61536 tn?1340698163

Tell Me About Your PVCs

I have some questions to see how others measure up.  Just thought it might be an interesting thread for people to understand each other a bit.

1. How long have you had PVCs?

2. On average, how many per day?

3. Do you have episodes where you have absolutely no PVCs at all?

4. What is your list of food/beverage triggers?

5. What is your list of non-edible triggers?

6. Do you have GERD, and if so, do you think it aggravates your PVCs?

7. Do you have or have you ever had any structural heart problems or heart disease?

8. For women, do your PVCs increase with shifts in hormones?  How did pregnancy affect your PVCs?

9. Do your PVCs disappear with exercise, become worse with exercise or are they about the same no matter what you're doing?

10.  Have you ever exeprienced bigeminy, trigeminy, couplets, triplets, NSVT or VT?

11.  Do you have a pacemaker or ICD?

12.  Do you (or have you ever) taken medication to help control your PVCs?  If so, did it help, make them worse or cause no change?

13. Do you have a non-cardiac condition that causes or irritates your PVCs (thyroid, hormone problems)?

14. What have you found that HELPS your PVCs (symptoms/anxiety)?  This can be meditation, vitamin supplements, anxiety medication, exercise - anything that helps you deal.

I'll answer below too.  I think it will be interesting to see how people respond.

99 Responses
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10894761 tn?1413637884
I just found this very old topic from 7 years ago and I thought it was great. I'm surprised with the amount of people who have the exact same symptoms as me.

I will try to give my answers:

1. How long have you had PVCs?  
20 years +

2. On average, how many per day?    
sometimes zero, sometimes 300/400+

3. Do you have episodes where you have absolutely no PVCs at all?

4. What is your list of food/beverage triggers?
not sure, can't see anything specific

5. What is your list of non-edible triggers?
anxiety, panic (panic is the worst one)

6. Do you have GERD, and if so, do you think it aggravates your PVCs?
Yes and yes

7. Do you have or have you ever had any structural heart problems or heart disease?

8. For women, do your PVCs increase with shifts in hormones?  How did pregnancy affect your PVCs?
I'm a man

9. Do your PVCs disappear with exercise, become worse with exercise or are they about the same no matter what you're doing?
Not sure. When I had a stress test they disappeared, but when my HR goes very high because of panic, I have all kind of arrhythmias.  I don't think it's the same thing.

10.  Have you ever exeprienced bigeminy, trigeminy, couplets, triplets, NSVT or VT?
yes for bigeminy, trigeminy, NSVT (not sure if it was NSVT or SVT, I just felt 5-6 very fast beats at 200/220 bpm maybe - only once).

11.  Do you have a pacemaker or ICD?

12.  Do you (or have you ever) taken medication to help control your PVCs?  If so, did it help, make them worse or cause no change?
nothing so far.

13. Do you have a non-cardiac condition that causes or irritates your PVCs (thyroid, hormone problems)?

14. What have you found that HELPS your PVCs (symptoms/anxiety)?  This can be meditation, vitamin supplements, anxiety medication, exercise - anything that helps you deal.
when I'm relaxed I don't feel them so often.
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1. First diagnosed in 2009, but they never bothered me then.  Didn't have them for long.  They returned in May of 2012, about five weeks after I had my first baby.  These palps feel different than what I was having in 2009....but I've been assured that they are still PVCs.  

2.  0-100ish

3. Yes, but it's becoming rare that I go a day w/out any!

4.  None

5. Not sure yet.  I suspect hormones.

6.  No

7. I've never had structural problems.  I am currently waiting for the results of my second echo since 2009.

8.  YES!!!!  I am convinced that hormones are to blame.  I recall having two palps during my entire pregnancy.  It wasn't until after I had my baby that the palps returned with a vengeance.  Funny thing is that my first cardio said that hormones can play a role in PVCs, while my second opinion cardio said that he has never heard of the connection.  He didn't dismiss my theory, though.  

9.  I get a few hard PVCs during exercise, especially when i am really exerting myself.  This scares me, but my cardio told me that it's okay for me to exercise.  

10.  I'm sure.  I've had lots of weird beats.

11.  No

12.  No, but I'm seriously thinking about it.  

13.  I wonder what my hormones are doing.  It would not surprise me if I have a hormonal imbalance.  Not sure how to go about getting that checked.  Any ideas?  

14.  Stress reduction, but this is hard.  And, when I'm not ovulating or having my period!

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1. How long have you had PVCs?  UNKNOWN

2. On average, how many per day?  43000

3. Do you have episodes where you have absolutely no PVCs at all?  NO

4. What is your list of food/beverage triggers?  NONE

5. What is your list of non-edible triggers?  NONE

6. Do you have GERD, and if so, do you think it aggravates your PVCs?  Yes, I don't think it affects it.

7. Do you have or have you ever had any structural heart problems or heart disease?  NO

8. For women, do your PVCs increase with shifts in hormones?  How did pregnancy affect your PVCs?  NO

9. Do your PVCs disappear with exercise, become worse with exercise or are they about the same no matter what you're doing? They Disappear

10.  Have you ever exeprienced bigeminy, trigeminy, couplets, triplets, NSVT or VT?  Bigeminy

11.  Do you have a pacemaker or ICD?  NO

12.  Do you (or have you ever) taken medication to help control your PVCs?  If so, did it help, make them worse or cause no change?  I've tried everything, no change

13. Do you have a non-cardiac condition that causes or irritates your PVCs (thyroid, hormone problems)?  NO

14. What have you found that HELPS your PVCs (symptoms/anxiety)?  This can be meditation, vitamin supplements, anxiety medication, exercise - anything that helps you deal.  Nothing seems to help.  I'm going in for my 4th ablation next week. Wish me luck!

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Thanks to all who have posted. I recently have had an increase in pvc's sometimes every 3 beats. Just moved and I am guessing stress caused them to come back, have not had them for awhile.
Definitly makes me feel better to read that so many others suffer from this. Maybe I can rest a little better tonight.
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1931447 tn?1323242021
1. How long have you had PVCs?
For about 7 months now

2. On average, how many per day?
Some days none, some daysup to 10,000

3. Do you have episodes where you have absolutely no PVCs at all?
Yes. Sometimes it seems to go into remission and I will have none for an extended period. Sometimes it really takes off for days and days and days.

