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250084 tn?1303307435

Help! 1st shot jitters

Hi all. Haven't had much time to be on here past few days. Forgive me for asking the question your all probably sick of answering....but.....1st shot tomorrow at 1:00. Won't know till than wether it's pegacys or the trial one, Albuferon.  I am already so drug phobic that I'm having major jitters, while ready to get this 1st one done and the show going!
Could I get some 1st shot reassurance :), advice. (no scary ones, Thank you, LOL.)
Have to get past that I'm going to go out on the table as soon as I do it thought, reactions and all the stuff that goes thru your mind.
Also, anyone use valiunm to sleep thru it, calm you? They gave me some to do.
         thanks so much, Lauri
34 Responses
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thank you... i will definatly go talk to someone about this.... its always good reading everyones posts cuz i learn alot from you as well.  thank you for that.
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264233 tn?1216342315
my doc here in KCVA has has been published in his research of hep c and he does say that there has been good information to support the theory that the cirosis can heal itself apporx 50% of scarring when achieving SVR. hope this helps some.
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264233 tn?1216342315
you are on the right path. asking questions is important!  first i would do a search under hep c and read all you can about it ( knowledge is a powerful thing ) and it will be valuable to you in the future. think of hep c as a cunning and baffling disease that if left to its own can sneek up to you and make your life living hell!  but if you know who your enemy is before the battle your     likely hood of victory is better.  hep c can go untreated for appox 15% of those who have it and the other 85% of the others have to be treated. this is usually with drugs called alpha interferons and ribiviran and in some cases a third drug is intoduced to fight the hep c. some treatments today are called study programs that are usually performed with the supervision of a doctor and a nurse practioner who are usually specially trained in this field of study. there will be several blood test that will need to  be done to determine exactly which  genotype of hep c you have ( there are different types of hep c as you will learn in your research ) to determine the type of treatment you will need to best fight the hep c.  talk to your doctor and if you are not getting the answers this way then i would recommend a second opinion.  i say this because you need to be fully informed about this disease and it is your life that you are looking out for. you are doing the right things class is in session you have your homework and when the test is presented to you will ace it!!!  : o  )
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umm i'm sorry and i'm sure you have heard this alot, but i'm new to the desease and only just found out i have hep c yesterday... the dr said my something levels were under 600 something.  i dont know hardly anything about this accept that it distroys the liver.....  what are these shots and pills everyone is talking about?  they caught it before it progressed so i can take care of it and may never need the meds... i just want to know if anyone can give me advise on this and what to do.???
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264233 tn?1216342315
Thank You! :0)
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229903 tn?1191082851
My husband treated at the VA too.  You remind me of him because he's a Vietnam vet also and we think he probably got the hep c there.  He was also geno 1, stage 4 cirrhosis.  Two days from now will be the one year anniversary of his last day of treatment.  
I just wanted to let you know that he is SVR, so I'm wishing the same for you.  You can do it - only a couple more weeks left!
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264233 tn?1216342315
would like all of you to know that i am a veteran from the vietnam era and possibly were i caught  my nemisis hep c.  i waited until i was 50 years of age to finally get my tx started thru va hospital.  i was told by my doc at va that i had to many isuues physically to start me on peg&riba i did not accept this and went to another gi specialist for a second opinion, so along with a second opinion from the spec and my own research; va was forced to treat me.  so far by the grace of my higher power and the support of people who care about me i am defying the odds of remmission.  i am a geno 1  stage 4 cirosis and so far after 46 weeks of tx and after my 12th week i have ramained at 0 viral load from a viral load of 13,700,000 at the beginning. i have been thru a lot of what has been discussed in this thread and i wanted to take this time to thank all of you for your support and help for all those who need it. i wish i would have found this group 45 weeks ago :o) you all are in my thoughts; and a special thanks to Lady Laurie for reminding to always play the tapes in reverse  so i will remember what got me to this place today!!! : 0 )
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264233 tn?1216342315
thank you for your kind words. i will follow your progress in this thread, and if i can be of any help as im sure all of us in here are, i will be there!!! is not the internet awesome : o )
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150807 tn?1194955315
I take 5  ribavirin a day and 1 shot a week. Still scares the hell out of me everytime i do the shot lmao and it dont even hurt that bad, guess the thought of it just going in.
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85135 tn?1227289772
You might want to keep an electric blanket handy if you have one. At times, some first shotters have chills.
As posted by another member, my first shot was a non-event. I sat watching TV waiting for the sides to kick in and finally got bored and went to bed.
For all you bikers, there is a Hep forum with a lot of riders, of course this is the best site for great information and a lively discussion.

