124876 tn?1189755833


Ok....I have been on and off of this forum for a year and a half and it has helped me in many ways...so today...I am back for some encouraging words as I struggle to deal with accepting my pvc's/pac's....I have been to my family doc and have seen several cardiologists..had all the tests done and they said my heart is normal and fine...I do have heart disease that runs like crazy in the family however...I have also seen a psychologist for the last 8 months and I am on a BB and now on an anxiety med..but lately, I have been having the skips more often then normal and I am in a constant state of anxiety and depression.  I can usually pinpoint why I am having them and then I am ok with it...for example..if I have had too much sugar, that time of the month (especially) not enough sleep etc...but when they just happen and keep happening for no reason, that is when my mind wonders...ok...what did they miss?  Something MUST be seriously wrong now....The mind is such a powerful thing and I am just so tired of being this way...I am not living life to the fullest at all...I am married and have a 4 year old son..I am in school and I can not enjoy a darn bit of any of it because I can't stop worrying...By the way...this has been going since I was 18 and I am now 33...
25 Responses
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255722 tn?1452546541
I know how you feel.  I'm 33 with two kids (6 and 3) and there are times I feel so wiped out that I can't enjoy them.  Yet, the scariest thing is when you let your mind wander and you think you'll just keel over and die, and that you won't see them grow up (WHICH WILL NOT HAPPEN TO US FROM PVC's).  I have to keep yelling that to myself sometimes.  I'm not going to die from this.  It's okay.  I'm fine.

The encouragement I have is this....and it's all I have.  When the PVC's plague me I try to remind myself that I've been through this before and have always (so far) come out on the other side of it and had a good run.  My mind always argues back to me that maybe this time it won't go back to normal, but it always does, and I always have a chance to forget how darned scary it can be.  So, YELL back to your mind that YOU WILL COME OUT ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THIS BOUT AND YOU WILL BE OKAY.  And keep yelling it to yourself.  

And hey, according to some other posts on this site, you could always distract yourself with a good round of sex.  Some say it makes them (the PVC's) calm down, others say the opposite...either way, it's a nice distraction :-)

I'm sorry if I didn't help.  Sometimes it's just nice to chat with other people who know how I can feel sometimes.  And joking about it can't hurt anything either.  Sometimes it can help lighten the mood.

Take care!!!
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We KNOW what your going through.  I have had PVCs for about 25 years; off and on.  I was PVC free for four years when they started in again 2 months ago to the tune of hundreds to thousands a day.  Taking 25mg Atenolol.  Sometimes people say that anxiety meds make their PVCs WORSE so ask your doctor.

I have a suggestion...try to keep a diary of when you feel better vs. worse and keep track of things like foods, meds, sleep, stress level etc.  It might help you narrow down what's giving you the most trouble.

Right now I'm getting them every day but I DO find that I feel better if I commit to getting 8 hours sleep.  I also was excercising a LOT last few months so I'm going to just go easy with it for awhile.

There is also the possibility of increasing a med.  I know SEVERAL people who did VERY well when they increased their BB dosage after consulting with their MD.  I have been reluctant to do that but will if my other strategies don't work.

Remember...these things haven't killed us yet so...

Remember, NO caffeine, red wine, OTC cough or cold meds and try try try for 8 hours sleep.  No sudden excercise but excercise in moderation. If you can't sleep, don't lie there thinking about possibly dead (yes I've done it) but get up for awhile and watch a boring movie with a glass of warm milk.

And don't knock your head against the wall trying to figure out what's causing them...I truly feel a lot of it could be hormonal and those just ain't easy to control.

And remember, your not alone and we are here for you.

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Of COURSE yoshi is depressed...PVCs are VERY disruptive if they come frequent enough.  This is a PHYSICAL issue foor me and others...always has and always will be.

I disagree yet again with Degrassi as he/she does not seem to realize HOW debilitating PVCs can be when someone is aware of them and disrupt sleep.work/etc.   Outlook has NOTHING to do when someone is suffering from PHYSICAL discomfort constantly.

Yoshi, I think your outlooks fine...your going through a tough time that many of us have also experienced...hang in there...

Save the shrink for someone else.

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219704 tn?1338609105
I agree with PVC man 100%.There's absolutely nothing wrong in wanting some comfort in life.
would be willing to bet a full years salary that nobody that suffers from PVC's jumps up and down with joy over having them.  

My Cardio/EP once told me that when others are being uncompassionate about how I'm feeling, to lean over and flick them in the chest or kick them in the shin every time I have a PVC,  not hard mind you, but just enough to irritate the hell out of them.
It works.