4. What is your list of food/beverage triggers?
Spirits/Wine. I also cut chocolate and caffiene

5. What is your list of non-edible triggers?
When I am having bouts of PVC's eating and then sitting, sitting, laying down.

6. Do you have GERD, and if so, do you think it aggravates your PVCs? No GERD but I do have IBS.

7. Do you have or have you ever had any structural heart problems or heart disease? No. Cariologist says my heart is beautiful.

8. For women, do your PVCs increase with shifts in hormones?  How did pregnancy affect your PVCs? This is the first month since diagnosis when they increased with my period. Not liking it ;o)

9. Do your PVCs disappear with exercise, become worse with exercise or are they about the same no matter what you're doing?
Sometimes they disappear and sometimes not. It never makes them worse though.

10.  Have you ever exeprienced bigeminy, trigeminy, couplets, triplets, NSVT or VT? Yes to bigeminy, trigminy, and couplets. Not sure on the rest.

11.  Do you have a pacemaker or ICD? No

12.  Do you (or have you ever) taken medication to help control your PVCs?  If so, did it help, make them worse or cause no change?
No. Don't want to take meds if I don't absolutely have to.

13. Do you have a non-cardiac condition that causes or irritates your PVCs (thyroid, hormone problems)?
Not that I know of. Thyroid and Potassium are good. Wish I could find something minor that is the cause though, so I could end all of this.

14. What have you found that HELPS your PVCs (symptoms/anxiety)?  This can be meditation, vitamin supplements, anxiety medication, exercise - anything that helps you deal.
Magnesium was REALLY helping me, but since this last bout nothing seems to help. I am just picking up excercise though so hopefully that will help.

I do want to say that I am 36, have anxiety disorder, panic disorder, health anxiety and IBS. After some research, I find that these issues all have something to do with PVC's. Yay!
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967168 tn?1477584489
thanks for bumping this thread - I did mine before surgery so I need to update

11.  Do you have a pacemaker or ICD?  Yes, Pacemaker/ICD implanted August 28, 2009 due to malignant heart arrhythmia's (Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia) and Bradycardia.
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363281 tn?1714899967
Bumping for new members. This really does help.
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1124887 tn?1313754891
1. How long have you had PVCs?

I have mostly PACs, but I started noticing them a couple of years ago.

2. On average, how many per day?


3. Do you have episodes where you have absolutely no PVCs at all?

Yes, they tend to disappear if my heart rate for some reason is a bit higher, and return some days later. Stressful times can both increase and decrease them.

4. What is your list of food/beverage triggers?

Sugar, caffeine.

5. What is your list of non-edible triggers?

Cardiac neurosis.

6. Do you have GERD, and if so, do you think it aggravates your PVCs?


7. Do you have or have you ever had any structural heart problems or heart disease?


8. For women, do your PVCs increase with shifts in hormones?  How did pregnancy affect your PVCs?


9. Do your PVCs disappear with exercise, become worse with exercise or are they about the same no matter what you're doing?

My PACs can increase with the setting "anxiety when exercising". They can be a bit violent.

10.  Have you ever exeprienced bigeminy, trigeminy, couplets, triplets, NSVT or VT?

No bigeminy. Short events of trigeminy. Not sure about pairs, I rarely get PVCs so VT is not an issue. Short runs of SVT (atrial ectopic tachycardia) is noted.

11.  Do you have a pacemaker or ICD?


12.  Do you (or have you ever) taken medication to help control your PVCs?  If so, did it help, make them worse or cause no change?

A small dosage of beta blockers erase PACs with exercise. They increase PACs/PVCs at rest, though, because my HR is lower.

13. Do you have a non-cardiac condition that causes or irritates your PVCs (thyroid, hormone problems)?

Not as far as I know

14. What have you found that HELPS your PVCs (symptoms/anxiety)?  This can be meditation, vitamin supplements, anxiety medication, exercise - anything that helps you deal.

Focus away from them. A multivitamin and some fish oil. Cutting down on caffeine and sugar. Vacation. Exercise without stress, and long warm-ups
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14. What have you found that HELPS your PVCs (symptoms/anxiety)?  This can be meditation, vitamin supplements, anxiety medication, exercise - anything that helps you deal.

In the short term, lay down and rest immediately to help body adjust to change in pulse (as I was typing this just had a run of bigeminy that dropped my pulse from 78 to 44.. laid on the floor and within 5 seconds it returned to 96 then dropping back to mid 70's.  Talk about out of the blue!  

The most powerful tool I have to help me deal with these miscreant heart beats is a work out pulse monitor for keeping your heart in a target pulse range,  that I bought for working out 12 years ago.  

I went to the Hospital ER June 13th feeling seriously compromised, high systolic pressure, normal diastolic, palpations, and the doctor there ordered a Holter Monitor test.  Earliest they could book me for one according to the hospital in our community was September (crazy I know, my cardiologist has now got me lined up to have one July 13th in a community 1 hour south of us).  I went home and thought .. okay what can I do to gather evidence if that's the wait I have ahead of me.  Remembered the work out Heart monitor I bought for working out down in my weight room.  Put it on and wear it 24/7.  

Peace of mind.  Data that could be recorded.  My log book and the data I've recorded helped me to show my GP what is happening (at least the snap shot of data I could gather through pulse... skipped beats (PVC's).  The monitor is two parts.  part that wraps around my chest and a watch that displays the pulse with updates every few seconds and your heart beat with a small heart graphic that flashes every beat.  This is how I was able to find that I am having bigeminy.  (since confirmed in the ER last Wednesday night).  The power of this simple device is it allows me to record immediately what is happening with beats and pulse, and then record also the physiological systems/experiences. (did I get pale, roughly how long did that run of bigeminy last.. that I observed).  

