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hepb was neg. 1 year ago, 2 weeks ago they diagnosed me chronic!

I am Devastated and Confused by Chronic HBV Diagnosis. I am 31, and was negative for hep 1 year ago, 2 weeks ago they diagnosed me chronic! i have no other health issues :( i feel like im dying and im in pain everyday? anyone had this same thing happen? HOW CAN THIS HAPPEN? My wife doesnt have it and i do no drugs and havent had sex with anyone else?! I should have fought this infection, Im generally healthy and strong. but sure enlugh my results are HBsAg positive, anti-HBc postive,  IgM anti-HBc negative, and  anti-HBs positive .I have had blood work, CT Scan, Chest Xray, and ultrasound, Enzymes r normal..But im in pain and they dont know or see why, said i just have a little fat around my gallbladder is all but nothing that should cause me pain....Has anyone tested chronically like this and it changed somehow? EVER? I dont understand this. This is from the devil I dont deserve this, I dont understand how this is possible! dont think i will make it long, I know i cant live with this pain forever i would go insane, Also the pain comes and goes. ill feel fine and then after noon-evening my liver starts to feel like its hurting or being squeezed or weakened... could this just be a viral/infection .... i dont think so. I think something is wrong smh.... HIV test is negative.. can anyone help me? still trying to get to a DR! they act like its not important that im not even in pain or danger.. hell first they claimed it was anxiety and in my head. What a load of crap smh .... I need help and im hopeing someone can maybe shed some light on how this cold happen when i tested negative 1 yr ago and now im just chronic and hurting out of the blue. has anyone had similar events/issues. biggest thing, AM I REALLY INFECTED FOR LIFE 100% ? because i have no IGM Anti-HBc? Thank you so much for any knowledge to help me. My mentallity is really starting to become affected :( GOD Bless
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I know learning about having a chronic disease is unsettling. But lucky for you, adulthood acquired chronic hepatitis B is usually less aggressive than that required in infancy or early childhood. With extensive research underway, we can all expect a cure in the near future.  There's hope!
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The pain could be due to
1. anxiety caused by the emotional reaction to the diagnosis. We obsess about this disease, i did obsess a lot after getting diagnosed, had stomach upsets, body ache etc
2. Low vitamin d levels
3. Other problems.... With gall bladder etc.

Trsy to calm down, check vitamin D levels, take supplements if levels are low.

Follow good diet and regular exercise.

I was diagnosed in February 2016,a couple of years ago i did not have it. I experienced all sorts of pain, fatigue, gadtric problems. I stsrted with entecavir 0.5mg and 10000iu vitamin D3 capsules per day. Withinin 2 months stsrted feeling better. Now i am much better. I stopped obsessing about the disease and i live normal life. I cycle regularly.

Ofcourse consult the doctor and more tedts done if necessary.

Wishing you good health
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First of all my condolences for u that u unluckily are infected with hep b. I can understand Ur State of mind but slowly and gradually u will accept Ur fate and this disease. If u are really chronic then yes u are infected for life long except very rarely u may automatically get cured but chances are very very low. It is better u cope up from u state of mind and learn to live with it and carry Ur daily routine.
U might have wrongly mentioned anti-hbs positive, it must b anti-hbe positive.
Most of the people do not know how they aquired this dz.
Don't be so embarrassed coz there are researches going on to find a cure but unfortunately no time limit is set for that and people are waiting for it for more than 10years. Hope they come soon.
At current time it is more important u get ur self in touch of a good hepatologist and start Ur treatment with antivirals if required.

