179856 tn?1333547362

Anybody Wanna Have a Pity Party with me?

Crashed my car the night before last - had to rent a car and get it towed to the shop.  I think it's six months old.  Like having the husband die, my son totaling my SUV and getting into all sorts of trouble on a daily basis, my dad having cancer and not being able to pay my bills wasn't enough already!

I wanna have a serious pity party - I mean desperately!

Eat ice cream, watch movies that make you cry (gosh I wish we could have wine!!!)

Anybody else feeling down in the dumps and sorry for themselves lately...come on in and whine with me!!!!!!!!!!!!  WHINE WHINE WHINE...........................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I can sure have that kind!
46 Responses
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86075 tn?1238115091
just so sorry it's raining on you like this, I'm freaked out because the "kid" I took in, the 18 year old teenager who really didn't have many places to go (her parents are drug and alcohol addicts) just doesn't have much motivation, and won't do her homework, I have to nag, and I'm afraid for her future with her acting like this...

sometimes we do all we can do then have to let go and let them be themselves for awhile, see where that goes...very sorry for your troubles, life huh? and don't let your son drive you crazy, let him go out on his own if need be, and suffer the consequences of his OWN actions, or he won't learn valuable life lessons, I need to do that with Erin more and more, and it's soooo hard....be well....
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276730 tn?1327962946
Im in the same boat--move over-make room for me!! wah! wah! wah! You can whine and I can wah!
There is no roomhere to type all that has gone wrong since August. If I told you you guys would totally think Im NUTZ! I dont even want to remind myself.

All I can say is Life has its ups and downs.
The ups are wonderful and the downs are devestating.

Lets just keep telling ourself nothing stays the same??? Maybe that will work.
Im sorry to hear about your dad. Ive been there-----------------------------------------

Lots of love to you.
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144210 tn?1273088782
Oh what the hell. I only know you by your posts, but I admire you for what you have had to endure. I'll go ahead and Whine with you. Here goes....  I have 1 child, a son, who is 20 yrs old. He lived (lives) with his mother who is a crack head. I tried and tried to get custody when he was little, but it didn't work out. Anyway, I was a good dad, stayed close to him, taught him right and wrong, saw him regularly and taught him spirituality. When he got older, I told him about my past, and how lucky I was to be alive, etc.,etc. I am a drummer and taught my son. He is amazing.  Now, he plays in a death metal band, doesn't work, and is a coke head. He has done some terrible things. He followed exactly in my footsteps despite everything I taught him. I haven't seen him in months. He doesn't even know I am ill. It breaks my heart. My wife became disabled some years ago that left her unable to do um... wife things.  I work hard to give her a good life, but it is a struggle. I always assumed I would out live her, but not sure now, and that scares the hell out of me cause there is no retirement plan, savings, nothing.  WHINE!!!!!  But you know, I am a pretty happy guy most of the time, and know many have it far, far worse. So, just for today I will join your pity party; and tommorrow it's back to cultivating gratitude. God Bless!
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from New York are surprisingly good.  : )

I'm sorry to hear things have been soooooo tough.  We always think that somehow we may cease to have challenges.  That just doesn't happen does it?  What can change for us is our ability to deal with these catastrophes as they some up.  By working things better than we did in the past we may be able to downgrade them to "current issues". (he says while knashing his teeth) : )

I've got 3 kids and they all have (and continue to occasionally) throw me some curveballs.

I can sure identify with the icecream (or wine) cravings.  : )  

Hang in there....

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I didn't sleep well last night. I have to buy new carpet for my business and a new car. My face, leg and arm hurt continually from a bike wreck in 2005. I have to take anti rejection drugs and I have diabetes. Karen's Mother is not well. Bees are getting into my house and there are a lot of them. I go home and have to kill 6 to 10 every day. Everything considered - I'm alive and life is great! Mike
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144210 tn?1273088782
So far NYGirl has it the worst!  C'mon, sombody out there must REALLY have it lousy. Don't be shy.
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276730 tn?1327962946
lost my job 8-10-
my girlfriend passed on from leukemia after that-
Im on unemployment first time in my life -Im the only one to pay bills-
I start tx in 2 weeks--and have to look for job at same time?
My animal just got out of hospital after a week with urinary tract infection-
My house almost went on fire FPL's fault- "the open neutral ws burning out on the pole"
I lost all my a/c's microwave and doorbell. FPL will not pay for new ones.
Im dyeing of he heat!!
there's more but no room!!
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276730 tn?1327962946
thanks for inviting me to the party. I havent been anywhere since August!!!!!! ahahahaha

Love to all of you
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229003 tn?1193701924
I am so sorry to hear you're having so many of your strenghts challenged lately..You deserve an occasional whine (not wine LOL) and I wish I could give you a big ole dip hug...