When I feel PVC's,  I can examine.. how much .. how often.. and the best part.. I can see the good beats.. okay.. that was Beat PVC Beat PVC Beat PVC Beat Beat Beat Beat PVC.. hey 4 good ones.. not too bad.  Instead of damn.. what's happening .. I feel all weird. like I'm crashing/wilting, is this bad, how bad is it, should I go to the ER, is it escalating to a heart attack.  Because I can see information I don't stress or raise my anxiety level scrambling to take my pulse  

A simple pulse meter has allowed me to catch that my sleeping pulse is as low as 40 bpm at times (has an alarm I set for low levels), that woke me and discover that.  Might explain the crazy times I wake up and find myself so compromised with systolic blood pressure spike and poundings in the chest, with forearms all numb/cold/tingly (still can't determine what the sensation is.. but its very very noticable..and doesn't feel good).  I suspect now runs of bigeminy in my sleep with a very low pulse rate makes a bad combination and I awake to the after affects.  Now I just lay still, breath deeply and slowly and remain calm as possible, watching what is happening on the pulse meter, rather than fixating on what is happening in my body.  It's become my little friend in a way to tell me .. hey.. this isn't too bad.. look.. there are some good beats.. and some more good ones.. and yep that was a run of bad ones but look.. now you've got a run of good ones.  I'm a math/physics instructor, and seeing what is going on has been the best anxiety management for me, instead of feeling what is going on.  I still feel them especially if the systolic pressure spike occurs.. (boy do you ever feel them then), but my attention is on observation and data collection  rather than inward looking at the physiological body experience I'm undergoing.  

I record everything in a log book.  Each new experience with these naughty heart beats I learn from, and how to manage them better.  I don't think they are going away.  I don't believe there are any silver bullets from all I've read.  But I've also come to the conclusion, with no underlying heart problems, this electrical misfiring in my ventrical is life changing not life threatening.  Although in the words of my cardiologist.. "can't guarrantee anything".  She's passing me on to an electrophysiologist (I think that's what it's called)  a cardiologist that specializes in electric circuits in the heart.   Looking forward to what can be accomplished.  

In the mean time, I can't thank everyone here and on other forums at this site for all their sharing.  You all have helped me to learn to live with and manage these episodes.    

I have gathered a lot of information and websites in trying to understand PVC's and my situation better.  I keep all my website bookmarks at delicious.com    To view my PVC resource pages and websites go to http://www.delicious.com/rgiroday  use the tag PVC to start.  Today found a great animation of PVC's http://www.medmovie.com/mmdatabase/MediaPlayer.aspx?ClientID=65&TopicID=776

The more information we know regarding these, and the more people share with us, the more prepared we are to live through the episodes that come with them.  Feel like it's a journey.  Thank you to every for the helping hands up along the path.  Much appreciated.  It is the unknown which is terrifying, and you have all helped me to know my body and in particular my heart arrhythmia better.  
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1. How long have you had PVCs?  

Started approximately 3 years ago.  (although 12 years ago, remember taking my pulse after big leg presses in the gym and feeling a skip every 4th beat, just never presented at that time beyond leg day in the gym)  When the PVC's started up regularly, after about 4 months they went away, but have returned since March 2010 off and on, and now getting increasingly more pronounced.  Today while preparing this comment I had to lay on the floor twice to let my body recover from bigeminy runs.

2. On average, how many per day?

100's in the day, have no idea in the night.  Coming in clusters with runs of bigeminy that bring me down pretty good.  

3. Do you have episodes where you have absolutely no PVCs at all?  

Yes.  They come and go, with some times throughout the day none, and others where they are prevalent. Did some landscaping last Sunday for 4 hours (no PVC's), went inside to have lunch and take a break, PVC's started up and continued all day and into the evening.  Sometimes worst than others.  Sometimes bigeminy, sometimes random, sometimes trigeminy.  Next day, bad morning but randomly through the day in clusters.  At least not steady, but night times are becoming a problem, with runs of bigeminy (my suspicion based on Polar Heart Monitor observations upon waking)  that pull me awake and in an "episode" with numbness/coldness (can't identify what it is) in hands and forearms, with elevated blood pressure and palpations going wild in chest.

4. What is your list of food/beverage triggers?

Haven't identified this list yet.  Noticed eating at this time does trigger them.  Nothing specific determined yet.

5. What is your list of non-edible triggers?

Excitement, hyperactivity, (animated conversation, etc), stress, lack of adequate rest, strenuous work, from last Sunday I suspect elevated HR keeps them at bay until I slow down and then they appear.  

6. Do you have GERD, and if so, do you think it aggravates your PVCs?

No, not diagnosed as such.

7. Do you have or have you ever had any structural heart problems or heart disease?

1 1/2 years ago heart sonogram, treadmill stress test, cardiologist said heart is sound with no defects.  Within last month complete workup of blood tests, everything within normal ranges.  24hour Urine, analysis for Na, K, Cl, HCO3, Creatinine, Uric and RLk (sp) Phos.  AM & PM Cortisol, and VMA for Metadrenaline and nor Metadrenaline.  (having bloodpressure spikes which I now realize follows long runs of bigeminy PVC), so they were testing for adrenal gland tumor.  Stamp that file, healthy healthy healthy in all other regards.  No Thyroid indicators, no Cushing disease, etc etc, potassium levels great, etc. Stamp that file:  mysterious comings and goings in the heart circuitry.

8. For women, do your PVCs increase with shifts in hormones?  How did pregnancy affect your PVCs?  

Not Applicable

9. Do your PVCs disappear with exercise, become worse with exercise or are they about the same no matter what you're doing?

Haven't put this to the test yet.  Need to try a light exercise program and see where it goes.  But from observations made and recorded in my journal I suspect that higher heart rate with a "work load" keeps them at bay, while lower heart rate allows them to appear

10.  Have you ever exeprienced bigeminy, trigeminy, couplets, triplets, NSVT or VT?

3 years ago I was having Quadrageminal rhythm (every fourth beat was PVC).  I've noted Bigeminy frequently this time round, with runs.  Often Random, and have seen trigeminy.  They main problem this time is the runs of bigeminy that rob the body of the pulse (blood), resulting in a systolic blood pressure spike.

11.  Do you have a pacemaker or ICD?


12.  Do you (or have you ever) taken medication to help control your PVCs?  If so, did it help, make them worse or cause no change?

No.  I will resist this unless they become totally unmanageable on my own (mentally or physically).  It will enter a new variable into the equation and I would prefer not to do that.  Most medications have side effects, and I would prefer to leave those out of the equation for now.

