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Why is that?

I would like to ask all of our other kind souls like myself ,saying that with a honest  feeling about myself an you all, while thinking we all give up from our time to answer here questions  that strangers put up day by day hours by hours. I know the numbers of the questions are overwhelming, that’s why some will not get an answer.
Not a big deal one might say, after all many of those questions, are not even heart related, or they are not so important, or even little silly.
Well my friends, there is my point. Every question is important. People  are not coming here to be operated by us, or giving answers like we were professors, cardiologist. Don’t get me wrong, I think that is great many of you on that level and giving answers on that level……But, what really bothers me is that to see often one person is getting over 10 respond, while some is getting none. And often it is about debating the subject, showing up, who knows more  who has the best answer.
My point is, people are asking here would be happy every single one of them to get a post, few good words, few  helping virtual  word, direction.
Think about how would you feel if post a question and not getting an answer, not a right professional answer if we do not have it, that’s OK, but any answer, a virtual human contact……every single ONE OF THEM DESERVES AN ANSWER,(A POST)
  Until I see people are not getting that and their questions are going down to the 5-6-7 etc pages I am very sad and I don’t think so we do enough.
Thank you for reading.
Best Answer
187666 tn?1331173345
You try so hard to be helpful and I know you're honest. You've told me what I needed to hear at times, not just what I wanted to hear. Thanks for looking out for the posters looking for answers and for the community leaders. Those of us who choose to stick around month after month, year after year can always help out just a little bit more.
9 Responses
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367994 tn?1304953593
Exactly, and well said.

I also like ed's point and I also notice the different degree of knowldege for specific medical subjects, etc.  I hadn't thought of that response as a good reply to anyone who presents another forum with better participation. For instance, I think it is safe to say all participating members of the heart rhythm forum have informed and current  knowledge on the subject just based on their experience, interest and are eager to share their experience, and that is understood. There few heart rhythm participants on the heart forum from my observation...I haven't had much interest on the subject but I am doing my homework :).

The HD forum has a diverified member participation as the forum has a much more diversified subject matter.  And from my observation the participation is outstanding from those that have knowledge on the subject matter of their interest.  The forum is enriched with the diversity, and we learn from one and another and provide the current standing of medical issues of interest.  HD does'nt take a backseat to any other forum in my opinion!  

   of that experthe response Ed gave
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159619 tn?1707018272
Your comment'

*******Frankly, the "Best Answer" category encourages competition among members (for some members), and is that in the best interest of MH?  Some other forums have a recordation of the number of thanks...not "best answer"..from an OP for an incentive, if recogniiton is what MH has in mind.  I have voiced my opinion on the subject!  Also, the top "Answer" category is arbitrary and does not reflect what the description for the category states.  I have been told there is a random selection for top 3 responders ...how does that provide an incentive? How does the member feel when they put in many hours and that does not fairly represent their workproduct (I'm not speaking for myself)....where is the incentive other than some ego thing?  The count of posts an individual  has accumulated speaks for itself...why not have that count shown under an individuals name when posting....that fairly represents a person's time and as a volunteer that should be the recognized issue...why unfairly rank contributors??? *******

I understand your point, I guess I just don't like the whole idea of ranking responders, thanking responders by MH or incentives for responders. This makes it sound so much like a competition and I have never thought of it that way. I don't feel the quantity of one's responses should be waved like an accomplishment. Some people have more time to devote to this than others. Some are more confident in their answers than others. That being the case, some one who gives say 100, accurate, thoughtful and helping responses may be more important than some one with 1,000 responses that may be wrong half the time.

I don't like rankings and ratings in a voluntary forum format, to me it is detrimental to why people are here. I can do without the whole star thing, what I do appreciate is all the quick "thank you" notes I have received over the years, that's what it's about...... not stars.

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Thank you for the great points all of you had! I hope none of you felt a bit of criticism in my saying, because I really not meant to hurt any feelings.You all do what you feel good to do!! And you all do good to people believe me!! I see that!!And Ken you do a great job, but we all need to do a little more, somebody said very well: helping you! Not that hard to do, being sure no questioners go away without answer. I know how it feels not getting respond, BUT only from others I know that. Where ever I went got  answers, but talked to people whom did not or only from me on AN other board in the past. One woman said she was checking back in every hour then every day when finally I answered (HCOL) and she cried: was happy. I OFTEN REMEMBER THAT.
  Years ago when I left from here I felt upset about that too: one of you mentioned ,they wont come back for the answer ,I think they are, just no more to say. Not all people polite. :) Not anymore it bothers me. They got a reaction and believe me that is the point.
I am not one of the smart answerer, I only tell what I experienced and only very few times go Google for others, because I feel all can do it for themselves, but even that not true.
   Well sure a thank you from them is very rewarding and nice to get.  I am glad for them if I made them happy for a moment, but also for myself. :)
We can call that Ego thing, but again it is a healthy thing.:)

  It was time when I used to be very blunt and told people fat is not good, do not eat burger, smoking is killing you blab la…..but if I think those are like my own kids or friends and I tell them the same with a little more honest compassion, then I did something good, even what I said was obvious, or even little poor answer.:)))) It was but that’s OK too!