Degrassi, may the gods curse you with constant hiccups for 1000 days, or better yet, may you marry a man with an ice cube for a heart and thicker skin then your own. ;)
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Hi Yoshi,

I completely understand how you feel. You sound so so much like me.  This is a very hard thing to deal with!  You are doing your best & you need to give yourself a pat on the back for that.  It is hard not to feel depressed when you feel helpless, like something is happening to you that is seemingly out of your control.  

I would imagine that physical symptoms relating to the HEART are amongst the most terrifying a human being can experience.... so give yourself a break if you can!  I am right there with you, many of us are.... and we understand.  Please have a look at my post about Dr. Claire Weekes, her work can have a very soothing effect on frazzled nerves due to these palps.  

PVC man gives excellent advice as usual.  I tend to agree about the snarky comments that degrassi & co. seem to enjoy making at the expense of other posters here.  I can't imagine why anyone would find them amusing or helpful.  

Take good care Yoshi & remember you are not alone.
This too shall pass.

- sinead
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255722 tn?1452546541
Degrassi why are you so negative?  The reason we all visit this site is to allay our fears and feel connected to others who suffer from similar situations as ours.  We talk to alleviate our anxiety and stress and look for someone who might have found the magic bullet to help us get through.  PVC's and other arythmia's are a condition that cause emotional ups and downs.  It's easy to ignore the need for glasses when you have a hard time seeing, but heart rhythm issues are SCAREY!!!  If the heart stops working so do we, and no matter how many doctors or psychiatrists tell us we aren't going to die, our biological system is hardwired to react when our heart doesn't behave normally.  Adrenaline is released and the brain reacts, then human nature kicks in and we worry about tomorrow.

If you don't need support now and then, why are you here?  Certainly, it can't be hard to simply ignore those posts you don't find helpful instead of insulting members who are looking for honest support.

Last comment....almost everyone here reports having little to no anxiety issues, or "outlook issues" prior to suffering from these scary heart arythmias.  I repeat what we all have said numerous times....to ourselves, our loved ones and our doctors.  The anxiety is CAUSED BY THE HEART ABNORMALITY, and though the anxiety can create a positive feedback loop that makes the heartbeat more irregular WE ARE NOT CRAZY, WE ARE NOT MAKING IT UP, and WE ARE NOT HYPOCHONDRIACS.  

You are right degrassi...it is unbelievable.

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187666 tn?1331173345
I wonder why you're so defensive. Each person that comes to this forum or any other just wants to offer their thoughts, their opinion. It's not impossible that yoshi may be having some depression related to this ongoing PVC problem. Yoshi even said there was some depression and anxiety. So don't write it off as degrassi just being negative.

Yoshi - although I understand your concerns because of family history, for the time being your doctors say you're doing OK. That's encouraging. PVC's are not all the predictable so you won't be able to control them. A couple years ago mine went wild and I was mostly angry - from being tired and from the fact that I couldn't control them like I do my tachy times. But they didn't kill me. I don't have any magic answer for you. It's up to you to understand and accept these things. You've done a good job going to the doctor, the counselor, taking your meds. All you can do now is take one day at a time and move forward. Try to enjoy at least one thing a day. Best wishes.
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124876 tn?1189755833
Thank you all for your kind words of support.  This is something that does grab hold of your psyche and it is hard to get a hold on.  I would say that my feelings of anxiety, fear and depression come from not knowing WHY these come and go and what makes them worse at times and not so much at others...I am just TIRED of living that way and it is easier said than done to just let it go...I feel like I have done everything I should...stay hydrated..take magnesium..get enough sleep, no caffeine, no chocolate which I would LOVE to have a snickers bar...I take my meds, I have seen a therapist...I seriously think I might be going crazy....!!   Degrassi, I know I have issues, believe you me...but I would not say I am DEEPLY DEPRESSED...but thanks for your input. Thank you everyone for your comments, your stories...that is what I come here for...It makes the day a little better knowing I am not alone with this "thing" we deal with....I guess you can't call it an illness...cancer is an illness, heart failure is an illness...I guess I should be thankful that I am not dealing with that at this moment....ok, ok, enough rambling....I will keep your thoughts with me through the day and try to have a good worry free day....!!
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255722 tn?1452546541
Sorry.  I guess it's me.  I'll leave the board.  