This may make you smile - I have trouble forgetting stuff these days, and I continually call my husband by other names than his LMAO - If that's ot bad enough I woke up yesterday with a zit the size of Texarkana on me arse Big Ouchie!!!  Not to mention my hair is STILL falling out, thought it had stopped but got a fist full the other day in the brush...So picture this - almost bald black eyed beauty that can't remember her own husband's name wah wah wah  
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winston churchill said this 'When you are going through hell, keep going.'
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220090 tn?1379167187
I tried!
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144210 tn?1273088782
Now we are starting to get in the groove!  I hear "Funeral for a Friend", playing in the background!  
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179856 tn?1333547362
AHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I knew would be good therapy for us all!  :)  Sometimes, just saying things that are bothering you to someone else and hearing their complaints in a way makes us feel less ALONE in our misery you know?

Not that I want you guys to feel bad or anything like that - you know what I mean!

Now - talk about problems...our girl Veg (ooops PSP) with a zit the size of Texarkana on her arse.............THAT is a big pain in the *** problem for sure!  Hey no joking veg...it hurts to sit huh?  hee hee

Pass the ice cream guys!
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229003 tn?1193701924
shudda uppa you moutha new yawk heheheheh  hurts like the Dickens to sit, squat, pee, scratch me arse and pull my undies up or down and now I gotta go stick a Inteferon needle in the thigh above it - Ahhhh life for a hepper is grand...Now where's that Jeff, oops I mean Bob I need a cold drink LMAO

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173975 tn?1216257775
After the flat tire on the NYS thruway 60 miles from the cottage with no cellphone . . .

yesterday i drove to the post office and locked my keys in the car with the engine running.

that was worse even than the flat tire coz it was all Brian Fog's fault.  Can't get rid of the guy.

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250084 tn?1303307435
Wow! I got it really good! My only real whine would be my best friend passed at 40 (last year, cancer) and my sis still battles the awful sheeet. When you see cancer battles, makes mine feel like a cold. (ask me again in a few weeks after shots 5,10, 15! :} Other than that, God....all good, even the kids! All coming over, helping me, chipping in, I'm feeling the love. LOL.
Sorry I can't come up with more. But really sorry a bunch of you have it really tough.
NYgirl, had not known your husband died, been here only a few mths. How sad. So sorry for you. Sorry about your dad, also, been there with my sis.The son, tough love, worked for me:} I was mom AND 'dad' and they were real afraid of the 'dad' side. Got good guys now, and can still give them that look across the room :)
  But hey, tho I can't whine much, I STILL WANT THE WINE!!
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250084 tn?1303307435
  "This may make you smile - I have trouble forgetting stuff these days"
Now that was funny.... "trouble FORGETTING things these days". LMAO

