213398 tn?1202670474

Does Anxiety/Panic cause PVC's

i'm a 34 year old male and have been suffering with anxiet/panic since the age of 23. I have never in that time felt PVCs . i remember feeling like 1 pvc every year never paid much attention to it , didnt know what it was. About 2 months ago my aunt died from cancer and i started to feel pvcs a few times a day. i went to a doctor to find out what it was and was explained that it was PVCs. Here is my question does anxiety cause pvcs or do pvcs cause anxiety. If anxiety causes pvcs then do they cause the actual pvcs or does anxiety act as a catalyst in bringing out the existing condition in the heart. Meaning - my understanding of pvcs is that pcvs are caused by an "extra" pathway in the heart, if that is so then how can anxiety cause a pvc a pvc is described as some physical problem. can someone explain this to me? Also if anxiety and panic causes pvcs then what if i have a huge panic attack what would happen lots of pvcs over and over and over ? and if so what would keep this from turning into V-tach? someone please help. One more question if most people have pvcs as doctors sometimes tell us then why aren't beta blockers prescribed to everyone?? i mean most of the population
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Well, this site really woke me up today. Watch out for the people who aren't nice on here.

I'm no Doctor, I think you have valid questions. Who's to say Panic Attacks couldn't cause heart Problems? Stress causes heart problems. Right? I as one who has had Panic Attacks doubt that a Full-blown Panic attack would throw you into a dangerous heart reaction. Perhaps over time with anxiety and stress, possibly. I don't really know this of course. Also, my Cardiac symptoms in the past did cause Anxiety. Which causes Which? Who truly knows? Probably nobody. This doesn't mean you should live in fear. Keeping your anxiety down as much as possible I would imagine would serve your physical health well also.

I'm no expert though. Take care of yourself.
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It's still 7/26/07 where I live.
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Hi Michael,
You asked "One more question if most people have pvcs as doctors sometimes tell us then why aren't beta blockers prescribed to everyone?? "
Most poeple don't feel their PVCs or aren't bothered by them. Since PVCs they are not harmful beta blockers are only prescribed to people who are bothered by the symptoms".
I think some people find it hard to believe the doctors because PVCs can feel horrible. The doctors aren't lying that most of the generation have PVCs though. It is a scientific fact.
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97628 tn?1204462033
I feel an occasional skip and had some show up on my echo. I don't take beta blockers. My son had 1600 a day on his Holter he doesn't much notice them and doesn't take beta blockers even though he has a moderate sclerosis on a  valve. Even he doesn't need them.

People having something normal don't need medicine.

People with structurally sound hearts don't need beta blockers. They give beta blockers to healthy people when they complain of and/or are afraid of PVCs to try to reduce the force of the heartbeat
( sensation) and they are also known to work on anxiety (which is a known trigger for ectopic beats) by blocking adrenalin receptors as well.
Musicians and performers have been known to "pop" beta blockers before a performance to reduce performance anxiety.
Most people don't react strongly to a few "skipped" beats. Some people do and then they release more hormones, because they are anxious, and have more "skipped" beats.
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212161 tn?1599427282
atenolol i took 12.5 twice a day it was really strong for me so i had to go off of it but yes i was told it helps with the anxiety, its a good med just to much for me, hope she will try something before her anxiety gets out of control and she has to live with it rest of her life. shes to young to have so much stress. are they giving her anything for the panic attacks. they are bad and hard to live with as a adult so i know its hard for a child. God Bless ya and i pray all will settle down for her and she can go back to being a child, carefree
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I never knew that beta blockers could help with anxiety.  That is such good news.  My daughter suffers terribly with panic attacks mow that she has AVNRT and she doesn't just worry about her heart but her eyes and anything else that doesn't "feel right" in her body.  I'm glad to know about the beta blockers and anxiety as her doctor prescribed Atenalol but she's afraid to take it.  Maybe I'll let her know what you said but I'll definately keep it in the back of my mind.  Thank you so much.  
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Hi oatbucket,
I think betablockers only help with the physical symptoms of anxiety such as feeling edgy, breathless, lump in throat, feeling, palpitations etc (by blocking adrenalin). That is why they are often used for panic attacks. They don't haev any affect on worrying and anxious thought though. I think only antidepressents and tranquilizers do that. Although I suppose it's possible that by controlling the physical symptoms associated with anxiety they might make one feel better physically and then more less likely to worry abotu their health. Best wishes to you and you daughter.
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213398 tn?1202670474
So you guys are all telling me that since most of the population has PVC's then it is logical to say that most of the population has the "extra wiring" as it is described that causes PVC's ?????
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Heart muscle is very electrically excitable. Most of the population have areas in their heart that are more easily excited than others and can 'fire off' from time to time instead of their heart's normal pacemaker.
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213398 tn?1202670474
new board for PVC's ??? where? right here at this site? i looked under forums can't see anything for pvcs.  doctor to patient portion? or peer to peer? either way i see a forum for "heart" that we are in but no forum specifically for PVC's
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The forum is called heart rhythm. There is alot of discussion about PVC's there. Several members have tens of thousand of PVCs per day.
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This has been my experience.  I am definitely not an anxious person and even when the palpitations were at their worse, I didn't have any feelings of impending doom.  However, that being said, anxiety (and everyone gets anxious from time to time) will bring them on .  I do find this interesting how stress/anxiety evokes a physical response, whether it be migraines, an upset stomach, etc (true mind/body connection).

