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Desparate! 24/7 Very Loud Intestinal Noises

For over 10 years I've had horribly loud noises that come from the intestinal area, which is getting worse and worse. It's almost constant. When I touch the area where the noises come from (it varies, there are a couple different noises), sometimes it feels like something is bubbling almost. My primary doctor told me there's nothing to be done about it, and it wasn't a big deal, but it is. It's taken over my life. It's all but eliminated my social life; I call into work when we have meetings, I can't watch movies with friends, can't stay the night anywhere (it gets worse at night and in the am). I've developed a phobia of silence and any situation that requires it due to this. I've cut out foods, alcohol, all in an attempt to stop the embarassment. Can anyone give me some idea of how to make this stop? I am desperate...
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Thank you El_Fartismo. That makes a lot of sense. I will eliminate artificial sweeteners immediately.
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Northern Europe here. Debilated by this antisocial condition for more than 14 years. It simply started in 8 th grade.

It completely ruined my life.

Same experience with (good) doctors - oh .. noisy stomach ? oh.. that's completely normal blah blah blaa...  

all tests/ checks turned out perfect, not good , but perfect.

So.. My suggestions what to do if you are one of those unlucky persons :

1. - Do some serious parasite tests. If 3 repeated tests show nothing, then move forward.

2. Find good , experienced HYPNOTHERAPIST.  Subconscious mind controls autonomous nervous system. You could simply  self suggest all these eating disorders and noises.

I must to point out that deep trance will be necessary. It can take time to get "there"

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Hi everyone I am a 20 year college student with the same problem. Last semester was horrible for me. The first few weeks of the semester I could barely get out of bed to go to class because I feared my stomach would make its usual embarrassingly loud noises. I even had a professor end a class early because my stomach was so loud. I literally hit rock bottom and was ready to drop out. I visited doctors and they of course diagnosed me with IBS which I figured was the problem. Anxiety definitively plays a huge factor in the stomach noises. That is when I knew I was ready for change and that I had to do it mentally. I knew the noises only happened because I was afraid they would. I first forced myself to sit in quiet areas alone, like the library. I focused on my task completely and of course no noises happened. I then forced myself to a group meeting setting (for my sorority). I sat close to the door just in case. When I felt the feeling before a stomach noise was to occur, I quickly stood up and readjusted they way I was sitting (looked natural, yet help ease the gas movement). I then made myself not think about it. My next task was to make it through a class completely comfortable. I have not achieved that yet but i hope to by the end of this semester. Last semester I could make it through a class without any noise, but I would still feel anxious about my stomach at least once or twice. I even explained to my teachers that I had stomach issues and to not be offended if i leave class every once and awhile. Believe it or not they all understood. I signed up with student disabilities so I could take my exams outside of the class room. That helped extremely! I made friends in my classes and explained my stomach is loud and there really isnt much I can do. Honestly the best cure is just not to give a flying fart if people think you farted if your stomach makes the sound of a dying animal. If people laugh at you who cares! They'll forget in a day or two and if they don't I honestly pity their lives. Don't let your stomach control your life. I know it's hard, I am still dealing with the mental and physical aspect of this problem everyday. My best advice like I said is just not to care. It's your life and something silly like stomach noises shouldn't control it. Just relax, because you never know if you'll even have tomorrow to worry about it. If you don't treat it like a big deal, it won't become a big deal in your life.
Other than the anxiety part I do have some remedies that I have tried that kind of work, or at least they calm me down mentally.

Before being in a quiet situation:
Drink a cup of fennel tea (Tummy Time Tea off of Amazon green container) I sometimes even bring the tea with me to class. Having something hot to sip on helps me relax.

Take a stomach probioitic or eat yogurt(activia)

Go to the bathroom right before

Sit in the back or close to the door
Sitting by a window helps calm me and gives me a distraction if I feel gas coming on

I know this may sound crazy and you'd think it would be just as embarrassing as the stomach noises, but I have found just telling people around me before class pretty much "Hey sorry if you hear my stomach during class, it tends to be really loud and obnoxious." Most of the time I've done this the person says hey mine can be loud too blah blah blah I understand. Just knowing that the people around you know that your stomach may be loud really eases the mind. You don't have to be like "How are these people going to react" you just know that they know that you know that your stomach is in fact loud. Yeah confusing, but try it out! It's way easier to stay calm and keep the loudness away.

Day before quiet situation:
Taking metamucial with lunch helps keep things flowing and cleanses my system before the next morning

I hope some of my babbling will at least help or motivate someone! I really feel for everyone because I know how bad this *****.Just take it day by day and the main thing is to just relax.I wish everyone luck and for quiet bellies!
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Sorry to keep posting, but I'm reading all these desperate messages and just want to try and help everyone!  You both posted nearly 3 years ago, but just in case you haven't tried it and are still having the problems, I seriously advise you to try giving up wheat.  I did and it has stopped my stomach noises, bloating, gas, constipation - I now have a normal life!  The doctors never suggested that I might be celiac, or that I should take any type of celiac test, so as far as I know I'm not celiac, but all those horrible symptoms seem to have been caused by wheat nevertheless.  I really hope this works for you - obviously not everyone is the same, but if you haven't tried giving up wheat - and I mean cutting it out completely - do give it a go.  You can still eat rice, potatoes, gluten free breads, and stuff cooked with gluten free flour.
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Hi there - just wanted to say that I agree, wheat is causing so many people so many problems.  I'm a reluctant gluten-free person, but it's cleared up the horrible stomach and digestion issues I had for over 20 years.  I went to see several doctors and specialists - none of them suggested I try giving up wheat, they all generally seemed not to believe that I even had any problems, but I was the one who had to deal with so many embarrassing situations when my stomach just wouldn't shut up!  Going wheat/gluten free has changed my life.  It's not easy at first, but it's so worth it.
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I just want to say that I suffered with loud stomach noises for YEARS, plus gas, constipation and general misery - 6 months ago I decided on a whim to give up wheat (although I still eat oats, and occasionally rye / barley) - within a week my stomach problems had reduced.  I was amazed, as I didn't really expect it to clear up so quickly. After about 2 weeks my previous problems had 95% disappeared, and I now live with hardly ever any stomach gurgling or gas, unless I've eaten the usual gas-causing foods like beans.  I feel like a 'normal' person again!  It's a bit of a pain avoiding wheat, as it's in so many things, but it's so worth it if you find it clears up your misery, so I really recommend you give it a try if you haven't yet.
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