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Palpitations and Dizziness/ Other Symptoms

I have posted before about my palps, but they seem to be getting more frequent.

Last night, my heart was beating faster than normal and I had the "flip flop" feeling in my chest. I was also experiencing dizziness/vertigo.

I have had several EKG's, Stress Echo, Regular Echo (at my primary doctors office), and Chest X-Ray.

I only started experiencing the palps after having a reaction to Prednisone (1 month ago). Prior to that, I had chest and shoulder pain (my original symptoms).

My Dr. thinks I may have Fibromyalgia because of my widespread muscle and joint pain (chest, ribs, shotting pain down arms, legs, to name a few).

My question is, are the palps benign or is there something serious going on?

I have no idea if this is related, but I thought it was worth mentioning. I've been having a vibrating sensation (best way I can describe it) in my left foot. I don't know what that is or what it could be?

Thanks so much for reading all this. If anyone can help give me some clarity, I would really appreciate it.
25 Responses
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      I think I used to get them in the past but very infrequent and never paid much attention to them.   Till one time I got like a bunch in a row.  It felt like a weird feeling.  Like a twitch or muscle spasm something, then there is a pause and sometimes a stronger heartbeat/thud.  one day i was sitting there after racking leaves and I got one. then a couple mins later another one.   Then a couple mins later another one.  It bothered me but i shook it off. Then later that night as i was going to sleep same thing happened.  Weird feeling, pause, BOOM.   few mins later. Weird feeling,pause, boom.  happened about 3 or 4 times like a couple mins apart from each other.  That got me real nervous, and then they came more frequent like sometimes id get a run like that one day then they would disappear for a day here and there.   I just got one last night, but i havent had any since thanks giving in november.  i also have other symptoms such as dizziness and feeling like ****.  one time i couldnt even walk straight the room was spinning.  this didnt happen during the palps, just happens maybe from anxiety.  sorry for the rant i have alot on my  mind ..

   Im 26 years old.  I have gotten blood tests, EKG and 24 hour holter monitor test all of which were fine.  Well doctor said the results for holter were "very good" whatever that means.  But i didnt feel any attacks.  

   I want to avoid getting the event monitor because my luck,  I wont get any for the 30 days.  They say its ok for a structurally normal  heart so i guess if i start getting them frequent again ill get an echocardiogram.  Everyone says I have major anxiety issues.  Anxiety runs in my family more then heart problems.  again sorry for the rant.  
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      I think I used to get them in the past but very infrequent and never paid much attention to them.   Till one time I got like a bunch in a row.  It felt like a weird feeling.  Like a twitch or muscle spasm something, then there is a pause and sometimes a stronger heartbeat/thud.  one day i was sitting there after racking leaves and I got one. then a couple mins later another one.   Then a couple mins later another one.  It bothered me but i shook it off. Then later that night as i was going to sleep same thing happened.  Weird feeling, pause, BOOM.   few mins later. Weird feeling,pause, boom.  happened about 3 or 4 times like a couple mins apart from each other.  That got me real nervous, and then they came more frequent like sometimes id get a run like that one day then they would disappear for a day here and there.   I just got one last night, but i havent had any since thanks giving in november.  i also have other symptoms such as dizziness and feeling like ****.  one time i couldnt even walk straight the room was spinning.  this didnt happen during the palps, just happens maybe from anxiety.  sorry for the rant i have alot on my  mind ..

   Im 26 years old.  I have gotten blood tests, EKG and 24 hour holter monitor test all of which were fine.  Well doctor said the results for holter were "very good" whatever that means.  But i didnt feel any attacks.  

   I want to avoid getting the event monitor because my luck,  I wont get any for the 30 days.  They say its ok for a structurally normal  heart so i guess if i start getting them frequent again ill get an echocardiogram.  Everyone says I have major anxiety issues.  Anxiety runs in my family more then heart problems.  again sorry for the rant.  
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     if your echo and everything is normal then why should these palps be anything of concern?  I feel dizzy and i get skipped beats here and there.. It sounds like alot of anxiety sufferers have the same symptoms.