13. Do you have a non-cardiac condition that causes or irritates your PVCs (thyroid, hormone problems)?

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1. How long have you had PVC's?   Since I was 12 or so, so about 16years.
2. On average how many per day?  Before cutting caffeine I would get 20 or 30 a day, for 3 or 4 days out of the month.  Now I get about 10 a week.
3.  Do you have episodes where you have no PVC's at all?  Yes.
4. What is your list of food/beverage triggers?  Caffeine, anything with caffiene will cause them for me.
5. What is your list of nonedible triggers?  Bending forward at the waste, especially while lifting or putting something down can cause them for me.
6. Do you have GERD and if so do you think it aggravates your PVCs?  I don't know about the GERD.  
7. Do you have or have you ever had any structural heart disease?  I've had a full course of testing and come out fine.  I can confidently say I do not have any structural heart disease.
8. For women, do your PVC's increase with shifts in hormones how did pregnancy effect your PVCs?  Yes I do get an increase with shifts in hormones.  Pregnancy increased my PAC's and PVC's twice and once it didn't seem to have a noticable effect.
9. Do your PVC's disappear with exercise?  Usually I won't get them during exercise or they will go away with exercise, occasionally though I will get one or two during exercise.
10. Have you ever experienced bigeminy, trigeminy, couplets, triplets, NSVT or VT?  I think I've experienced bigeminy and couplets or triplets (not sure if they were PVC's or PAC's though) but never had that positively recorded.  Don't think I"ve ever has NSVT or VT.  
11. Do you have a pacemaker or ICD?  Nope.
12. Do you (or have you ever) taken medication to help control your PVCs?  I've taken a beta blocker (toprol 25mg) for unrelated high heart rate but the side effects were terrible for me and it actually increased my PVC's and PAC's instead of decreasing them.   I was recently on cardizem for the same tachycardia and weaned off because it lowered my blood pressure too much and increased my PVC's and PAC's and caused rounds of PSVT.   Looks like me and these meds don't mix well.
13. Do you have a non-cardiac condition that causes or irritates your PVCs (thyroid, hormone problems)?  Thyroid problems no.  Hormone changes will effect my PVCs and PACs though.
14. What have you found that helps your PVCs (symptoms/anxiety) this can be meditation, vitamin supplements, anxiety medication, exercise anything that helps you deal?  Sleep, making sure I get enough sleep for my body to feel rested is a big one.  Avoiding caffeine definately helps.  Prayer helps me, gives me hope and helps me cope.  
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1. How long have you had PVCs? On and off since I was 16 am now 49 but since 2006 a lot more frequent

2. On average, how many per day? lately from hundreds to thousands per day

3. Do you have episodes where you have absolutely no PVCs at all?

Rarely or at least I do not feel them if I have them

4. What is your list of food/beverage triggers?

Not positve but caffeine and alchol seem to do it, sometimes just eating, specially after lunch

5. What is your list of non-edible triggers?

stress, lack of sleep, laying down for a while and gettin up, sometimes going up stairs but not always, when I need to urinate badly and even after I do. Hot weather also exacerbates them

6. Do you have GERD, and if so, do you think it aggravates your PVCs?


7. Do you have or have you ever had any structural heart problems or heart disease?

Tested thouroughly several times and no

8. For womenWomen's way, do your PVCs increase with shifts in hormones?  How did pregnancy affect your PVCs?

I am male

9. Do your PVCs disappear with exercise, become worse with exercise or are they about the same no matter what you're doing?

usually they do subside but I have had them while exercising also, more at rest though

10.  Have you ever exeprienced bigeminy, trigeminy, couplets, triplets, NSVT or VT?


11.  Do you have a pacemaker or ICD?


12.  Do you (or have you ever) taken medication to help controlControl
Control rx your PVCs?  If so, did it help, make them worse or cause no change?

I am taking 25 mgs of metropolol twice per day morning and night helps a little, more in the winter it  seems,in summer pvcs are worse

13. Do you have a non-cardiac condition that causes or irritates your PVCs (thyroid, hormone problems)?


14. What have you found that HELPS your PVCs (symptoms/anxiety)?  This can be meditation, vitamin supplements, anxiety medication, exercise - anything that helps you deal.

not much, I thought I had magnesium deficency I took it it seemed to have helped then they came back with a vengeance, it seems like everytime I seem to  have them beat they come back stronger then ever. It is very frustrating and sometimes they do can scare you. I pray, I am a believer and I do believe that God helps me cope. But they are certainly annoying they do make you feel lesser than healthy or normal.

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Wow!! Glad to see this bumped up again..and whats funny..is that Im on here...I took this little poll in 2007!!!! Its something to see my answers then...( Im way at the top..one of the first to answer in 2007...and see my answers NOW. Some things have changed ( I have Coronary Artery Disease now--Mild) and some things still stay the same...heres my UPdated version:

1. How long have you had PVCs?  about 20 years

2. On average, how many per day? Some days I may just have a few. Some none.  Other days--has to be hundreds and hundreds.

3. Do you have episodes where you have absolutely no PVCs at all? Yes...but..Im fooled too, because I will think Im having a good day--and will ( out of habit--) take my pulse..and I will feel the skips and jumps--even when I cant feel them myself. I do also have DAYS...and even maybe a WEEK or two where I dont have any.

4. What is your list of food/beverage triggers? Well, I have cut out EVERY drop of caffeine- all chocolate... Anything spicy..with MSG as well.

5. What is your list of non-edible triggers? For me, the # 1 trigger is STRESS. And...its almost always 24 hrs AFTER a stressful event. At the time..i get thru the event fine. its the next day, (and the next..and the next) that the palpitations are nearly unbearable. Also PMS. The week before my period...always always have more.

6. Do you have GERD, and if so, do you think it aggravates your PVCs? I do have Gerd..as well as Irritable Bowel Syndrome..and I am 100 % positive that both contribute. Im on prescription for the Gerd. But if I have alot of stomach upset..ie: gas, etc....watch out...my palpitations will be terrible.

