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102999 tn?1326855784

Appt with EP: Ablation, SVT, and other things that stink

Today I had my appointment with my EP (electrophysiologist) to follow-up after an event monitor found several events including PACs and a run of SVT. Some things were reassuring, some confusing and some upsetting.
She drew pictures and explained to me what she thinks is happening. She called these irregular events – ECHO BEATS. This is a term I have not heard and cannot find much about it. She is polish and perhaps they use different terminology?? She said echo beats were the beats that precede an SVT event. On my results was a run of 7 SVT beats. She showed me the early beats (which I think are the PACs) on the graph. And she asked me, “You must be really sensitive, huh?” Ummm yep!! Telling you, I feel EVERYTHING.

In her picture she showed a loop and said the beats were getting trapped in this loop created by an extra pathway. I have done some reading online and cannot really tell if this would be AVNRT, AVRT or AP. While showing me the readout (ekg-style), it all just looked like PACs but in the SVT event it looked like a bunch of PACs right after one another.  I never felt the fast rate of the SVT, only the pause after. I always feel the pause…it simply feels like your heart stops for a second.

Because I didn’t feel the fast rate, we want to make sure I am not having more than we think so I am wearing a lovely Holter Monitor for 2 days. No shower or bath ALLL weekend. SUCKYYYY!!! I am addicted to hot baths in the winter. I will also not be leaving the house until I can take this off on Sunday. And she doesn’t want me to take any of my anxiety medicine so that she can see it at its worst. GREAT! This will be a blast. (sigh)

She showed me the wires/caths she uses for her EP Studies/Ablations. She told me the name, but with her accent, it was hard to understand. Something like STEROXIS SYSTEM or something like that. She showed me the ones most hospitals use which were stiff and hard to move compared to this new kind which are more like spaghetti. They are magnetized and they can control with within millimeters. She said because of those, there is much less chance for error.

• What is the success rate for ablations? With the problem she believes I have, she said 99%. She said if the extra pathway is too close to my natural pathway, she simply won’t do the ablation.

• What is the worst thing that can happen to me if I do NOT get an ablation? She said it is POSSIBLE (about 11% I think she said) that I could end up with AFIB. If that happened, I would then get an ablation, but the success rate might not be as high as it can come back. AFIB can have a risk of stroke or heart failure…eventually…MAYBE. She promised that none of these would cause sudden death. But she also knows how scared I am…so is she not telling me things to stop me from worrying???

• Why have the ablation? Biggest reason is quality of life. She must have noticed my tears and phone calls and huge list of questions. She can see these are affecting my life and making me unhappy. She said, “Why on earth live that way if I can fix it in a couple hours and you will never have to see me again.”

• Would I be sedated for the procedure? She said I would be asleep the whole time. (General with intubation...I have never been intubated and it sounds horrible too).  I asked if being sedated would make it hard to trigger the problem (they need to do this in order to fix it). She said, “Oh, I will get it going, don’t worry.” I told her I have a huge fear of adrenaline. She just said…you will be sleeping, you won’t feel it.

• I asked if prior pot use caused this. She said no. But that it was good that I quit because it isn’t good for my mind with the anxiety which makes the beats worse.

• Can I have a glass or two of wine? Yes, but only white wine. They are finding that red wine can be a big trigger for many people. Weird. And not a lot, only a glass or two.

• Do hormones play a role? YES!! And it surely WILL get worse the closer I am to menopause.

• Is this genetic…could I give this to my daughter? No.

• On the event monitor, every event was recorded by me…it never automatically went off due to a dangerous event.

• How does the Beta Blocker help? Probably more for anxiety…it slows the heart rate too.

• When should I worry or go to the ER? Never. (LOL…seriously??!!)

• Can stress cause this? No, but it makes it worse.