Luck to you all and thanks for the Clair Weeks post.  
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124876 tn?1189755833
Please don't leave the board...Although I appreciate what Degrassi had to say somewhat in this post...I have read through many other threads where Degrassi's comments were very blunt and seemed cold and crass.  I often wondered why they were coming here...almost as if they wanted to torment arrythmia sufferers.....But there is much more positive things that are offered on this forum so please feel free to come back and share your stories or ask for other's reassurance if you are feeling bad.  That is why they developed this forum.  Once again..I appreciate everyone's support as I work my way through this rough time...
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219704 tn?1338609105
Mean spirited??? Please. I was being facetious.
Surfgirl...oops, I mean degrassi isn't exactly known for her "gentle kindness" now is she?
Simply put: "The character of a woman is known from her conversations."

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219704 tn?1338609105
So sorry about the hijack. I apologize. Like most others, I'm just sick and tired of the derogatory remarks made by a choice few to kindhearted people like you.

Get feeling better. Hugs to you and yours.

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219704 tn?1338609105
:::yawn:::  get over it already.

Have a nice day ladies.
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Celeste:  yes, incredibly mean, not *facetious*.  Unbelievable actually.

Dolphinlvr:  I have read many times how it is the arrhythmia that causes the anxiety, and not the other way around.  In reality, it is both!  But I would like to suggest that those who are so bothered by the *skips* and *palps*, may NOT be anxious types to start with, but are CONTROL types.  Think about it........once you start noticing the irregularities and then that begets more of them, you become aware that you cannot control them.  And THAT is what is so upsetting to many of those on this board, I would place money on it!  They try many measures to get them to stop and they don't, since they  continue to focus on them, and it just escalates from there!  Someone was afraid to take an SSRI that might indeed help them, b/c they were terrified of gaining weight.   Doesn't that boil down to another control issue, food?  If some were really honest with themselves, maybe they could admit that CONTROL is the real issue.  Think about it... if the *palps* could be controlled, would there be any anxiety??  I think not.  And for those who will slam me,  I have to admit to having a couple control issues myself, as my 24 year old son will tell you!
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Yoshi, you do sound depressed.  But you sound angry also.  Like you feel this circle has been going round and round long enough and you are looking to step off the merry go round and grab life.  Cant say as I blame you.  From the sound of it you are a young lady raising a family and going to school  Not a lot of time left for you, eh?   I bet when you find time you spend it with the family or on the books.   Have you checked into any alternative methods for stress reduction?  Yoga, massage, accupuncture, heck even hypnosis.  I hate having a pill thrown at me to relieve this or that.  It tends to make your life dependent on chemicals.  I wonder if the time you spent at the psych's office was spent in a peaceful aromatic setting with sensory calming and relaxation techniques if it would benifit you more.  If stress is your trigger, understanding how to subdue it seems the ticket.  Obviously the methods used now are not working.  The advice about avoiding triggers is excellent.  Maggie has some excellent points also about assuming control.  Before anyone lectures me about how PVCs feel, how debilitating they are,  I am very familiar with a wacked out beat and enjoyed it last night for quite some time.  I calmed myself, they stopped and I went to sleep very happily.  Celeste, in this day and age, I would very carefully watch just who I decided to flick on the chest.
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219704 tn?1338609105
I've always respected your opinion and posts, but your wrong in your assumption this time.
I didn't add the "winking smiling face" because I was being trying to be "mean", that should have been very apparent, if it wasn't, I apologize for that.

I seldom agree with degrassi's (surfgirls) abrupt style because I've seen alot of people hurt by her, but I would never literally wish her or anyone else harm. She has her own crosses to bare so-to-speak and I honestly do admire her attitude concerning her own health,...but.... when your dealing with diverse people that might not handle their own health (myself included) as well and as tough (remark about thick skin) as she does, taking a back seat and not replying at all might be the best idea, IMHO.

I think the best thing for me would be to stop posting and visiting this site for awhile.
I really wish everyone, including degrassi the best in life. I pray that all of us find the happiness, relief, cure, and/or support that we all need.

Take care,

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Well, I'm NOT LEAVING the post; Degrassi I feel your remarks and those of FL Brat downplay how a physical symptom can make someone anxious...telling someone they are healthy and to have a "better outlook" when they are not feeling well is nonsense and THOSE remarks are mean spirited.

Just telling someone to go out there and smell some flowers does NOT bring any comfort, in my opinion...I would rather know there are others who are going through the same thing and to try to help each other feel better...one's person "magic bullet" can work for otherts also.  This forum, in my mind is built so that people can have empathy and try to share their experiences...NOT to tell someone they need a shrink.

