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Understanding Hepatitis B report

Hello, first of all I would like to thank you for your assistance at the outset.  I am living and working in South Korea.  Recently I was told by my doctor here I have hepatitis b.  I have the results from the blood work, but I don't really understand if it is acute or chronic. I don't know when I got it and I don't have any symptoms that I have noticed.  I have been here 7 years and only recently was tested for it.  Because of the language barrier I really don't understand what he is trying to explain to me.  Could you please let me know what the followin numbers indicate and what I should do to take care of myself?  I am really appreciative of any help you can offer.

I don't have any numbers for HBs which I keep seeing everywhere I search on the internet...Only the following:

Anti-Microsome Ab     Positive 98.4
HCV Ab                Negative (0,001) cf)0.301
AFP(CLIA)             1.1
HBc Ab                Negative : 1.98
HBc Ab lgM            Negative : 0.040
HBe Ag                Negative : 0.111
Hbe Ab                Negative : 1.48
HBV DNA (bDNA)        Below 2 X 10 (to the 3rd power)

23 Responses
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thank you for good word& yur prayers...sorry for the situation you are in..i wish you only the best-hope transfusion helps -GOODLUCK
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dr finally called & said to have primary do transfusion so tue afternoon that's what I will be doing. i failed tx so this is it for now anyway. if you would like, read up further between cuteus, goof & myself. It's all explained there. nyhepc, i hope the ad's start helping you soon. i really feel when you hgb goes up some more you will feel less depressed. it's just flat out depressing as heck to hardly have enough energy to walk to the mail box & back. beamish, insurance companies are just so much fun aren't they? glad yours finally approved you. you are all in my thoughts & have been for a few yrs since I found my way to this site. I pray, meditate, or whatever I can for all of you. best of luck to you. Wave.
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procrit is expensive!! i think maybe that effects decision?....3 cheers for my doc;he started me when hgb hit 10.2-insurance approved,then later the same day dissapproved....there own criteria was hgb below 12!! but they resisted out of cost concerns??......who knows......GOODLUCK,it made a world of diff. in my QAL& i hope yu can benefit from same soon....
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thanks for your kind thoughts. i truely don't understand the procrit issue....it's the #1 drug that helps most of us complete tx, but is the hardest to get...go figure
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i sure feel for you. my hgb is 7.6 & dr hasn't even mentioned procrit for me. my primary read my bw and wanted to send me right over to the hospital for a transfusion. the problem is she doesn't want to step on his toes so we have been waiting for a week to hear back from him. i'm about to stomp on his toes! take care & i hope you start feeling better. be well.
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and trick myself into hitting that plunger...but it works.

OR pulling the trigger on that magnum huh?

miss me miss me now ya got a kiss me.
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Wow you sound just like me.  If we stood together we might equal one person together ;-)

I just want you to know you are NOT alone in the weight loss (and not having any to lose anyway) department. Just pretend you are a supermodel and hold your head up high!

I'm on Epogen and it has done WONDERS for me. I couldn't have stayed on treatment without it. I feel bad for anyone who has a doctor that would rather drop the meds than prescribe the drug. As for long term side effects - I try to remind myself with all of this that it can't be worse than the effect of not treating at all. I have to psych my mind up like that sometimes and trick myself into hitting that plunger...but it works.
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thanks for the responses...weight is down from 128 at beginning to 112 now...taking 800 riba, 135 peg. taking 40,000 procrit weekly, an extra 20 tomorrow. have had weekly cbc's since the beginning. i think my biggest concern is the same as goof's...long-term effects.  back in july, at first attempt at tx, when i dropped to 9.7, i felt more SOB than i do now.  do we adjust to these low O2 levels?...scary thought. have had all those tests done in the beginning and all was fine. will be curious as to nexxt weeks results.  i get my lab results before the doc does, so i often call him before he calls me, lol
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92903 tn?1309904711
My hgb has only hit 10 once in 4 months. I'm fine (if not comfortable) dealing with it in the 9's, but I think the Doc worries a little about the long term affects (the fog has been my biggest complaint).

Procrit worked for me, I saw a difference at each dose increase, but it never got me past 10.0. I started tx at about 170 dressed and now I'm about 160. I was taking 1,200 riba until last week.