So, she is REALLY pushing for this EP Study/Ablation. She said she cannot be sure what kind of SVT I have until she does the study. It would be done in Milwaukee. She acted as though it was a no-brainer. Although she did say I am in no real danger if I do not get it. She said it really is a quality of life thing. And she thinks I wouldn’t be as fatigued if this was cured. I have been majorly fatigued since my teens and they have never been able to tell me why.

But there are risks to the procedure which include stroke and death. Those rates are pretty low, but WHAT IF?? Is some discomfort and anxiety a few times a month worth possibly dying or having to have a pacemaker???

I have a huge decision to make and it scares the crap out of me. I will see what this Holter reports probably in about a week. I will then get a second opinion from a cardiologist at a different hospital as well. I am doing that only because I know that with specialists (an EP is a specialist) – they often are more eager to perform their talents. I’d like to see what a cardiologist has to say and since my mom kinda knows him through work…why not, right??

Okay. So…I would LOVE to hear what you have to say. I am sorry this is so long. I hope I didn’t leave anything out.

So, what should I do? I really need input, advice, etc….

By the way…thanks for listening!!
21 Responses
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1398166 tn?1358870523
My insurance could have fown me and and my wife to Denmark 1st Class.
Put us up in a 5 star hotel.
Paid the 15,000 for the EP study.
Flown us to China for a quick stop over (1st class again)...
and ***SAVED  $15,000. ****
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1423357 tn?1511085442
Stress releases adrenaline.  Adrenaline promotes SVT.  In fact, they give you a big slug of it during the electrophysiology procedure.  When I woke up, my HR was 135, and I was really amped up. It took a couple hours for me to come down!
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1807132 tn?1318743597
No, stress will not cause you to grow extra fibers in your heart but stress can make a condition worse.  But most of my episodes started out of the blue for no good reason at all.  15,000 is a lot.  My out of pocket wound up being 4,000 which is still kind of high.  I have to say if I knew even 6 months ago what I know now I might not have rushed into the ablation.  Ultimately I did need to get it done and probably sooner rather than later since I was becoming so active but I stressed about it way more than I needed to.  I didn't happen upon this place until after the ablation and it was only after I showed up here that I really learned a lot about heart rhythm conditions and that they aren't as dangerous as they seem.  Well I do hope you are able to keep your symptoms under control.    
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1807132 tn?1318743597
Weekly episodes of svt.  Sometimes more than one a week.  I had pacs and pvcs at the time but wasn't aware of what they were.  I thought it was all related to the svt.  It was only afterwards that I became aware they were a different condition.  Those I get everyday though some days more than others but I only had one week that was really bad.  What I have now I can deal with.  

130 isn't very high for an svt except maybe wpw because the path for that is around the whole heart but I think you would have had more troublesome symptoms and sooner than now.  So it does indeed sound like your heart was reacting to something.  Maybe you were having a bad bout of pacs at the time.  I know when mine were going off really bad, having like 15,000 a day, my heart rate was elevated.  My heart just didn't know which end was up so much stopping and starting.  
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102999 tn?1326855784
At the time, the ER doc said that the low BP happened because my hr was too fast for too long and blood couldnt flow correctly. Something like that. I should say, the sudden BP drop was while doing orhto stats when they sat me up. It did go back up right away when I laid back down and with IV fluids. My BP also kept dropping very low during child birth. But there was a lot going on that day (shiver).

I looked at labs from that day and even tho they dictated "normal" the potassium was slightly lower than normal. But that has never once been mentioned as a possible cause.
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1124887 tn?1313754891
At rate 110-130, your heart rate can't be to blame for your extremely low blood pressure (in a young healthy girl). More common is causes that has nothing to do with your heart, that are causing rapid heart rhythm as an effect. Examples are allergic reactions, dehydration, vasovagal events, etc, which can all cause low blood pressure and tachycardia.
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102999 tn?1326855784
The only documented SVT so far as been a 7 beat run on a 30 day event monitor a couple weeks ago. No rate was given to me. The sustained SINUS rate in the er (8 years ago) was around 110 - 130 (I thought it was 170 but I guess I was wrong). Other than that, I dont think any SVT has been documented yet.
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1124887 tn?1313754891
No healthcare system is perfect, and in my country it's so far from perfect as it can get, in my opinion. I would definitely benefit from the US healthcare system, but I also understand that there are lots of US citizens that would benefit from our healthcare system. It has something to do with yearly income, of course. All hospitals here (almost) are funded by the government and they keep a very high standard, but waiting lists are long.

