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Is this SVT or just regular palps-help please??!! dolfvnr, momoto3-everyone

I am weaning off of beta blockers as many of you know.  Well, my palps usually get super restless right before my cycle.  Well, it's fast approaching and for the past couple of days I have had a few more palps than usual.  I also have been experiencing PAC's which is kind of rare for me.  Well, just about 15 minutes ago I got a real fast like flutter, but it didn't feel like a flutter feels, it felt like my rhythm was off and it was trying to convert back to the regular heartbeat.  It didn't make me dizzy, but it did make it hard for me to calm down and hard to breathe properly.  I was sitting on the couch watching t.v. w/my daughter and she didn't even notice!  I was so afraid as I waited for my heart to return to it's normal beat I thought she was going to have to call 911.  I feel as though I am going mad now.  I don't know what this could have been!  I am searching my mind trying to recall if I have felt this type of palp (if that's what it was) before and I can honestly say I don't think so.  I am so afraid now...waiting for it to return.  
It felt like "off" beats that happened all in a row-does that make sense?  I don't know if it was a couplet, but it didn't feel like it-not a PVC at all, it's like it came from the top part of my heart and not the ventricles.  I think I have had the couplets...isn't that where it feels like your stomach drops and you get tingly all over?  This was like my heart was going "thumpppppp,thumppppppppppppp, thumpppppppppp, not thump, thump, etc.  

You all I am in tears.  Will I make it thru the night was my first question to myself.  I was on my way out walking and of course I was so afraid that I decided not to go.  I am so darn sick of feeling good one minute and then all of a sudden-wham; however, this "wham" was different.  Please remind me what SVT feels like.  Dolvnfr, I know you have had this issue, can you please help me?  Have you had this Momto3?

I have had to deal with two deaths (my husbands cousin and an acquaintances brother) and they were both heart attacks-they both happened last week.  I have been stressed because of that to say the least. and today I walked in on my boss while he was in a heated meeting.  So, I was afraid I might get canned :-)  I don't know, I am grasping at straws I know, and I also know that a lot times there is no trigger, but I just don't know what is happening to me.
It's been almost a month since the weaning process, so I don't know if that's what it is.  While I want to feel better I don't want my doctor to stop the weaning process thinking that I need to stay on the beta blockers.  I have come this far........

I am so afraid that my heart is going to go into an irratic beat and not be able to come out of it.  I have three kids and a husband and the thought....ugh, this is where I am right now.  Please help someone.

And yes, I have had all of the test, echos, stress test, xrays, ekg's-all last year around this time.
I JUST WANT TO BE NORMAL LIKE I USED TO BE!  Will I always be crippled by my heart issues?  Are they really heart issues or head issues making it heart issues?  
23 Responses
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431362 tn?1211651181
gosh I really don't know what to say to make you feel better.  I certainly think you need to see your doctor about these new beats.

You wanted to be reminded what SVT feels like.  well for me, it felt like a thump in my heart then immediately raced at about 220bpm, nothing i could do would stop it.  I went dizzy and clammy and my chest hurt it would last anything from minutes to hours then i'd feel the thump again and it would stop.  basically it beats very very fast and hard.

I know how scared you are - i've felt exactly the same in the past.  I used to sob every night and say things like I shouldn't have had children if they're going to be without a mum, and i'd say to hubby if you meet someone else make sure children don't ever call her Mum as that will always be me.

Try not to worry, as you well know that will make any palpatations worse.  You say you feel it was from the top of the heart, if you're going on past experience of these things then chances are it's not life threatening.  if you've had echo's etc done and your heart is structurally fine  then you should be ok.

has your dr. talked about ablation with you?

if you want to know anything i'll be more than happy to help if i can.

take care. xxx

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255722 tn?1452546541
Hey....you'll be okay. You are working yourself up into a full blown night of PVC yuck!!  Take a really deep breath, then another, and close your eyes for a minute.  Okay?  No, I know you're not, but try.

I don't think that what you felt was SVT.  I think what you had was several PVC's all jumbled together and I think you're going to be fine.  Now, I'm not in your skin, so I can't be sure, but what I'll do is describe what happens to me and some of the "other" weird things I've felt, then I might offer out a bit of advice.

