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ARS or not? Testing is not readily available in my country

I had unprotected receptive anal sex a couple times with the same guy about 3 and a half weeks ago. I know you can't diagnose by symptoms, I've seen people lectured about this and I understand. But In my country anonymous testing is outlawed and gays are basically reported and treated like criminals by doctors. Neither time we had unprotected sex did he finish inside me but I know it doesn't eliminate risk. A few days later I got extremely drowsy for a day or two and the skin on the back of my thighs and on my right calf became very sore and tender for a few days. I seemed to be trying to fight off some kind of infection. I took lots of vitamin C and about a week later I felt mostly better. But around a week or week and a half after the sex I started getting an itchy rash on the sole of one foot. Looking like eczema. So this was around 1.5 to two weeks after possible exposure. It's stil there but I don't seem to have a rash anywhere else. It hasn't spread. It's just under one foot. By the timing of 3 weeks is alarming because I never got a rash like this before. Can ARS symptoms start 3 days after if the person was very infectious? And can the rash only appear after the initial symptoms have gone away a week later? Do symptoms generally just appear abruptly over night or gradually? There is very little HIV related help where i live so that's why I'm asking about symptoms. I may have to fly out of the country for testing but it's too soon and I'm so anxious.
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If anyone is still reading this I took a 4th generation test at 3.5 weeks because of anxiety. And then I took it again at the recommended 28 day mark for confirmation. Alere Determine HIV 1/2 Ag/Ab combo test. Negative on both times. They said it's not necessary to test again. But I know some people seroconvert later than others. If I haven't seroconverted, is it possible this type of test wouldn't detect anything? I thought if I tested negative my symptoms might go away because they were linked to anxiety. Instead more peculiar new symptoms are developing. It may be syphilis. But I want to rule out HIV if I can. After having done this test at 29 days, can I rule it out and start looking for other answers to what's wrong with me?
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I guess what I was hoping for is that someone would say "no it doesn't sound like those symptoms are typical of acute hiv infection because such and such, but because of the risk, go get tested anyway" or perhaps "yes that is also common of ARS, go get tested." Either way I will get tested. I was just looking for opinions. Not diagnoses.
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We are all volunteers here with knowledge of HIV risk and testing time frames. We are not doctors and therefore any comments about your symptoms would be just speculation and no better than your own guesses. That's why your only option to find out is to test, since you did have a clear risk.
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I don't think it's all that relevant where I am. I'm not here for giving personal details except as they pertain to my health. But in this country there are not really any help resources for HIV available to me. And I don't see the problem discussing symptoms. I'm not looking for a diagnosis. But for instance if my hair fell out and I was afraid it was due to HIV infection, people here would tell me no, that has no connection to HIV. So similarly since there's not much I can do here, I want to know people's opinions on what symptoms I'm displaying. I don't see the harm in that. My rash is on one foot and has been for a couple weeks. Initially I had pain in the tissue on my right calf and groin area and back of thighs. A tenderness of the skin and muscle but this was 3 days after the sexual activity. There's been a weird malaise that's come and gone since then in different forms and the rash began about a week and a half after the encounters. Not really any other symptoms yet. Today would mark the 3rd week since the last time having sex with this guy. So if anyone can give an educated speculation it would be appreciated. I am pretty nervous as I was last time I had a high risk encounter. I'm not going to hold anyone accountable for being wrong. I would just like some educated info and opinions.
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The reason why symptoms are not discussed here is because true symptoms of HIV are similar to a while host of other much more common issues. Which is why, even if you visited an HIV specialist today, they would first ask you what was your risk (which you had, given unprotected anal intercourse) and then they would send you for an HIV test and see what the results say. No doctor worth their MD would ever diagnose someone based on symptoms.

This is an HIV assessment forum. People post here to assess whether they have a risk and whether testing is indicated for that risk. In your case, the answer is, Yes you had a risk, and Yes you need to test. That's the only way you will know whether you are infected.
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That was earlier this year. I tested negative that time for everything. This is a separate incident. I don't live in San Diego anymore. I was in San Diego when I registered on this site. The incident in question now happened about 3.5 weeks ago.
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Okay but still you haven't told us where you are now.. If the only option you have is to fly out and get tested, please do so.
Sorry, we don't discuss symptoms, for obvious reasons made known to you previously.

I'm sure you're aware of the testing time frame which is repeatedly recommended in this site following the CDC guidelines. I'm not sure of the window period in your country. Good luck.  
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In your earlier post, you said that you were going to get tested. Where did you test?. Anyways your profile indicates that you're from San Diego CA. Where are you from ?
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