I could pay about $15.000 to get an EP study in Denmark (where they have private hospitals) but I've decided to not do that if it can be avoided. My symptoms were brought on by stress, and I don't think stress caused an extra pathway in the heart. I believe everyone can get an event of SVT if the stress levels are high enough.

Cheers: Did your EP doc mention how rapid your SVT run was? That's an important question.
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102999 tn?1326855784
Well, my mom called from work this morning (a different hosiptal) and said that the cardio she knows said he will get me in any day I want...to just call that morning!! I was surprised. So, I am just going to wait for the holter results to be transcribed into my chart (should be a couple days) and make the appt as soon as I can get them ordered. SO...hopefully the end of this week or next week some time.

During my holter (48 hours - Saturday and Sunday), I had about 10 skips or so. So hopfeully there will be some info on there which is helpful.

Also, I was looking over the records from 8 years ago when I have my big event. Apparently the rate sustained at about 130...not 180. Although, there were several mistakes in my medical records so who knows. Anyway, it all said sinus tachycardia. So I am curious what could cause a sustained sinus tachy for hours and hours. Vagel manuevers and IV fluids were given. So was ativan (anti-anxiety). Nothing helped until they gave me a beta blocker. That broke it finally. No SVT was on either of the 2 EKGs they gave me that day. Although my potassium was just SLIGHTLY below normal. I can't remember the numbers but normal is like 3.8 and mine was 3.6...so VERY slightly. Just wondering if I even have SVT at all. Yes, I know..the Drs know best...just curious what you guys would think. :)
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102999 tn?1326855784
Weekly episodes of PACs or SVT?
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1807132 tn?1318743597
Do you mean svt for days or pacs?  I completely get that pacs/pvcs in moderation are of no consequence and are hard to correct but an svt episode that lasts that long, at least one like avnrt that can have a beat over 200, can lead to congestive heart failure.  I do get that a person needs to be active (having episodes more than once in a blue moon) for an ablation to have the most success but if an ablation can very easily correct a fast beat with little risk to the patient it almost seems like a no brainer.  I guess no health care system is perfect.  If we can only find somewhere in the middle.  Well it took to my 40s for me to get to the point where I realized something needed to be done.  Once I started to have weekly episodes it became apparent it was disrupting my life.  I have to assume your health care industry would agree.  But in general you can live a long healthy life with the condition without too many ill effects.  
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1124887 tn?1313754891
I think it would be optimistic to believe someone here can answer better than an EP doc, who also has seen your test results.

I would just like to comment some of your answers:

Regarding the A-fib: Maybe you have an 11% chance of A-fib at some point of your life (I have no idea..), but keep in mind that about 10% of us end up with A-fib anyway, so it doesn't seem like the added risk is very high. What you also need to remember is that your symptoms are not unique. I would guess if you did a Holter monitor for one year (if it was possible) on 100 random people, lots of strange stuff would show up. The difference is mostly that WE (you and me) notice everything the heart does. Most people don't.

Sure, I know what Echo beats are. Your doctor may be referring to a so-called reentry circuit somewhere above the ventricles, which means that some part of the tissue, or electric pathway, repolarize slower than the rest, allowing the impulse to travel around, causing SVT. If this tissue is located in the atrium, the result is atrial tachycardia. If the AV node is involved, the result is AVNRT. But this is not the only mechanism for tachycardia, there are two others, too. But this is the only one that may be (easily) ablated.

Remember, the PACs can probably not be ablated, but the SVT (sometimes) can. Ablating PACs is sort of like those games you play (sorry, don't know the English word for it) where hippos come out of holes, you hit them in the head and more comes up from other holes. If one irritable spot is ablated, more will occur if you are still stressed.