Procrit does need adequate iron and B vitamins. I was checked for iron and B12 via blood test - and they have me taking high dose Folic Acid - but I don't recall any testing done for that.

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nyhep - I feel for you.  You are suffering dearly with the anemia.  How much Riba are you taking - 165# is the "breakeven" for 1200mg.  under 165# is 1000mg.  How much Procrit have you been taking - 40,000 units once a week?  And most importantly, how often are you getting those CBC's -- it really should be once a week.

It just sounds like they need to up your dose of Procrit. I never got into the 9's -- started Procrit in the 10's and it keeps me in the 11's.

My one suggestion, and it is to anyone whose doctor will not prescribe Procrit or does not monitor it enough...... go to a hemotologist --a specialist in blood.  Believe me, GI's are not, nor are hepatologists, for that matter.  Another thing about hemotologists, they work with cancer patients most frequently, and are more concerned about quality of life (QOL) issues to get the patient thru his treatment.  I find in reading posts here that many doctors treating hep C are quite "by the book" on this Procrit issue.  They also don't seem to monitor the BW frequently enough either.  The best thing my GI did for me was tell me at my first appointment to decide on the hemotologist I wanted to use.  He said if you wait until you need one, you can't get in.  So I had a hemotologist right from the start, and that office, associated with teh oncology department, is the kindest most compassionate doctors' office I have ever been in.

Let me know what happens here.  You do need to get that hgb up if you can,
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haven't been able to open thread since yesterday AM>              
anyone hear of developing antibodies to procrit?  it was suggested to me by NP at appt on friday.                     i've been on procrit for 9 weeks and hgb has been over 10 only 3 times, down to 9.4 this week. i will take an extra 20U this week and am scheduled for extensive labs on thurs, then she will decide what to do.
Goof? aren't yours consistantly lower?  did they ever give you a reason why the procrit doesn't work better?  i know there is a relationship to iron levels
10 weeks to go....i'll consent to transfusion at this point, even tho that's what got me into trouble in the first place,lol       warm wishes to all
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OUCH! Could be worse-Goofy could be in the same room w/a noisemake from the back of one of those comic books as your obviously sitting there with one cheek in the air...
Long time  ago I came home after the bar all night to where my brother and I lived. Took out my drawing pad and turned on the clamp on spot light I used. 3 hrs later I turned it off and went to bed. Didn't know my brother had switched bulbs with his sunlamp to do some tanning. Spent the nest morning in ER with a badly sunburnt eyeball and left side of face.

All/Just played a game of Disney Monopoly with my 14yro. Not the easiest game when your fogged out. Gotta get him off Law & Order kick though.. I was Dumbo(Dumba** according to the kid), when I landed in Jail, he deviously knocked over my Dumbo piece and said, "Aw Dumbo's getting roughed up in the tank, hey, we'll put you in solitaire if you tell us what you know."

Speaking of prison.. received a letter from a guy in recovery i sponsor, he's about to get out after 6mos. (He has hep but that battle is down the road a bit for him)...anyways he's doing good, got his GED, takin classes in anger mgt, parenting, recovery, Bible study. Written longhand as a PS at the bottom of his letter 3 sentences in a row....

Got accepted at half-way house I asked you to call!
Often wonder why things seem to be working out.
Don't have a clue, but it gives me hope.

