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Crohn's and Pregnancy

Hi, has anyone on here with Crohn's had any problems with ovulation and getting pregnant?  My doctor said the two should not be related, but I was curious if its a common problem for women with Crohn's.

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i'm doing my weekly grocery list now and added all your suggestions.  my plan is to buy myself a the cooler or insulated lunch bag and bring lots of good for me grazing foods as i am working, so that when i get hungry, i just have to open the bag and can eat as i drive.

i'm sure you noticed my mentioning of the abdominal pain during bd and otherwise.  that went away by thursday, but yesterday i woke up with menstrual like cramps and lower back pain.  af wasn't due for another 6 days.  this morning, cramps were gone but still had the back pain, and then cramps returned about an hour ago.  no spotting or anything.  i'm hoping this might be a positive developement.  so i am feeling cautiously optimistic.

tell that baby it's time for a change of address!
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you can take enzymes to break down the lactose.. I am lactose intolerant as well.. and was never able to take it until i started the digest pills.  
daily essential enzymes  contain lactase.. which fixes that problem..
if you dont want to take the danactive .. just take a probiotic.. available at any health food store.. refridgerated is best... the super green also contains probiotics..

its amazing how i can eat ice cream again.... sour cream.... milk...
its wonderful..

sounds like you are getting on the right track!!

no baby yet.. cant believe the little guy has yet to come out..lol will keep you updated...

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not sure if you'll read this since you're baby is due to arrive, but i'll try anyway.

is the activia lactose free?   i have a lot of problems with dairy, so i was just wondering.

so i spoke to my gyn today because on monday and tuesday while bd'ing with my dh, i had some really significant pains near my right ovary, so much so that on tuesday i nearly asked him to stop.  and then i have felt painful twinges every now and then near there.  but he isn't at all concerned, he says it either means that i ovulated and just have some residual inflammation, i ovulated and conceived and that is what's happening, or i tried to ovulate but just formed the cyst without releasing the egg.  he told me what i was feeling was perfectly normal, and that it may just be that i am hypervigilant and that it's been so long since i ovulated that i might just not remember how it feels.  

my mother asked if i might be constipated and i had to ask her what that felt like since it's been so long since i have felt that.  but i went twice yesterday and once already today, so i don't think that that is it.

anyway, i think i will repost part of this on the maternal and child forum.
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sorry that posted twice.

what do you know about ensure?  have you ever tried it?  any opinions?
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not sure if you'll read this since you're baby is due to arrive, but i'll try anyway.

is the activia lactose free?   i have a lot of problems with dairy, so i was just wondering.

so i spoke to my gyn today because on monday and tuesday while bd'ing with my dh, i had some really significant pains near my right ovary, so much so that on tuesday i nearly asked him to stop.  and then i have felt painful twinges every now and then near there.  but he isn't at all concerned, he says it either means that i ovulated and just have some residual inflammation, i ovulated and conceived and that is what's happening, or i tried to ovulate but just formed the cyst without releasing the egg.  he told me what i was feeling was perfectly normal, and that it may just be that i am hypervigilant and that it's been so long since i ovulated that i might just not remember how it feels.  

my mother asked if i might be constipated and i had to ask her what that felt like since it's been so long since i have felt that.  but i went twice yesterday and once already today, so i don't think that that is it.

anyway, i think i will repost part of this on the maternal and child forum.
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ok, i am writing everything you said on a shopping list!  my husband might be reluctant but even he admits he needs to drop a few pounds.  i don't live near a sprouts or wild oats, but i'm assuming some of the smaller health food stores around here would have those things.

i think one of my worst habits is that because i am a caseworker, i spend most of my work day in the car travelling from home to home and school to school, so i try to eat what is convenient (which is rarely what is best).  i am thinking i might start bringing a small cooler with me in the car and make myself healthy meals and snacks that are easy to eat while driving.

for nearly all of 2006, every morning, i ate a bowl of honey nut cheerios with either rice milk or lactose free milk, but i got tired of it.  i'm looking for something to eat every morning that is easy on my stomach, since the morning meal tends to set the tone for me.