When I have the "bouts" of SVT it is VERY VERY VERY different from PVC's.  How to describe it is the hard part.  Last time it happened I was in a GREAT mood.  I was walking through the grocery store and lovin' life.  Even dancin' a little to the hokey music they play.  Then I turned the corner into the frozen food section and BAM my heart quivered really really really fast and I felt VERY faint and out of breath. It lasted about 10 seconds and then went back to normal, but I felt suddenly very tired and shaky.  The quiver is what's hard to describe. I can make my fist "do" the quiver compared to a regular beat, but it's hard to put into words. The best I can do is say that it's kind of like when your eye twitches, only it was going even faster, and, well, it was my heart so it made me faint and breathless too.

I've had the multiple PVC's too.  When it's like 10-20 beats when there is barely a single regular one mixed in.  I've had those for hours and hours in the past.  It's scary, and it felt a lot like what you described, but it got to the point after awhile that I kind of said, oh stop it already.  When they get like that is when I sleep a lot to "escape" them.  

Here's my question/advice.  You've only been on the beta blockers for a month or so.  Why come off?  I can understand wanting to be on as low a dose as necessary, but they are fairly safe drugs with no long term side effects, so if they help you avoid this sort of thing, what's the big hurry in coming off?  Also, you need to take the BB's for a while (like at least 6 months) before your body would have a chance to change in favor of not having the PVC's as often.  Apparently, your heart is in a twitchy mode of late....give it some time to calm down before you try to rush back to "normal" and "without drugs."

I'll be back to check on you soon.
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Thanks so much for the response.  I want to make sure I put this in real quick as I have a meeting I have to rush off to.  I have been on the beta blockers for a full year now.  I stareted in May of last year, and that's why I want to come off.  I didn't like being on the 25 mg and once we decided to cut it in half it helped a LOT, so then I told my doctor, okay, let's try weaning off of them.  So nope, it's been longer than a month :-)  
I don't know, that's what it kind of felt like...a quiver, not so much PVC's, but I do understand that's it hard to explain.  I have had the PVC's in a row, and I felt faint, but this was different.  Oh well, I dunno know what to think.  I just know it made me afraid to move.  I will write more later.  I REALLY appreciate your response.  You know how I get crazy every few months.  But gosh this felt so bad!

bumble-thanks so much for your words.  I do understand what you mean by leaving your kids.  I have been so afraid of that very thing happening to me.  I have seen so much death and sickness in the past few years it has really had an awful affect (?) on me.  But I have to remember, that there are soooooooooooo many people who have worse problems than me!
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I know what your talking about, my heart does that every once and awhile.  What I get is a couple (or more)  PVC's all in a row so it , well kinda like SVT but very thumpy, but not as fast as SVT? It dosn't last for long, it is VERY irregular beat feeling. This might be a weird analogy, but it's kind of like when the washing machine isn't balanced right and it bangs around.
Why are you coming off the beta blocker, is it a long acting one? I take one on an "as needed" basis, I think momto3 does also. I can sometimes (not to much lately) have long periods of time when I don't have to take it, but when I need it it's there for me. Last week I had 2 days without any PVC's and I didn't take any BB.
Sometimes we go through periods when we need a little help, I resisted taking any meds in the begining of this run(2years) of PVC's. I have realized that at this point in my life, I need to take my medicine. My Dr. says that it's not necessary to take anything for PVC's, I know that's true. If I don't take the BB and the PVC's start to take over, my day is shot. It's kind of a delicate balance of how long I can deal with the PVC's before I take the BB. Everyone is different, you need to fine something that works for you.
It sounds like you have a very hectic and busy life, hang in there, your going to be OK.
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21064 tn?1309308733
Oh, I'm so sorry I wasn't here sooner.  I'm so glad some of your other friends jumped in to help!  These guys are the best!!  They've been there, done that and we will all help you through this little bump in the road.

First, as you know, with a structurally normal heart, the weird beats are not dangerous.  However, as you also know, they can be so frustrating and scary.  That's where we come in.  We really truly have been where you are, and we are still here : )

Second, what you desribe sounds like what I feel when I have a run (nsvt) of PVCs.  I'm not sure I can really tell the diffence in PVCs and PACs.  I rarely get PACs according to my Holter reports, so I can only relate to PVCs.  When I have a run of PVCs, it feel like my heart is beating and it is chasing itself.  It's like a tumbling kind of erratic weirdness.  There is no real beat until my heart goes back into rhythm.  It is scary and weird, but in the setting of a normal heart (I know you're really sick of hearing that...we all were/are), it's also benign.

Third, breathe, breathe, deep cleansing breath.......ah.  Do not let your quirky heart get in the way of living your life.  OK, faithful....this is where you draw on all of your strength....Just tell yourself you're heart is beating to a different drummer and you really are going to be fine. You might have some weird days, and that's where we come in again.... We're here for you!

