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I can't believe this happens to other people!!

I have been suffering from these bouts of what I loving call "the fart burps", lol.  That is the best way to describe them.  It all started for me when I was pregnant with my son over 4 years ago.  It always always always starts with the fart burps, followed by the horribly uncomfortable bloating.  Then usually sometime after 1am I am awoken with the most horrific stomach cramps, I will try and try to go the bathroom but it usually takes a while for anything to finally come out.  It seems as if my stomach and intestines have forgotten what their job is.  My stomach and intestines seem to be going crazy.  A few years back it even caused me to miss my college graduation, I was devastated.  

I have been to a few different doctors and even to an ER before.  I have had blood work, ultrasounds, etc.  No doctor can seem to find what is wrong. The other day I had the first bout I'd had in over a year......and the first one since my boyfriend and I have been living together.  Early in the day when I said "Oh no, the fart burps are back, this is going to be a bad night", he looked at me like I was crazy.  I didn't even realize it had been so long since I had expierienced them.  It lasted for two days and I still couldn't even eat the third day.  I have still not been able to find any common foods that seem to trigger it, but I'm sorry but if I can go a year without it, it is not something caused by food, I'm sorry but I simply don't believe it.  I read some people's comments on here talking about stress contributing that, I don't want to dismiss that, however I don't always think I have a lot of stress building up to it.  Granted the first time it happend was a month before a life altering change (pregnant with my only child), and one of the other times was right before my college graduation.  But what about the other 20 times over the years, what was I so stressed out about then.  

I haven't been to a doctor about this in a couple of years, mostly because I don't think they want to take the time to truly try to find out what's wrong and it may take a while to find out if a treatment is really going to work because for me the attacks are becoming fewer and farther between.  They are, however, increasing in severity.  The other day I sat in the bathroom in front of the toliet balling, my stomach hurt so bad I really thought I was going to pass out.  My boyfriend wanted to take me to the hospital, but I knew it would pass and refused to go.  I just sat there wishing I could **** or throw something up.  It really just feels as though everything stops moving and just sits there.  

I am really glad to know other people out there are dealing with the same thing.  My sister was here earlier and was the one that suggested typing in "fart burps" and just see what comes up.  I did not expect to find there were so many others going through what I am.

This discussion is related to Sulphuric/ Eggy burps and stomach cramps.
11 Responses
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I used to get the rotten cheerio burps all the time when I was downing handfuls of anti acids. Basically I was neutralizing my stomach acid and the food I had eaten all day would just sit in my stomach. Eventually, I would have bloating with moderate to severe abdominal pain. Then I would feel like vomiting, while vomiting I would have watery diarrhea. There was little liquid in my stomach, so the contents in my stomach were basically solid, causing dry painful emesis (vomit.) I learned to force myself to vomit as soon as I began burping.
  I went several years without this, but it has reared its ugly head recently. I have now started drinking Raw Organic unfiltered apple cider vinegar as soon as I begin with the bad cheerios burps. This increases my stomach acid and solves the issue 99% of the time.
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You should probably go to a gastrointestinal doctor. My husband does this much more than i do but his will get so bad he will be in the hospital because his white count goes through the roof so he has to take reglan everyday because his system works so slow and it gets backed up without it so what reglan does is speeds your system up and he has been taking it for about 21 years now. You might have crowns desease it is a digestive disorder and it is bad.
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Try this: Glass of water with some baking soda - solved the burping and was the bright spot in miserable night.

I'm a first-timer also, 33 years old and have no health conditions. It started yesterday morning, my guts felt 'off'. After eating a couple pieces of toast and honey, I started feeling the 'indigestion' and the eggy burping started. I've never in my life had burps like this, just terrible. The indigestion feeling gradually turned into slight nausea in the late afternoon, the intensity gradually increased into the evening. As the nausea got worse, the 'scoots' started, and I was passing undigested food (still burping). The pressure in my abdomen was getting very intense, even with trying to relieve the pressure with burps.