Before I closed the letter something caught my eye... the 1st letter of each line reading down, all in capitals. Think I'll save it for him.
Peace and Wellness,
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what do you call a gay bar with no place to sit?
a fruit stand! tee hee. dont worry, my best friend is gay & he told me the joke.
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ok, fisheress i know that must have hurt! you never said if you blistered. my daughter brought home from school a sock filled w/rice. i think she was in the 3rd grade, now shes almost 23. she was all happy cuz i had just had surgery, disc removal & fusion. "i made you a heating pad mom!" I had forgotten about it for yrs till she reminded me cause i was in so much pain & had to roll out of bed and crawl to where ever i needed to go. I made a new one, only using dry beans tied up in a pillow case for my back, one in a sock for around my neck. i know this sounds silly but it's a whole lot cheaper than the heat pads. throw it in the micro, get it as hot as your skin can take even a bit hotter if you use a towel between that and your skin. just dont burn it! Holy ****! you think burnt microwave popcorn stinks! doesnt compare!
All that may need ad's. I am b-polar w/major dep. I'm not even soppose to be treated without regular therapy. I have been on all the lithiums(yuck)so many ad's I don't even remember them all. zoloft made me rapid cycle! That is going from crying & losing you mind to laughing and incredible bursts of energy with a drop of a hat. needless to say i dont thing too much about ad's. one that worked great was paxil. it worked too great tho. that was the .25 & my primary just told me they have a .10 now. i have been on that for a few months now and i dont get crazy happy like w/ .25 and none of the other sx that paxil is well known for. all be well:) burnt buns and all:)
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you said.... I can't believe I won this lottery!

Have i told you lately just how sweet you are? and what a access you are to this board? I could go on and on. But lets get back to that lottery you won. Don't suppose you'd care to share would ya?
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last night I was pondering on the irony that a little over a yr ago, I was reading people's posts on having achieved a negative PCR at 12wks, the 24 wk post tx pcr, etc. and thinking how far it was before I could post that, or if I ever would be able to. That spot in life seemed so far from my reach, and now, here I am, in that spot, 15 mo post tx and talking about MY SVR.  I am where I could not see myself two yrs ago, and it fills me with awe.
I am here, hcv is gone, I have no lasting effects from 72 wks of full dose tx, I can't remember the actual pain suffered while on tx, my hair looks so full. I made some lasting friendships on the board... So what if a couple of pounds crept in?  It all feels like a blessing and at the same time it feels like a normal progression of things. I can't believe I won this lottery!
I want everyone here with me and it shows in what I write.

as for Saturn...we bought a book on palm reading and we saw what other names my faithful friend has.

and to think that I drive a Saturn also! the Saturn within the Saturn!
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LOL I just snarfed - I never heard "Saturn Finger" before that just killed me. Talk about aches....trying holding your breath to keep from laughing at work for that long. Oh GOD that was so funny.

Might just save me from the RRR (Riba Road Rage) on the way home tonight...it just might.

PS How many months cured are you up to now? So much time has gone by already so fast I think I've really lost all concept.
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yrs ago, before knowing I was wasting threads, I experimented and, yes, no matter what hep you pick from the drop down menu, it brings you here!! ;-} how will anybody know that? unless they wasted threads in an experiment...or someone told them.

I should have some links ready, but I am more absorbed with hep c.  
I hope the aches are easy on you today...and the nitwits on the road, or should it be the other way on that one?  at least it keeps our Saturn finger fit.
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Even if you click the drop down menu they all still come in here?  I always ASSumed there was a separate forum for Hep B than C.

Is there really this many more people searching for info on C! Wow.

Sorry for the mispost - I thought whichever Hep you picked it posted to a different board.
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tony, you are in the hepatitis forum. whether you choose hep a, b  or c, all the questions are directed to this forum, it just so happen that most people here are dealing with hep c and there are no doctors here either.
I don't know much about hep b, but it looks like you don't have the chronic type since there is no viral load.
please don't go back and re post your question, because it is going to use up another thread, and you will end up here anyway.

To all:
this is a hepatitis forum, all questions about all forms of hepatitis end up at this forum, that is why we get this and all hep questions, maybe we can have a few links ready for these folks on hep b, AIH, etc.? after all this time, I have not collected any myself...
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Wait....I AM posting to the HepB board...  The topic area says Hepatitis B...I'm confused  :(
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Thanks for responding so quickly. I thought I WAS posting to the Hep B board.  Okay, thanks.  Good luck to you all...
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I don't want you to think that nobody is responding to you however you landed in a Hepatitis C board instead of a HepB forum.

I believe when y ou go to post if you use the drop down menu you should click on HepB and it will post to the right forum.

As these diseases are not the same...I couldn't give you any information because it is not what I have.

Some people in here are very educated and can provide some info for you - but I would try and repost to the right forum so that you can keep asking questions in there.

You are on the right path - asking questions and learning about your disease is the best thing you can do to have POWER OVER it.

Best of luck.
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