Next, the recent deaths you mentioned did not occur as a result of PVCs or SVT.  Heart attacks are caused by blockages.  That is not to say the deaths are not stressful; I am sure it has been a difficult week.  

AND, I certainly hope you are not released from your job because you walked in on your boss while he was in a heated meeting.  When the time is right, just let him/her know you are sorry and that it was not intentional.  

Forget about the triggers.  As you said, sometimes we get the beats just because....

Are you sure you don't want to stay on a low dose BB?  It was helping, right?  Like artskip said, I can also take a BB on an as needed basis.  I took them for so many years, that I think they just stopped being real effective.  But, I can take them as needed and they do work.  I'm thinking it is not so much the weaning process as it is the hormonal fluctuations.  

Do not be afraid!  I'll bet you've heard the song, "Be not afraid...."  I've had this quirky heart through an engagement, marriage, 3 kids, college, daughter's wedding, husband's surgery last year.....still ticking : )

Finally, you are "normal", but you will never be who you were yesterday : )  That's true for all of us.  Each day is a new gift.  I mean, think about it...would you really want everything to always stay the same?  How would you have met all of us?  : )

Take care....we're here!

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artskip-well, you described it pretty good-the washing machine analogy was pretty much right on :-)  I guess it was just so weird because I swear I have never felt that before.  And I could have SWORN that I had runs of PVC's, but now I'm not so sure.  I don't know what a long acting beta blocker is-I am on the generic of toporol 12.5 mg every other day.  You don't how much your response means to a worry wart like me.  Thanks so much!

momto3-HELLO!!!  I'm so glad you were able to respond.  You have been there for me for the get go and I look foward to your wise words.  I don't know what I want to do now momto3-regarding the beta blockers.  If I'm truly honest with myself I know that the 12.5 mg was really working out well for me, I just don't want to be dependent on taking this med everyday forever.  I hope I don't sound ungrateful or anything, but I think I am still learing to deal with this.  Some days I really think "ha, I have finally gotten to used to being different."  But then reality sets in and I realize I am still a "babe" in this journey.  I think it was dolfnvr that said it took her a few years to get somewhat used to the idea that she wasn't going to die because of things.  I hope I got that right!  I don't think any of us actually get totally used to these things do you?

It's so funny when you said "I know you are getting tired of hearing if you have a structurally normal heart."  I was just thinking-"If I hear that one more time!" LOL.  And I'm not saying that to be rude, it's just that when your mind still doesn't believe that you're okay, hearing that same explanation doesn't help.
I am trying desperately not to be afraid.  It took everything in me to push myself out of bed this a.m. and get ready for work.  All I kept thinking about was what the day had in store for me, will I make it thru w/out embarrassing myself in front of my co-workers, etc.  And I did apologize to my boss and let him know it was truly an oversight on my part, and he was fine w/it.  I just have that type of personality that makes me second guess EVERYTHING and worry about anything; thus my journey with PVC's...perhaps.

Regarding the deaths, you are right, but my mind....I'm telling you, it plays awful mind tricks on me.  Does anyone else go thru that?  I think it's just been so many in such a short period of time and most of them have been due to heart issues.........

I usually don't get the PACs either, but for some reason I have been getting them more than the PVC's this week.  And I agree with you, I definately think my hormones have something to do with it-I've said that for a long time now.  I mean most of us females don't delight in "that time of the month" but now it's that much worse for me because of these darn crazy beats!
Okay, I have rambled enough.  I want to thank each and everyone of you who responeded to me, it truly does help.  I hope each of you have a good day.  Let's keep the encouragement going.  I might be back w/other questions-lol.

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So sorry that you are going through this very stressful time.  All of us here know how our wacky hearts don't respond so well to stress.

As has already been said, SVT is very different from PVC's.  Mine (SVT) came on suddenly - I was fine and then my heart suddenly went from 55 to 170 bpm in a matter of seconds.  I really couldn't get a good handle on my pulse rate, it was so fast that 170 was really a guesstimate.  I was petrified.  Had no clue what was going on and I honestly thought I was going to die.  Luckily, my brother in law is an Internist and he was able to tentatively diagnose me (which was a huge relief).  It settled down in a couple of hours but decided it was going to stick around for the long haul which is why I had an ablation.  SVT is notorious for causing dizziness.  It can very much adversely affect your quality of life, certainly for those of us who have frequent attacks.

Sometimes my PVC's will go all weird on me and venture off the beaten (pardon the pun)track.  Sometimes I do think the SVT is returning but my heart rate has never exceeded much above 100 since my ablation.  My normal heart rate is around 56 bpm.