With no apologies and not going ANYWHERE
PVC boy

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Thanks, PVC man.....................I needed that  !!
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124876 tn?1189755833
I guess you could say that I am angry..sure...I am irritated that I go through these episodes that seem to torment me at times....I have had these for 15 years and I have tried almost everything I know...and I just WISH that it was as simple as just reassurance and then boom, ok, I'm over it!  If things were EVER that easy..there would not be such a thing as these forums that are developed for people to co-mingle with others who are suffering as well....so what if at times we all seem to just comiserate...have you ever heard the saying..b*itch a little, you'll feel better!  What is frustrating me right now are the smart comments from Degrassi such as.."paahleeze"..Hello, are we in the 8th grade again....If you are not here to offer positive advice or to share your own testimony...then don't bother to come here....good grief....to all who are positive...I thank you again for you insight and well wishes.....I will be back as well...
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Hi Yoshi, Sorry you are having a hard time with your PVCs. I know that can drive you to despair...like chinese water torture. How many are you getting per day?
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I actually do not feel I downplayed any physical symptom.  I fact, I believe I noted how hard it  must be for her to have these problems along with a hectic soundling life.  Since none of the medical routes seem to take for her I simply threw out that alternative methods may help.  What is there to lose if they are tried?  "Routine" treatment obviously has not helped.  I certainly am not going to turn tail and run because you think I blew her off.  That is your misconception and your problem.  If you dont care for what I write I promise, I will get over it quickly.  I am sure the sentiment runs both ways.

Here is my testimony.  I was told I had one foot inside deaths door, I felt it and looked it.  I could not even summon the energy to shower myself.  My husband had to carry me into the shower and wash me.  Three doctors said heart transplant or death were my choices.  I had faith,  found good, no great doctors and a lot of support in my family and friends and personal determination.  I am compensated and live well due to a little BiV ICD.  I get wacked out beats quite often still but fortunately the ICD will control them if they get too far out of synch.  If my ST or VT go too long I will enjoy a shock treatment.  I am very close to having my "old life" back now.  And my husband still wants to shower with me.  Yay!  

Yoshi, I honestly do hope that your issues can get resolved.  If I had meant to be flip about your health, I would have spent less effort typing it.  
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I think that we have lost sight of the REASON for this thread which is YOSHI.  I don't know what happened to this site over the past few months, but the snide commentary & in-fighting has got to stop!  Since it's the weekend, the site moderators must be away.  I'm sure they will clean things up on Monday when they get back...........

This place is for ppl with HEART CONCERNS.... does anyone here need more stress?  Coming here should be a calming & supportive experience.... not a stress-generator!

I sincerely hope that dolfnlvr & Celeste have not left this forum.  They had very similar experiences to mine & were a source of advice & comfort for me.  I hope no one else has left either!  That seems to be happening a lot...  This is the LAST place where this BS should be happening. Why someone would spend so much time everyday on a HEART FORUM upsetting & riling up ppl who are suffering.... is WAY beyond my scope of understanding...

Yoshi, I am sorry that this thread was hi-jacked like this.  You sound like a caring wife & mother who wants to live a full joyful life but is having some struggles right now.  I hear you.  It's not as simple as "get over it" or "change your attitude" for some of us.  We are human, therefore all different & unique.  Some of us feel things more intensely & are more sensitive.... and that's okay.  We feel guilty for not being "strong" enough, like others seem to have no problem doing.  We need to give ourselves a break!  That alone will help to bring our stress & adreneline levels down. The most important thing to know is that you are not alone & there are kind & caring people who understand where you are coming from.  I wish I could give you a hug.

Wishing everyone a peaceful & wonderful weekend.
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Amen to that; I was also guilty of being a little snide and getting off topic.  Be well all and have a nice weekend.
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61536 tn?1340698163
I wrote you a long reply, and the forum ate it, of course.  I don't have the time to re-write the whole thing but  the idea was to give yourself a day off from the worry.  In doing this, and realizing you're still alive, it is a big step toward liberating yourself from the fear.  I'm 29 and I've had these since I was 16.  I felt them sooner, but for whatever reason I began fearing them at that point and got diagnosed with PSVT, PACs and PVCs, all benign.  I know there are good days, bad days, runs of these things where you think to yourself there has to be something wrong, and times when you're convinced you're cured only to have a backlash of them.  Accept the cycle, we all endure this.  The only thing truly predictable about PACs and PVCs are their UNpredictability!  

Know that there are many who understand your feelings and fears.  Do try the day off thing.  Just for one day, refuse to let them evoke the fear response from you.  Just totally disallow it.  You can, really - I'm not kidding, choose to just say no.  Just for a day.  I think once you notice you're still alive without the worry...you'll begin feeling free :)
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