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Thanks for reminding me of myself at the gate.  I am 1b in the Fairfax, VA genome trial doing 48 weeks on week 11.  You were very perceptive and gathered I was having a bit of depression.  Well I got through my daughters wedding feeling like Mr. Burns from the Simpsons in a dress.  People were kind and asked if I caught a bug.  They seemed to keep their distance.  I watched the guests drink their champayne but I resisted.  Instead I went home and took my 3 ribas and tried to sleep though I always awaken around 1:30 in the morning - just in time for Oprah.  I think a main contributing factor to my disenchantment was not drinking enough water.  H20 makes a big difference.  My bad.  This site is so educational.  Vertex, Albuferon and Alinia are wonderful new chances for all of us.  It does make my head spin wondering which is the best.  
Good luck doll - Your day has arrived.  PS (Thanks for your kind words about cutting the mustard - felt like a hug!)
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86075 tn?1238115091
I always admire you thoughtful posters who post individual posts to all who posted to you...you were raised properly, I barely manage a general thanks all you guys post, lol...yes, I've never treated before, I have really good labs and low damage, but I don't want to go another year not doing anything, and I don't want to start in the summer...I'm going to get some of that Alinia to go along with my treatment...I am a 1b....and I'm getting to be an old broad...:)
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250084 tn?1303307435
Your sweet. going to get your e-mail now. I will definatly keep you posted on Albuferon and it has shown promising in the type 1 trials. REALLY hope to see you at crossroads.
Now on to that 1st 'weopon'! :)
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250084 tn?1303307435
Don't ya love how I had to post back so much here?? :}
What a nice post, thank you. Bought LOTS of water, tylenol, crackers, etc. today. I do have a fabulous support system, 3 sons, sister, family, friends, work...so much. I am really blessed here.
And they all promise to still love me thru Riba rage :), LOL. I am very glad I joined this 'troop' and we WILL meet at the end of this race, dragon slain, battle won. Keep posting.
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250084 tn?1303307435
Great post and thanks. We're in the same trial so we'll have to keep each other posted. What week are you in, how long, type and if I may ask, where? (please don't make me re-read back :), think your in Shands, right?
Thanks for your advice, words and let me know how your doing on the Albuferon.
I'll be using those words tomorrow.
Have a feel good day :), lauri
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250084 tn?1303307435
Thanks all.
Charm... let me know when you get those day or 2 before jitters, It'll be behind me and I'll fill you in :) The anxiety is just H*LL on the mind. it's all the not knowing. thanks for your words and let us know when it's your turn.

Terry... hope your 'trains' coming back home :) and , as Lizbo, more detail on that ??
hope your feeling good now.

sfwandwow...gotta know what your 'handle' stands for! I have followed some of your post and glad you are doing so well. Keep it up. thanks for your encouragement and prayers and back at ya'.