Having never experienced this I searched the web and found this forum. One of the first 'remedies' I read was baking soda in a glass of water. I used about a tablespoon and added to water, mixed it up. It took about a minute for my stomach to expand (during which time I thought I did a bad thing), but then the most wonderful (and retched) burps began to pour out of me. The intense pressure I had in my stomach vanished over the span of a couple minutes. What an absolute gift, I highly recommend that you try it out.

Now, that relieved the pressure and allowed me to focus on the growing intensity of the nausea, diarrhea, and the cramping. At this point it's 3AM and the nausea is so intense that it's burning my stomach, causing me to sweat. I'm not a puker, I don't like it. BUT, I was desperate, so I induced it - once started, my stomach took over and got pretty violent with me.

Once that was over, I dealt with the cramps with a hot water bottle....this was great and I was actually able to pass out for 20 minutes. Still had the scoots every 5-10 minutes it seemed but things seemed to stabilize....it's 5AM. I pass out for 2 hrs and burps are gone, still feeling a bit of nausea but it's manageable.

I've been going through a number of stressful situations and I can recall stressful situations in the past that I'm certain caused nausea (there was no eggy burps those times).

I hope none of you experience this misery again.
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hi i have this for so so long and i didnt think there would be anyone else out there sufferin from the same thing i have nvr been to the doctors with as i was to embarressed. when it first started i jsut i had eaten something that didnt agree with me then the same ever since until today when i woke up feelin sik but i havent been. then the horrid burps started really bad rotten eggs which i hate, then i have looked at me stomcah and it looks really bloated ok i not the slimest of poeples but i look like i am preganant again as my stomach is actully stated from my boobs you no the pregant look. so i came online and thought i will just see if there is anyone else and here i am, i have nvr been sik with it and i dont always get teh stomach pains but i have in the past had the pians and all i can say is oh my god i thought i was goin to die. Also i suffer all the time wiht burpin even if i havent eaten or drunk anythin is htere but not with the rotten egg smell and taste is there anyone else like this
i was woundering if it worth me goin to the doctors as it seems they can not find anything just glad i not on me own also is there any men whi suffer from it