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i dont know the anti-hbe yet and i meant anti-HBs negative. sorry... I finally see someone next Thursday. - It just doesnt make any sense how I could have even possibly caught it since I was tested last year...its almost impossible... But its been 2 and a half weeks and im in pain still, sometimes so bad i get confused but probally also because its so persistant, it just stays there....The DR said they dont see any reason I should be in pain. Had a ctscan, chest xray and ultrasound...said only saw a lil fat around my gallbladder but nothing o cause me pain.... Im nauseated every morning so far and feel the pain atleast everynight if not by about 2pm.... in the last year theres been 3 times i went icey cold and pouring sweat in a hot bath for 8-12 hrs str8, like my body is poisoning itself when those times happened.....Im worried, why the hell am i in this pain if they say nothing is wrong? and they say its not the hep because my enzyme levels are fine......What knowledge do u have of hep b ? thank you for answering me...some times i dont know if i can take this. I hope someone can help shed light on whats going on or if anyone has felt this way. Im scared, im 31 and have 4 kids and 1 on the way. FML

do u think this pain will be forever?
also, don't they say these symptoms are more likely or mostly for acute infections? apologies about the multiple comments...
Did you test positive for 6 or more months? Only then you can know its chronic. Before 6 months continious positive it could be cronic or acute. You need to be tested ovrer a 6 month period to see if its still present then you are chronic!
no that was the first positive, but they are claiming it is chronic, with my viral load, it must be right? isnt it too high to be acute?
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1st of all, God bless you all,First labs were: LFTs normal, HAV IgM =Neg, HBV IgM =Neg, HBV sAg =Pos,  HCV Ab =Neg...my newest labs are : HBV 19,800 IU, LOG10 HBV = 4.297, Hep AAB =Neg, Hep B Core AB Positive, Hep BE AB=POS Hep BE AG = NEG.   (what i dont understand is why do i have HepBeAB pos but not HepbeAG (does that mean i have the mutatated version of the virus ?) Im glad i dont need treatment but I feel as if my loads kinda high not to have treatment....The dr. said that i do not need treatment at this time....Im Still in extreme pain, Liver/gallbladder, Back, heart, and kidney...I know i need antibiotics, my white cell count was higher then normal previously, which the e.r. did not tell me, they just pushed me out the door the 6 times i was there), however they didnt give me any antibiotics, and Its stressing me out, The pain is always bad but sometimes its really bad....Especially when i am stessed and it doesn't leave until i wake up if its even gone then. Jata i agree with you! but noone is helping me, saying nothing is wrong with me. I just found a FNP thats actually looking but she admitted with all my weird symptoms, shes kinda at a loss, i wish i wrote down the labs that she ordered, Just got home from there actually, I will keep you all posted, she order some labs but I dont believe she tested for what you said, I will bring this to her attention thank you so very much. I've lost over 30lbs in these last 6 weeks but i am eating....I am not obese, i only eat fruit, salad, white meats(notfried) , no bread or sugars, alot of tuna... only sweets ive ate(2 or 3 times) was peanut butter : lol i eat like 2 oranges 2 apples a day.....Im taking black seed capsules(high quality) from (amazing herbs), 2 fish oil capsules a day 1200mg (720mg Omega-3) and 1 sweet sleep drink from Neuro with 3mg melatonin before bed, for 3 nights ive tried 1 hr of placing a castor oil pack that i made over my abdomen and liver area...I used to smoke pot 2-7 Grams of high quality THc everyday :\ now if i just hit it 2-3 times and dont even get high, my heart hurts do you all think its a bad idea to smoke weed? Ive read it can help, by supresssing my immune system, but i just dont know, i really wish i could smoke weed to help me with my stress, since i cant take benzos, what can i do??? I did have Clonidine 0.2 prescribed as PRN/as needed for anxiety(its a blood pressure pill) but Im out of them now, Should i request more of those or something more suitable due to my condition? .... the heart pain when smoking is really scaring me and the thing is, I know what anxiety is, as well as panic attacks, Ive experienced them a few times, The heart pain comes without anxiety or stress :\ so ive stopped smoking weed. i was smoking 1-11/2 packs of menthols a day, now smoke like 4-6 cigs a day :( trying so hard to stop but my wife wont stop having them in my face! ive been smoking a long time. I feel like i have an infection moving through my organs but idk... i think i need penicillin or something but no1's giving me anything, I did take 7 days of bactrim but obviously it didn't kill off the infections completely because i''m still having these pains...Any advice on that? Also should i take Ibuprofen for pain? I havent took anything! except my one medicine im prescribed I dont want to cause any more problems with my health..buphrenorphin is whatI am prescribed 8mg 3x daily but I've cut myself down to around 8-12 mg a day because im trying to do all I can to fight this,I dont want to die, I have 4 kids and another daughter due in a month :'(
I wish it was anxiety but the pain started before I knew I had hep :\, 3 x this year my body went into complete shock, starting from my feet i went icy(freon Cold) and numb and started pouring sweat, it was like food poisoning x 20 all i could do was submerge myself under burning hot water in the tub and lay and try to hold on, going in and out of a sleep state, if any air touched me it made me feel terrible in a way words cannot explain, I could not even move to even pee or poop. The 1st 2 times i recovered between 18-48 hrs, this last time i havent been right since. when those times happened, I couldnt do anything, its so terrible, feels like my body was poisoning itself and i was going to die, so bad i almost drowned myself :\ not that im suicidal, it was just so fking bad! excuse my language.....