I don't know what to say.. I guess the healthcare system in my country is so different from yours. Here, waiting lists for ablation are 2-3 years (unless you faint or you have ventricular arrhythmias) and SVT is treated with reassurance or beta blockers. I would say your symptoms are similar to mine and when I suggested an EP study, my cardiologist just laughed and said "come back if you have symptoms that last for days.. then I will consider it".

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102999 tn?1326855784
My EP said that those beats (the PACs) on my monitor happen prior to SVT...only most of the time I never went into SVT. So I am not sure honestly. Hopefully someone here can answer better. I am guessing that is likely. It sounds just awful. And you can bet your butt I would be scheduling a procedure too if I were going through that on any kind of a regular basis. Maybe even after just one more time. I am sure you have made the right choice...sounds like it to me anyway!!!!!
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1903111 tn?1333213054
Over 3 years increasing in frequency. Usually happens during somewhat stressful times.  Driving kids around to sports/church activites, homework, driving home from work, homework, hot shower, mostly in evening afternoon when I am more tired.  At first a few times a year.  Lately they happened several times a month but my stress increased as well due to daughter's spine surgery and stress at home.  At first I would just not be feeling right.  Kinda edgy and nervous. Anxious. Then maybe after about 30 or so minutes it would be like BAM!  I could feel my heart beating so hard, as if you could see it on my chest.  Then it would go in waves as if it had rhythm to it. It would beat really hard then my chest would feel tight, then it feels as if something is going on in my neck as if it were swelling, pressure like then I would feel it in my head and it felt as if my eyes were dialating then I would feel like I was going to faint.  Very rhythmic. Those episodes scared the (you know what) out of me and then I would get cold and shake (the panic setting in). Then after one of those lasting 1-3 hours  I would have weeks of felling crummy and bad, fatigued, anxious that "it" would happen again.  On holter it said my heart was at times 200 bpm but was variable up and down.  
Those are what make me want to do the ablation!  
Now since on bb I just feel the skipped beats and pre-beats - pvc/pac's.  Although I have had 2 odd episodes where I would have skipped beats and mini svt attacks that made me feel dizzy and faint but not nearly as bad.  Guess the bb is minimizing them? Those last 30-40 minutes.
Just got dx in November and last Dr visit w current EP was last Thurs.
Looking back do you think when I felt "crummy" before svt attack those must have been pvc/pac's that I was not feeling that triggered the svt's?
Aren't we all just trying to figure all this out?
What happened, what did I do, eat, drink, think?  

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102999 tn?1326855784
Thanks Kim!!

It sounds like you are def. making the right choice for yourself. May I ask...how often do you feel these symptoms, how long do the episodes last and how fast is your rate during them?

Being still is a worry I have even WITH general...I  mean, I move around like a monkey all night long while I sleep!! But of course, if I made a list, there would be a bagillion things I worry about when it comes to this crud.
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1903111 tn?1333213054
I am right there with you.  I relate to what you are saying 100%!
I like how you posted Q and A from Dr.
This svt business is so hard. I want to tell you you that I did not have much anxiety (except for appropriate anxiety, being pulled over, bf a test, etc..) until I had my first svt attack.  I remember it very clearly, everything.  

I feel every beat my heart makes that is not " normal"- skipped beats, pre beats, svt's all of them.  I am very sensitive as your Dr says. Those odd beats cause me anxiety.  For 3 years every time I would have one of those "episodes" and I nearly faint when I have bad ones.  One time I fuzzed out and went off the road for a second but came to and righted my car. Thank God! Anyway, after having one, I would go to my regular family dr and he diagnosed them as panic attacks and I thought - Dang!  