The pill could have caused a reaction and that reaction caused anxiety which caused more reactions.  
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You say you get palps here and there.  Can you clarify how many that is?  I get probably one every couple of hours and sometimes I will get one and then a couple of seconds or minutes later get another. It freaks me out.  I just want to know what here and there is?  Would that be as much as me or less?
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Young lady please becareful what you read.  Anxiety patients constantly want to read other peoples symptoms to gain support for themselves.  Problem to that though is they also take on the same attributes of diseases they read.  Trust me I know that anxiety can cause dizziness, shortness of breath, chest pain, tightness in your chest, and anything that causes pain you automatically think you may have a disease that is going to kill you.


Anxiety can make a hypochondriac out of you.  I had dizziness which really scared me and they found out I had an inner ear infection.  You take care!
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this is one of the reasons you need to be careful what you read online.. simple vertigo in the abscense of other symptoms is usually not associated with syncope, its usually associated with the inner ear.. Generally the first symptoms of presyncope are, blurred, tunnel, or hazy vision, sweating, and ringing in the ears of loss of hearing...  This long term shortness of breath you seem to be having would probably not be a symptom of palps, are you hyperventilating?? maybe this is a factor.
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No, I'm not hyperventilating. I was having bad calf pain last week, so my Dr. suggested we do a doppler to rule out a clot. The test came back negative. Now I'm having the shortness of breath/vertigo. My dentist thought it could be a Pulmonary Embolism, but there was no sign of a clot in my leg, so I would think that's pretty much ruled out.

The SOB and vertigo came on suddenly friday night.
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Well, theres one sure fire way of finding out if its physical or mental.. next time you begin it feel short of breath for an extended period, go to the er, or your primary doctor if you can get in right away.. they can test the level of oxygen in your blood.. if its correct, this is more a mental manifestation, if its off, they will find the reason.
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I've never had a holter, just numerous EKG's, which have never caught the palps. I'm going to bring the new cardioloist copies of the tests and see what he says. Some of my EKG's say normal, others say Abnormal, but my old Cardiologist never seemed concerned.

I need to have dental work done, and my dentist won't do anything to me with all this going on, so I hope it can get sorted out soon.
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Good luck with your appointment on Friday.  I would push for an event monitor since your holter did not catch your palps.  Let us know how you do.  
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Robin There is a PVC message group on Yahoo and I just happened to run across messages from two people today complaining about PVCs after taking 40 mg of prednisone.  It also exacerbated their anxiety, for one person it made their anxiety significantly worse.  So when I read your post, I knew I had heard this before and sure enough, I had.  I think the PVCs and anxiety should resolve as the prednisone works its way out of your system.
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I took the Prednisone about a month ago. Could 1 pill still be in my system?
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I saw my primary this morning and they did an EKG, but didn't catch the palps. It was on for maybe 5 seconds. I have an appointment with a new cardiologist on Friday. I just wish the dizziness and shortness of breath would go away.

They tested me for Lyme before, but anything that I've heard, is that the standard Lyme tests are unreliable. I have a bunch of those symptoms (minus the rash).
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I am not sure how long prednisone stays in your system.  When I first started having palpitations, I was also really worried about a life threatening arrythymia.  I think that is a natural reation.  It takes awhile to get past the fear and I still struggle with it.  If you are really very worried and don't want to wait until you can see a cardiologist, do you have any walk in clinics around you?  They should be able to do an EKG and catch the palps if they are frequent.  I know the ER is not a fun place to go but that is an option - they will certainly do an EKG on you.  Your primary care should also be able to do an EKG on you - ask him/her to monitor you long enough to actually see the palp.
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I read about the palps at hrsonline.com, the Heart Rhythm Society.

It said

Presyncope can be a sign of a heart rhythm disorder and should be evaluated carefully.
Dizziness, lightheadedness or vertigo
Blurred or narrowed (tunnel) vision
Nausea and/or vomiting
Stomachache/abdominal discomfort
Heart palpitations
Confusion and/or difficulty
speaking clearly or coherently

I have almost all of those symptoms. It says vertigo there as a symptom of presyncope.

I don't know how accurate the info is. If they are just benign PVC's, I'll learn to live with them, but my concern is a dangerous arrythmia. Since I've never had palps while having an EKG, they've never been picked up. I've never had the dizziness and vertigo last this long and come completely out of the blue.