7. Do you have or have you ever had any structural heart problems or heart disease?  Yes. A Nuclear stress test showed "areas of narrowing"..and "many areas of plaque"...and one area of "concern". My cardiologist felt that cardiac catheterization at this time,was not necessary...going to work on risk factors. Since March 2010, when this was discovered, I have joined a cardiac rehab exercise place, and now I workout 4-5 days a week...with 50 minutes of cardio, 20 min of weight training each day. I can only hope its helping.  

8. For women, do your PVCs increase with shifts in hormones?  How did pregnancy affect your PVCs?   I can tell when Im PMS-my palps will increase. I did not have ANY palpitations during 3 pregnancys...but the first time i had them, was in the hospital after the birth of my last child, 18 years ago. I actually experienced my first panic attack that same night--I didnt know WHAT was going on with me that night, but it was the start of everything!

9. Do your PVCs disappear with exercise, become worse with exercise or are they about the same no matter what you're doing? It doesnt really matter. Some days, I will go into the fitness center "bubbling" with palpitations. After a chat with my cardiologist, who told me to just go ahead and exercise....I find that SOMETIMES, when im really working out hard, they are terrible. Other times, by the time ive sweat and made my way thru my cardio workout...I walk OUT the door, and the palpitations are GONE. Other times, they dont start till the middle of the workout ( it ruins it for me then, all I think about are the palps)....and last quite a while after. So..no certain pattern..

10.  Have you ever exeprienced bigeminy, trigeminy, couplets, triplets, NSVT or VT? I do not know what some of those terms mean---but I know I have bigeminy and trigeminy...and probably couplets too....definatly have times where very few beats are the same, in a row.

11.  Do you have a pacemaker or ICD? Nope

12.  Do you (or have you ever) taken medication to help control your PVCs?  If so, did it help, make them worse or cause no change?

Yes. I WAS on 100mg Atenolol, for 18 years. Just 2 months ago, during a terrible non-stop run of a week of palpitations, i saw my cardio. He said maybe Ive built a resistance to Atenolol, and switched me to 50 mg of Metoprolol 2 timesa  day. I dont like it as well as the Aten...it doesnt keep my heartrate as low as the Aten did...but its fairly effective at controlling the palps...Just a month ago, he tested my POTASSIUM level. It was in the normal range, but barely. VERY much on the low end...so he said that MIGHT be helping create some palps....so ive been on a prescription of Potassium, 2x a day, hat has helped...( NOT STOPPED) but helped alot. I have anxiety issues ...so I am on Xanax---like someone else here said, Xanax doesnt lessen the palps...but it lessens my terror when Im having them.

13. Do you have a non-cardiac condition that causes or irritates your PVCs (thyroid, hormone problems)? Not sure....dont think so.

14. What have you found that HELPS your PVCs (symptoms/anxiety)?  This can be meditation, vitamin supplements, anxiety medication, exercise - anything that helps you deal.  Well, coming here makes me feel alot better...doesnt lessen the palps, but relaxs me a bit. This, and the Xanax. The potassium helps. I pray nightly that my palpitations will go away. They do affect my quality of life....I get so Tired of worrying about them. Some days, I give in...let them win, and just break down and cry...they make me so miserable. But ...all that does is make me upset and INcrease them...so i try not to let that happen!
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1144520 tn?1277115601
14. What have you found that HELPS your PVCs (symptoms/anxiety)?  This can be meditation, vitamin supplements, anxiety medication, exercise - anything that helps you deal.
- Magnesium supplements didn't help.
- Fish oil might have worsened them in me personally, i'm not sure.
- Making sure the stomach doesnt get irritated helps a lot.
- Keeping sugar levels decently sure helps. (not eating too much refined sugar but not too much carbs either!)

since Recently, i have less PVC's than i used to have.
I think the underlying changes MIGHT have something to do with it.

since Recently,
every day i'm taking 3teaspoons of organic blackstrap molasses (it's full of essential minerals: iron, potassium, magnesium, etc)
I take 4 tablespoons of highgrade olive oil and 1 tablespoon of linseed oil.
I also started sleeping on my back instead of on the side or belly.
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1182699 tn?1297574784
1. How long have you had PVCs? -- I've had PAC's for 16 years.

2. On average, how many per day? --- don't know for sure...I'd say aprrox. 20-30

3. Do you have episodes where you have absolutely no PVCs at all? --- no

4. What is your list of food/beverage triggers? --sugar, msg, alcohol, not enough water, caffeine, fried foods

5. What is your list of non-edible triggers? --Exercise, stress, anxiety, positional (sitting or laying)

6. Do you have GERD, and if so, do you think it aggravates your PVCs? -YES, and it absolutely aggrivates them.

7. Do you have or have you ever had any structural heart problems or heart disease? --NO

8. For women, do your PVCs increase with shifts in hormones?  How did pregnancy affect your PVCs? -- Happened after the birth of my 2nd child...I always get them before and during my period.

9. Do your PVCs disappear with exercise, become worse with exercise or are they about the same no matter what you're doing? --- Depends what exercise, i still get them no matter what.. BUT the faster my heart is the more i get..Heavy lifting really increases them.

10.  Have you ever exeprienced bigeminy, trigeminy, couplets, triplets, NSVT or VT? - don't know, didn't ask, don't really want to know

11.  Do you have a pacemaker or ICD? --no

12.  Do you (or have you ever) taken medication to help control your PVCs?  If so, did it help, make them worse or cause no change? --atenolol 12.5mg...doesn't really help PAC's or tachy...get tachy with eating and sometimes PAC's with greasy foods.  Also xanax if needed.

13. Do you have a non-cardiac condition that causes or irritates your PVCs (thyroid, hormone problems)? --ASTHMA, anxiety

14. What have you found that HELPS your PVCs (symptoms/anxiety)?  This can be meditation, vitamin supplements, anxiety medication, exercise - anything that helps you deal. --- NOTHING helps...I always get them, I always feel them, and I HATE them!!
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194555 tn?1264286923
This is very interesting, God i hate them so much, would love to hear other peoples experience..