So i put myself in counseling for my "panic" attacks.  I love my counselor. I do have a stressful life, married w 3 kids +dog and I work in marketing/sales/advertising industry.  So the counseling helps
My daughter had spine surgery a couple months ago and my other kid got knocked out in a boy fight so needless to say my stress level was through the roof!  I was having episodes weekly almost, so primary Dr ordered holter monitor.  I washed my hair in kitchen sink.  LOL have to have clean hair!
So holter caught some good stuff!   Glad I wore it for 48 hours instead of 24 as day 2 was the day I had major one.

I saw an EP dr in my home town and he scared the crud out of me. He said he saw some spots on my holter that looked like they could be the life threatening arrythmia.. but probably not... but he was not sure and if he said if went in to ablate and I did not have an svt and he did not see problem then ablation would not happen, and he said that can happen.  Also all the death, pacemaker, defib, stroke statistics-scared the crud out of me. I have 3 kids and am 41! So put me on bb's and to digest if I want to roll the dice with him. (my words)  
BTW, I am having weird side effects on MetaproloI. Most annoying is ringing in my ears.
Just went to new EP dr for second opinion.  2 hours out of town in Sacramento and WOW, this guy knew his stuff. Same diagnosis but he knew way more and saw more on my ekg, holter report etc.  He said it is NOT life threatening. He was sure of it.  Other Dr was not. Also he said new med might really help.  Rythmol and Corguard.  Said those meds in young healthy heart would not hurt me.  Also he described procedure a little different.  I will post separately.

It really is a QUALITY OF LIFE decision here.  This heart business has SUCKED the life out of me.  I used to be a happy go lucky, fly by the seat of my pants, enjoy life kind of a girl. Lately I am like a scared old lady, afraid of my heart and what its going to do next.  I am nervous/anxious quite a bit and sometimes feel so depressed like life is not worth living.  I am not mental, just depressed right now.  

I am going to do the ablation because I am hopeful it can make my heart not receive those bad messages to have crazy rhythm.  I am hoping after my heart behaves I will be able to live and drive with out the fear, and that I will feel different. I also dont like taking medicine.  
My procedure is booked for Feb 24.

YES, get a second opinion.  Although I really like the sound of your lady doctor.  A visit to cardio Dr will re-assure you.
I will be out w general as well, as  Dr is anticipating a different technique on me due to type of svt I could have.  Said it is imperative that I be still and he said I do not look like I could hold still for more than 2 minutes.  LOL  
20 minutes and he knows me.  :D

Take care and maybe enjoy a good movie today.

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Avatar universal
Interesting.  Sounds like you have a similar problem to what I have had all my life.  It definitely got worse as I approached menopause.  A couple of years ago during a majorly stressful time in my life I did go into Afib twice.  But nobody has ever suggested ablation.  I specifically asked the EP I go to and he said no as long as I managed with beta blockers. I think I will ask again, I go next week.
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102999 tn?1326855784
BUT I will say that I have felt like crud and VERY super fatigued since my late teens and no one has ever found a reason why. I have complained about it over and over. So tired with no energy ever. She also seemed to think that this may be why.
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102999 tn?1326855784
I had one episode 8 years ago that lasted about 4-5 hours until the gave me a beta blocker. I am certain I had several prior which I never went to the Dr for...twice I passed out but didnt know why and blew it off (I was a moron). Since the ER I have assumed that the BBs have controlled the SVT but just not the PACs. But they caught the 7 beat SVT a couple weeks ago on the event monitor...I didnt feel it...only the pause after. So I guess we'll see if it is happening more often on this holter...or not.

I should also say that a few short episodes were found on a holter 8 years ago after the ER event. Must have been very short because they never even told me...just saw my chart recently. (Different doc)

The way she was talking...she seemed like these pauses which I thought were PACs are part of what can be ablated. Part of this loop. It is all so dang confusing. The pauses are whats bothering me. I havent really felt a rapid pulse episode since the ER.
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1423357 tn?1511085442
How many times have you had SVT, and how log were the episodes?
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102999 tn?1326855784
Here is the info I found on that new cath system she was talking about - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1586159/
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