Hope to here back from you all soon

To you all, Your replies are so Appreciated, Im sure u all umderstand, Thank you all so much, and God Bless.
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1st of all, God bless you all,First labs were: LFTs normal, HAV IgM =Neg, HBV IgM =Neg, HBV sAg =Pos,  HCV Ab =Neg...my newest labs are : HBV 19,800 IU, LOG10 HBV = 4.297, Hep AAB =Neg, Hep B Core AB Positive, Hep BE AB=POS Hep BE AG = NEG.   (what i dont understand is why do i have HepBeAB pos but not HepbeAG (does that mean i have the mutatated version of the virus ?) Im glad i dont need treatment but I feel as if my loads kinda high not to have treatment....The dr. said that i do not need treatment at this time....Im Still in extreme pain, Liver/gallbladder, Back, heart, and kidney...I know i need antibiotics, my white cell count was higher then normal previously, which the e.r. did not tell me, they just pushed me out the door the 6 times i was there), however they didnt give me any antibiotics, and Its stressing me out, The pain is always bad but sometimes its really bad....Especially when i am stessed and it doesn't leave until i wake up if its even gone then. Jata i agree with you! but noone is helping me, saying nothing is wrong with me. I just found a FNP thats actually looking but she admitted with all my weird symptoms, shes kinda at a loss, i wish i wrote down the labs that she ordered, Just got home from there actually, I will keep you all posted, she order some labs but I dont believe she tested for what you said, I will bring this to her attention thank you so very much. I've lost over 30lbs in these last 6 weeks but i am eating....I am not obese, i only eat fruit, salad, white meats(notfried) , no bread or sugars, alot of tuna... only sweets ive ate(2 or 3 times) was peanut butter : lol i eat like 2 oranges 2 apples a day.....Im taking black seed capsules(high quality) from (amazing herbs), 2 fish oil capsules a day 1200mg (720mg Omega-3) and 1 sweet sleep drink from Neuro with 3mg melatonin before bed, for 3 nights ive tried 1 hr of placing a castor oil pack that i made over my abdomen and liver area...I used to smoke pot 2-7 Grams of high quality THc everyday :\ now if i just hit it 2-3 times and dont even get high, my heart hurts do you all think its a bad idea to smoke weed? Ive read it can help, by supresssing my immune system, but i just dont know, i really wish i could smoke weed to help me with my stress, since i cant take benzos, what can i do??? I did have Clonidine 0.2 prescribed as PRN/as needed for anxiety(its a blood pressure pill) but Im out of them now, Should i request more of those or something more suitable due to my condition? .... the heart pain when smoking is really scaring me and the thing is, I know what anxiety is, as well as panic attacks, Ive experienced them a few times, The heart pain comes without anxiety or stress :\ so ive stopped smoking weed. i was smoking 1-11/2 packs of menthols a day, now smoke like 4-6 cigs a day :( trying so hard to stop but my wife wont stop having them in my face! ive been smoking a long time. I feel like i have an infection moving through my organs but idk... i think i need penicillin or something but no1's giving me anything, I did take 7 days of bactrim but obviously it didn't kill off the infections completely because i''m still having these pains...Any advice on that? Also should i take Ibuprofen for pain? I havent took anything! except my one medicine im prescribed I dont want to cause any more problems with my health..buphrenorphin is whatI am prescribed 8mg 3x daily but I've cut myself down to around 8-12 mg a day because im trying to do all I can to fight this,I dont want to die, I have 4 kids and another daughter due in a month :'(
I wish it was anxiety but the pain started before I knew I had hep :\, 3 x this year my body went into complete shock, starting from my feet i went icy(freon Cold) and numb and started pouring sweat, it was like food poisoning x 20 all i could do was submerge myself under burning hot water in the tub and lay and try to hold on, going in and out of a sleep state, if any air touched me it made me feel terrible in a way words cannot explain, I could not even move to even pee or poop. The 1st 2 times i recovered between 18-48 hrs, this last time i havent been right since. when those times happened, I couldnt do anything, its so terrible, feels like my body was poisoning itself and i was going to die, so bad i almost drowned myself :\ not that im suicidal, it was just so fking bad! excuse my language.....