1. How long have you had PVCs? -- 10 years that i have noticed!

2. On average, how many per day? --- averagly i can feel 100 a day, but i do get alot more sometimes..

3. Do you have episodes where you have absolutely no PVCs at all? --- no

4. What is your list of food/beverage triggers? --Take aways, salt, msg, alcohol, not enough water, caffiene

5. What is your list of non-edible triggers? --Exercise, stress

6. Do you have GERD, and if so, do you think it aggravates your PVCs? ---I am not sure BUT when i eat a heavy meal i notice my heart thumps more

7. Do you have or have you ever had any structural heart problems or heart disease? --NO

8. For women, do your PVCs increase with shifts in hormones?  How did pregnancy affect your PVCs? -- After i had my last baby 3 yrs ago, they have gotton worse.. I also get alot more around my period..

9. Do your PVCs disappear with exercise, become worse with exercise or are they about the same no matter what you're doing? --- Depends what exercise, i still get them no matter what.. BUT the faster my heart is the more i get..

10.  Have you ever exeprienced bigeminy, trigeminy, couplets, triplets, NSVT or VT? --Yes couplets and begeminy on my 48hr holtor monitor

11.  Do you have a pacemaker or ICD? --no

12.  Do you (or have you ever) taken medication to help control your PVCs?  If so, did it help, make them worse or cause no change? --Inderal, kept heart rate average, did nothing for skipped beats

13. Do you have a non-cardiac condition that causes or irritates your PVCs (thyroid, hormone problems)? --not as far as i know.

14. What have you found that HELPS your PVCs (symptoms/anxiety)?  This can be meditation, vitamin supplements, anxiety medication, exercise - anything that helps you deal. --- Nothing so far, i given up smoking, cut junk out my diet, but i still get them every day... :-(

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1. How long have you had PVCs?  28 years

2. On average, how many per day? depends, between 50-1000+ depending on the activity.

3. Do you have episodes where you have absolutely no PVCs at all? no

4. What is your list of food/beverage triggers? not sure, my PVC's .trigger even when I'm not doing anything.

5. What is your list of non-edible triggers? see 4.

6. Do you have GERD, and if so, do you think it aggravates your PVCs? -no

7. Do you have or have you ever had any structural heart problems or heart disease? yes

8. For womenWomen's way, do your PVCs increase with shifts in hormones?  How did pregnancy affect your PVCs? -na

9. Do your PVCs disappear with exercise, become worse with exercise or are they about the same no matter what you're doing? -same

10.  Have you ever exeprienced bigeminy, trigeminy, couplets, triplets, NSVT or VT? Yes, based on holter monitoring.

11.  Do you have a pacemaker or ICD? -no

12.  Do you (or have you ever) taken medication to help control your PVCs?  If so, did it help, make them worse or cause no change?  Yes, a lot of them. It helps somtimes, and other times it doesn't

13. Do you have a non-cardiac condition that causes or irritates your PVCs (thyroid, hormone problems)?   -no

14. What have you found that HELPS your PVCs (symptoms/anxiety)?  This can be meditation, vitamin supplements, anxiety medication, exercise - anything that helps you deal.
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1. How long have you had PVCs?  all my life - 55 years

2. On average, how many per day? several - some more than others - gone now.

3. Do you have episodes where you have absolutely no PVCs at all? yes

4. What is your list of food/beverage triggers? no triggers but caffeine, high calorie food&drinks raise blood pressure and amplify the PVC's.

5. What is your list of non-edible triggers? see 4.

6. Do you have GERD, and if so, do you think it aggravates your PVCs? -no

7. Do you have or have you ever had any structural heart problems or heart disease? -no

8. For womenWomen's way, do your PVCs increase with shifts in hormones?  How did pregnancy affect your PVCs? -na

9. Do your PVCs disappear with exercise, become worse with exercise or are they about the same no matter what you're doing? -same

10.  Have you ever exeprienced bigeminy, trigeminy, couplets, triplets, NSVT or VT?  -don't know what they are.

11.  Do you have a pacemaker or ICD? -no

12.  Do you (or have you ever) taken medication to help controlControl
Control rx your PVCs?  If so, did it help, make them worse or cause no change?  beta blockers - nearly made me pass out...screw them!

13. Do you have a non-cardiac condition that causes or irritates your PVCs (thyroid, hormone problems)?   -no

14. What have you found that HELPS your PVCs (symptoms/anxiety)?  This can be meditation, vitamin supplements, anxiety medication, exercise - anything that helps you deal.

I found a "CURE" that works for me. I found eating shrimp would vastly reduce my pvc's. Tried lots of omega-3...didn't help. I told a doctor and he said maybe it's the iodine in the shrimp. Tried kelp tablets and they helped some. But it wasn't until I tried Omega-Red Krill Oil that I noticed a big difference! I also take a  daily calcium suppliment. Between all 3 of these suppliments, I never notice my pvc's anymore and believe me, what a relief!!! I drink coffee again and eat fearlessly without the anxiety of pvc uproars. I've contacted pharma about my discovery but of course, they are not interested in cures, only sustainable treatments which fill their pockets with profits...-john-

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1. How long have you had PVCs?
- 18 years. Although I had an ablation 6 weeks ago and so far am feeling great with hardly any pvcs. I highly recommend it if your cardiologist suggests it could be beneficial to you.

2. On average, how many per day?
- Before my recent ablation, I was having 31,000 pvcs a day
A recent holter monitor (post ablation) showed only 41 pvcs in one day

3. Do you have episodes where you have absolutely no PVCs at all?
- No

4. What is your list of food/beverage triggers?
- Caffeine aggravates it - some times more than others

5. What is your list of non-edible triggers?
- Stress, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, not eating well and any medication with epinephrine or other stimulants - such as decongestants

6. Do you have GERD, and if so, do you think it aggravates your PVCs?
- Had a bout with GERD a few years ago - did not notice any more or less pvcs

7. Do you have or have you ever had any structural heart problems or heart disease?
- No

8. For women, do your PVCs increase with shifts in hormones?  How did pregnancy affect your PVCs?
- My pvcs were actually discovered while I was recovering in the hospital after delivering my first child. I was not aware of them before that time. I do notice more pvcs, anxiety, etc. during my pre-mentral cycle.

9. Do your PVCs disappear with exercise, become worse with exercise or are they about the same no matter what you're doing?
- When I am consistently exercising, they seem to lessen; however, I do notice pvcs during my post-workout recovery time more than when actually working out.

10.  Have you ever exeprienced bigeminy, trigeminy, couplets, triplets, NSVT or VT?
- Yes, bigeminy and couplets on a daily basis.

