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Enlarged pancreas with possible mass??

I've been experiencing abdominal pain URQ, bowel issues, nausea, bloating and gas.  Doc ordered abd U/S as we both thought it was my gallbladder, U/S came back normal except my pancreas and a CT was ordered for further evaluation. After I had my CT scan, my doc stated that the report said one side of my pancreas is enlarged with/mass, therefore MRI was requested and I had it done today.  Anyone have any idea on what this might be or have a similiar experience?  My pain is easily controlled with Darvocet, however I don't want to have to take too many, as I already have constipation issues.  Sometimes, the pain is almost as if there is weight on my chest and wraps around my upper abdominal area, like a belt.  

Any insight would be most helpful....thank you,

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Have you had any previous abdominal surgeries?  This would cause adhesions and scar tissue to form inside.  I too have upper left sided pain in my back around pancreas areas.  My MRCP showed pancreas & biliary ducts clear but showed adhesions.  They also incidentally found bilateral renal complicated cysts.  Because I had peritonitis and two c-sections, gallbladder surgergy in June, etc...I am a mess inside.  The adhesion problems seem to have caused a changed in my bowel habits, frequent urination, bloating, etc.   Now chronic pain in my neck and left shoulders.  Doctors want to just guess and throw IBS or Fibromyalgia at me but I feel strongly against these theories.  I'll take the adhesion theory first. Good Luck.  Keep positive and I'm praying you get your answers quickly.
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Thank you for your response.  I just got my MRI results and I have a soft tissue mass w/in the pancreatic tail and a cyst on the posterior side of the pancreatic tail.  I will be seeing a specialist on the 11th and doc has ordered tumor markers?  Yes, I've had adhesions from female surgery....all removed in July.  Unfortunately, this didn't turn out to be the case with this..Yikes!
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I'm praying for all the best to you.  You are so brave and an angel to be here seeking and teaching.  Did you ever have bloodwork done for elevated liver/pancreas enzymes during a pain episode?  I'm curious because this is one of those darn sneaky hidden hard to diagnose issues. I've read sometimes things don't show on MRI, that's why they do ERCP.  Godspeed on your healing.  Keep us informed.
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I wondered if you were going to post your findings on the Ovarian forum as well, since you have been there as support, etc... Know that those wonderful ladies are and will be there for you too.  Your story is so important with all those crossover symptoms etc...Thank you and God Bless.
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I had labs done when this first started..cbc,liver,bilirubin...I can't remember exactly, but it was within normal ranges.  However, the pain is worse now than then.  I did have labwork done today for a CA 19-9.  I am very lucky as my primary physician doesn't waste time.  

As for posting on the OVCA site, I was a bit wary of it.  There are so many women over there stressing over their own cancer and/or waiting to see if they have it...I thought maybe just to hang out in the womens's forum and ask over here.

Thank you for all your kind words and prayer.  I really appreciate it.  I'll keep you posted on the outcome.

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Thanks for your response.  I had a CA19-9 back in July that was normal.  That was before I started getting the back pain I'm having.  I think a had an attack of pancreatitis back in late August but waited too long to go to doctor.  I put myself on a liquid diet for a week to rest my digestive system.  I now have "walking bloodwork orders" for pancreas/liver function tests if the really severe pain occurs again.  I have avoided alcohol and eat really low fat.  I've lost 17 lbs. since early October.  I am now seeing a Urologist for evaluation of complicated renal cysts, frequent urination and the back pain.  My pain seems so high up (under rear ribs) but the Gastro said it could be the kidneys.  At least I'm getting a thorough evaluation now at the Urologist. I'm curious what your bloodwork will show.  I'm glad you have a good GP.  Take care.
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Please let me know how it turns out.  My late husband had abdominal pains, gastric issues and it turned out to be his kidneys...worst case scenario though...renal cell cx....please get it taken care of.  

Best of luck and thank you again,
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