There is more at play here.  I have read articles that indicate the people with low heart rates (eg. athletes) can be prone to PAC's or PVC's that adversely affect their working out. For years I had them on occasion and never gave them much thought.  Then WHAM, they came on after a bout with the flu and never really abaded. They prevented me from doing the things that I love.

When they get so frequent that they affect your quality of life, then treatment is warranted.  Even if you have a structurally normal heart, "live with it" doesn't work for someone who is very active and can't bike, run, etc anymore because every time they do, they get dizzy or very fatigued.  The calcium channel blocker that I take has been a godsend.
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I agree that even if you accept them as benign they can affect your quality of life if they are very frequent and you are very symptomatic. I've had one hundred per hour documented and I feel every single on as a fliplopping/ dropping sensation in the chest and bulge in the throat. It's a very strong and unpleasant sensation that does startle me for a second, even though it now doesn't worry me. I found it impossible to ignore or to concentrate properly on anything with that going on 100 times per hour. Luckily now I have less than one hundred per day and I feel much much happier as a result. I take a low dose beta blocker.
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216258 tn?1189755827
  You can ask the Doctor at :


Medical Communitie FOR
Heart Rhythm


Good luck
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213398 tn?1202670474
Vienna i tried asking a doctor so many times on this board it always says the forum is full. never had luck in posting there

deedle. and all i'm still confused though. i'm 34 and had panic disorder my whole life never felt pvcs except for like maybe one pvc a year. how how all of a sudden at the age of 34 i started to feel them more? is this normal with everyone here? i notice most people writing that they have had it since childhood

2. Do they get more frequent as time progresses? i mean i only get like 15 a day now but how bout like a couple of years from now is this a slow progression where i will get thousands later on?

3. if PVC get more frequent does this not increase our chances of developing V-tach?

4. How about the dreaded PVC on T wave phenomenon. i read somewhere that if a PVC falls on a T-wave then you can go into Ventricular Fibrillation and i'm sure we all know what that means. So what is that like a roulet wheel ? hope out of all the PVC one does not fall on a t-wave? how is that not dangerous?

5. And whats the deal with people writing that they can longer work out, what happens if we get them working out and don't stop working out will they get out of control and go into v-tach or something. i mean this is freaking me out i want to join a judo team and i'm scared to go all out and fight and then go into a dangerous situation

i'm sorry about the million questions its just that all this stuff is so confusing to me. On the one hand we are told that its not dangerous on the other people seem to have limitations from them i'm just really confesed about the true facts of this condition

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Hi Michael. PVCs are complicated and not fully understood so I have posted the questions you asked on the heart rhythm doctor's forum. He can explain better than any of us. Check out the post " Questions about PVC's". I hope his answers will alleviate your anxiety.
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There are posts addressed to you here.
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225570 tn?1191287073
Quote "All drugs have side effects, And will eventually destroy whatever organ filters them"