11.  Do you have a pacemaker or ICD?
- No

12.  Do you (or have you ever) taken medication to help control your PVCs?  If so, did it help, make them worse or cause no change?
- I took a beta blocker for about 5 years from 1998 - 2003, then the doctor took me off. I was put on bystolic for about one month in the fall of 2009. yes, they were affective for controling pvcs, but I was lethargic and it caused my bp to stay too low.

13. Do you have a non-cardiac condition that causes or irritates your PVCs (thyroid, hormone problems)?
- Yes, I have low thyroid (thyroid tumor removed a year ago) and low adrenals. I take natural thyroid and adrenal support supplements and have noticed a big difference. As a side note, after switching to natural thyroid, my overall cholesterol level, LDL and triglycerides each dropped more than 50 points in only 8 weeks.

14. What have you found that HELPS your PVCs (symptoms/anxiety)?  This can be meditation, vitamin supplements, anxiety medication, exercise - anything that helps you deal.
- Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, journaling, prayer, exercise - mostly brisk walking and a new program of vitamins have helped tremendously. Vitamins include calcium, magnesium, B stress complex and a good multi. Supplements include fish oil, vitamin D, adrenal support and DHEA. I have also struggled with anxiety, panic attacks and some depression over these years, which I feel was largely due to the fear of the pvcs and lack of information I would get from my doctors. There were times I took xanax for the panic attacks and and celexa and lexapro for the general anxiety and depression. All were very successful in treating the anxiety/depression and even helped me to worry less about the pvcs. I just really wanted to be able to live without being on those meds. I finally decided to see a naturapathic doctor to address some of these issues and feel like she has made many connections in my overall health that my "regular" doctors were not.  Talking with others who have similar conditions -such as through this website - is a tremendous blessing.

I'll answer below too.  I think it will be interesting to see how people respond.
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1147530 tn?1314821596
1. How long have you had PVCs?
16 years

2. On average, how many per day?
10-50 (bad days to 100)

3. Do you have episodes where you have absolutely no PVCs at all?
Use to, now it's daily.

4. What is your list of food/beverage triggers?
Caffeine, MSG, Sugar, Chocolate but I won't stop that, pasta, white rice.  Who the heck knows, sometimes it seems anything and everything starts them.

5. What is your list of non-edible triggers?
Menses, anger, sudden excitement, sudden activity, cold weather, very hot weather, lying on left side, bending, sitting down, or for no reason at all.

6. Do you have GERD, and if so, do you think it aggravates your PVCs?

7. Do you have or have you ever had any structural heart problems or heart disease?

8. For women, do your PVCs increase with shifts in hormones?  How did pregnancy affect your PVCs?
YES, hormones affect them greatly, but I did not have any arrhythmia with my pregnancies.  It all started 2 years after my last pregnancy.

9. Do your PVCs disappear with exercise, become worse with exercise or are they about the same no matter what you're doing?
Depends, I can exercise and have nothing, other times, I'll have PVC's which makes me stop exercising  immediately.  Rarely, I get a couple after I finish the workout.  If I do sporadic types of workout, with short bursts of intensity, it will set them off.  I do not get them if I do consistent, even effort type of exercising, like elliptical or treadmill, maintaining the HR the same, without significant ups and downs.
During certain times, all I have to do is go upstairs and I'll get PVC's, meaning a quick change of heart rate has taken place resulting in pvc's.

10.  Have you ever exeprienced bigeminy, trigeminy, couplets, triplets, NSVT or VT?
couplets, triplets occasionally.

11.  Do you have a pacemaker or ICD?

12.  Do you (or have you ever) taken medication to help control your PVCs?  If so, did it help, make them worse or cause no change?
Have taken Toprol 25 mg. for years and stopped it 2 months ago since I am palpitating the same when I'm on the drug as opposed to being off.  WHat's the point of being on it?
Shortly took Verapamil which caused me to go into tachycardia.  Sucked and stopped it immediately.
I take Ativan as needed when the arrhythmia is throwing me for a loop.
Fish oil is supposed to curb arrhythmia, I have the feeling that I get more when I'm on it.
Not noticing any difference when taking mag. or vitamin D.  B-complex aggravates them.

13. Do you have a non-cardiac condition that causes or irritates your PVCs (thyroid, hormone problems)?
Tests indicate NO.

14. What have you found that HELPS your PVCs (symptoms/anxiety)?  This can be meditation, vitamin supplements, anxiety medication, exercise - anything that helps you deal.
Being more still without sudden spurts of excitement or activity.  Eating less of the things that start me up.  I meditate daily, yet palpitate daily.  Ativan really helps tone down the anxiety which in turn turns down the palps.  This site.

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1. How long have you had PVCs? I am 36 now and I've been having them at least since I was 18 or 19.

2. On average, how many per day? I'd say one, since some days I have none and some days I have up to 3.

3. Do you have episodes where you have absolutely no PVCs at all? The longest I went without any was 3 weeks that I was aware of, that was only after I started to become more conscious of them.

4. What is your list of food/beverage triggers? I am not sure if anything I eat triggers them, they seem to come anytime, regardless of if I've just eaten or not.

5. What is your list of non-edible triggers? I usually get them a few minutes after laying down in bed at night. Most of the time I get them when I'm not even doing anything, when I'm just sitting calm and relaxed.

6. Do you have GERD, and if so, do you think it aggravates your PVCs? No

7. Do you have or have you ever had any structural heart problems or heart disease?
Not that I know of.

8. For women, do your PVCs increase with shifts in hormones?  How did pregnancy affect your PVCs? Yes, I noticed I get them worse right before my period, and hardly at all for a week after it starts.

9. Do your PVCs disappear with exercise, become worse with exercise or are they about the same no matter what you're doing? I have never had one while exercising, 90% of them happen when I'm at rest, the other 10% happen when i'm just going about my day like normal.

10.  Have you ever exeprienced bigeminy, trigeminy, couplets, triplets, NSVT or VT?
Most of the time it's just one skipped beat, sometimes it's two and a few times it's been 3 but thank God those don't happen very often!

