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Colonoscopy and Scared!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I went i nto have some blood tests done and all was fine............I have been on a health kick all this year (lost 40 pounds and brought down my cholesterol, triglycerides 55....basically pretty healthy.
I started having constipation, so upped my fiber...but sometimes straining to go to bathroom, belching and burping, white spots in stool and yesterday a little blood in the stool. At the time I met with the gastro doctor, was asked if I had blood in stool and I hadn't then. I spoke with someone in his office yesterday and told her about the blood and she said, oh that's not natural.......scared me to death as I had a friend who died of colon cancer six years ago...
Don't have a history of it in family, but keep feeling gassy all day and eat healthy and trying not to drink coffee.....which is my only vice.

I have my colonoscopy scheduled for the 19th of December and doctor wants to run a tube down my esophagus to see what else is going on in there right after that; should I do that test before the colonoscopy?

What else could it be and should I be doing anything else?  I also had an abdominal ultrasound done last week and everything turned out normal.

I carry arounf 40-50 pounds of stenographer equipment everyday, so just wondering if I could have ruptured something.

Can someone shed some light on what might be going on?

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Gail has a point about taking your wife out for a walk. That really helps me when I'm struggling with life's and it's issues. A walk really never hurt anyone. I think we all forget that we had to walk first in life before we could run and do all the other things that we do. Walking is the best exercise for people.

I know what you mean about your childhood. Mine wasn't all so great either. My mom left us when we were all small. My father raised us as well as he could. I know it was a struggle for him. In the end, it really affected me in all areas of my life. I have really made some bad choices (but am better because of those). It sounds like you really care and respect your wife. And look at all the things she's done for you. We women are really forgiving about a lot of things. Sounds like she is too. Love her for the wonderful person she is and also because she was your wife first, then the mother of your children. Temptation is always going to be out there.........Have FAITH  God and just say to yourself everyday that God's way is better than your way. We obviously have a way of doing things in life and if we don't get any better at making the bad choices, we have to go with God's way...it is better than anything we can do on our own.

I really respect you for all of the hard work that you're putting forth in your marriage. It will work out. Just keep on God's path...the path of everlasting life.


Thanks so much for your message to Athleet. You are one smart cookie!!! How did you get so wise......for me, it's been just geting older. How the heck have you been???? And what are you up to these days?


I sent you a pm....thanks for thinking of me. I pray for you everyday and am so happy you are getting some abundance in your life. We do have it already in our lives, we just have to have the FAITH!!!!!!!


Sorry you've been going through so much!!!!  I would love to hold your hand through all of this...even through all the miles we are apart. Just be brave and let us know about your test results.  We are all praying for you. You hang in there. I love reading your messages.

I will be back on tomorrow,

God Bless and Take Care everybody!!!!!

(I'm getting my house ready to sell...lots of work)


This is the day the Lord has made  (We are still #1!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
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Hi everybody! I hope you all are well. I've been busy the last two weeks with watching a couple of kids. But I'm finally making some money! I'm going to just save, save, save and then start paying off our debt. I haven't forgotten any of you! I hope we will still stay in touch from time to time.
Athleet, if you're comfortable with it, give me your email address. I've got smilies and eb's. Is your wife ok with you having female friends? I wouldn't want to cause any trouble, of course. :) I just wanted everyone's email addresses so we can stay in touch away from this site too.

I wish you all a wonderful, blessed Easter! As we take this time to reflect on Christ's sacrifice and love for us, may it give us new hope and new beginnings!  
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Arguing is partly a power play and partly insecurity about whether a spouse loves the other.  But mostly it has to do with each individual's stresses in life.  Therefore, my prescription to you, if you want to cash it in, is most weekends take your wife with you for a long walk.  

This does several things at one time:  Walking relaxes a person, so the stresses of the week fall away.  And it sort of puts you into a hypnotic rhythm, which opens up free-style talk about all sorts of stuff that's stuck inside.  It also gives fresh air, trees, and nature first place, and thus grounds a person, making one feel more self-confident and real.  And with someone at your side instead of "in your face," that position alone takes away the adversarial pose.  Lastly, walking releases endorphins, the feel-good hormone, and you can't get mad when you feel good.

Jesus walked everywhere.
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Yes I'll let you know but if you google Vince Hughes you'll see all about him!  Yes, we have the same Easter traditions as you. The kids love the Easter egg hunt and we have the Easter bunny, Easter eggs, etc etc.

Hope you are well. Will get in touch when I get back. Take care and have a very happy Easter. Lotsaluv

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Eb, glad to at least hear from you. Hey, I'm really into rock so please when you get the chance, let me know all about that tribute concert you went to. What bands did they pay tribute too? Do you guys have the same Easter traditions as us? Easter bunny, Easter eggs, candy?
Let me know
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Hi guys! Sorry haven't been around for a while - so busy. Just wanted to let you know I think of you all often and pray for you all often also. I get the results of my colonoscopy this coming Wednesdy (26th) so will let you know - although they have told me I shouldn't be worried or they would have been in touch with me before this. Still having problems with my shoulder and my bladder problem has returned, so I'm falling apart!

Going away for Easter weekend to a place called Dumfries - only about a 2 hour drive from here - there is a Rock n' Roll Tribute night on Saturday night in an hotel there so we'll have dinner, enjoy the cabaret/dance (and some drinks), stay over and go to a church in Dumfries on Easter Sunday morning.

I wish you all a happy and blessed Easter and send you lots of love and hugs X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0
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