i saw on the maternal forum that you just past your due day.  good luck and hope that baby makes his arrival soon!  

i really appreciate your advice.  it really is nice to have another woman to talk to.  some of your experience remind my of the months prior to my diagnosis.
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thanks, i went to the website for the maker's diet, but there seems to be so much information there.   it would probably mean that my dh would also have to be on the diet, which he would probably not like, but which he could use.  i'm sure he'd be willing to try it though.

like i said, i'm quite petite and though the doctor does not think this should interfere with my fertility, i'm concerned that maybe i am not getting enough of something.  i get a fair amount of headaches and a lot of fatigue, but don't have the cramping and abominal pain i did when i was first diagnosed.  like i said, i'm on a pretty normal schedule for myself with going to the bathroom, even if its more often than most people.  

but here's my story with ttc:

i went off birth control in dec. 05.  i got af for the two cycles following, on a 5 week cycle, and then nothing.  so i was put on provera, and then had af the cycle following (and am pretty sure i ovulated).  but my dh and i were having some financial stress and decided to hold off on trying to get pregnant, so i went back on birth control for two months (which was just dumb in retrospect).  since then (october), i've only had one af on my own, and two with provera, and just did my first cycle of clomid.  my vaginal ultrasound showed everything was normal with my uterus and ovaries.  so i'm a little concerned that some of this may be nutrition related, even if my current weight is not a problem.

do you see a nutritionist?  would it be worth it to see one and discuss these things?

and i drink some orange juice, and then either green tea or decaf soda.  and flavored water every now and then.

btw, it's nice to actually meet someone else, especially a woman with crohn's.  my uncle and father have it, and i know a friend of a friend who has it, but have never met another woman who does, so it's nice to be able to talk to someone who shares that prospective.
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Hi again!! I think you should so whatever your heart and gut tell you !! If you want a baby.. go for it!!

in the beginning .. I took medication.. ( when i was diagnosed) then... due to side effects.. i quit... i just couldnt take it anymore.. HOWEVER>. i did begin eating VERY healthy... i started a diet called the Makers Diet..
it has changed my life.. i am pain .. bleeding... free... this pregnancy has been wonderful...  my doctor tells me that this will be a record breaking baby..lol.. because i am so healthy.. he doesnt want to come out...lol..

instituting a healthier diet takes support as well!!   If you would like to know more about the makers diet.. just let me know.. i would be more than happy to discuss it with you ... I hope that whatever you choose to do .. that you will always feel good about it. take care!!
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its really nice to finally talk with someone who has the same as I ... Im am glad that you and I are talking!!

ok .. here are a FEW things you can do .. while you are beginning your journey.. My dh was a bit stubborn to begin with .. but.. after he started losing unwanted pounds....and had so much more energy.. he doesnt mind small changes..

Garden of Life Perfect Food.... super green formula.. for me.. there is no substitute... it has 46 phytonutrient-dense superfoods.. 13 sprouted ingredients.. 10 probiotic strains.. fermented whole food ingredients..
( lol sorry thats sounds like a commercial)

before i began taking it.. i was bleeding.. couldnt go out in public.. in constant pain.. and couldnt eat.

i am petite as well.. im 5'2.. and before pregnancy.. i was 95 pounds.

Buffered C crystals.. this is ACID free calcium ascorbate.. NO TUMMY IRRITATION!! I lOVE THIS STUFF!!  remember.. when you take magnesium and calcium.. take with vitamin C.. it helps assimilation.  

I also use Daily essential enzymes..being that my digestive system is partially screwed due to not being diagnosed for so long.. it helps to digest my food.. and.. no more bloating.

all these things can be found at a wild oats market.. or a sprouts.. the cost isnt bad either..

no more junk food!! lol this was a hard one for me..

i eat oatmeal every morning.. without fail..

my doc tells me that I am VERY healthy.. i FEEL very healthy.. and I  am soo much better now.. i cant even complain with this pregnancy.. its been tiring yes.. but.. not like my other pregnancies. and. this is the farthest i have gotten with gestational age of the baby.. ( i am now due..lol.)