11.  Do you have a pacemaker or ICD? No

12.  Do you (or have you ever) taken medication to help control your PVCs?  If so, did it help, make them worse or cause no change? No, I told my doctor about it once and she said it's normal and didn't even want to do any testing or anything.

13. Do you have a non-cardiac condition that causes or irritates your PVCs (thyroid, hormone problems)? Not that I know of.

14. What have you found that HELPS your PVCs (symptoms/anxiety)?  This can be meditation, vitamin supplements, anxiety medication, exercise - anything that helps you deal. Distracting myself (usually by flipping through the tv or going on the computer or going for a walk down to my mailbox), deep breathing seems to help although anything that brings more attention to my body still makes me nervous so I'll usually breathe while I'm distracting myself!

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363281 tn?1714899967
I am "Bumping" this to the top, there are alot of folks that will be helped by reading this post.
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995271 tn?1463924259
1. How long have you had PVCs?
About 35 years (I'm now 41).  I noticed my first one when I was very young, perhaps 6 or 7 years old.  Back then it was very very rare.  I knew I felt something rather odd.  As the years went by I got them more and more.  They were first caught when I was 35 during a stress test (during recovery).  That's when I tied it all together.

During my 30s I would get 2 or 3 episodes/year of about 200 per day that would last 2 weeks or so. I went 4 years in my late 30s with none.  Then in January 2009 I got my worst ever, pretty much constant in the 1000s for about 9 months so far and mostly at night when I laid down.  That kicked off all my recent testing and med trials.

My father had an acute MI when he was 42, transplanted in 1988.  He's still doing well.  Ever since then, I've been hyperaware of my heart and I will be 42 in November.

Recently I stopped getting recovery PVCs, right around when I started taking a statin (zochor 10mg).  There was a recent study that suggested this relationship.  Before starting zochor I was at 240 for cholesterol.  At only 10mg zochor once per day I'm down to 165!

2. On average, how many per day?
From 0 to 1000's

3. Do you have episodes where you have absolutely no PVCs at all?
I used to, they seem to be a part of everyday life now.  In the past 6 weeks or so much improvement and right around the time I got off all BP meds and started taking a quality mag supplement.

4. What is your list of food/beverage triggers?
Chocolate and red wine  :`(

5. What is your list of non-edible triggers?
Lying down

6. Do you have GERD, and if so, do you think it aggravates your PVCs?  
Yes.  I went as far as to get a colonoscopy and endoscopy.  Everything was normal except for a Hiatal Hernia.  Not even any erosions or barrets from the gerd.

7. Do you have or have you ever had any structural heart problems or heart disease?
No.  Confirmed on EKGs, 2 stress Echos, 2 nuke stress tests, and most recently on a cardiac MRI workup.  I had the tests from when I was 35 (very little PVCs) to now (very many) to compare, and myself nor my doctors can see any structural or electrical changes in my heart.  The cardiac MRI was ordered to rule out ARVD due to family history of CAD and I'm Italian.  No ARVD detected.

8. For women, do your PVCs increase with shifts in hormones?  How did pregnancy affect your PVCs?
I'm a dude... :)

9. Do your PVCs disappear with exercise, become worse with exercise or are they about the same no matter what you're doing?

They disappear with exercise.  Confirmed during a stress test.  In my mid 30s I used to get recovery PVCs but no longer the case since I started a statin (zochor 10mg) in March.   Recovery PVCs are more worrisome according to more recent studies (funny, just a few years ago it was the opposite).

10.  Have you ever experienced bigeminy, trigeminy, couplets, triplets, NSVT or VT?
yes, couplets scare me the most.  Have not had any nsvt ot vt...yet  

11.  Do you have a pacemaker or ICD?

12.  Do you (or have you ever) taken medication to help control your PVCs?  If so, did it help, make them worse or cause no change?

Inderal beta blocer - worse
Verapamil calcium channel blocker - much worse, also made GERD worse which is a known side effect

13. Do you have a non-cardiac condition that causes or irritates your PVCs (thyroid, hormone problems)?

14. What have you found that HELPS your PVCs (symptoms/anxiety)?  This can be meditation, vitamin supplements, anxiety medication, exercise - anything that helps you deal.

Xanax helps me to sleep when they are bad at night, at my worst I was taking 1mg before bed.  Now that they are better at night I'm finding it difficult to taper off the Xanax.  I made it down to .5mg OK.  Last two nights tried none and couldn't fall asleep (rebound anxiety).

Since starting a good magnesium supplement, much improvement.  not sure if related or typical waxing and waning.  using Mag Glyscinate and Mag Turate in combonation

Strangely enough, when they wake me up at night, Maalox will make them go away in 20 minutes.  Standing up also made them go away but trying to sleep like that wasn't much of an option :-)
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1. How long have you had PVCs?
5 Years

2. On average, how many per day?
From 1 to 1000's

3. Do you have episodes where you have absolutely no PVCs at all?
Yes, its episodic, random.

4. What is your list of food/beverage triggers?
One day I can drink 3 coffee and be fine, the next half a cup and sever PVC's

5. What is your list of non-edible triggers?
Hot Shower, Bending, severe stress (anxiety), emotional shock

6. Do you have GERD, and if so, do you think it aggravates your PVCs?  

7. Do you have or have you ever had any structural heart problems or heart disease?

8. For women, do your PVCs increase with shifts in hormones?  How did pregnancy affect your PVCs?
I'm a man :P

9. Do your PVCs disappear with exercise, become worse with exercise or are they about the same no matter what you're doing?
Worst AFTER exercise.

10.  Have you ever exeprienced bigeminy, trigeminy, couplets, triplets, NSVT or VT?
Scary huh ? !!! Oh yea

11.  Do you have a pacemaker or ICD?

12.  Do you (or have you ever) taken medication to help control your PVCs?  If so, did it help, make them worse or cause no change?
Beta-Blockers (Monocor) keeps my HR down after PVC's

13. Do you have a non-cardiac condition that causes or irritates your PVCs (thyroid, hormone problems)?
Mitral Prolapse

14. What have you found that HELPS your PVCs (symptoms/anxiety)?  This can be meditation, vitamin supplements, anxiety medication, exercise - anything that helps you deal.

They come and go no matter what I do, but recently I've read alot about the link between GERD and PVC's im goign to try this approach.
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