc in Canada, sorry cant remember her name - I'll message info to you if I can find my copy.  Just my opinion, but I wouldnt give up just yet on the meds - beg doc to try vancomycin (flagyl failures are on the rise), and go into a slow taper off the med - many folks are finding success in this protocol (worked for me after relapses).  Also, keep in mind odds are your doc will look at you as if you are nuts when you bring this topic up..lol..very few here in the states are using this procedure, although some swear by it elsewhere.  Hang in there, and hoping you feel better soon.
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One rockman here thanks try it . Meanwhile off fragyl 3 days test positive  2nd round failed looking into fecal transplant.
doctor will see me tomarrow. Looked at lady doc. in canada can not find he3r again again on net. Does anyone out their know who she might be ?? does by doing from top and bottom using colonos. to shoot it in 100% on non critical other problem patients.
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320329 tn?1297768952
just a silly tip that worked for me and Flagyl - I always always ate at the same time I took the pill...a flour tortilla.  It coated my tongue and helped with that nasty taste of the pill, plus put something on my stomach to help with upset.  It was just a ritual that worked for me..lol.  Also, my pharmacist actually offered to put the pill inside of a gel capsule if nothing else worked.  Just tossin out a trick that helped for me...best of luck in your healing.
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Hi and thanks for the Imfo Girlvet. 6th day on flagyl do not know its side effects what to blame on what. The Condition is worse pain in abd. and stool. Called doc's office. he is on vacation partner has not called back. Will change time I take meds Hope something helps. onerockman
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320329 tn?1297768952
Hi onerockman.  Sorry to hear about your C Diff.  It was my experience that too many probies mimicked C Diff gut issues - may wanna try cutting down to see if that helps?  Make sure you space them a few hours apart from the Flagyl too.  C Diff truly does a number on your gut so recovery is slow, and IBS symptoms may last for quite a while.  Good luck with your Flagyl round - hated the side effects yuck, but dont be too alarmed if you have to repeat - pretty common for folks to relapse after.  May wanna suggest to your doc a "taper" method of coming off the Flagyl or Vanco if you do indeed need another round of meds.  As always though, consult your doc - just tossing out what finally worked for me.  Best of  luck to you.
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I got mine  Thanks to  Fl.Hospital Ormond Bc. Fl Did heart Cat in april 08.
Wound up with Hematoma, led to Infection then  super anti biot. Now  this great disease.
New Doc.   did upper lower gastro tests, after weeks of pain diar. bloody stool ect.
Put on Exper.  drug. Blind test, either Vanco. or PAR-101 failed 3 days out of test. Follow up was never as stated still is not.. 5 days on flagyl feels like its going backward after initial improvement. Taking florastor 2 250mg a day . What should I take of this. Also on 3 tabs of Acidophilis and 1 Yougrt a day. What else can I do? stoped taking PPI after reading higher failure rates. IF DOC'S KNEW IT AL, MY NEVER A PROBLEM PROCEDURE ??? Would not be killing me.  Doc on vacation till the 9th.
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I picked up this condition when I had emergency tripple heart by- pass. .

Also I was in the hospital for 6 weeks and I cringed at the condition of the unit I was in.

Did you feel fatiqued and needing a lot of sleep while you had this awful infection?
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320329 tn?1297768952
Hi again babyram, clindamycin/ammoxicillan/omnicef/cipro here led to mine, as I was terribly misdiagnosed in the beginning.  15 days out of vanco taper and praying now..lol.  Im still using the Florastor as well, but now doc says its post infection IBS, which is "better" than C Diff.  Could take,gulp, years she said to get my innards back in shape.  What a horrible bug, sure hope you are all feeling better every day - I tend to take the "baby steps" forward as a good sign, although they will have to strap me to a gurney in the future before I swallow another antibiotic..lol..!!
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I can definitely relate to you all. I was diagnosed with C. Diff back in October. I too only had a fever etc the first time around. I was on Flagyl 14 days and relapsed in 3 days, then went to Vancocin for 14 days. I was taking FLora-q at the same time too. I ended the antibiotics 2 1/2 weeks ago and my GI system is still screwed up. I'm thinkning it may be that way for a while. I have since gottne pregnant and there are few medications they will give you. I am still taking the Flora-q and I started the Florastor which I believe did help. I went off it for a week for the babies sake, not knowing what damage it can do, but went back on 2 days ago because of possible relapse, but we aren't sure yet. Good luck to you. I wish I could say I was better quickly (Although while on meds I felt pretty normal) but I'm still struggling. Like others, I have amoxicillan to thank for my horrible infection!!!
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320329 tn?1297768952
Hi TSal.  I actually only had the high fever with the first round, before I was finally diagnosed and put on the proper meds.  Low grade after that until the antibiotics kicked in, which usually only took a couple of days.  Check out that website, but do keep an eye on your symptoms - you know your body best.  It took a while for me to get an accurate diagnosis, but my story is one of the 20% that dont kick it with 1-2 rounds of antibiotics, and I had numerous "false negative" lab tests, also pretty common with the C Diff.  Most folks do recover much faster and are fine.  I had my gut flora wiped out with statistically "high offending" antibiotics before I got the C Diff, I didnt get it in-hospital which is the common red flag, so its been a long road back.  I take a probiotic called Florastor (s. boulardii), took four per day during vancomycin treatment, now tapering off of that too and doing fine symptom-wise so far. My doc chose not to do a colonoscopy (I was prefectly healthy otherwise), thinking it was too invasive during C Diff.  I was stable and responding to the meds and she didnt want to possibly introduce more bad bugs into my system.  Im pretty happy now that she didnt do one, as Im beating this thing every day - its just taking a while.  Gotta tell ya though, I may have had to get cranky with the nurse that called it "no big deal", you and I know better eh?...lol.  Wishing you the best in your recovery - just hang in there, it does get better.
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Thanks for your responses. Girlvet you said that yours has been recurring for 5 months?!!! OMG!!! I don't think my body could handle that!! I spoke w/my doctor's nurse today & she stated it was no big deal to have it & that it wasn't uncommon. Have you experienced a fever everytime it comes back? I have been drinking a pobiotic drink DanActive so I'm trying here. Have you had to have a colonoscopy Girlvet? Do they think it may be colitis?  
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320329 tn?1297768952
Hi TSal..five months recurring C Diff here as well.  Flagyl is the first treatment option, but it does sometimes fail per recent studies, it did for me and I was put on vancomycin.  It really is a "wait and see" thing though.  www.cdiffsupport.com/discuss is an excellent gathering of recent studies, articles etc, and PPIs are mentioned frequently, but do keep an eye on your symptoms and discuss with your doc.  Best of luck in your recovery.
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You'll probably want to wait if the therapy will be successful this time, nobody can say this in advance. If you'll feel it is getting worse, don't hesitate to see a doctor immediately, Cl. difficile infection can go terribly wrong. Probiotic yogurts (or capsules), but only those which doctor recommend can help.

PPIs are related with Cl. difficile. It is a question for your GI, if you need to change anti-acid therapy or not.  
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