try and take a look at the ingredients that you are eating.. you will be so surprised what they put into food. and try to fool you ..

msg .. YUCK!! but.. who knew that autolyzed yeast extract IS MSG??

i will post a site that tells you about alot of food additives that can be harmful.. and most dont even know it..

before you start to TTC.. try to to instill some of this.. and if possible. ALL>  you will FEEL better.. you will be HEALTHIER>. and.. your body will be more willing to accept a baby.. and carry that baby to term.. its always best to be at your healthiest .. ( i am sure you already knew that)

folic acid is so important.. the super food that I take helps alot with that.. plus.. i make it a point to eat raw green foods throughout the day.. almost like grazing.... lol.... i eat only smaller meals. but more of them..

try to fix all of YOU before you start to TTC.. it wont take long!!

you can eat meat as well.. but i quit the pork.. i eat chicken.. beef.. turkey..

everything in moderation!!  
try to steer clear of fatty foods.. fried foods.. and.. no more artificial sweetners..

its a life change..BUT.. a HEALTHY life change.. you will feel better!!

i started walking as well.. nothing to strenuous.. just take it day to day.. walk a little farther each week.. no one is perfect!!

the vitamin C.. it helps to heal your intestines.. and so much more..

i know that if i stopped taking these things.. and went back to the diet i was on before.. i would once again be bed ridden.. i wont go back..

oh. i forgot.. SPROUTED BREAD!!  no more regular bread.. sprouted bread is so much better for your gut.. you can find it in any healthy food store.. and its so much better for your digestive tract.. and the taste is great.. they have different kinds.. like.. sourdough... sesame.. etc etc..

instead of margarine.. use butter..

ok .. if you want more.. lol. just let me know. this is getting long..lol

hope to hear from you soon!! i can give you another place to contact me at if you would like. if you feel comfortable with that.. just let me know!
take care!!

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here are some really good ideas for the morning..

you can buy pre sliced .. washed apples just about at any grocery store.. i eat them with Activia  vanilla yogurt....

i also have plain oatmeal.. with a little bit of brown sugar...

a  boiled egg is good too in the am.. but.. since you are around people alot.. i would be wary...lol..

yeah.. you are right. you should be able to find what you need at any natural living food store..


that link will tell you all about MSG.. the secret names that food companies give you .. and it also gives you a list of what chemicals.. colorings.. additives etc etc are very toxic.. especially for people with other problems..

hope this helps!! keep me posted!! and thankyou for the well wishes!!

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Well I am not on any specific diet, as my Crohn's is pretty easily managed and only mild to moderate.  I stay away from certain foods that I know cause problems (dairy, red meat, certain fruits, and things with a high saturated fat content).  I take vitamins and try to make sure I eat good amounts of easily digestable veggies, make sure to get enough protein daily, and eat small amounts often.  I also only eat when I am hungry instead of just eating at set times, since otherwise, I seem to have problems.  I BM about twice a day on a good day, and 3-4 times on a bad day.  I had a very mild flare up in summer of '06, but generally, have been pretty good for the last two years.

I am 5'3" and 100 pounds.  I thought my weight was perhaps a problem, but my doctor said that all my bloodwork is normal (including hormone levels) and my weight has been stable for 5 years.  I've been off birth control for almost a year, and have had very irregular cycles and just finished my first cycle of Clomid.  We've only been trying for 4.5 months, but I've had to go on provera twice in that time.

My doctor took me off my asacol a few months ago, because it didn't seem like it was making much difference in how I felt or how often I was going to the bathroom.  And he didn't think me going back on while trying to get pregnant would be that helpful, but I'm wondering if I should at least give it a shot?

Thanks for responding.
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I have crohns.. and am currently due any day now...

I of course changed my diet.. tried to relax more.. and drank more water when i was finally diagnosed... i am in remission.. i no longer have bloody stool..........pain  in the stomach..

there were a couple of times throughout this pregnancy where I thought that my crohns was making a return.. but.. it was not due to my pregnancy.. it was due to my eating habits.

how is your diet? what are you eating and drinking?   have you seen a nutrition specialist?
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