Hope to here back from you all soon

To you all, Your replies are so Appreciated, Im sure u all umderstand, Thank you all so much, and God Bless.
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Sorry i posted so many times :\ smh
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Billions of people are living a normal life with hipatitice b, don't worry just try get things checked every once a year
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Hi, I'm also chronic hbv patient, and I've had various body aches mostly muscle aches, muscle stiffness, joint stiffness and pain, feeling of sickness and constant weakness ever since I was diagnosed with chronic hbv in 2015. People are different how they react to infections, most chronic hbv carriers do not have any symptoms, and millions of people infected with hbv in the world do not know about their infection, because they don't feel anything.
I would call the hepB virus a sneaky virus that kills people silently without the people knowing about it. I think the damage is serious because the virus targets the liver, probably the most important organ with hundreds of critical functions in our body system. Hepatitis B is more serious than what the GP doctors would describe it to be; the virus affects other important organs of our body like the kidneys, and the nervous system due to the interaction between our immune system and the viral proteins. Immune complexes/antigen-antibody complexes are deposited in various organs and tissues of our body causing inflammation and malfunction.
My advice to you is to find a good liver specialist and get a monitoring of your hbv status. Healthy diet and regular exercise is something you can do to get a better healh. Also quit smoking if you did befoe, and limit the alcohol consumption. Other issue is to test your vitamin D3 level; this happens to be defficient with all hbv carriers, so you certainly need to supplement with additional Vitd3 supplements other than diet and sun light.
Yes, it may be distressing to know that you are going to carry this virus the rest of your life, unless new drugs are invented that irradicate it from the body. But it is important to not be depressed about this, you will need to learn to live with the virus; depression would only make matters worse. Keep monitored and get treatment when the doctors find out the virus is replicating too much and damaging the liver.
Good luck, and God bless, let's all hope for a cure of this sneaky virus.
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Reduce Ur wieght if u are obese and also start exercising.
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Ur pain is not due to hep b firstly coz liver doesn't transmits any pain sensation.
Ur pain may be due to infected gall bladder, pancreatitis or simply gastritis with excessive gas formation and acidity.
I would suggest u to go for a short antibiotic course with change in ur diet. Stop spicy and oily food for 15 days and consume fruits and salads. Fresh curd is also helpful.
Ur pain won't last forever.
If these won't help then get a lab check for H.pylori igM & igG and report here.
Simple and acute gastric infections can rarely be seen on usg or CT.
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You wrote"HBsAg positive, anti-HBc postive,  IgM anti-HBc negative, and  anti-HBs positive ."

This means you have hbsag positive and immunity anti bodies this in particular is very confusing.

Please it would be interesting and helpful to hear StudyforHopes opinion on this!
he corrected that anti-HBs is negative

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