I believe these electrical mis-fires, which is really what most arrhythmias are, cause many symptoms that are hard to define.  There doesn't appear to be any set pattern which doesn't help much with the anxiety level.
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Well, there's not much more to be said is there?

What wonderful people are on this forum to give support!

I loved the washing machine analogy Artskip. Those type of descriptions give us a little comfort, maybe even a smile, when the whacky heart stuff starts,

I did want to offer one suggestion, faithful, because you had a question as to whether it was a heart issue or a head issue. Like you, I've wondered how long I'd be able to hold it all together and not lose my mind. Well, I've come to realize I have to talk to my "head" as much as to my heart. By that I mean, when my mind starts to race, I literally have to say, WHOA, that's enough. It stops, but those thoughts usually start again real soon, and I have to repeat--I'm not going there with you. If you are like me, you might have a long conversation with yourself, but if you are persistent, the logical/rational you will win out.

Hope you are feeling better today.
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431362 tn?1211651181
how are you feeling today?
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I am actually feeling better now.  I had a sudden onset of panic about an hour ago, but it went away.  I was doing a lot of running around and I think it caught up with me.

I am so appreciative of the resopnses, it truly does help.  Okay, I guess I know it wasn't SVT now?  I was thinking SVT was something different, don't know why because I am sure someone has explained it to me before.  But thanks anyay for all of the explanations.  I think once I try to stop figuring out what is wrong, why it's happening...I will be much better.  

I hope everyone has a great weekend.
I have a funeral to attend tomorrow-ugh!
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431362 tn?1211651181
glad to hear you are feeling better.
hope the funeral goes as well as can be expected tomorrow.
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21064 tn?1309308733
Hi faithful!

I'm so happy to hear you had a better day.  Glad to hear the panic attack was short-lived and is now gone!  Good riddance!!

As for the funeral, remind yourself that you are OK.  If you need to take a step back to deal with a little anxiety, that's OK.  Take on what you are comfortable with, be supportive and do your best to remain at peace (under the circumstances).  

Today was a good day!  Let us know how you're doing tomorrow.  We'll be here : )

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177337 tn?1310059899
I am in the same boat as you this week.  I think as I get older (47) my hormones are getting wackier.  I have had a really bad few days of those flutters and the pvc's from the stomach area.  That on top of not knowing if it is allergies or reflux that is making my throat feel swollen and making me short of breath when I talk has me in quite a pickle.
I see my cardio on Monday for my annual check up including the treadmill.  I am really worried about getting on that thing if my pvc's are acting up.  Has anyone had to take that test during a bad bout with pvc's?  I'm close to tears as well.  Tonight when I was out walking the dogs up the hill I decided I have heart disease because of this short of breath feeling in my throat.  Could it all be anxiety?????  HELP
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255722 tn?1452546541
It could all be RELATED to and EXACERBATED by anxiety.  But it could be that you are simply having a bad time with PVC's.  It happens. Don't ask why, cause if we knew, we'd be cured :-).

However, you state that you are afraid of the treadmill test while having PVC's.  You will be FINE.  The PVC's will NOT harm you.  They are uncomfortable and annoying even scary but they will not harm you. And, to be honest, I usually hope they DO show up during testing.  At least then the doctor can see what the heck is going on and if there is something to be concerned about.  Usually I think, "please, please...I never want PVC's but for this one day, PLEASE show this doctor what you do to me."  Unfortunately, for some reason, they like to hide on the days that they are being watched.  Little stinkers :-)

Be well,
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177337 tn?1310059899
Thanks dolfnlvr
I just want this over with.  I can't believe after 20 years of treadmills, that I still have this much anxiety over that "day of doom".  Although I have never had a pvc flare up while on the treadmill before.  Now with this short of breath thing...oh brother
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Hi everyone.  This is the second time I've been here and I must say I can't believe how many of us are having the same problems with heart rythym.  I actually do have a heart condition called Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy which does have heart palpitations, missed beats etc. as one of the symptoms.  I have had minor palpitations, missed beats since I first found out I had this which is 15 years (which is ironic itself), never had problems until I actually knew I had a "condition" which I think brought on an anxiety problem.  I too have had days when everything's going great then BAM, in the middle of a supermarket and it hits you.  Heart feels like it's stopped and not coming back into rythym OR it's quivering faintly and you feel like you're going to faint!  

