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Possible needle prick in nightclub

Okay, I’ve had severe HIV hypochondria in the past but I overcame it. Now it’s back with a vengeance. I was out clubbing with a few friends in a nightclub I’ve never visited before. The club looked a bit sketchy, but I’m not out much so I didn’t really know what to expect. Anyway, I had a fair amount to drink, but I felt fine and controlled, although intoxicated. At one point, I felt a very warm, almost burning sensation in my palm. I suppose I didn’t really care at the time because after that, I kept dancing and having fun.
The morning after I noticed a small redish spot in the palm of my hand, with a small red dot in it, that really looked like a puncture mark from a needle. I tried to remember if I had felt a needle prick the night before but I really couldn’t remember and still can’t. I tend not to feel as much pain when I’m drunk which is normal I suppose. Anyway, my hypochondria brain has turned this into the hiv scare of the century. I’m scared I was injected with something because of the warm sensation in my palm or pricked by a used needle/syringe, and I won’t be able to get tested for another few weeks since it was only 3 weeks ago. I want to stay calm but then again I’ve heard rumors about people being jabbed with needles in clubs. I haven’t been to the hospital, mostly because I have no idea what happened and it’s too late to go on PrEP now. Is this a potential risk? A few symptoms that have started to appear are fatigue and achy body and a mouth sore that healed in a day. I know fatigue and aching body are symptoms of anxiety as well, but I googled the symptoms and I should not have done that considering my history with hypochondria. Just hope for som reassurance or advice, hopefully there are a few people out there who can understand my fear.
5 Responses
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It sounds like your hypochondria has flared up again. Instead of asking these questions here you should be seeking a therapist with whom to discuss your irrational phobia. People don't go arrive poking people with needles. It's literally the most common phobia of people like you and always turns out to be just a delusional idea with no basis in reality. You don't need any HIV testing or meds. You need a therapist to work with you on your mental health.
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Stop drinking because you are using it as an excuse to imagine paranoid ideas. If you can't stop drinking, go to Alcoholics Anonymous for help because anyone who lives with paranoid ideas should never drink.
20620809 tn?1504362969
If you have had ocd and hiv phobia in the past, this is a good time to revisit therapy or work with your doctor.  You don't have to live under that cloud. Random needle or malicious needle sticks don't happen and just being 'stuck' will not transmit HIV.  Injection such as with IV drugs will, but not being stuck.  Air inactivates the virus.  I'm sorry that you are so anxious and am sure that is hard on you.  But you can get treatment for it.  Hope you do!
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Thank you for taking the time to respond! I drink once every 6 months, if even that, so I’m not sure Anonymous Alcoholics would take me in. But I see your point! I will get tested in a few weeks, for my own peace of mind. The time until then will be horrifying. I’m terrified of the ”what if”. There’s always a ”what if” with hypochondria, and even though you read statistics to try to calm yourself, you always have the fear of being on the wrong terms with Lady Luck, the exception to the rule. I have heard about syringe and needle attacks on the news, and rumors about the clubs, but I don’t know if anyone has ever contracted HIV from such an attack outside of an occupational environment, and the unknown is unnerving to say the least. I do, however, appreciate your answers a lot and they have helped to calm me down a bit. So thanks again!
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To be honest, I am not sure if you are following what members are saying.  The idea to stop drinking is really a bit of a side note. The issue is your anxiety.  No one here said to test. They said to treat your anxiety, phobia and ocd. THAT is an illness.  And to skirt around that by talking about lady luck and imaginary needle sticks and testing for peace of mind in a few weeks really indicates a high level of being disconnected from reality.  I hope you heed the real advice here and get help for your mental health.  
188761 tn?1584567620
You did not possess a risk. As stated by other members, you are probably delusional about such scenarios.

Hypothetically, if someone did prick you with a needle, you still didn't have any thing to worry about since there was no scope for HIV transmission. A needle prick doesn't equal to injection of infected fluid in to your veins. Hence, there is no risk associated.

Consumption of alcohol, reasons to do that, way to avoid it etc. are not in line with this forum's objective. Please see your therapist to determine the correct action. This forum is specific to HIV prevention and you don't have a relevant concern.
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Sorry about that! And thank you
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Okay, I would appreciate you stop calling me an alcoholic. It’s not only rude, it offers no help whatsoever in this situation. I appreciate you taking the time to respond, but alcoholism is not my problem. My problem is hypochondria. I understand alcohol can trigger anxiety but that is no indication whatsoever of me being an alcoholic, and based on the information I’ve given you about my situation, you are in no position to make that judgement. As for the main issue, the hypochondria, I will of course speak to a psychiatrist about it along with getting a test done. I know a member wrote a test isn’t needed, but not knowing feels worse right now, even if it’s far-fetched and disconnected from reality. Once again, thank you for your responses.
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I hear you. You have been already offered the best this forum has to provide. Please see your therapist. You don't have an HIV concern. Testing won't be necessary for you.
Yes, will do so. Thanks again to the members in this thread, and on this forum. Wish you all the best!
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