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250084 tn?1303307435
Your just starting? I thought you were already in tx? (so many to follow here!) What type are you? Which tx you starting? I'll be sure to follow your post and 'hold hands' with the rest of us beginners.
What would we do without the experienced?! Guess your going thru all the early fears/jitters now.
Totally agree with everyone, the anticipation, anxiety is the worst. I just want to be past the next 24 hours! I'll be hoping the best to you too.
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250084 tn?1303307435
Should have guessed from your name you ride :) Yep, agree, greatest 'treatment' next to God :)
I got dx just 2 weeks after getting my '2005 1/2 Fat Boy anniversary ed." (not sure the why on the 1/2 and love the bike, cept the solid rims suck!) My 2nd bike.  I sooooo want to keep riding but I weigh @ 128 and IT weighs @850lbs. so even lately there has been days I was too tired to ride. Brain fog and anemia is all that will slow me down awhile, but as I am a chick :), I can always still ride on the back sometimes :) Yours is a 'real' bike tho :) Ever heard of 'Wheels Thru Time' museum in Maggie Valley, NC ? One of the #1 antique Harley collections in the world, with many other things, cars, etc. ( I rode in Steve McQueen’s old Cadillac in their Christmas parade, Dusemburgs (sp?) and so on. Incredible collection and display. Dale Walksler’s the collector, owner. I dated him awhile when I lived there. Still a friend, just a lousy boyfriend. Pull up his name or the Museum on comp. Hanging out with all those bikes was better than any s*x , LOL! Check it out if your ever there. Tell him ‘LP’ said hey :)
Sorry , got distracted on the Harley addiction:)
  Back to ‘Forum’……very glad your doing good thus far and encouraging.What type are you? And I have to do my 1st shot at Shands with them, surprised that many are doing there 1st shot at home?? How big are these shots ? (not the needle, the liquid.)
Jeezzzeee.... Now I can't remember how I did the profile ( pre-brain fog?) and still have to figure out posting a picture!
Hope you have a good day tomorrow also. We'll be comparing notes , along with a few other 1st tx-er's. I'll post tomorrow after shot. SOOOO much help and support here. Thanks for replying.
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The train left the station in that I got very fatigued and have brain fog.  I'm on 48 weeks of SOC, Peg-Intron 150/5 and ribaviren 1400mg
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250084 tn?1303307435
Your all so God sent :). If ANY of us ever wins the lotto we have to have a Hep Forum weekend meet. I PROMISE if it's me, I'll put it together!
Thank you all so much. I am back to when it goes in..."I am slaying these horrible little life suckers".
I can't express how this site-all of you-has calmed me, taught me and strengthened me. I knew NOTHING when I came here. Read for days, than posted, than talked, learned and got to know many of your situations. Tho impossible to post on all or even read all, every one of you I send my best wish's for SVR and good days. Your wonderful people to take the time, even fatigued, sick or brain fogged, to help another. This disease has done one great thing....brought many people together, all over the world that would never have crossed path's.
  Going to reply  to a few post up there now.  Love and healing to you all, Lauri
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264233 tn?1216342315
i am at 44 weeks of my treatment and i can see that you are getting good advice from everyone in here.  one thing i can tell you that my doc had me do religouslyy was to drink lots of water to help the medicine pass thru your system better. you might ask your doctor how much you should drink  i am 180lbs and my doc wants me to drink 3 liters a day at least. i think all of us in here can say we had questions about what  to expect and  im sure each person as you see will have different expierences. anxiety is to be expected and you are doing the right thing buy asking as many questions as possible. the other thing i can tell you is that a good support system will help you tremendously thru your tx. onward soldier  you have many troops with you to make it thru this fight and you will triumph and remmission is yours i will be there to meet you at the end of the race!!!  :0)
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Rolling Stones - Train left the station - could you elaborate?  What treatment are you 20 weeks in on, Peg or Albuferon?  Congratulations.  Good Job!
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You will be fine - think of it as a surprise attack on that monster that has been robbing the color from your life.  Like the song summer time - "One of these mornings, you're gonna rise up singing, you're gonna spread your wings and take to the sky".  You will have this strange sense of strength and that is your proactive hopeful soul kicking dragon assss.  I am happy for you and proud.  It takes courage and fear to commit to this fight of your life.    I'm doing Albuferon - On my first night of taking riba (3), I tried icecream.  Didn't work for me,  threw up most of the night.  I did much better with good old oatmeal with very little milk and brown sugar.  

I had read of many taking Tylenol or Motrin before the first shot.  I elected to take it straight.  I wanted to feel the full effect just to have a measure rod of sorts.  My temp did shoot up to 104 with teeth chatering chills.  The next day was like the morning after a bad storm - wonderful with no lasting effects.

This site is here for you and me.  Thank God!
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take that tylenol or whatever ur doctor told u to take same time u take shot..made a world of difference to me.its just like Susan said..I agree  
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