I have recently been seeing a Naturopath/Dr and he took one look into my mouth and saw I had a mouth full of silver amalgam fillings.  He said he would bet that 99% of my problems were coming from the mercury which was leaching into the body every day from the fillings.  Last year I suffered with panic attacks, anxiety, dizzy spells.  I had MRI which came up clear.  In fact I had a lot of symptoms similar to MS.    If you look up mercury poisoning on the interenet you will be astounded by the symptoms it can cause - heart problems being one, i.e. irregular heart beats, rythym problems etc.

It just seems weird that a lot of you guys have structurally  sound hearts but are still getting these problems.  I am about to get my amalgam (silver) fillings replaced with white composite ones so I will keep you informed of my progress.  

Something for you all to think about.  I know it sounds weird but this toxic metal can reak havoc with not only your heart, but it gets into every cell of your body and can cause SO many problems.  Check it out for yourselves.

Hope you're all feeling well and look forward to any replies!!   I'll be back!

(Brisbane, Australia)
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Hmmmm, Tracy, that is quite interesting.  I have silver fillings myself!  You will definately have to keep me updated.  I don't like going to the dentist if I don't have too, but if it helps I would be willing to it :-)

The funeral was VERY long, and I had to sing twice (I sing in a group of six ladies).  I had a few tense moments, and just kept praying that I didn't run out of the church or faint, or, or, AND more or's!  Well I ended up being fine-thank God, and had a pretty good weekend.  I really appreciate the comments from you all.

Jkfrench-I am so sorry you are going thru it too.  It's hard I know.  And even though you are a little older than I am, I believe my hormones are playing a role too.  It's tough enough just dealing with these beast, but dealing with two beast at one time-NO FAIR!  I hope your day goes well!
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well, the day is here. I hope your visit with the cardiologist, and especially that your treadmill test goes ok. Let us know how you did. I'm betting you will have done just fine.
Keep your chin up, and in no time it will be all done with.Good luck.
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177337 tn?1310059899
Yes...3 hours from now...I'm here just trying to reasure myself that it will be okay.  Reading other posts really helps.
I went in for blood this morning and had several skips just for that procedure.  
Thanks so much for remembering me.  I'm really touched....really....
What I have the hardest time getting over is that I've done this every YEAR now for 20 years and STILL feel the same way every time.  I'm thinking will this be the time he tells me there is a problem?  As it is, my heart races and my BP goes way and I mean way up.  So I have to deal with that before I even jump on that damn thing.  I just took my blood pressure and it is 117/78.  Pulse was 84.  Wait until I tell you what it was when I get there.  I've had it jump as high as 170/100 with a starting pulse of 120.
All anxiety related and he still makes me get up and start.
I just want it done.  We leave for Las Vegas tomorrow and I want a clean bill of health.  I'll leave a message tonight.  
Thank you again so much for thinking of me.  Say a little prayer....
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21064 tn?1309308733
I'm sorry I missed your earlier post : (

I hope the test went off without a hitch and you are at home packing all your quarters!!  Have a fabulous trip!!  

I know what you mean about going for the same tests for 20+ years and still waiting for "the news".  I've had zillions of PVCs, but they generally don't kick up on the treadmill.  Whew!!  My daughter recently had a stress echo and during the test, someone said...."Oh, you're in bigeminy....do you feel that?"  She didn't!  Better yet!  She had that one quick episode and that was it.  She said she doesn't think she has ever felt a PVC....But, I guess she gets them.  I feel mine and I can't really imagine not being aware of them, but they don't scare me.

Please let us know how the test went and how you're doing.  You might want to start a new thread so we will all see it right away.  

Waiting for great news
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177337 tn?1310059899
YES!  It is over and everything went fine.  No pvc's on the treadmill and I was on for over 20 minutes, running the last 4 or 5.  He told me I was in great shape.  What can they actually tell from this test?  Can they tell if you have heart disease?  You probably have to do the nuclear one for that.  I guess they can tell if your heart is structurally doing okay.  However, during the cool down, I felt a few pvc's.  He had already walked out so I didn't say anything.  He perscribed me something for the reflux and I really hope this works.  I can't remember the name and the pharmacy has it to fill so I will make sure and ask around if anyone has taken it once I know.  You know me, I want to make sure it won't bother my heart.  I can't trust the cardio now can I.
Thanks for all of your support.  My heart rate was 104 and my blood pressure was 150/80 when I started.  When I ended, my heart was down to 84 and my bp was 138/78.  THAT is how nervous I get prior.  I can't get it under control no matter what I tell myself.
XOXO to everyone
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21064 tn?1309308733
Hi Jodie!!

NOW, you can concentrate on winning at the tables : )

GREAT news!!

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