Are you Crazy? People are on here asking us questions, having horrible anxiety about there problems and you tell them that whatever meds there on are gonna cause organ failure,,,Yea like thats all we need...First of all that is so untrue,,it depends on the meds your taking..get your facts strait before you go on here freaking people out. My grandmother has been on every medication on the market since she was in her early 20's she is now 76 and heathy as can be.. and her organs are fine...If you dont have anything uplifting and positive to say keep it to yourself...Thanks
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I dont think she is crazy at all.  The synthetic chemicals are not natural to the body.  I know that they are benificial for the time they must be used.  How many people on these boards have commented that the doctor is switching the meds?  How many people actually WANT to take meds?  I work as hard as I can to get to the point to drop another drug.  As far as the uplifting, sometimes no matter how much you support someone you will not be in complete accord.  Being able to give and take is a natural part of all relationships in life, even on the internet.  Expecting to agree with everything written is like sticking your head in the sand.
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216614 tn?1195665072

I think you need to start reading the flyers that come with your meds.  And I think that you need to realize that "support" does not necessarily mean telling people what they want to hear.

Every med I take (and I take a bunch) can cause liver problems.  Every single one.  How do I know this?  I read the side effects.  I read the side effects BEFORE I start to take them.  

Why do I take them?  Because they are what is keeping me alive.

I think the key word in that sentence is eventually.  And the point she is making is that it is silly to take a drug for something that is benign and/or normal.

And...I think you should take note that your post is the first negative one of the day.  I will say again what I told you the other day.  Think before you start accusing.  And....get YOUR facts straight.

If you want just sweetness and light on a board, then I suggest you hie thee to the rhythm board.  If you want truth, ugly though it can be at times, then stay here and learn.  But stop accusing someone just because you have decided you don't like her or her comments.
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I believe in the theory that all unnatural things we put in our bodies will eventually wear them out.  From meds, OTC included, to hormones in meat, chemicals in vegetables, fruit, processed foods, even water.  If we are lucky enough to live to old age without a serious disease, one of our organs will start to go.......heart, liver, kidneys, even brain.  
Gina, are you in agreement with Michael??  Should we put Beta Blockers in the water supply maybe, to treat normal PVCs?  WE need a reality check here.   Calm down.  Welcome to the world of withdrawals.
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225570 tn?1191287073
I do NOT agree with michael that all people with pvc's should be on something..in my expirience with pvc's that they are provocted by anxiety and stress and in a normal healthy heart they are more of a annoyence then a problem....Fl Brat i agree with you no one would want to be on meds who would? but when the benifits out weigh the risks they are good...And often i DO read the lables and side effects on EVERYTHING i take and not one of my meds states anything about organ failure....My point WAS is that not all meds cause these kinds of things and to miss inform someone who is already dealing with mager anxiety and stress could lead to very bad things!!! These people on Here are dealing with a HUGE amount of stress and to falsly state that all meds are gonna cause organ failure is wrong...I asked my cardiologist if beta blockers cause organ failure and he said only if you have an underline illness of an organ....And surfgirl i agree with your last post that was well put..absalutly anything as we get older can cause lots of things...And mabie our organs will fail but that was my whole point when i read your post i was like holy cow my organs are gonna be destroyed from all the meds i take if i was like alot of these people on here i would have freaked out but i know alot about these meds to know that your statement was untrue...All i was trying to say is dont stress people out if there already there....And surfgirl im not having any withdrawls at all im happy and med free noe and loving life my nsvt is a thing of the past and my anxiety is right behind them...i am now on here to help others that were in my place once...i think you all should tell michael to come to the heart rythum forum we can help him much better over there...and as you all say it we are just one big group hug over there and i love it!!!! thanks and good luck to you all.
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he was already told where to go to find support.
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213398 tn?1202670474
i really appreciate everyone's help here and all of your answers to my concerns and fears. i kind of lost track of my original question after all this sidetracking. lol.   I just want to clear something up though. i never said all people should be on beta blockers. i was being sarcastic when i said that    "if most of the population has PVC's like we are told by doctors, then why don't all those doctors put most people on beta blockers"      meaning if its true that most people have them why are we the only ones who are being offered beta blockers. i basically have a hard time believing that most of the population suffers from premature and weird beats.
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