Would an Echo pick up an arrythmia?
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Yes, vertigo is not related to syncope.. Its usually related to the inner ear or another region effecting balance, so that should help ease your mind some

where did you read this about palps?? As we all know, you need to be quite careful what you read..It is not uncommon for palps to be accompanied by brief lightheadedness or shortness of breath, but usually when its sustained,  its because of the anxiety and the intense adrenline rush you are giving yourself when the palps are being felt... The palpitations are not going to hurt you, sometimes they can be an INDICATION of something else, but since it seems you;ve been tested and have been given a clean bill of health, It seems this is not the case..

I dont think the Prednisone caused your palpitations, but i guess no one can say for sure.. Im not familiar with the halflife of this medication,  but from the sounds of it, it seems its been some time since you've taken any.. If you need the event monitor to feel better, by all means go for it, get a new cardio and request one. If everything checks out good, Maybe theres an anxiety angle to your ailments.
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I was explaining my symptoms to my mother and she said what I was experiencing was presyncope. I'm not sure if that's what it is or not, that's just what she said.

On Friday night I started getting that dizziness, vertigo feeling and I can't seem to walk around without feeling sick. The palpitations are very frequent now, and with my family history of heart disease, it worries me.

I keep reading that palps are benign unless they are accompanied by dizziness, shortness of breath, nausea, lightheadedness, etc., which I am experiencing. That's why I am so concerned. I can't even have a 3 minute conversation without being completely out of breath. I don't smoke and I'm 5' 6, 130, so I don't know what to attribute it to.

The palps started after taking 1 50mg Prednisone. They disappeared for a few days and came back again. I never experienced the flip flop in my chest prior to taking the Prednisone, although I don't think 1 pill can do heart damage or cause an arrythmia?

Your posts are always extremely helpful, if you have any insight for me, I'd greatly appreciate it.

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dizziness, like the room is spinning, is actually not associated with syncope.. Its usually associated with the inner ear.. General presyncope symptoms are visual disturbances, lound ringing in ears/loss of hearing, there are others as well... Your PCP can prescribe you an event monitor, but your insurance may not cover it if it doesnt come from a cardiologist... If you are not satisfied with your cardiologist, ask for a referral to another one, but be prepared to accept /herfindings.. Its never good for a patient to be so convinced something is wrong that they will see several doctors before coming to the realization they may actually have anxiety and not a heart problem..

I hope you feel much better sooon!
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I'm going to find another Cardiologist. I'm just afraid for the meantime (they take so long to get an appointment with here), that the feelings of presyncope mean something bad.
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I would get another cardiologist.  Ischemic heart disease (coronary artery blockage) is rare in young people but arrythymias can come at any age.  I'm not sure if your primary care can prescribe an event monitor - you should ask him/her about it.  If they can't, you should find another cardiologist and have one done for your peace of mind.  That way, they will catch the erratic beats and be able to tell you exactly what they are and you won't have to worry about them anymore.  It takes a long time to get used to the feeling of palpitations - they still bug me but I have accepted them since they haven't hurt me in 5 years.
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My Cardiologist doesn't really say anything about them because they've never been caught on an EKG or Echocardiogram.

The thing that concerns me the most is the shortness of breath that I've been having, along with the palpitations. Is that normal?

I'm so concerned that it's a life threatning arrythmia because of the chest tightness and shortness of breath.
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I can totally understand how you feel.  I will sometimes get shortness of breath with my palpitations but I know it's due to the anxiety that they cause me.  So I go into deep breathing mode and that actually makes them go away.  If you are worried, you should ask your cardiologist for an event monitor.  You wear it for 30 days and press the button when you feel your palpitations.  The monitor then saves the time period before, during and after you pressed the button.  Have you done one of those yet?  
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I haven't done an event monitor yet. Can my primary physician do that for me? I really don't want to go back to that Cardiologist. I'm not sure he would give it to me anyway. He thinks I'm "too young" to have a heart problem.

I've been stuck in bed since Friday night because of the dizziness associated with the palps. I really don't want to go to the ER again if I don't have to, but I can't walk down my steps without feeling dizzy and short of breath.
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Hi Robin With all of your normal tests showing that your heart is strong and healthy, I would not be too concerned.  The flip flop feeling could be PVCs which many of us get and are almost always benign.  There are lots of posts about PVCs and I think you will be reassured after you read through them.  I've been getting palps for about 5 years - just had a bunch today when I took my cat to the vet and they had to draw blood from  him - they took it from his neck and it wasn't fun to watch!  For me, they are definitely related to anxiety. What has your cardiologist told you about them?  
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