The zit is funny also....BECAUSE.....just took my 24 yr. old to ER 2 days ago, that 'zit' became an abscess the size of a tennis ball that had to be lanced! It's on the bottom about 2 inches from the b*lls. He kept doing a towel groin cloth so I could look at it, it started pouring gook and blood and all I had to put on it to take him in was a.....yep....Kotex pad! Took him to ER with a kotex on. LOL. They loved it.
Than when they lanced it, him screaming even after numbing......poor kid....had to hold a leg up with his....everything ….just hanging out. ( I stood on the couldn't see it side:}. Packed it and has to go back in for repacking in 3 days. He’s walking really funny :} Guess I could give him a pity party.
So keep an eye (or have someone that can see it:} , keep an eye on that ‘zit’.
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190885 tn?1333025891
last wensday morning as i was getting my dogs into my truck to go to work ...my female had to pee out on the lawn...i saw her looking across the street into the builders supply parking lot..i said"greta!!...greta!!"then she bolted i yelled "GRETA!! GRETA!!!" she stopped in the road and was run over...she was a great dog...a beautifull black shephead...i loved her and will always miss her...billy
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Perfect timing for me to attend the party.....OK, where to start....My sister passed away, 47, no warning whatsoever...going through a very messy divorce...he is a major alcoholic...instead of withholding from booze during Amanda's plight, he chooses to show her how he chooses to drink with liver disease...he never sees his daughters...takes no responsibilty at all for them...is completely uninvolved with Amanda's care or either of their lives...good or bad....just found out Amanda has had breakthrough and now today found out that my dads kidneys are failing...he is diabetic and they are talking about dialysis...OTHER THAN THAT.....things are ducky....  MAJOR WHINE!!!!!!!!!!  Jodi
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2001-wife passes, cancer.  2002-dx w/hcv.  2003-tx not an option, varices rupture, tp ahead.  2004- wait out the mandatory 1 year drug and alcohol testing including 6 months of weekly therapy.  2005- receive transplant, virus recurrent.  2006-viral load dancing higher and higher, loves it when host is on immunosupressives, start tx.  2007-tx worse than the wait on the tp list!  Going on 7 years of bad luck during which I sold my house and have downsized (moved) 3 times.  Owe 30k, have a crappy job, and my son hates me!

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96938 tn?1189799858
Dear Deb,
We've both been around here a few years and have gotten to know each other a little bit.  I want you to take a different look.  You have had a lot of junk happen over the years.  But, I've realized that you bounce back and good stuff follows bad.  I'll give you a few examples.  Boss is a real creep, you end up with a new job and a new boss who is a gem.  You have a tough time with the kids, but realize that your partents are still the same parents from many years ago and still worry about you and take care of you.  You get riba rash and then discover the wonders of Gold Bond.  You hgb tanks and you find a generous supply of procrit.  You appetite goes down the drain, but you rediscover fudgicles.  Your hair falls out but you think wigs are preetty cool. You have unsensitive pcrs, but discover Dr. J who gets a receipe that gets you to the end. And my favorite, you get a positive post-tx pcr which, after further review, turns out to be a false positive and end up being svr from 2 geno's  Even when all this is happening you keep on and become a source of encouragement and toughness for others.  Bad stuff happens to good people but good stuff happens too.  I'm sorry about all the **** along the way, but you and the kids are going to be ok.  You are stonger and will becoame moreso.
Just to put a little more sunsine on your cloudy day, I just got results of 3 week post tx pcr - undie.  Good news but the real deal will be in about 3 months. You take care Deb.
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264233 tn?1216342315
wow i have not heard this much whinning since the kansas city royals won the 1985 world series. : 0 )
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264121 tn?1313029456
Is that where all the honey bees are disappearing to?

sorry, couldn't resist
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264121 tn?1313029456
I am so sorry about everything you've been going through.  I can't imagine losing your husband, and then having your dad be critically ill with financial issues on top of it.  It looks to me like you're the person where all the responsibility sits for everyone and you're sick.  And there's nobody there to take care of you when you need it.  You just somehow have to keep going because there's nobody else to do it.  And that sucks.  

I wish there was something I could do.  Right now, I feel like even though I've been sick, I have a lot of things to be really grateful for and I just feel lucky in a lot of ways.  I caught my hep c early so hopefully it gives me a good chance of clearing.  My son lives with me and works and goes to college - both full-time - and contributes to the household finances (his dad and I split his tuition).  And he's just a support to me despite the fact that he's so tired from working 40 hours a week and carrrying a full load in school.  I work out of my house and I just visit the plants that manufacture my products but I can kind of make my own schedule (kind of taylor made job for getting hep c).

The only really down thing I have right now is this virus of course, and the fact that its made me feel really lousy, and then the guy who raped me had been picked up on misdemeanor warrants so I didn't have to worry about him for about a month, but then I found out he got out of jail a week ago, so that's kind of always nerve-wracking.  I don't know when the grand jury meets on the case, but it troubles me that the investigator hasn't been in touch lately.  That's my major point of stress, that and finances.  

Mostly though, I'm happy to finally be starting treatment.  I am also the main support for my son and me (my house payment is more than he makes in a month), so I do get a little worried about how sick I'll be on treatment, but on the other hand, I hope to have some projects coming in that will give me revolving income while I'm sick if I do get sick (I hope).  Of course, everything could fall apart tomorrow. ;)

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