  Keep up the good job All!
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976897 tn?1379167602
I have seen examples of members receiving best answer when their response is very inaccurate but more along the lines of what the OP would want to hear. Merits certainly are not judged on accuracy.

I think there are some members here who do a great job and I have learned a great deal from them. I admit things have got heated at times, but hey, I'm human :)

I sometimes look at a post and can't wait for someone to reply so I can learn more. I have noticed how everyone has a particular area of expertise and it works well. I've made some good friends on here and to have a base where people have similar issues is also helpful in more ways than we often realise. It's a big world and to know we certainly are not alone is comforting in many ways.
Keep up the good work Ken and everyone else.
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367994 tn?1304953593
If one looks back 3 pages, all questions have been answered.  I am aware that every post should be answered and to welcome any new members regardless of the content, relevant or irrelvant. However, there appears to be an irregular flow especially on weekends and sometimes week days.  Actually, there is no way to predict when there will be an influx of qestions, but I look back 3 pages and all answers have been answered.  Some go unanswered because there are tags for a reference, etc. I accept the role to answer most questions that go unanswered.  Also, I am answering many, many PM's from someone who choses to not post or go from the posted thread to a PM (I try to discourage that). I'll put my total counted post answers and participation up to almost anyone else with MH or any other organizaton for that matter.

Frankly, the "Best Answer" category encourages competition among members (for some members), and is that in the best interest of MH?  Some other forums have a recordation of the number of thanks...not "best answer"..from an OP for an incentive, if recogniiton is what MH has in mind.  I have voiced my opinion on the subject!  Also, the top "Answer" category is arbitrary and does not reflect what the description for the category states.  I have been told there is a random selection for top 3 responders ...how does that provide an incentive? How does the member feel when they put in many hours and that does not fairly represent their workproduct (I'm not speaking for myself)....where is the incentive other than some ego thing?  The count of posts an individual  has accumulated speaks for itself...why not have that count shown under an individuals name when posting....that fairly represents a person's time and as a volunteer that should be the recognized issue...why unfairly rank contributors???

Obviously, there will be more answers and participation when individuals can identify with the post and have their own experiences to relate and have a personal interest. Then there are questions for a rare or unfamilar medical problem that requires research, and I do the research (and I welcome the challenge)  that probably doesn't interest other members or they don't have the time...they gravitate to familar medical problems.

I agree,  individuals that don't have a response to their questions may feel slighted and I attempt to welcome them to the forum regardless of the content or relevancy of their question.  If I take a day or two off it is sometimes difficult to catch up with all the unanswered questions.  When that happens I review the more relevant questions and answer (sometimes with a PM), and I don't answer all because I believe that after a few days the less relevant questition poster does not have much interest to keep reviewing for an answer anyway.  It comes down to what has priority for an answer for a limited time available.

We are all doing a good job, and I don't agree the forum lacks interested participation.  I remember 7 years ago there were very few patricipants on this forum and I posed a question that could not be answered...the question was can the EF be increased? There were few threads at the time, the archives were of no help, etc. so I went to another forum site for an answer, research my own questions and participate.  

Thanks to all for showing an interest, participation, and all comments are welcome and appreciated.

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159619 tn?1707018272
I understand your comments, each question represents some one's attempt to reach out and they deserve a reply. For me I try to answer as many as possible, but I don't answer as many as some people do. I tried early on and determined that no answer from me is sometimes better than a poor answer.

In my case, I try to answer questions that I have some experience or expertise in. I try to stay away from answering question from people asking about certain procedures I have not had done as I can only give text book answers that they have most likely already found themselves on the Internet. There are some areas where I am well read and can answer in confidence, so that's where I reach out. Also, this is not the only site I spend my time on. I am on a few other Heart Disease Communities and forums and several Corvette related forums as well so it's sometimes a matter of time.

This is a good point and here's where I feel we need to change. We have a great Community Leader in Ken, he does a great job but he can't do it all alone. If you look at the Heart Rhythm Forum, they have several Community Leaders to help spread the load, perhaps Ken could use some help. It must be a burden to come on as often as you can knowing you need to reply to the number of questions Ken needs to be involved with to make sure everyone gets a response, which I know Ken tries to do.

Just my 2 cents, probably not worth more than that :)

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Thank you Ireneo for understanding what I was trying to say.:)  I don’t really go to other boards, but see what you say, like here I see when I came up  our kenkeith  often doing the same: he answers for many new questions, but if we all do a little more ,then no people go down with a bad feeling, like:”oh well I was ignored :(”
It was good to hear from you!!:)
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187666 tn?1331173345
You make a wonderful point my friend. Not every poster is as experienced with heart problems as some others here on the forum. They come with what seems like a simple question or a misworded question and they get ignored. We were all at that stage at some point with our heart problems.

I noticed on some of the forums here, if no one responds in a day or so the community leader will step in and answer all the blank ones. That's a very kind thing to do. I think all of us could help out by taking one or two unanswered questions now and then. Not a huge commitment but a good way to reach out to those that are afraid or confused.
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