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I have had the rotten-egg-belching since I was little, but it lasted like the flu does and always ended fairly quickly. A year ago it became severe. I work in the education field, and I would awake in the morning feeling great. I would arrive at school and within a half an hour I would begin belching. I immediately told the secretary to call for a sub and within an hour I would be doubled over in pain-diahhrea and this would continue until I severely and violently vomitted. Sometimes it would last only a couple hours, other times it would last twelve. I never knew when it was going to happened or the length of time it would last. I went to my regular doctor and a gastrologist, and they found nothing. I am a person who only goes to a doctor once a year for a regular check up. I was humiliated and ticked off by doctors who basically accused me of making up my symptoms and the amount of pain I was in because they couldn't find a cause. (During these episodes I literally thought I was going to die because the pain was so intense. I have had four children and never did I experience what I would go through during one of these episodes.I would cry until I didn't have any tears left, and when I did belch and throw up, it sounded very deep and low like something out of a horror movie.) Thankfully four months after it started-it stopped. I haven't been sick since the end of November of '08 and pray that this trauma never returns. The only suggestion that seemed to work for me is that I started eating a yogurt a day about the second week of Nov. I have not kept this up, but it really did seem to help stop or lighten the pain I had when I was sick.
I hope this helps someone else..
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OMG! I too can't believe this happens to other people! Mine started about 6 years ago now. First I thought the burps tasted like Cheerios, and ever since I am absolutely HORRIFIED when I get them. I've had everything done, including treatment for H. Pylori. I am so paranoid anymore I barely eat, and the nerves/drugs have wrecked my hair completely, turning my once shiny straight hair into dull, wiry, coarse hay! When I get this burp I know it will end in severe, hours-long vomiting, and thus I begin having panic attacks. Why can't anyone cure this?! I live in constant fear of this burp, and it seems other do too. If I have to vomit from plain nausea I'm fine and not scared or panicked, but it is the foulness of this burp that terrifies me. It ruins my whole day, and possibly even week since I'll refuse to eat anything for days afterwards. As soon as I vomit, however, the burp immediately ends. What can we do to stop this horrible thing? I can't live with this paranoia and starvation tactics any longer.
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Ive been getting those egg burps all my life.  Sometimes once or twice every few years.  It feels like a bacteria is growing in my stomach and that it is producing a gas as its by-product.  I did some research and found something similar called "backpackers diahrea", which sounds like the symptoms that I have experience, but to teh extreme.  Supposedly, this bacteria or virus gets into your digestive system by you ingesting a small amount of fecal matter (nasty, I know).  Anyway, the best thing that works for me to get rid of the burps and the discomfort is to get a lemon or lime, cut it up into wedges and eat it.  Your symptoms will be gone by the end of the day.
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I have had this condition for over a week now.  I had bouts with it years ago but it seemed more like a stomach flu...but this doesnt.  It starts with egg tasting burps and stomach pain, followed by constant bathroom trips and severe nausea.  Its really taking a huge toll on my life.  My daughter has missed 2 days of school this week alone because the attacks always happen in the morning and i just can't take her to school like that.  I don't have insurance.  I had two days of feeling pretty good and then this morning i knew when i woke up with the pain that an egg burp was coming..and sure enough it did.  I have just been downing pepto trying to feel better..i can't live this way, its horrible.  I cant do anything.  I know noone likes to throw up but i hate it and so i think the only reason i havent thrown up is only because i talk myself out of it..i sure have felt like i was going to throw up lots.    If anyone finds an answer please please help.
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So...this is the first time that I can remember having these eggy burps. I thought I had gotten the stomach flu or something when last Friday I felt like I was going to throw up all day and couldn't really eat. I was so happy that I didn't actually throw up  (I hate throwing up) but, now here it is three days later and I am still dealing with too many bathroom visits and just this mornring started the burping. I called my mom - who doesn't in a time like this - she says she's gotten it before, sometimes lasts a few days for her and she "thinks" its because my stomach is empty, producing too much acid and this is the reaction...although from reading all these posts, it looks like it may not be the case.
I am making an appt with my Dr today to see what he says about all this.
Thanks for posting everyone! It is a little reassuring that I won't be the first to go to my Dr with such a strange condition.
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It could be that some kind of hard vegetable matter such as a piece of broccoli, celery or onion is getting lodged in the valve between your stomach and small intestine. Gastroparesis makes it hard for your stomach to empty into the gut so anything that isn't pulverized can create a blockage. The food above that then sets in the stomach for too long, begins to compost and produces the foul smelling gas.

I've avoided foods that can't be easily pulverized and turned into mash and I've made a point to chew each bite much more thoroughly. I don't know if this is the answer but I haven't had an attack since Christmas. In fact the past two times I've gotten sick have been after feasting and eating too much too fast.

Here are some links that might be of interest.
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If you haven't already tried this, take some Alka Seltzer.  Your symptoms indicate gas is filling up your guts and tummy, which causes bloating, and will cause unbelievable pain.  I know, it's simple, and it may not work.  But just try it anytime you feel that pain or have gas pass.  

Alka Seltzer lets the gas go and returns the digestion to an alkaline or neutral state.  When I was younger, I used to double over in pain, couldn't do anything but lay on the couch and moan.  My grandmother told me to drink Alka Seltzer, becuz she had it too.  It took care of it right away.  

The reason you are getting gassed up can be from all sorts of things.  To offset it, you can drink Acidophilus milk to keep "good" bacteria in there, you can avoid eating heavy meals early or late in the day, and you can drink plenty of water and eat fiber foods in the future to keep your bowels moving regular.  Also, some medicines can cause this.

Let me know if the Alka Seltzer works.  If it helps even a little, it's gas.
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